End of Support VMC 4.4

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    • Ehm nein den habe ich übersehen. Kann ich den auch noch nachträglich einspielen? Und wohin kommen die Changes?
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • Selbes Verzeichnis. /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/VMC
      Ja, reicht dann die 3 anderen Dateien (Classes, Providers, Threads) zu kopieren und ersetzen. BaseFunctions passt schon, da brauchst die von fuldi.

      Dann mal testen ob Poster/Cover wieder funktionieren.
    • Hat leider nichts gebracht. Immer noch keine Cover und Hintergründe.
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • Hat noch jemand eine Idee?
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • Hmm wahrscheinlich ist nichts mehr zu machen... Ich habe nun auch noch versucht die Ultimo 4k (auf welcher VMC nicht sauber läuft) als Client Box und die Uno4k (auf der läuft VMC 4.4 noch gut) als Masterbox zu verknüpfen. Aber das scheint auch nicht zu funktionieren. Ich habe die richtige IP eingegeben als Masterbox aber es zeigt mir dann ausser dem Setup gar nichts mehr an... Sollte ich noch etwas anpassen bei Client, resp. Masterbox?
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • Weil es 1. Plötzlich keine updates gemacht hat (Neue Filme sind nie erschienen) und weil ich mit VMC 4.4 optisch besser klar komme...
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • gsmgrufti schrieb:

      hmmh, poste doch mal all deine Einstellungen bezgl. VMC und beschreibe auch wo deine Filme liegen und wie sie eingebunden sind (z.b. NAS mit NFS read oder ähnlich)

      Ich hab jetzt allerdings nicht vor, VMC4 noch mal zu installieren ;)

      Evtl. können dann auch welche helfen, die VMC4 ebenfalls noch am laufen haben
      O.k. die Filme und Serien liegen auf zwei NAS mit NFS eingebunden. Als ich die Ultimo 4k noch als Masterbox habe laufen lassen sind ja die Cover nicht erschienen. die beiden fix's habe ich installiert, hat aber nichts gebracht.

      Hier meine Einstellungen mit Ultimo4k als Masterbox:
      Spoiler anzeigen

      Box ist Masterbox = Ja
      Datenbankpfad = Flashspeicher
      Pfad für Bilder = /media/hdd/
      Grösse der Hintergrundbilder = 1GB
      Sprache = Deutsch
      Aufnahmen automatisch importieren = ja
      Nächste Episode abspielen = ja
      Wiedergabe der nächsten Episode automatisch starten = neine
      VMC mit Filmtaste starten = nein
      VMC im Hauptmenue anzeigen = ja
      Globale Nachchriten anzeigen = nein
      Mountformat = NFS
      Löschen im Menu aktivieren = ja
      Immer in Kinderecke starten = Nein
      Timeout vor Standby nach Autoupdate = 030
      Clients nutzen eigene Einstellungen = ja
      Debug Modus = Nein

      Suchpfade: Die sollten stimmen denn abspielen funktioniert ja

      WakeOnLan für NAS verwenden = Nein
      pyLoad Listener aktivieren = Nein

      Grösse der Hintergrundbilder = 1920*1080
      vmc Dateinen beim Import erstellen = ja
      Valeri.info beim Imort verwenden = ja Separate Staffelposter = ja
      Medien beim Entfernen aus DB auf Ignoreliste setzen = Ja
      Automatische Datenbank Updates = Ja
      Updatezeit = 07.00
      Nicht erkannte Medien nochmal scannen = Nein
      Versuche fehlende Poster und Hintergrundbilder zu finden = 01
      Aktion nach Autoupdate = Standby
      Timeout vor Standby nach Autoupdate = 030

      Sky Cinema HD Movie Collector = Nein
      Primetime Start = 20.00
      Primetime End = 23.00
      HD+ vorhanden = ja
      Sky HD vorhanden = ja

      Hintergrundbilder verwenden = ja
      Verlassen von VMC bestätigen = Nein
      Filmreiheninhalte Erscheingsjahr sortieren = Ja
      FSK Info anzeigen = Ja
      Filmsammlungen in Filmliste anzeigen = Ja
      Eigene Collection in Filmliste anzeigen = Ja
      Kindereckeninhalte aus Filmliste entfernen = Nein
      Nicht erkannte Meiden in Filmliste anzeigen = Ja
      Listen beim Update automatisch aktualisieren = Ja
      Neuste Medien anzeigen = Ja
      Neue Medien ausbleiden ab xx Prozent gesehen = 075
      Schriftart = Roboto
      Mit letztem Screen starten = Nein
      Stil = Dark
      Zap Verzögerung = 0400
      Listenstil = Hohe Auswahl
      Spinner-Stil = 2
      VMC Logo im LCD anzeigen = Ja
      VMC Logo Typ (LCD) = Klein mit Text
      Zeige Cover im LCD beim Abspielen = Ja
      bildtype = Cover
      Film-Pfad anzeigen = Ja
      Grösse des Covercache = 050
      Umgekehrte Scrollrichtung = Nein
      VMC Lautstärkekontrolle = Nein

      So ich denke die restlichen Einstellungen bezüglich Player und Startbildschirm sind glaub ich nicht relevant

      Wie gesagt:
      Auf der Uno 4k läuft VMC 4.4. einwandfrei als Masterbox
      Auf der Ultimo 4k läuft VMC 4.4. zwar als Masterbox aber ohne Cover und Hintergrundbilder
      Wenn ich die Ultimo 4k auf Client setze und die Uno 4k als Master findet die Ultimo gar nichts mehr und ich sehe nur das Setup.
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • Bueb schrieb:

      Das Problem haste aber exklusiv, bei allen anderen läuft es doch auch. Ist alles eine Einstellunsgsache
      Ja das mit den Einstellungen dachte ich auch aber die Aufgabe die ich erstellt habe gem. Vorgabe ist immer hängen geblieben bei VMC 5
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()

    • @gsmgrufti O.k. habe ich gemacht. Wo finde ich dann die Debug-Datei schon wieder? "Edit" Glaub habs gefunden unter /tmp/VMC.log.
      Da steht aber nur folgendes drin:
      Spoiler anzeigen

      05/13/2020 03:16:04 PM Error getCollectionIDs Expected object or value

      @Bueb Nein ich habe das aktuelle Image drauf und sonst habe ich nichts gemacht. An VMC 5 habe ich auch nichts gemacht und früher hat es funktioniert. Einfach plötzlich kamen keine Filme mehr rein und das Update blieb hängen.
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Jarod1975 ()

    • Keine Ahnung was jetzt los ist. Ich habe nochmals ein Update gemacht und siehe da jetzt sind plötzlich die Filme, Serien und Cover da... Keine Ahnung was das soll...

      Er lädt jetzt alle Covers runter (dauert sicherlich eine Weile...)

      Hier aber trotzdem mal die Debug Log. Ist saulang aber denke dass ist weil er jetzt von fast 600 Filmen die Covers und Hintergründe runterlädt. Sowie von ca. 30 Serien mit x-Staffeln....
      Spoiler anzeigen

