[erledigt] openwebif -> Fernbedienungslayout einstellbar

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    • Hi, ich raff's einfach nicht, bei meiner Ultimo4k hatte ich das hinbekommen, aber bei meiner neuen Duo4k bekomme ich es nicht hin, das im OpenWebIf die korrekte FB angezeigt wird, ich habe immer nur die ow_remote. Noch nicht mal eine falsche.

      Im Ordner remotes vom OpenWebIf habe ich das Bild der normal_02 auch auf die normal kopiert. Wenn ich mir die owibranding.py ansehe, finde ich nix was dagegen spricht. Für die Duo4k sollte doch das Bild durch die GUI Einstellung hinterlegt sein.
      Browser Cache auch geleert, verschiedene Browser probiert.
      Jemand noch eine Idee?
      Spoiler anzeigen
      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

      # 2014 E2OpenPlugins #
      # #
      # This file is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
      # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as #
      # published by the Free Software Foundation. #
      # #
      # Simulate the oe-a boxbranding module (Only functions required by OWIF) #

      from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.__init__ import _
      from Components.About import about
      from socket import has_ipv6
      from Tools.Directories import fileExists, pathExists
      from Tools.HardwareInfo import HardwareInfo
      import string
      import os, hashlib

      from Components.About import about
      except ImportError:

      tpmloaded = 1
      from enigma import eTPM
      if not hasattr(eTPM, 'getData'):
      tpmloaded = 0
      tpmloaded = 0

      def validate_certificate(cert, key):
      buf = decrypt_block(cert[8:], key)
      if buf is None:
      return None
      return buf[36:107] + cert[139:196]

      def get_random():
      xor = lambda a,b: ''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(d)) for c,d in zip(a,b*100))
      random = urandom(8)
      x = str(time())[-8:]
      result = xor(random, x)

      return result
      return None

      def bin2long(s):
      return reduce( lambda x,y:(x<<8L)+y, map(ord, s))

      def long2bin(l):
      res = ""
      for byte in range(128):
      res += chr((l >> (1024 - (byte + 1) * 8)) & 0xff)
      return res

      def rsa_pub1024(src, mod):
      return long2bin(pow(bin2long(src), 65537, bin2long(mod)))

      def decrypt_block(src, mod):
      if len(src) != 128 and len(src) != 202:
      return None
      dest = rsa_pub1024(src[:128], mod)
      hash = hashlib.sha1(dest[1:107])
      if len(src) == 202:
      result = hash.digest()
      if result == dest[107:127]:
      return dest
      return None

      def tpm_check():
      tpm = eTPM()
      rootkey = ['\x9f', '|', '\xe4', 'G', '\xc9', '\xb4', '\xf4', '#', '&', '\xce', '\xb3', '\xfe', '\xda', '\xc9', 'U', '`', '\xd8', '\x8c', 's', 'o', '\x90', '\x9b', '\\', 'b', '\xc0', '\x89', '\xd1', '\x8c', '\x9e', 'J', 'T', '\xc5', 'X', '\xa1', '\xb8', '\x13', '5', 'E', '\x02', '\xc9', '\xb2', '\xe6', 't', '\x89', '\xde', '\xcd', '\x9d', '\x11', '\xdd', '\xc7', '\xf4', '\xe4', '\xe4', '\xbc', '\xdb', '\x9c', '\xea', '}', '\xad', '\xda', 't', 'r', '\x9b', '\xdc', '\xbc', '\x18', '3', '\xe7', '\xaf', '|', '\xae', '\x0c', '\xe3', '\xb5', '\x84', '\x8d', '\r', '\x8d', '\x9d', '2', '\xd0', '\xce', '\xd5', 'q', '\t', '\x84', 'c', '\xa8', ')', '\x99', '\xdc', '<', '"', 'x', '\xe8', '\x87', '\x8f', '\x02', ';', 'S', 'm', '\xd5', '\xf0', '\xa3', '_', '\xb7', 'T', '\t', '\xde', '\xa7', '\xf1', '\xc9', '\xae', '\x8a', '\xd7', '\xd2', '\xcf', '\xb2', '.', '\x13', '\xfb', '\xac', 'j', '\xdf', '\xb1', '\x1d', ':', '?']
      random = None
      result = None
      l2r = False
      l2k = None
      l3k = None

      l2c = tpm.getData(eTPM.DT_LEVEL2_CERT)
      if l2c is None:
      return 0

      l2k = validate_certificate(l2c, rootkey)
      if l2k is None:
      return 0

      l3c = tpm.getData(eTPM.DT_LEVEL3_CERT)
      if l3c is None:
      return 0

      l3k = validate_certificate(l3c, l2k)
      if l3k is None:
      return 0

      random = get_random()
      if random is None:
      return 0

      value = tpm.computeSignature(random)
      result = decrypt_block(value, l3k)
      if result is None:
      return 0

      if result [80:88] != random:
      return 0

      return 1
      return 0

      def getAllInfo():
      info = {}

      info['brand'] = "Vu+"
      f = open("/proc/stb/info/vumodel",'r')
      procmodel = f.readline().strip()
      orgdream = 0

      info['model'] = HardwareInfo().get_friendly_name()
      info['procmodel'] = procmodel
      info['type'] = procmodel

      info['transcodingmodel'] = False
      if procmodel in ("duo2", "solo2", "solose", "solo4k", "ultimo4k", "uno4k", "uno4kse", "duo4k", "duo4kse"):
      info['transcodingmodel'] = procmodel

      remote = "vu_normal"
      if procmodel in ("solo", "duo", "uno", "solo2", "solose", "zero", "solo4k", "uno4k", "duo4k", "ultimo4k"):
      remote = "vu_normal"
      elif procmodel == "duo2":
      remote = "vu_duo2"
      elif procmodel == "ultimo":
      remote = "vu_ultimo"
      elif procmodel in ("uno4kse", "zero4k", "duo4k", "duo4kse"):
      remote = "vu_normal_02"

      info['remote'] = remote

      distro = "VTi"
      imagever = ""
      imagever += about.getVTiVersionString()
      oever = "openvuplus 3.0"
      imagebuild = ""

      # reporting the installed dvb-module version is as close as we get without too much hassle
      driverdate = 'unknown'
      driverdate = os.popen('/usr/bin/opkg -V0 list_installed *dvb-modules*').readline().split( )[2] # nosec
      driverdate = os.popen('/usr/bin/opkg -V0 list_installed *dvb-proxy*').readline().split( )[2] # nosec
      driverdate = os.popen('/usr/bin/opkg -V0 list_installed *kernel-core-default-gos*').readline().split( )[2] # nosec
      except: # nosec

      info['oever'] = oever
      info['distro'] = distro
      info['imagever'] = imagever
      info['imagebuild'] = imagebuild
      info['driverdate'] = driverdate

      return info

      STATIC_INFO_DIC = getAllInfo()

      def getMachineBuild():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['procmodel']

      def getMachineBrand():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['brand']

      def getMachineName():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['model']

      def getMachineProcModel():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['procmodel']

      def getBoxType():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['type']

      def getOEVersion():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['oever']

      def getDriverDate():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['driverdate']

      def getImageVersion():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['imagever']

      def getImageBuild():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['imagebuild']

      def getImageDistro():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['distro']

      def getTranscodingModel():
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['transcodingmodel']

      class rc_model:
      def getRcFolder(self):
      return STATIC_INFO_DIC['remote']