Recordings decryption

    • Recordings decryption

      I would like to better understand how the decryption process of recordings while in standby is working.
      Last night I had like 8 encrypted recordings on my SSD and only one of those was decrypted overnight.
      The thing is, there was possibly only 4 hours in the night where no recording was running.
      Is decryption not happening while recording?
      How long does it take for Uno 4K to decrypt an hour of video?
      It seems that unless you give it a day of rest, no recording, no watching TV, it won't ever manage to catch up with such a backlog of encrypted recordings.
      Moreover it looks you can't manually trigger decryption of a specific recording.
      It would be nice to be able to tell the box, decrypt that recording now or even explicitly queue decryptions prioritising them over Live TV requests for instance.
    • The time needed for decryption ist the running time f the recording, so if you movie has 90mins, the decryption will take 90mins.
      The box wont decrypt in background, when not in standby or doing a recording etc.
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    • Slion schrieb:

      Is decryption not happening while recording?
      No, only in standby with no other actions.

      Slion schrieb:

      How long does it take for Uno 4K to decrypt an hour of video?
      As long as the duration of the recording

      Slion schrieb:

      Moreover it looks you can't manually trigger decryption of a specific recording.
      That is correct. The oldest recording will be decrypted first.

      Slion schrieb:

      It would be nice to be able to tell the box, decrypt that recording now or even explicitly queue decryptions prioritising them over Live TV requests for instance.
      Not possible
    • Soll Menschen auf der Welt geben, die sprechen kein oder nur schlecht deutsch?! Warum gibt es einen englischsprachigen Bereich im Forum, wenn dieser nicht benutzt werden "darf"?
    • er will vielleicht unsere Englisch Kenntnisse aus der Reserve locken ;)
    • Duc schrieb:

      die Hälfte seiner Beiträge hat er im feinsten deutsch geschrieben :D
      Ich habe mir seine Beiträge natürlich auch vorher angeschaut und kam zu einem anderen Schluss. Das meiste in Englisch, einige kurze Beiträge in teilweise etwas holprigem Deutsch. Wieso man deshalb so jemanden für seine Sprachwahl anmaulen muss, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, passt aber ins Bild das einige hier abgeben. Ein Horizont von der Tastatur bis zum Bildschirm.

      Und @plnick: Das hier ist ein offenes Diskussionsforum und in Deutschland herrscht freie Meinungsäußerung, auch wenn dir das nicht passt. Folglich sehe ich keinen Grund, warum ich meine Meinung hier nicht vertreten sollte und Partei für den Kollegen Slion ergreifen. Ich weiß du siehst das hier als dein Reich an und haust auf jeden drauf, der dir nicht passt. Dass du mir wegen so einer Lappalie gleich mit dem Ban drohst spricht Bände. Wenn du mich also deshalb gleich sperren willst, solltest du dich gleich mitsperren. Du bist nämlich in der Spitzengruppe, wenn es um Verstöße gegen Punkt 3 der Boardregeln geht. Dass genau dieser Punkt für dich und andere leitende Figuren dieses Forum nicht zu gelten scheinen, spricht nicht gerade für den Laden hier. Aber setze deine Herrschaft hier ruhig weiter durch, gibt ja genug die dir nach dem Mund reden. Schönes Leben noch.
    • I see we got a bit off topic there :)
      I'm French guys. While my English is good my German is very limited.

      If I feel brave enough to work on my German and I have the time to do it, I'll try write something in German.
      However, if I'm in a rush, or the subject is too complex for me to explain in German, I'll go for English.

      Feel free to answer in German though, it's obviously a lot easier for me the read German than to write German.
    • hgdo schrieb:

      As long as the duration of the recording
      That's the bugger. It seriously limits what you can do with encrypted recordings.
      I mean encrypted recordings are obviously awesome and I'm glad we have them, but that's a serious bottleneck you need to take into account when planning your recordings.
      I'm afraid I'll have to scale down my expectations in terms of recording volume then.

      It also makes encrypted recordings a double-edged sword:
      • On one hand it allows you to record something while watching something else.
      • On the other hand you need twice the processing time to complete a recording.
      Is it possible to specify if you want to use encrypted recording when you are setting up your timer?
      In fact, usually, you already know if someone is likely to be watching TV when you setup the recording.
      For instance evening time recordings should be encrypted while overnight recordings should be decrypted.

      Ideally we should be able decrypt more than one channel at a time. What's preventing this? The Vu+ hardware or the CI Module?
      Is there any Vu+ hardware capable of decrypting more than one channel at a time?
      I'm coming from Windows MediaPortal and that guy was able to decrypt multiple channels using Digital Devices hardware, albeit using third-party CI Module.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Slion ()

    • Slion schrieb:

      That's the bugger. It seriously limits what you can do with encrypted recordings.
      That is a technical requirement and can't be changed.

      Slion schrieb:

      Is it possible to specify if you want to use encrypted recording when you are setting up your timer?
      No, but in the timer you can choose the option that it should be decrypted recorded.

      Slion schrieb:

      Ideally we should be able decrypt more than one channel at a time.
      The module can't decrypt two stream at the same time.
    • What's going on when decryption is interrupted for whatever reason, start of recording or live TV?
      Will the decryption process have to restart from the beginning or will it be able to resume where it left off?
    • The CI modul has the limit to decrypt many channels at the same time.

      I don´t know the reason for the limitation that the box can´t decrypt a movie in parallel to watching TV or making other recordings. It may be a hardware limitation or it can be also a sofware limitation.

      Yes. the decryption processs starts from the beginning after interruption

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von anudanan ()

    • hgdo schrieb:

      No, but in the timer you can choose the option that it should be decrypted recorded.
      I'm confused, that's yes then? I guess I'll have to take a look at it tonight.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Slion ()

    • When decrypting is interrupted it restarts from the beginning.

      Slion schrieb:

      I'm confused, that's yes then? I guess I've to take a look at it tonight
      The option to record decrypted or encrypted is in the timer only available if in the general timer settings the option to record encrypted is activated.
      In this case in each timer you create by default decryption is switched off. But you can manually change this option to get a decrypted recording.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()

    • hgdo schrieb:

      When decrypting is interrupted it restarts from the beginning.
      That's unfortunate. So even if you just turn on the TV for 5 minutes you may loose two hours of processing... :(
    • hgdo schrieb:

      The option to record decrypted or encrypted is in the timer only available if in the general timer settings the option to record encrypted is activated.
      In this case in each timer you create by default decryption is switched off. But you can manually change this option to get a decrypted recording.
      Just what I was hoping for. That should make that feature a lot more usable. I'm liking that Vu+ box :)