      15:55:12.172 [e2-core] [VTi] version: 14.0.6 --> build: 2020-02-25 (216bc5d2a) | vti-master
      15:55:18.723 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions right
      15:55:18.723 [e2-python] unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
      15:55:18.723 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions right
      15:55:20.896 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions save
      15:55:20.901 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [Speech2Text] remove callback function
      15:55:24.473 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      15:55:24.473 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:55:24.474 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:55:24.474 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      15:55:24.474 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      15:55:24.496 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      15:55:24.496 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      15:55:24.496 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      15:55:29.426 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      15:55:31.473 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      15:55:31.473 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      15:55:31.473 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      15:55:32.852 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      15:55:32.988 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Upload Channel EPG - Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='epg2.vuskill.de', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/check (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x8010e630>, 'Connection to epg2.vuskill.de timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))
      15:55:33.765 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      15:55:33.766 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      15:55:33.766 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      15:55:33.932 [e2-python] getlatest
      15:55:36.408 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      15:55:36.592 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      15:55:39.382 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions ok
      15:55:39.392 [e2-python] ignore request to play already running service(1)
      15:55:39.393 [e2-python] stopService
      15:55:39.393 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [VTiEvent] SERVICE_STOP
      15:55:39.394 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:23F6:80:1:FFFF01B2:0:0:0:
      15:55:39.394 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:23F6:80:1:FFFF01B2:0:0:0:
      15:55:39.399 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      15:55:39.400 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      15:55:39.401 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      15:55:39.401 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      15:55:39.425 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      15:55:39.426 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      15:55:39.426 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      15:55:39.427 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      15:55:40.131 [e2-python] getlatest
      15:55:42.857 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      15:55:42.857 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:55:42.857 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:55:42.857 [e2-core] [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start
      15:55:42.864 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      15:55:42.997 [e2-core] send cancel to thread
      15:55:42.997 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      15:55:43.356 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      15:55:43.377 [e2-core] release cached channel (timer timeout)
      15:55:43.377 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x18a7498
      15:55:43.378 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x18a7498
      15:55:43.378 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x18a7498
      15:55:43.378 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] lock already acquired --> retry
      15:55:43.384 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort caching events !!
      15:55:43.578 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x18a7498
      15:55:43.579 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      15:55:44.735 [e2-python] DB Load in milliseconds: 1125
      15:55:44.756 [e2-python] JSON Load in milliseconds: 21
      15:55:45.201 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:55:45.201 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:55:46.581 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      15:55:48.318 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions menu
      15:55:49.125 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      15:55:49.573 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions ok
      15:55:53.056 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions ok
      15:55:53.061 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:55:53.070 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:55:58.873 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.875 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.876 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.876 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.877 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.877 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.877 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.877 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.878 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.878 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.878 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.878 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.879 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.879 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.879 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.880 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.880 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.880 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.880 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.881 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.881 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.881 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.881 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.882 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.882 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.882 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.882 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.883 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.883 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.883 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.884 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.884 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.884 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.884 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.885 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.885 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.885 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.885 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.886 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.886 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.886 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.887 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.887 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.887 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.887 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.888 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.888 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.888 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.888 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.889 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.889 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.889 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.889 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.890 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.890 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.890 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.891 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.891 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.891 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.891 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.892 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.892 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.892 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.893 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.893 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.893 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.893 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.894 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.894 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.894 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.894 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.895 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.895 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.895 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.895 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.896 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.896 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.896 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.897 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.897 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.897 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.897 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:58.898 [e2-python] Adding importfile with Kids set to False
      15:55:59.605 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:55:59.606 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:55:59.606 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:01.488 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:01.576 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:01.577 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:01.577 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG (N24 2009)
      15:56:01.579 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG N24 2009
      15:56:01.580 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG N24 2009
      15:56:01.580 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG N24 2009
      15:56:01.580 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG N24 2009
      15:56:01.580 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG N24 2009
      15:56:01.583 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:02.600 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:02.685 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:02.685 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:02.685 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG (SPIEGEL TV 2002)
      15:56:02.688 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG SPIEGEL TV 2002
      15:56:02.688 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG SPIEGEL TV 2002
      15:56:02.688 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG SPIEGEL TV 2002
      15:56:02.688 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG SPIEGEL TV 2002
      15:56:02.689 [e2-python] DIE WAHRHEIT üBER DIE MONDLANDUNG SPIEGEL TV 2002
      15:56:02.692 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:03.549 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:03.638 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:03.638 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:03.645 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:04.634 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:04.725 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:04.725 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:04.733 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:05.634 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:05.724 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:05.724 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:05.728 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:06.213 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Upload Channel EPG - Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='epg2.vuskill.de', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/check (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x95842490>, 'Connection to epg2.vuskill.de timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))
      15:56:06.785 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:06.868 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:06.868 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:06.875 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:08.018 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:08.103 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:08.104 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:08.107 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:08.127 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/movie/Dolby/Samsung Chasing The Light Demo.ts
      15:56:08.144 [e2-core] PCR 4 found at 376 pid 101 (47 41 01 30 07 f0 00 00 00 02 7e)
      15:56:08.161 [e2-core] PTS 835e05 found at 798802976 pid 102 stream: c0
      15:56:09.514 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:09.595 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:09.595 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:09.599 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:09.631 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/movie/Dolby/Samsung Extreme Sports UHD 4K Demo.ts
      15:56:09.644 [e2-core] PCR 5 found at 376 pid 101 (47 41 01 30 07 f0 00 00 00 02 fe)
      15:56:09.663 [e2-core] PTS af4e0d found at 820035508 pid 102 stream: c0
      15:56:11.136 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:11.219 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:11.220 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:11.223 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:11.246 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/movie/Dolby/Samsung Wonderland Demo.ts
      15:56:11.261 [e2-core] PCR 5 found at 376 pid 101 (47 41 01 30 07 f0 00 00 00 02 fe)
      15:56:11.278 [e2-core] PTS ded2b6 found at 1042531816 pid 102 stream: c0
      15:56:12.763 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:12.844 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:12.844 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:12.845 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.847 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.848 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.848 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.848 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.848 [e2-python] SONY SWORDSMITH HDR UHD 4K DEMO
      15:56:12.851 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:13.878 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:13.960 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:13.960 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:13.961 [e2-python] DOLBY-ATMOS_LEAF
      15:56:13.966 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF
      15:56:13.966 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF
      15:56:13.967 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF
      15:56:13.967 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF
      15:56:13.967 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF
      15:56:13.968 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:15.075 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:15.075 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:15.076 [e2-python] DOLBY-ATMOS_LEAF2
      15:56:15.078 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF2
      15:56:15.078 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF2
      15:56:15.079 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF2
      15:56:15.079 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF2
      15:56:15.079 [e2-python] DOLBY ATMOS LEAF2
      15:56:15.079 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:15.189 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:16.200 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:16.282 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:16.283 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:16.283 [e2-python] DOLBY-TEST-TONES_5_1_2
      15:56:16.285 [e2-python] DOLBY TEST TONES 5 1 2
      15:56:16.286 [e2-python] DOLBY TEST TONES 5 1 2
      15:56:16.286 [e2-python] DOLBY TEST TONES 5 1 2
      15:56:16.286 [e2-python] DOLBY TEST TONES 5 1 2
      15:56:16.286 [e2-python] DOLBY TEST TONES 5 1 2
      15:56:16.289 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:17.294 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:17.375 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:17.375 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:17.376 [e2-python] DOLBY_HORIZON_LOSSLESS-DWEU
      15:56:17.378 [e2-python] DOLBY HORIZON LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:17.378 [e2-python] DOLBY HORIZON LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:17.379 [e2-python] DOLBY HORIZON LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:17.379 [e2-python] DOLBY HORIZON LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:17.379 [e2-python] DOLBY HORIZON LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:17.384 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:18.367 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:18.448 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:18.449 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:18.449 [e2-python] DOLBY_SHATTERED_LOSSLESS-DWEU
      15:56:18.452 [e2-python] DOLBY SHATTERED LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:18.452 [e2-python] DOLBY SHATTERED LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:18.452 [e2-python] DOLBY SHATTERED LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:18.452 [e2-python] DOLBY SHATTERED LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:18.452 [e2-python] DOLBY SHATTERED LOSSLESS DWEU
      15:56:18.457 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:19.423 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:19.505 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:19.505 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:19.506 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG.BLURAY.1080P.H264-14
      15:56:19.508 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG BLURAY 1080P H264 14
      15:56:19.509 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG BLURAY 1080P H264 14
      15:56:19.509 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG 14
      15:56:19.509 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG 14
      15:56:19.509 [e2-python] VIER FAEUSTE FUER EIN HALLELUJA KINO FASSUNG 14
      15:56:19.513 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:20.332 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:56:20.425 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:20.426 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:20.427 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E01 - EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.431 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E01 EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.432 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E01 EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.433 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E01 EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.433 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E01 EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.433 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E01 EINE DUNKLE MACHT ERWACHT
      15:56:20.434 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:24.497 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      15:56:24.497 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:56:24.497 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:56:24.498 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      15:56:24.498 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      15:56:24.525 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      15:56:24.525 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      15:56:24.525 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      15:56:27.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      15:56:30.006 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:30.006 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:30.016 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:30.017 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:30.018 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E02 - AISLING
      15:56:30.018 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:30.038 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E02 AISLING
      15:56:30.039 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E02 AISLING
      15:56:30.039 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E02 AISLING
      15:56:30.039 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E02 AISLING
      15:56:30.040 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E02 AISLING
      15:56:30.978 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:30.978 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:30.983 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:30.983 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False screen message empfangen
      15:56:30.987 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:30.987 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E03 - KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:30.990 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E03 KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:30.990 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E03 KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:30.990 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E03 KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:30.990 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E03 KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:30.990 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E03 KöNIGREICHE DES MONDES
      15:56:34.489 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:34.489 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:34.497 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:34.497 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:34.498 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:34.504 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E04 - ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:34.506 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E04 ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:34.506 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E04 ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:34.506 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E04 ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:34.506 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E04 ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:34.507 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E04 ZWEI UNGLEICHE DINGE ZU VEREINEN
      15:56:35.265 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:35.265 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:35.273 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:35.274 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:35.277 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:35.278 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E05 - DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:35.280 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E05 DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:35.280 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E05 DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:35.281 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E05 DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:35.281 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E05 DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:35.281 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E05 DAS ENDE DER TRAUER
      15:56:36.036 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:36.036 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:36.043 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:36.044 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:36.047 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:36.048 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E06 - AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.050 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E06 AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.051 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E06 AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.051 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E06 AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.051 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E06 AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.051 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E06 AUF SICH ALLEIN GESTELLT
      15:56:36.719 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:36.719 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:36.727 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:36.727 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:36.728 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E07 - EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.730 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E07 EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.730 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E07 EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.730 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E07 EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.730 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E07 EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.731 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E07 EINE NEUE WELT
      15:56:36.731 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:37.406 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:37.407 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:37.413 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:37.413 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:37.416 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:37.416 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW - S01E08 - DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:37.418 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E08 DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:37.419 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E08 DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:37.419 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E08 DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:37.419 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E08 DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:37.419 [e2-python] CARNIVAL ROW S01E08 DIE DäMMERUNG
      15:56:38.205 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:38.205 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:38.211 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:38.211 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      screen message empfangen
      15:56:39.394 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Upload Channel EPG - Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='epg2.vuskill.de', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/check (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x9545b4d0>, 'Connection to epg2.vuskill.de timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))
      15:56:49.879 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:49.880 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:49.889 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:49.889 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:49.890 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:53.876 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:53.876 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:53.885 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:53.886 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:53.893 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:56.160 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:56.160 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:56.170 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:56.171 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:56.171 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:57.694 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:57.695 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:57.696 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:57.696 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:57.702 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:58.929 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:58.929 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:56:58.938 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:56:58.938 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:56:58.939 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:00.231 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:00.232 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:00.240 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:00.241 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids Falsescreen message empfangen
      15:57:00.247 [e2-python]
      15:57:01.757 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:01.758 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:01.759 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:01.759 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:01.768 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:03.114 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:03.115 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:03.126 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:03.127 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:03.127 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:04.622 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:04.622 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:04.629 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:04.629 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:04.630 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:05.867 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:05.867 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:05.876 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:05.877 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:05.877 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:07.046 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:07.047 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:07.054 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:07.055 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:07.062 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:08.145 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:08.145 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:08.154 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:08.155 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:08.155 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:11.412 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:11.414 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:11.414 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:11.415 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:11.420 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:12.608 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Upload Channel EPG - Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='epg2.vuskill.de', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/check (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f549870>, 'Connection to epg2.vuskill.de timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))
      15:57:12.722 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:12.723 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:12.730 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:12.730 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:12.731 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:13.973 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:13.973 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:13.981 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:13.982 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:13.982 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:24.526 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      15:57:24.526 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:57:24.526 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:57:24.526 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      15:57:24.526 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      15:57:24.658 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      15:57:24.658 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      15:57:24.658 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      15:57:26.048 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:26.049 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:26.067 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:26.068 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:26.069 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:27.260 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:27.261 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:27.277 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:27.278 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:27.279 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:28.452 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:28.452 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:28.467 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:28.468 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:28.468 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:29.854 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:29.854 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:29.870 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:29.871 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:29.871 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:31.083 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:31.084 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:31.085 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:31.085 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:31.100 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:32.408 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:32.408 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:32.421 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:32.422 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:32.422 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:33.864 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:33.864 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:33.880 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:33.880 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:33.881 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:38.239 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:38.239 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:38.255 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:38.256 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:38.257 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:39.555 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:39.555 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:39.568 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:39.568 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:39.569 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:40.800 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:40.800 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:40.814 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:40.814 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:40.815 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:42.163 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:42.164 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:42.178 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:42.179 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:42.179 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:43.386 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:43.386 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:43.403 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:43.403 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:43.404 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:44.723 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:44.723 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:44.737 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:44.737 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:44.738 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:45.956 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Upload Channel EPG - Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='epg2.vuskill.de', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/check (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f534db0>, 'Connection to epg2.vuskill.de timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))
      15:57:46.940 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:46.940 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:46.956 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:46.957 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:46.957 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:51.656 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:51.656 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:51.670 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:51.671 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:51.672 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:51.712 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/Serien/Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick/HOCHZEIT_AUF_DEN_ERSTEN_BLICK_-_S0SE01_-_TATSAECHLICH_LIEBE_!__LIEBE_UND_VIELE_UEBERRASCHUNGEN.ts
      15:57:58.853 [e2-python] Ordnername: Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick
      15:57:59.208 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:57:59.840 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:57:59.937 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:57:59.937 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:57:59.940 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:57:59.991 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/Serien/Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick/HOCHZEIT_AUF_DEN_ERSTEN_BLICK_-_S0SE02_-_TATSAECHLICH_LIEBE_!__DER_LANGERSEHNTE_HEIRATSANTRAG.ts
      15:58:07.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      15:58:07.166 [e2-python] Ordnername: Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick
      15:58:07.617 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:08.255 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:08.353 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:08.353 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:08.357 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:08.412 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/Serien/Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick/HOCHZEIT_AUF_DEN_ERSTEN_BLICK_-_S0SE03_-_TATSAECHLICH_LIEBE_!__AUS_ZWEI_MACH_DREI__BABYGLUECK_BEI_DEN_PAAREN.ts
      15:58:16.106 [e2-python] Ordnername: Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick
      15:58:16.565 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:17.191 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:17.294 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:17.294 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:17.298 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:17.351 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/DISKSTATIONNEU/Serien/Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick/HOCHZEIT_AUF_DEN_ERSTEN_BLICK_-_S0SE04_-_TATSAECHLICH_LIEBE_!__DAS_EMOTIONALE_AUFEINANDERTREFFEN_DER_TEILNEHMER.ts
      15:58:24.062 [e2-python] Ordnername: Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick
      15:58:24.402 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:24.658 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      15:58:24.659 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:58:24.659 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:58:24.659 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      15:58:24.659 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      15:58:24.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      15:58:24.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      15:58:24.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      15:58:24.985 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:25.087 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:25.087 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:25.091 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:26.173 [e2-python] Ordnername: Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick
      15:58:26.514 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:27.168 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:27.256 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:27.257 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:27.260 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:28.122 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:58:28.474 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:29.157 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:29.245 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:29.245 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:29.248 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:30.130 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:58:30.500 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:31.177 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:31.265 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:31.265 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:31.269 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:32.409 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:58:32.725 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:33.528 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:33.616 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:33.616 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:33.624 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:43.875 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:43.875 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:43.893 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:43.894 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:43.895 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:45.137 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:45.138 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:45.156 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:45.157 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:45.158 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:46.199 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:46.200 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:46.213 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:46.214 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:46.215 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:47.498 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:47.498 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:47.514 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:47.515 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:47.516 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:48.781 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:48.782 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:48.797 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:48.797 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:48.798 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:50.089 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:50.089 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:50.105 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:50.106 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:50.106 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:51.151 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:51.152 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:51.167 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:51.168 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:51.168 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:54.628 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:54.628 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:54.644 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:54.645 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:54.646 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:55.946 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:55.947 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:55.963 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:55.963 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:55.964 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:57.164 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:57.165 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:57.179 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:57.180 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:57.180 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:58:57.941 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:58:58.305 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:58:59.123 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:58:59.219 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:58:59.219 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:58:59.223 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:00.147 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:00.576 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:01.265 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:01.360 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:01.361 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:01.367 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:02.327 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:02.659 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:03.346 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:03.440 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:03.441 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:03.446 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:04.174 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:04.524 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:05.173 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:05.260 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:05.261 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:05.264 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:06.165 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:06.480 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:07.154 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:07.245 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:07.245 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:07.248 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:08.076 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:08.437 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:09.135 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:09.221 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:09.222 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:09.225 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:10.097 [e2-python] Ordnername: Season 00S
      15:59:10.440 [e2-python] Seriencheck mit bereinigtem Ordnernamen: None
      15:59:11.107 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:11.195 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:11.195 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:11.199 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:12.143 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:12.231 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:12.231 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:12.235 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:13.019 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:13.113 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:13.114 [e2-python] Setting importhtreadobject with Kids False
      15:59:13.114 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:14.151 [e2-python] film importiert - listenupdate sollte folgen
      15:59:14.240 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:14.245 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:17.066 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:17.066 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:17.974 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:17.987 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_25678_poster.jpg
      15:59:17.992 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:24.685 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      15:59:24.685 [e2-core] before: 1
      15:59:24.685 [e2-core] after: 1
      15:59:24.685 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      15:59:24.685 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      15:59:24.706 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      15:59:24.707 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      15:59:24.707 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      15:59:25.685 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:25.693 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:25.707 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_520560_poster.jpg
      15:59:33.498 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:33.511 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_520560_poster.jpg
      15:59:33.513 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:41.086 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:41.099 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_333371_poster.jpg
      15:59:41.104 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:46.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      15:59:50.005 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:50.015 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:50.027 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2207_poster.jpg
      15:59:58.014 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      15:59:58.026 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      15:59:58.035 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_64688_poster.jpg
      16:00:06.137 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:06.150 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8065_poster.jpg
      16:00:06.155 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:00:15.956 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:15.969 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_187017_poster.jpg
      16:00:15.972 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:00:24.707 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:00:24.707 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:00:24.707 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:00:24.707 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:00:24.707 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:00:24.733 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:00:24.733 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:00:24.733 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:00:26.543 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:26.556 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_474354_poster.jpg
      16:00:26.558 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:00:37.357 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:37.369 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_37645_poster.jpg
      16:00:37.375 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:00:46.620 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:46.633 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_584_poster.jpg
      16:00:46.637 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:00:55.976 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:00:55.989 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_458897_poster.jpg
      16:00:55.994 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:07.221 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:07.234 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_192102_poster.jpg
      16:01:07.239 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:14.872 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:14.885 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_53182_poster.jpg
      16:01:14.888 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:23.219 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:23.232 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_64686_poster.jpg
      16:01:23.238 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:24.769 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:01:24.770 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:01:24.770 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:01:24.770 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:01:24.770 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:01:24.792 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:01:24.792 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:01:24.793 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:01:26.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:01:32.693 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:32.705 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8224_poster.jpg
      16:01:32.710 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:41.913 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:41.925 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8681_poster.jpg
      16:01:41.930 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:01:49.991 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:01:50.003 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_447332_poster.jpg
      16:01:50.008 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:03.782 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:03.796 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_188161_poster.jpg
      16:02:03.802 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:12.267 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:12.280 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_707_poster.jpg
      16:02:12.281 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:21.480 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:21.493 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_353070_poster.jpg
      16:02:21.498 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:24.793 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:02:24.793 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:02:24.793 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:02:24.794 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:02:24.794 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:02:24.819 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:02:24.819 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:02:24.819 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:02:32.176 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:32.189 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9273_poster.jpg
      16:02:32.194 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:40.400 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:40.400 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:40.421 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_3049_poster.jpg
      16:02:49.496 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:49.510 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13554_poster.jpg
      16:02:49.511 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:02:57.465 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:02:57.478 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_420817_poster.jpg
      16:02:57.484 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:06.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:03:09.215 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:09.228 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_812_poster.jpg
      16:03:09.233 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:18.273 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:18.286 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_241259_poster.jpg
      16:03:18.291 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:24.819 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:03:24.820 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:03:24.820 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:03:24.820 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:03:24.820 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:03:24.841 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:03:24.842 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:03:24.842 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:03:30.291 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:30.304 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8078_poster.jpg
      16:03:30.309 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:39.451 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:39.453 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:39.472 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8077_poster.jpg
      16:03:47.485 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:47.497 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:03:47.509 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_126889_poster.jpg
      16:03:58.848 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:03:58.861 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_348_poster.jpg
      16:03:58.867 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:07.826 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:07.840 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_679_poster.jpg
      16:04:07.845 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:16.318 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:16.331 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_399579_poster.jpg
      16:04:16.336 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:24.842 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:04:24.842 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:04:24.842 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:04:24.842 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:04:24.842 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:04:24.875 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:04:24.876 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:04:24.876 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:04:26.750 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:26.763 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_446791_poster.jpg
      16:04:26.768 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:38.059 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:38.059 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:38.081 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_150540_poster.jpg
      16:04:45.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:04:49.237 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:49.237 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:49.263 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_369885_poster.jpg
      16:04:58.435 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:04:58.435 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:04:58.463 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7457_poster.jpg
      16:05:07.351 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:07.352 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:07.374 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_73_poster.jpg
      16:05:15.026 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:15.026 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:15.047 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_261392_poster.jpg
      16:05:23.085 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:23.099 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2770_poster.jpg
      16:05:23.099 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:24.878 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:05:24.878 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:05:24.878 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:05:24.878 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:05:24.879 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:05:24.901 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:05:24.902 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:05:24.902 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:05:33.494 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:33.508 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_71552_poster.jpg
      16:05:33.512 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:41.983 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:41.989 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:42.006 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2105_poster.jpg
      16:05:51.140 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:51.153 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8273_poster.jpg
      16:05:51.155 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:05:59.720 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:05:59.733 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9506_poster.jpg
      16:05:59.738 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:06:09.892 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:06:09.906 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_484641_poster.jpg
      16:06:09.911 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:06:21.347 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:06:21.360 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_396422_poster.jpg
      16:06:21.364 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:06:24.902 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:06:24.903 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:06:24.903 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:06:24.903 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:06:24.903 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:06:24.959 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:06:24.959 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:06:24.959 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:06:24.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:06:31.802 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:06:31.815 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_521029_poster.jpg
      16:06:31.819 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:06:43.062 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:06:43.075 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_250546_poster.jpg
      16:06:43.081 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:06:51.885 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:06:51.898 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_396806_poster.jpg
      16:06:51.903 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:00.874 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:00.888 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_363088_poster.jpg
      16:07:00.892 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:12.864 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:12.865 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:12.885 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_102899_poster.jpg
      16:07:23.237 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:23.250 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_105864_poster.jpg
      16:07:23.255 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:24.959 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:07:24.960 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:07:24.960 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:07:24.960 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:07:24.960 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:07:24.981 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:07:24.982 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:07:24.982 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:07:31.299 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:31.313 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_95_poster.jpg
      16:07:31.319 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:39.446 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:39.459 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_766_poster.jpg
      16:07:39.461 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:48.155 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:48.168 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_121856_poster.jpg
      16:07:48.170 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:07:56.162 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:07:56.175 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_341013_poster.jpg
      16:07:56.180 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:08:04.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:08:07.777 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:08:07.790 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_369972_poster.jpg
      16:08:07.796 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:08:18.857 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:08:18.870 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_19995_poster.jpg
      16:08:18.876 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:08:24.982 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:08:24.982 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:08:24.982 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:08:24.982 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:08:24.982 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:08:25.012 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:08:25.013 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:08:25.013 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:08:29.204 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:08:29.217 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_299534_poster.jpg
      16:08:29.222 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:08:40.623 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:08:40.636 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_99861_poster.jpg
      16:08:40.641 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:08:51.753 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:08:51.766 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_431530_poster.jpg
      16:08:51.772 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:03.365 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:03.378 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_376659_poster.jpg
      16:09:03.380 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:11.976 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:11.989 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_325133_poster.jpg
      16:09:11.990 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:22.026 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:22.039 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_195589_poster.jpg
      16:09:22.044 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:25.013 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:09:25.013 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:09:25.013 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:09:25.013 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:09:25.013 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:09:25.037 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:09:25.038 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:09:25.038 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:09:31.073 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:31.087 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_467632_poster.jpg
      16:09:31.091 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:40.228 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:40.241 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_454992_poster.jpg
      16:09:40.247 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:09:43.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:09:52.145 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:09:52.158 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_446021_poster.jpg
      16:09:52.163 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:03.707 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:03.707 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:03.729 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_3172_poster.jpg
      16:10:11.937 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:11.950 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8848_poster.jpg
      16:10:11.955 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:20.998 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:21.012 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_337170_poster.jpg
      16:10:21.013 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:25.038 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:10:25.038 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:10:25.038 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:10:25.039 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:10:25.039 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:10:25.059 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:10:25.059 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:10:25.059 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:10:30.543 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:30.556 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_415_poster.jpg
      16:10:30.558 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:38.836 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:38.849 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_414_poster.jpg
      16:10:38.853 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:49.192 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:49.205 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_272_poster.jpg
      16:10:49.210 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:10:57.247 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:10:57.260 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_209112_poster.jpg
      16:10:57.265 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:07.867 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:07.880 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_268_poster.jpg
      16:11:07.880 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:16.810 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:16.823 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_364_poster.jpg
      16:11:16.827 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:22.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:11:24.762 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:24.775 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_177572_poster.jpg
      16:11:24.777 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:25.067 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:11:25.067 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:11:25.067 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:11:25.067 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:11:25.067 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:11:25.092 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:11:25.092 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:11:25.092 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:11:36.449 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:36.462 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_492452_poster.jpg
      16:11:36.467 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:47.938 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:47.939 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:47.963 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2310_poster.jpg
      16:11:56.059 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:11:56.059 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:11:56.082 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2898_poster.jpg
      16:12:04.159 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:04.160 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:04.179 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_230179_poster.jpg
      16:12:13.269 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:13.269 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:13.292 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_405774_poster.jpg
      16:12:21.524 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:21.525 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:21.555 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_495764_poster.jpg
      16:12:25.092 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:12:25.093 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:12:25.093 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:12:25.093 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:12:25.093 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:12:25.123 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:12:25.123 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:12:25.124 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:12:31.262 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:31.263 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:31.283 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_261023_poster.jpg
      16:12:39.606 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:39.620 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_284054_poster.jpg
      16:12:39.625 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:51.463 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:51.476 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7874_poster.jpg
      16:12:51.483 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:12:59.794 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:12:59.807 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_487558_poster.jpg
      16:12:59.812 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:02.037 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:13:09.179 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:09.192 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36586_poster.jpg
      16:13:09.197 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:19.189 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:19.202 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36648_poster.jpg
      16:13:19.207 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:25.124 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:13:25.124 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:13:25.124 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:13:25.124 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:13:25.124 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:13:25.151 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:13:25.151 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:13:25.151 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:13:29.344 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:29.357 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36647_poster.jpg
      16:13:29.364 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:37.442 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:37.455 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_55846_poster.jpg
      16:13:37.456 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:45.957 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:45.971 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9702_poster.jpg
      16:13:45.975 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:13:53.817 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:13:53.830 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_424694_poster.jpg
      16:13:53.835 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:02.128 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:02.141 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13053_poster.jpg
      16:14:02.146 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:13.379 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:13.392 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_294963_poster.jpg
      16:14:13.393 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:21.503 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:21.505 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:21.526 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_403509_poster.jpg
      16:14:23.453 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:23.467 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_197_poster.jpg
      16:14:23.471 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:25.152 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:14:25.152 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:14:25.152 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:14:25.152 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:14:25.152 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:14:25.180 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:14:25.180 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:14:25.180 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:14:31.860 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:31.872 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_531309_poster.jpg
      16:14:31.877 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:41.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:14:43.556 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:43.557 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:14:43.579 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_324560_poster.jpg
      16:14:54.858 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:14:54.871 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_98357_poster.jpg
      16:14:54.874 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:02.434 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:02.445 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:02.458 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_761_poster.jpg
      16:15:11.305 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:11.318 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_4944_poster.jpg
      16:15:11.324 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:21.734 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:21.747 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1954_poster.jpg
      16:15:21.752 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:25.180 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:15:25.181 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:15:25.181 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:15:25.181 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:15:25.181 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:15:25.206 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:15:25.206 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:15:25.206 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:15:30.485 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:30.498 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1771_poster.jpg
      16:15:30.500 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:42.311 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:42.317 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:15:42.329 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_100402_poster.jpg
      16:15:50.800 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:15:50.812 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_299537_poster.jpg
      16:15:50.819 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:01.843 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:01.857 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_133805_poster.jpg
      16:16:01.858 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:09.889 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:09.902 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36557_poster.jpg
      16:16:09.903 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:18.780 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:18.792 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_524_poster.jpg
      16:16:18.797 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:20.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:16:25.206 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:16:25.207 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:16:25.207 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:16:25.207 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:16:25.207 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:16:25.231 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:16:25.231 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:16:25.231 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:16:27.967 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:27.980 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_455980_poster.jpg
      16:16:27.985 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:39.560 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:39.573 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_302699_poster.jpg
      16:16:39.578 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:47.658 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:47.670 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_417644_poster.jpg
      16:16:47.675 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:16:57.033 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:16:57.046 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_203801_poster.jpg
      16:16:57.049 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:17:06.158 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:17:06.171 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_62835_poster.jpg
      16:17:06.177 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:17:14.369 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:17:14.383 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1701_poster.jpg
      16:17:14.389 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:17:25.231 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:17:25.231 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:17:25.232 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:17:25.232 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:17:25.232 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:17:25.282 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:17:25.282 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:17:25.283 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:17:28.583 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:17:28.596 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_259693_poster.jpg
      16:17:28.601 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:17:38.834 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:17:38.838 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:17:38.861 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_138843_poster.jpg
      16:17:51.894 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:17:51.907 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_561_poster.jpg
      16:17:51.912 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:00.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:18:00.692 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:00.697 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:00.721 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_23742_poster.jpg
      16:18:08.792 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:08.792 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:08.813 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_599975_poster.jpg
      16:18:20.137 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:20.138 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:20.163 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_15092_poster.jpg
      16:18:25.283 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:18:25.283 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:18:25.283 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:18:25.284 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:18:25.284 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:18:25.306 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:18:25.307 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:18:25.307 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:18:28.368 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:28.381 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1948_poster.jpg
      16:18:28.387 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:34.177 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:34.190 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_334527_poster.jpg
      16:18:34.195 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:35.263 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:35.276 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_201085_poster.jpg
      16:18:35.278 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:43.487 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:43.487 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:43.509 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_796_poster.jpg
      16:18:51.271 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:51.272 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:18:51.293 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9768_poster.jpg
      16:18:59.877 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:18:59.890 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10092_poster.jpg
      16:18:59.895 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:07.906 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:07.919 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:07.925 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_431_poster.jpg
      16:19:15.973 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:15.985 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9053_poster.jpg
      16:19:15.990 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:24.016 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:24.029 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_182560_poster.jpg
      16:19:24.034 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:25.307 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:19:25.307 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:19:25.307 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:19:25.307 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:19:25.307 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:19:25.331 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:19:25.331 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:19:25.331 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:19:31.737 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:31.749 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_341006_poster.jpg
      16:19:31.754 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:40.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:19:40.963 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:40.976 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_463821_poster.jpg
      16:19:40.982 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:52.179 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:19:52.179 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:19:52.201 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_18_poster.jpg
      16:20:00.550 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:00.551 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:00.572 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_109414_poster.jpg
      16:20:08.937 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:08.950 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_34544_poster.jpg
      16:20:08.954 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:17.843 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:17.857 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49040_poster.jpg
      16:20:17.862 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:25.331 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:20:25.331 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:20:25.331 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:20:25.332 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:20:25.332 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:20:25.355 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:20:25.355 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:20:25.355 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:20:26.833 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:26.836 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:26.858 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_583_poster.jpg
      16:20:34.658 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:34.664 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:34.682 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8838_poster.jpg
      16:20:43.456 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:43.469 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1427_poster.jpg
      16:20:43.474 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:20:52.173 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:20:52.186 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_6145_poster.jpg
      16:20:52.192 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:00.154 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:00.167 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10592_poster.jpg
      16:21:00.171 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:08.926 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:08.927 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:08.949 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_59962_poster.jpg
      16:21:17.574 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:17.587 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_924_poster.jpg
      16:21:17.589 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:19.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:21:25.355 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:21:25.355 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:21:25.355 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:21:25.355 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:21:25.356 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:21:25.379 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:21:25.380 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:21:25.380 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:21:25.624 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:25.637 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_333674_poster.jpg
      16:21:25.638 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:34.899 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:34.904 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:34.923 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_492336_poster.jpg
      16:21:43.837 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:43.849 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11019_poster.jpg
      16:21:43.856 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:51.789 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:21:51.790 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:21:51.812 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9739_poster.jpg
      16:22:00.378 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:00.391 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1422_poster.jpg
      16:22:00.392 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:11.429 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:11.443 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_122917_poster.jpg
      16:22:11.449 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:22.018 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:22.032 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_514124_poster.jpg
      16:22:22.037 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:25.380 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:22:25.381 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:22:25.381 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:22:25.381 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:22:25.381 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:22:25.406 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:22:25.417 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:22:25.417 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:22:31.213 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:31.214 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:31.236 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_353491_poster.jpg
      16:22:42.539 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:42.553 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2462_poster.jpg
      16:22:42.554 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:53.153 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:22:53.166 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49051_poster.jpg
      16:22:53.171 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:22:57.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:23:01.100 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:01.113 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_57158_poster.jpg
      16:23:01.118 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:09.279 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:09.279 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:09.303 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9481_poster.jpg
      16:23:19.614 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:19.627 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_4824_poster.jpg
      16:23:19.628 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:25.418 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:23:25.418 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:23:25.418 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:23:25.418 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:23:25.418 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:23:25.443 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:23:25.443 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:23:25.443 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:23:28.075 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:28.087 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_4543_poster.jpg
      16:23:28.092 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:36.847 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:36.860 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9374_poster.jpg
      16:23:36.865 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:46.955 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:46.968 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1813_poster.jpg
      16:23:46.973 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:54.881 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:23:54.890 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:23:54.909 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_681_poster.jpg
      16:24:03.901 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:03.914 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_299687_poster.jpg
      16:24:03.920 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:12.299 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:12.312 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_262504_poster.jpg
      16:24:12.318 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:20.084 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:20.097 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_157350_poster.jpg
      16:24:20.103 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:25.443 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:24:25.443 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:24:25.444 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:24:25.444 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:24:25.444 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:24:25.593 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:24:25.593 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:24:25.593 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:24:30.742 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:30.755 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:30.767 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_262500_poster.jpg
      16:24:36.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:24:38.876 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:38.887 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:38.900 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_330457_poster.jpg
      16:24:50.482 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:50.495 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_288158_poster.jpg
      16:24:50.498 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:24:52.453 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:24:52.466 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1573_poster.jpg
      16:24:52.471 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:02.825 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:02.839 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1571_poster.jpg
      16:25:02.842 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:14.075 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:14.088 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_47964_poster.jpg
      16:25:14.093 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:25.311 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:25.324 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_562_poster.jpg
      16:25:25.329 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:25.608 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:25:25.608 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:25:25.608 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:25:25.608 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:25:25.609 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:25:25.633 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:25:25.633 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:25:25.633 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:25:33.449 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:33.461 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9942_poster.jpg
      16:25:33.465 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:41.712 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:41.725 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_283366_poster.jpg
      16:25:41.731 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:43.466 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :)
      16:25:43.526 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC time is 16:25:42
      16:25:43.526 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] Receiver time is 16:25:43
      16:25:43.526 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC to Receiver time difference is 1 seconds
      16:25:43.526 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time to RTC Time
      16:25:52.666 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:25:52.667 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:25:52.689 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_282035_poster.jpg
      16:26:05.274 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:05.275 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:26:05.300 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_321612_poster.jpg
      16:26:15.392 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:15.392 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:26:15.423 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_131631_poster.jpg
      16:26:15.990 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:26:25.346 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:25.359 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_291805_poster.jpg
      16:26:25.363 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:26:25.624 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:26:25.624 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:26:25.624 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:26:25.624 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:26:25.624 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:26:25.659 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:26:25.659 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:26:25.659 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:26:35.966 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:35.979 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_260513_poster.jpg
      16:26:35.985 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:26:47.530 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:47.543 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9806_poster.jpg
      16:26:47.546 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:26:58.032 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:26:58.045 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_446354_poster.jpg
      16:26:58.050 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:08.219 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:08.232 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_333484_poster.jpg
      16:27:08.237 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:19.841 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:19.854 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_37137_poster.jpg
      16:27:19.856 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:19.861 [e2-core] unicode U+ 80 not present
      16:27:25.660 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:27:25.660 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:27:25.660 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:27:25.660 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:27:25.660 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:27:25.685 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:27:25.686 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:27:25.686 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:27:28.034 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:28.047 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36593_poster.jpg
      16:27:28.052 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:28.053 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.053 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.054 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.054 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.054 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.055 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.055 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.055 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.056 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.056 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.056 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.057 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.057 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.057 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.057 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.058 [e2-core] unicode U+2153 not present
      16:27:28.058 [e2-core] unicode U+2140 not present
      16:27:36.076 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:36.089 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_37136_poster.jpg
      16:27:36.094 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:44.273 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:44.286 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_17578_poster.jpg
      16:27:44.291 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:52.905 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:27:52.918 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36669_poster.jpg
      16:27:52.923 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:27:55.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:28:02.139 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:02.152 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49519_poster.jpg
      16:28:02.154 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:10.936 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:10.948 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1572_poster.jpg
      16:28:10.953 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:21.200 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:21.212 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_762_poster.jpg
      16:28:21.218 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:25.686 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:28:25.686 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:28:25.686 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:28:25.686 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:28:25.686 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:28:25.708 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:28:25.709 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:28:25.709 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:28:28.813 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:28.826 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10020_poster.jpg
      16:28:28.828 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:37.739 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:37.752 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_70160_poster.jpg
      16:28:37.757 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:47.410 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:47.413 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:47.439 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_101299_poster.jpg
      16:28:57.848 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:28:57.848 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:28:57.880 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_60672_poster.jpg
      16:29:06.247 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:06.260 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_60670_poster.jpg
      16:29:06.266 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:29:13.807 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:13.820 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_291870_poster.jpg
      16:29:13.824 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:29:24.265 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:24.278 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10141_poster.jpg
      16:29:24.282 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:29:25.738 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:29:25.739 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:29:25.739 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:29:25.739 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:29:25.739 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:29:25.764 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:29:25.765 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:29:25.765 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:29:32.470 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:32.483 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8271_poster.jpg
      16:29:32.488 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:29:34.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:29:42.798 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:42.811 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_68718_poster.jpg
      16:29:42.813 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:29:54.379 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:29:54.392 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_501170_poster.jpg
      16:29:54.394 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:02.388 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:02.401 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_284052_poster.jpg
      16:30:02.403 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:11.935 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:11.948 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1832_poster.jpg
      16:30:11.953 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:20.243 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:20.253 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:20.266 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_300669_poster.jpg
      16:30:25.765 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:30:25.765 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:30:25.766 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:30:25.766 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:30:25.766 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:30:25.798 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:30:25.799 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:30:25.799 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:30:28.254 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:28.267 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_12103_poster.jpg
      16:30:28.272 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:36.429 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:36.442 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_646_poster.jpg
      16:30:36.446 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:45.113 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:45.121 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:30:45.139 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10191_poster.jpg
      16:30:55.293 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:30:55.306 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_82702_poster.jpg
      16:30:55.312 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:04.578 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:04.589 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:04.610 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_166428_poster.jpg
      16:31:12.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:31:16.421 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:16.422 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:16.453 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_166428_poster.jpg
      16:31:25.799 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:31:25.799 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:31:25.799 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:31:25.799 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:31:25.799 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:31:25.835 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:31:25.835 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:31:25.835 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:31:27.996 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:27.997 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:28.016 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_329996_poster.jpg
      16:31:38.710 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:38.710 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:38.736 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13027_poster.jpg
      16:31:48.378 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:48.378 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:48.401 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_137113_poster.jpg
      16:31:57.895 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:31:57.896 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:31:57.921 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1727_poster.jpg
      16:32:07.473 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:07.474 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:32:07.497 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_881_poster.jpg
      16:32:18.505 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:18.505 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:32:18.525 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_483202_poster.jpg
      16:32:25.835 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:32:25.835 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:32:25.835 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:32:25.835 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:32:25.836 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:32:25.863 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:32:25.863 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:32:25.864 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:32:28.308 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:28.321 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_294272_poster.jpg
      16:32:28.324 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:32:36.521 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:36.535 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_68724_poster.jpg
      16:32:36.540 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:32:45.176 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:45.189 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_77016_poster.jpg
      16:32:45.195 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:32:51.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:32:56.151 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:32:56.164 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7299_poster.jpg
      16:32:56.168 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:04.735 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:04.747 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_196024_poster.jpg
      16:33:04.753 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:13.676 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:13.689 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_348668_poster.jpg
      16:33:13.694 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:22.491 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:22.491 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:22.511 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_346364_poster.jpg
      16:33:25.864 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:33:25.864 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:33:25.864 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:33:25.864 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:33:25.864 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:33:25.967 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:33:25.967 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:33:25.967 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:33:34.103 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:34.116 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_522681_poster.jpg
      16:33:34.118 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:44.234 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:44.247 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_107846_poster.jpg
      16:33:44.251 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:52.950 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:33:52.951 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:33:52.975 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10877_poster.jpg
      16:34:00.844 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:00.857 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8859_poster.jpg
      16:34:00.860 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:09.000 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:09.013 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9411_poster.jpg
      16:34:09.018 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:17.665 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:17.678 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13532_poster.jpg
      16:34:17.683 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:25.747 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:25.760 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_166424_poster.jpg
      16:34:25.765 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:25.968 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:34:25.968 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:34:25.968 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:34:25.968 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:34:25.969 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:34:25.992 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:34:25.992 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:34:25.992 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:34:31.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:34:34.401 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:34.414 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9738_poster.jpg
      16:34:34.419 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:45.600 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:45.613 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_168259_poster.jpg
      16:34:45.617 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:34:54.185 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:34:54.198 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_337339_poster.jpg
      16:34:54.201 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:02.141 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:02.154 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13804_poster.jpg
      16:35:02.156 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:10.339 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:10.352 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_51497_poster.jpg
      16:35:10.358 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:18.570 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:18.583 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_82992_poster.jpg
      16:35:18.584 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:25.992 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:35:25.993 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:35:25.993 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:35:25.993 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:35:25.993 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:35:26.016 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:35:26.016 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:35:26.016 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:35:27.216 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:27.229 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9615_poster.jpg
      16:35:27.234 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:35.942 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:35.945 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:35.968 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_364689_poster.jpg
      16:35:47.309 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:47.322 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_550_poster.jpg
      16:35:47.327 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:35:58.139 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:35:58.152 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_127380_poster.jpg
      16:35:58.154 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:07.203 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:07.204 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:07.226 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_12_poster.jpg
      16:36:11.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:36:16.292 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:16.293 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:16.323 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_139567_poster.jpg
      16:36:26.016 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:36:26.017 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:36:26.017 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:36:26.017 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:36:26.017 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:36:26.039 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:36:26.039 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:36:26.039 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:36:26.835 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:26.836 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:26.859 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_271110_poster.jpg
      16:36:38.254 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:38.255 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:38.277 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_22_poster.jpg
      16:36:46.828 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:46.829 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:46.859 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_58_poster.jpg
      16:36:55.385 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:36:55.385 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:36:55.415 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_285_poster.jpg
      16:37:04.098 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:04.098 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:04.128 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1865_poster.jpg
      16:37:14.739 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:14.740 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:14.768 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_62046_poster.jpg
      16:37:22.455 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:22.455 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:22.474 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_256591_poster.jpg
      16:37:26.039 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:37:26.040 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:37:26.040 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:37:26.040 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:37:26.040 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:37:26.064 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:37:26.064 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:37:26.065 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:37:32.106 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:32.107 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:32.135 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_699_poster.jpg
      16:37:40.051 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:40.051 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:40.074 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_539892_poster.jpg
      16:37:48.015 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:48.015 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:48.041 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8913_poster.jpg
      16:37:51.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:37:57.186 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:37:57.186 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:37:57.211 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8913_poster.jpg
      16:38:06.632 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:06.645 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_50544_poster.jpg
      16:38:06.647 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:38:15.102 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:15.102 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:38:15.125 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_755_poster.jpg
      16:38:26.065 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:38:26.065 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:38:26.065 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:38:26.065 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:38:26.066 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:38:26.093 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:38:26.094 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:38:26.094 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:38:26.558 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:26.558 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:38:26.579 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_768_poster.jpg
      16:38:37.902 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:37.903 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:38:37.927 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_26389_poster.jpg
      16:38:46.514 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:46.515 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:38:46.543 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_657_poster.jpg
      16:38:55.174 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:38:55.188 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_109445_poster.jpg
      16:38:55.189 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:04.839 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:04.840 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:04.863 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8461_poster.jpg
      16:39:05.615 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:05.629 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_411135_poster.jpg
      16:39:05.633 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:16.253 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:16.253 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:16.275 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_82682_poster.jpg
      16:39:24.341 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:24.354 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10466_poster.jpg
      16:39:24.356 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:26.094 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:39:26.094 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:39:26.094 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:39:26.095 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:39:26.095 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:39:26.115 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:39:26.115 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:39:26.115 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:39:29.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:39:32.414 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:32.427 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_22803_poster.jpg
      16:39:32.432 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:40.660 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:40.673 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10045_poster.jpg
      16:39:40.679 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:48.428 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:48.441 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_15357_poster.jpg
      16:39:48.446 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:49.405 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:49.418 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_315837_poster.jpg
      16:39:49.422 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:39:58.230 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:39:58.243 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9323_poster.jpg
      16:39:58.245 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:06.231 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:06.244 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_98_poster.jpg
      16:40:06.249 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:15.308 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:15.321 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_450465_poster.jpg
      16:40:15.327 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:26.116 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:40:26.116 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:40:26.116 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:40:26.116 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:40:26.116 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:40:26.165 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:40:26.165 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:40:26.166 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:40:27.328 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:27.340 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9625_poster.jpg
      16:40:27.342 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:34.679 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:34.692 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_373571_poster.jpg
      16:40:34.697 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:44.003 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:44.007 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:40:44.030 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_710_poster.jpg
      16:40:53.194 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:40:53.208 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_658_poster.jpg
      16:40:53.209 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:01.441 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:01.454 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_210577_poster.jpg
      16:41:01.459 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:08.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:41:09.369 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:09.381 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_120467_poster.jpg
      16:41:09.388 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:19.924 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:19.925 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:19.947 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_490132_poster.jpg
      16:41:26.166 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:41:26.166 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:41:26.166 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:41:26.166 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:41:26.166 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:41:26.197 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:41:26.197 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:41:26.197 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:41:29.294 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:29.294 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:29.315 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_471506_poster.jpg
      16:41:38.172 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:38.173 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:38.200 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_283995_poster.jpg
      16:41:49.636 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:41:49.637 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:41:49.662 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_118340_poster.jpg
      16:42:00.984 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:00.997 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_60304_poster.jpg
      16:42:01.002 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:10.373 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:10.386 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_424139_poster.jpg
      16:42:10.392 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:19.088 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:19.101 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_45243_poster.jpg
      16:42:19.106 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:26.197 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:42:26.197 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:42:26.198 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:42:26.198 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:42:26.198 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:42:26.271 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:42:26.271 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:42:26.271 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:42:27.513 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:27.521 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:27.536 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_18785_poster.jpg
      16:42:36.934 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:36.947 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_512196_poster.jpg
      16:42:36.953 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:48.001 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:42:48.004 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:48.018 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2652_poster.jpg
      16:42:48.023 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:42:56.853 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:42:56.866 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_12445_poster.jpg
      16:42:56.871 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:43:07.032 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:43:07.045 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_12444_poster.jpg
      16:43:07.050 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:43:16.298 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:43:16.311 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_767_poster.jpg
      16:43:16.314 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:43:26.272 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:43:26.272 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:43:26.272 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:43:26.272 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:43:26.272 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:43:26.294 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:43:26.294 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:43:26.294 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:43:26.817 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:43:26.818 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:43:26.843 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_674_poster.jpg
      16:43:38.074 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:43:38.088 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_675_poster.jpg
      16:43:38.091 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:43:49.255 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:43:49.268 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_671_poster.jpg
      16:43:49.274 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:00.880 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:00.892 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_673_poster.jpg
      16:44:00.897 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:12.337 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:12.351 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_672_poster.jpg
      16:44:12.352 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:23.825 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:23.838 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_70670_poster.jpg
      16:44:23.843 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:24.536 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:24.549 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_949_poster.jpg
      16:44:24.554 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:26.294 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:44:26.295 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:44:26.295 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:44:26.295 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:44:26.295 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:44:26.323 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:44:26.323 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:44:26.323 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:44:28.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:44:34.920 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:34.933 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_338766_poster.jpg
      16:44:34.938 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:42.995 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:43.009 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_456740_poster.jpg
      16:44:43.013 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:44:55.047 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:44:55.060 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11253_poster.jpg
      16:44:55.061 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:05.976 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:05.977 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:05.998 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1487_poster.jpg
      16:45:16.713 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:16.714 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:16.740 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_493922_poster.jpg
      16:45:26.324 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:45:26.324 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:45:26.324 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:45:26.324 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:45:26.324 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:45:26.345 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:45:26.345 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:45:26.345 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:45:27.849 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:27.850 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:27.877 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_360784_poster.jpg
      16:45:28.762 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:28.763 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:28.782 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10226_poster.jpg
      16:45:36.919 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:36.920 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:36.942 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_249070_poster.jpg
      16:45:46.424 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:46.425 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:46.447 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_426563_poster.jpg
      16:45:58.183 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:45:58.183 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:45:58.208 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2026_poster.jpg
      16:46:06.215 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:06.216 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:46:06.243 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_4638_poster.jpg
      16:46:06.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:46:14.416 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:14.417 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:46:14.439 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_406761_poster.jpg
      16:46:23.154 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:23.163 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:46:23.178 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_159824_poster.jpg
      16:46:26.345 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:46:26.346 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:46:26.346 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:46:26.346 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:46:26.346 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:46:26.369 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:46:26.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:46:26.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:46:31.544 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:31.545 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:46:31.574 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_400155_poster.jpg
      16:46:42.966 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:42.967 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:46:42.988 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_505948_poster.jpg
      16:46:51.588 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:46:51.601 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_460668_poster.jpg
      16:46:51.606 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:03.005 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:03.006 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:03.027 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_389015_poster.jpg
      16:47:14.432 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:14.432 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:14.456 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_278154_poster.jpg
      16:47:23.838 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:23.851 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_20352_poster.jpg
      16:47:23.855 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:26.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:47:26.370 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:47:26.370 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:47:26.370 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:47:26.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:47:26.395 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:47:26.396 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:47:26.396 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:47:32.157 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:32.170 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_93456_poster.jpg
      16:47:32.175 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:40.362 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:40.362 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:40.386 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2832_poster.jpg
      16:47:45.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:47:48.320 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:48.321 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:48.343 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_417643_poster.jpg
      16:47:56.981 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:47:56.981 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:47:57.002 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_27205_poster.jpg
      16:48:04.942 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:04.942 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:04.967 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_47933_poster.jpg
      16:48:13.897 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:13.910 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_207932_poster.jpg
      16:48:13.915 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:24.715 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:24.716 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:24.737 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_388_poster.jpg
      16:48:26.396 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:48:26.396 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:48:26.396 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:48:26.396 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:48:26.397 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:48:26.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:48:26.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:48:26.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:48:34.585 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:34.598 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_162903_poster.jpg
      16:48:34.604 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:42.141 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:42.142 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:42.165 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_91586_poster.jpg
      16:48:50.594 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:48:50.594 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:48:50.618 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_280092_poster.jpg
      16:49:01.067 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:01.080 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_406563_poster.jpg
      16:49:01.081 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:09.702 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:09.715 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49018_poster.jpg
      16:49:09.720 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:19.953 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:19.966 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_157336_poster.jpg
      16:49:19.971 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:25.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:49:26.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:49:26.423 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:49:26.423 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:49:26.423 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:49:26.423 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:49:26.529 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:49:26.529 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:49:26.529 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:49:29.314 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:29.324 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:29.336 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10138_poster.jpg
      16:49:40.498 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:40.511 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_68721_poster.jpg
      16:49:40.513 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:48.422 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:48.435 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_1726_poster.jpg
      16:49:48.441 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:56.600 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:49:56.601 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:49:56.625 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_408490_poster.jpg
      16:50:08.349 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:08.350 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:08.380 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9654_poster.jpg
      16:50:16.463 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:16.476 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_820_poster.jpg
      16:50:16.482 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:25.646 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:25.646 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:25.673 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_343611_poster.jpg
      16:50:26.530 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:50:26.530 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:50:26.530 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:50:26.530 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:50:26.531 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:50:26.553 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:50:26.553 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:50:26.553 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:50:37.554 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:37.567 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_75780_poster.jpg
      16:50:37.572 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:48.344 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:48.344 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:48.369 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_81005_poster.jpg
      16:50:56.569 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:50:56.569 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:50:56.593 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_174751_poster.jpg
      16:51:05.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:51:07.227 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:07.227 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:07.248 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_324668_poster.jpg
      16:51:16.410 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:16.410 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:16.437 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_75190_poster.jpg
      16:51:26.554 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:51:26.554 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:51:26.554 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:51:26.554 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:51:26.554 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:51:26.585 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:51:26.585 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:51:26.585 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:51:28.107 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:28.120 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_14542_poster.jpg
      16:51:28.126 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:31.326 [e2-python] [FluidNext Weather Update] error fetching weather data Current
      16:51:37.402 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:37.403 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:37.432 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10474_poster.jpg
      16:51:45.168 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:45.168 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:45.191 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_324552_poster.jpg
      16:51:53.407 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:51:53.408 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:51:53.424 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_458156_poster.jpg
      16:52:04.898 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:04.911 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_245891_poster.jpg
      16:52:04.916 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:13.109 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:13.122 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7555_poster.jpg
      16:52:13.125 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:23.222 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:23.235 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_475557_poster.jpg
      16:52:23.240 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:26.585 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:52:26.585 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:52:26.585 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:52:26.586 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:52:26.586 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:52:26.616 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:52:26.616 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:52:26.616 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:52:34.692 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:34.692 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:34.718 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_353486_poster.jpg
      16:52:43.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:52:46.766 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:46.767 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:46.788 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_390062_poster.jpg
      16:52:55.061 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:52:55.062 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:52:55.084 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_331_poster.jpg
      16:53:04.451 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:04.451 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:04.473 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_329_poster.jpg
      16:53:15.211 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:15.211 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:15.233 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_135397_poster.jpg
      16:53:26.616 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:53:26.617 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:53:26.617 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:53:26.617 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:53:26.617 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:53:26.650 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:53:26.650 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:53:26.650 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:53:26.755 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:26.767 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9061_poster.jpg
      16:53:26.772 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:38.333 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:38.346 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_141052_poster.jpg
      16:53:38.347 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:49.725 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:49.739 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_256274_poster.jpg
      16:53:49.743 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:57.934 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:53:57.937 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:53:57.959 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_611468_poster.jpg
      16:54:06.181 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:06.195 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_24_poster.jpg
      16:54:06.199 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:54:14.977 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:14.979 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:54:15.002 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_393_poster.jpg
      16:54:22.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:54:25.479 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:25.492 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_51540_poster.jpg
      16:54:25.498 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:54:26.650 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:54:26.651 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:54:26.651 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:54:26.651 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:54:26.651 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:54:26.678 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:54:26.679 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:54:26.679 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:54:33.527 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:33.540 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_227159_poster.jpg
      16:54:33.545 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:54:45.011 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:45.024 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49021_poster.jpg
      16:54:45.030 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:54:54.055 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:54:54.068 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_390043_poster.jpg
      16:54:54.073 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:05.776 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:05.790 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_425505_poster.jpg
      16:55:05.794 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:17.331 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:17.344 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_38365_poster.jpg
      16:55:17.349 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:25.722 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:25.735 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_274857_poster.jpg
      16:55:25.737 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:26.679 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:55:26.679 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:55:26.679 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:55:26.679 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:55:26.680 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:55:26.706 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:55:26.706 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:55:26.706 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:55:34.974 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:34.987 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9477_poster.jpg
      16:55:34.993 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:43.055 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:43.069 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_254_poster.jpg
      16:55:43.075 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:55:43.520 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :)
      16:55:43.580 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC time is 16:55:42
      16:55:43.580 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] Receiver time is 16:55:43
      16:55:43.580 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC to Receiver time difference is 1 seconds
      16:55:43.580 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time to RTC Time
      16:55:53.966 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:55:53.980 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_343668_poster.jpg
      16:55:53.981 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:01.990 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:56:05.277 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:05.290 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_207703_poster.jpg
      16:56:05.293 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:14.526 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:14.539 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_37821_poster.jpg
      16:56:14.545 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:24.419 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:24.432 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_5236_poster.jpg
      16:56:24.437 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:26.696 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:56:26.697 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:56:26.697 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:56:26.697 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:56:26.697 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:56:26.725 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:56:26.725 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:56:26.725 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:56:32.827 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:32.840 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2140_poster.jpg
      16:56:32.846 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:41.255 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:41.268 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_37834_poster.jpg
      16:56:41.273 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:56:49.822 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:56:49.834 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_546554_poster.jpg
      16:56:49.839 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:01.319 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:01.332 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_53174_poster.jpg
      16:57:01.335 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:08.999 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:09.009 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:09.023 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_293167_poster.jpg
      16:57:18.172 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:18.186 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_293167_poster.jpg
      16:57:18.190 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:26.726 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:57:26.726 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:57:26.726 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:57:26.726 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:57:26.726 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:57:26.751 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:57:26.752 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:57:26.752 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:57:27.126 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:27.139 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_140300_poster.jpg
      16:57:27.144 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:35.927 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:35.940 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9470_poster.jpg
      16:57:35.945 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:40.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:57:44.084 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:44.097 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49444_poster.jpg
      16:57:44.098 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:52.241 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:57:52.254 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9502_poster.jpg
      16:57:52.260 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:57:59.992 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:00.005 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_420818_poster.jpg
      16:58:00.011 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:11.630 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:11.644 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_120_poster.jpg
      16:58:11.648 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:19.746 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:19.759 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_122_poster.jpg
      16:58:19.761 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:26.752 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:58:26.752 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:58:26.752 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:58:26.752 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:58:26.752 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:58:26.879 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:58:26.880 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:58:26.880 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:58:28.661 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:28.674 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_121_poster.jpg
      16:58:28.679 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:37.792 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:37.806 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_25168_poster.jpg
      16:58:37.807 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:39.122 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:39.135 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_57331_poster.jpg
      16:58:39.141 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:41.174 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:41.187 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_14400_poster.jpg
      16:58:41.192 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:58:48.978 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:58:48.992 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9319_poster.jpg
      16:58:48.997 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:59:19.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      16:59:25.568 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:59:25.581 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9333_poster.jpg
      16:59:25.586 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      16:59:26.880 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      16:59:26.880 [e2-core] before: 1
      16:59:26.880 [e2-core] after: 1
      16:59:26.880 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      16:59:26.880 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      16:59:27.160 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      16:59:27.160 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      16:59:27.160 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      16:59:41.385 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      16:59:41.398 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_616_poster.jpg
      16:59:41.403 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:00.352 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:00.365 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_137093_poster.jpg
      17:00:00.369 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:09.575 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:09.587 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_4836_poster.jpg
      17:00:09.592 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:19.567 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:19.580 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_300665_poster.jpg
      17:00:19.585 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:27.160 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:00:27.161 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:00:27.161 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:00:27.161 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:00:27.161 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:00:27.234 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:00:27.234 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:00:27.234 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:00:29.592 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:29.605 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10661_poster.jpg
      17:00:29.611 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:40.501 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:40.514 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_258489_poster.jpg
      17:00:40.519 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:52.557 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:00:52.570 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11976_poster.jpg
      17:00:52.574 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:00:59.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:01:02.031 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:01:02.044 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10799_poster.jpg
      17:01:02.049 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:01:11.396 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:01:11.409 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_709_poster.jpg
      17:01:11.415 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:01:27.234 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:01:27.234 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:01:27.235 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:01:27.235 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:01:27.235 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:01:27.656 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:01:27.656 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:01:27.656 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:01:30.751 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:01:30.764 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_395992_poster.jpg
      17:01:30.770 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:01:43.679 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:01:43.689 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:01:43.702 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11544_poster.jpg
      17:02:10.236 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:02:10.249 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_253_poster.jpg
      17:02:10.254 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:02:23.542 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:02:23.555 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9644_poster.jpg
      17:02:23.560 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:02:27.656 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:02:27.657 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:02:27.657 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:02:27.657 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:02:27.657 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:02:27.892 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:02:27.892 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:02:27.892 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:02:37.787 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:02:37.801 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_100_poster.jpg
      17:02:37.803 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:02:39.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:02:47.875 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:02:47.888 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_263115_poster.jpg
      17:02:47.893 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:03.582 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:03.595 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_399170_poster.jpg
      17:03:03.600 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:16.788 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:16.801 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_267860_poster.jpg
      17:03:16.806 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:27.892 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:03:27.892 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:03:27.892 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:03:27.893 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:03:27.893 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:03:27.951 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:03:27.951 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:03:27.951 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:03:28.053 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:28.066 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_59967_poster.jpg
      17:03:28.068 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:37.833 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:37.846 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_186_poster.jpg
      17:03:37.851 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:48.277 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:48.291 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_955_poster.jpg
      17:03:48.292 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:03:56.715 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:03:56.728 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_41154_poster.jpg
      17:03:56.733 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:04:06.841 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:04:06.842 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:04:06.862 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_106747_poster.jpg
      17:04:18.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:04:27.951 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:04:27.952 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:04:27.952 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:04:27.952 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:04:27.952 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:04:28.103 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:04:28.103 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:04:28.104 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:04:29.432 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:04:29.433 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:04:29.453 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_23631_poster.jpg
      17:04:39.815 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:04:39.816 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:04:39.839 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_76341_poster.jpg
      17:04:49.646 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:04:49.647 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:04:49.670 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_112205_poster.jpg
      17:05:08.408 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:05:08.421 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_420809_poster.jpg
      17:05:08.426 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:05:24.533 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:05:24.546 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_49521_poster.jpg
      17:05:24.551 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:05:28.104 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:05:28.104 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:05:28.104 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:05:28.104 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:05:28.105 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:05:28.545 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:05:28.546 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:05:28.546 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:05:42.950 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:05:42.951 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:05:42.971 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_514277_poster.jpg
      17:05:55.757 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:05:55.770 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_457136_poster.jpg
      17:05:55.775 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:05:57.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:06:26.477 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:06:26.490 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_24428_poster.jpg
      17:06:26.495 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:06:28.546 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:06:28.546 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:06:28.547 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:06:28.547 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:06:28.547 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:06:28.696 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:06:28.696 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:06:28.696 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:06:37.609 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:06:37.610 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:06:37.630 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7270_poster.jpg
      17:07:07.018 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:07:07.018 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:07:07.041 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_604_poster.jpg
      17:07:19.903 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:07:19.904 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:07:19.927 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_605_poster.jpg
      17:07:28.696 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:07:28.697 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:07:28.697 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:07:28.697 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:07:28.697 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:07:28.829 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:07:28.829 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:07:28.829 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:07:34.316 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:07:34.316 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:07:34.336 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_603_poster.jpg
      17:07:37.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:07:56.725 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:07:56.726 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:07:56.747 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13051_poster.jpg
      17:08:14.853 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:08:14.854 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:08:14.886 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_294254_poster.jpg
      17:08:24.922 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:08:24.923 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:08:24.954 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_336843_poster.jpg
      17:08:28.829 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:08:28.830 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:08:28.830 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:08:28.830 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:08:28.831 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:08:29.031 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:08:29.032 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:08:29.032 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:08:42.342 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:08:42.355 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_198663_poster.jpg
      17:08:42.360 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:08:56.656 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:08:56.669 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_479455_poster.jpg
      17:08:56.674 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:11.389 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:09:11.402 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_62177_poster.jpg
      17:09:11.406 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:15.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:09:24.691 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:09:24.704 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_8860_poster.jpg
      17:09:24.706 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:29.032 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:09:29.032 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:09:29.032 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:09:29.033 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:09:29.033 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:09:29.225 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:09:29.225 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:09:29.226 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:09:34.414 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:09:34.427 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_16617_poster.jpg
      17:09:34.432 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:44.239 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:09:44.252 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_180_poster.jpg
      17:09:44.258 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:55.792 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:09:55.805 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:09:55.812 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_13515_poster.jpg
      17:10:04.594 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:10:04.608 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_177677_poster.jpg
      17:10:04.612 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:10:15.565 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:10:15.578 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_353081_poster.jpg
      17:10:15.581 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:10:28.662 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:10:28.675 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_56292_poster.jpg
      17:10:28.680 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:10:29.226 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:10:29.226 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:10:29.226 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:10:29.226 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:10:29.226 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:10:29.385 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:10:29.385 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:10:29.385 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:10:41.884 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:10:41.897 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_396371_poster.jpg
      17:10:41.899 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:10:52.527 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:10:52.540 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_303858_poster.jpg
      17:10:52.545 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:10:54.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:11:03.704 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:11:03.716 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_60308_poster.jpg
      17:11:03.718 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:11:21.339 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:11:21.353 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_505436_poster.jpg
      17:11:21.359 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:11:29.385 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:11:29.386 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:11:29.386 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:11:29.386 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:11:29.386 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:11:29.664 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:11:29.664 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:11:29.664 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:11:56.953 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:11:56.966 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_262391_poster.jpg
      17:11:56.972 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:12:29.664 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:12:29.665 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:12:29.665 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:12:29.665 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:12:29.665 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:12:31.667 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      17:12:31.668 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:12:31.668 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:12:34.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:12:38.021 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:12:38.031 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:12:38.044 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_62211_poster.jpg
      17:12:48.815 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:12:48.829 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_585_poster.jpg
      17:12:48.833 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:13:12.820 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:13:12.826 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:13:12.851 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_698_poster.jpg
      17:13:31.668 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:13:31.668 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:13:31.668 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:13:31.668 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:13:31.668 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:13:32.057 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:13:32.058 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:13:32.058 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:13:39.089 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:13:39.103 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_392044_poster.jpg
      17:13:39.104 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:13:52.277 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:13:52.290 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_428078_poster.jpg
      17:13:52.295 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:14:12.999 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:14:15.358 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:14:15.372 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_381283_poster.jpg
      17:14:15.378 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:14:25.885 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:14:25.898 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_87818_poster.jpg
      17:14:25.904 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:14:32.058 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:14:32.058 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:14:32.058 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:14:32.058 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:14:32.058 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:14:32.439 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:14:32.439 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:14:32.440 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:14:37.722 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:14:37.736 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_787_poster.jpg
      17:14:37.741 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:14:57.051 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:14:57.064 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9415_poster.jpg
      17:14:57.069 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:08.076 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:08.089 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_322_poster.jpg
      17:15:08.095 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:17.031 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:17.033 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:17.058 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2059_poster.jpg
      17:15:27.611 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:27.624 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_6637_poster.jpg
      17:15:27.625 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:32.440 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:15:32.440 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:15:32.440 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:15:32.440 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:15:32.440 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:15:32.505 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:15:32.505 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:15:32.506 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:15:37.406 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:37.419 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11676_poster.jpg
      17:15:37.420 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:46.971 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:46.985 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_441282_poster.jpg
      17:15:46.990 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:15:52.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:15:56.593 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:15:56.606 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_298_poster.jpg
      17:15:56.609 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:05.786 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:05.799 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_161_poster.jpg
      17:16:05.805 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:17.938 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:17.951 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_163_poster.jpg
      17:16:17.956 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:29.108 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:29.117 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:29.131 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_36970_poster.jpg
      17:16:32.506 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:16:32.506 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:16:32.506 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:16:32.506 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:16:32.506 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:16:32.614 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:16:32.615 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:16:32.615 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:16:38.665 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:38.666 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:38.692 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_700_poster.jpg
      17:16:50.407 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:50.407 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:50.438 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_117263_poster.jpg
      17:16:59.792 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:16:59.793 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:16:59.824 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_668_poster.jpg
      17:17:10.438 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:17:10.438 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:17:10.464 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_466272_poster.jpg
      17:17:23.334 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:17:23.347 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9208_poster.jpg
      17:17:23.352 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:17:32.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:17:32.526 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:17:32.539 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_2798_poster.jpg
      17:17:32.545 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:17:32.615 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:17:32.615 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:17:32.615 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:17:32.615 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:17:32.615 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:17:32.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:17:32.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:17:32.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:17:41.061 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:17:41.074 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_335796_poster.jpg
      17:17:41.079 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:17:50.706 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:17:50.719 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_242512_poster.jpg
      17:17:50.724 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:18:01.910 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:18:01.924 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7518_poster.jpg
      17:18:01.928 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:18:12.270 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:18:12.283 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_134374_poster.jpg
      17:18:12.287 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:18:22.264 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:18:22.277 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_6312_poster.jpg
      17:18:22.281 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:18:32.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:18:32.642 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:18:32.642 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:18:32.642 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:18:32.642 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:18:32.804 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:18:32.818 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_266647_poster.jpg
      17:18:32.822 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:18:33.042 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:18:33.043 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:18:33.043 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:18:47.522 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:18:47.535 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_5924_poster.jpg
      17:18:47.536 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:19:11.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:19:18.297 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:19:18.310 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_227348_poster.jpg
      17:19:18.311 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:19:33.043 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:19:33.043 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:19:33.043 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:19:33.043 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:19:33.044 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:19:33.447 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:19:33.447 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:19:33.447 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:19:38.729 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:19:38.730 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:19:38.757 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_146301_poster.jpg
      17:19:58.696 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:19:58.710 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_11452_poster.jpg
      17:19:58.713 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:20:15.512 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:20:15.525 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_10538_poster.jpg
      17:20:15.530 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:20:25.481 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:20:25.494 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9705_poster.jpg
      17:20:25.499 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:20:33.447 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:20:33.447 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:20:33.447 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:20:33.447 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:20:33.448 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:20:33.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:20:33.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:20:33.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:20:38.708 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:20:38.722 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_295011_poster.jpg
      17:20:38.724 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:20:51.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:20:59.053 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:20:59.066 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_39513_poster.jpg
      17:20:59.071 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:21:10.843 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:21:10.856 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_9620_poster.jpg
      17:21:10.861 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:21:11.545 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions menu
      17:21:17.017 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:17.783 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions ok
      17:21:20.353 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:21.175 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions ok
      17:21:22.327 [e2-python] DB Load in milliseconds: 1149
      17:21:22.347 [e2-python] JSON Load in milliseconds: 20
      17:21:22.869 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:26.452 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:26.862 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:28.259 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:28.666 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:29.644 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:30.001 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:31.600 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:32.009 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:33.641 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:21:33.641 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:33.642 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:21:33.642 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:21:33.642 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:21:34.019 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:34.063 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:21:34.063 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:21:34.063 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:21:34.303 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:34.587 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:37.209 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:21:37.209 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:21:37.235 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_458594_poster.jpg
      17:21:42.002 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:42.412 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:42.805 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:43.195 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:43.608 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:46.978 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:47.388 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:47.825 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:48.236 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:49.009 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:50.467 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:50.876 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:52.019 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:52.427 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:21:52.486 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:21:52.502 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_7453_poster.jpg
      17:21:52.826 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:21:54.091 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:54.453 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:55.213 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:55.224 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:56.615 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:21:58.153 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:21:59.564 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:01.250 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:01.485 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:01.486 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:22:01.512 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_32657_poster.jpg
      17:22:01.659 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:03.822 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:05.188 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:06.522 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:07.314 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:08.803 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:09.996 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:10.826 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:11.236 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:12.047 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:12.047 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:22:12.075 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_76285_poster.jpg
      17:22:12.248 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:12.657 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:13.930 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:14.378 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:14.979 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions down
      17:22:15.389 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:18.689 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.445 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.454 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.539 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.645 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.751 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:19.857 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:20.638 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:20.803 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:21.054 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:21.303 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:21.519 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:21.911 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:22.152 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:22.206 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:22.219 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_412117_poster.jpg
      17:22:22.221 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:22:26.444 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:27.228 [e2-python] action -> vmcscreenactions up
      17:22:31.000 [e2-python] next real activation isThu May 14 00:15:01 2020
      17:22:34.066 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:22:34.066 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:22:34.066 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:22:34.066 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:22:34.067 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:22:34.291 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:22:34.292 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:22:34.292 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:22:34.711 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:34.724 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_328111_poster.jpg
      17:22:34.729 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:22:44.572 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:44.585 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_338952_poster.jpg
      17:22:44.589 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:22:57.104 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:22:57.117 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_259316_poster.jpg
      17:22:57.123 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:23:09.810 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:23:09.823 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_281338_poster.jpg
      17:23:09.828 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:23:20.988 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:23:21.002 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_61791_poster.jpg
      17:23:21.007 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:23:33.126 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:23:33.127 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:23:33.149 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_16866_poster.jpg
      17:23:34.292 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      17:23:34.292 [e2-core] before: 1
      17:23:34.292 [e2-core] after: 1
      17:23:34.292 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      17:23:34.293 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      17:23:34.531 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connected: Connection refused
      17:23:34.531 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      17:23:34.531 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      17:23:46.640 [e2-python] pushscreenmessage into messagequeue
      17:23:46.641 [e2-python] screen message empfangen
      17:23:46.664 [e2-python] /media/VMC/VMCArt/Movie_869_poster.jpg

      Ich danke euch beiden und vorallem Dir @gsmgrufti!!! Du bist ein Held!!!
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()

    • Hi,

      schön, dass es jetzt klappt. :thumbup:
      Die gleichen Probleme gabs ja auch mit VCM5.
      Leider hattest Du die Tipps nicht bis zum Ende verfolgt.
      Aus Erfahrung wird man schlau. :D

      fuldi schrieb:

      löschen/leeren der Datenbank in den Grundeinstellungen von VMC5:

      oder die "vmc5.db" in "etc/enigma2" löschen (vorher sichern).
    • Danke Fuldi! Ja bin auch froh läuft es wieder.

      Doch habe ich gemacht bei VMC5 hat aber leider nichts gebracht.

      Jarod1975 schrieb:


      O.k. hab die Datenbank geleert und nun findet er keinen einzigen Film oder Serie mehr. Das Datenbankupdate läuft zwar aber nur wenn ich es manuell anwähle und dann auch erst wenn ich mit rot wieder auf abbrechen drücke. An den Suchpfaden habe ich nie etwas geändert und sind immer noch vorhanden.

      Langsam weiss ich nicht was ich noch tun kann...
      ...why so serious...

      Fluid Next / EPGshare / VMC / Serienrecorder
    • gsmgrufti schrieb:

      für VTI ab Version 14.06 angepasste IPKs im Anhang.
      Es wurde rein der Check auf das System ab 14.06 angepasst (vti@build statt auf plnick)

      Das heisst, ab VTI 14.0.6 sollte diese IPKs funktionieren, mit 14.0.5 und kleiner nicht

      Ungetestet !!!!

      Ich hab dann mal noch die Fixes von @tantalos und @fuldi ins Paket integriert