LLS_FHD Skin + LLS_DreamPlex Skin (incl. DreamPlex Patches) - v3.2x

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    • Servus. Ich habe 2 Probleme :(

      Habe schon immer Probleme mit der Darstellung des Programmicons in der Infobar. Ein Bild ist angehangen und veranschaulicht das Problem.

      Des Weiteren kann ich seit dem neusten Skin-Update kein Backup mehr erstellen, weiß nicht, ob es zwingend mit dem Skins zu tun hat.
      Crashlog ist ebenfalls angehangen, ich werde nicht schlau drauß...

      Würde mich über Hilfe freuen!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Gueni0815 ()

    • Die Picons sollten die Größe 220x136 haben.
      Welches Backup geht nicht? Habe eben ein Image Backup ohne Zwischenfall erstellen können.

      Leider habe ich aber seit Version 3.3 Probleme mit dem Serienrecorder - da schaue ich zunächst gerade rein.
    • zum Thema Picons:

      gibt es denn verschiedene Ordner für die Picons im LCD Display und den in der von mir benannten und fehlerhaft angezeigten Infobar?
      Weil die haben ja scheinbar verschiedene Größen die Bilder, daher denke ich dass die fehlerhaft angezeigt werden, aber ich weiß nicht wo ich die Icons für die Infobar kopieren muss bzw. einstelle.

      zum Backup:

      Also ich möchte eine Safety Backup erstellen, dies funktioniert jedoch nicht....?! Geht aus dem Crashlog nichts Hilfreiches hervor?!

      Bin ratlos zu beiden themen :(
    • Den Picon Ordner kann man einstellen unter: VTI --> Einstellungen - GUI --> "Primäres Verzeichnis für Picons".

      Backup schaue ich mir nachher mal an. Aus dem Crashlog konnte ich nichts herauslesen.
    • Wollte mich nur für diesen tollen Skin bedanken.
      Bin heute von der Dreambox 7080 auf die Ultimo 4K gewechselt und bin absolut begeistert - hätte mir das mal jemand vorher gesagt... :)

      Eine kleine Frage hätte ich jedoch noch:
      Gibt es passende Bootlogos zum LLS Skin?
      Über die VTi Bootlogos kann man ja streiten...mir gefallen sie jedoch gar nicht.
      Welche Bootlogos verwendet ihr?
    • Zu Bootlogos gibt es hier einen eigenen Thread im Forum. Ich habe jedoch die angehangenen Bilder entsprechend konvertiert mit dem xorionBootLogoMatik... Damit kann man es halt völlig frei nach Wunsch gestalten.

      Als Spinner benutze ich den vom Fluid Skin.

      Ist aber wirklich ABSOLUT jedermanns Geschmacksache. ;)
      • 2.jpg

        (257,18 kB, 90 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
      • 4.jpg

        (286,27 kB, 78 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von IamWar ()

    • Hallo und guten Abend.
      Aufgrund unseres umfangreichen Umzuges komme ich ljetzt erst dazu zu schreiben.
      Meine oben geschilderte Problematik besteht nach wie vor.

      1. ich kann kein Backup erstellen, er bricht jedes Mal bei der Image-Sicherung ab und sagt dass die Sicherung des Grundsystems fehlgeschlagen sei…

      Er gibt an, dass ich die Datei "/tmp/vti-backup.log" für mehr Informationen öffnen solle... finde diese Datei aber auch gar nicht............

      2. die Picons in der Infobar, nicht im LCD Display, werden falsch angezeigt. Ich weiß, dass es einen Picon Ordner gibt. Ich nehme an, dieser zieht sich die picons für das Display und die Infobar. Kann man für die Infobar einen separaten Picon Ordner erstellen, so dass der Receiver sich diese lädt?!? Ich möchte einfach nur, dass die Programmbilder in der Infobar in "normaler" Größe angezeigt werden.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Gueni0815 ()

    • Hi,

      Erst mal danke für deinen super Skin und die tolle Integration von Dreamplex.

      Ich habe alles am laufen aber komischerweise taucht bei mir in den Submenus die Bibliothek immer zweimal auf. Eine der beiden Bibliotheken funktioniert problemlos. Wenn ich auf die andere Bibliothek gehe bekomme ich nach längerer Zeit eine Fehlermeldung.

      Das dreamplex log beim Öffnen des Menüs.

      Quellcode: dreamplex.lo

      1. 10:32:16.0875080 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshMenu -> <<<<<<<<<<
      2. 10:32:16.0875250 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> <<<<<<<<<<
      3. 10:35:45.0026259 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::onViewClosed -> >>>>>>>>>>
      4. 10:35:45.0026673 >>> D <<< DP_LibShows::onViewClosed -> cause: None
      5. 10:35:45.0026923 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::onViewClosed -> <<<<<<<<<<
      6. 10:35:45.0035372 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::myCallback -> >>>>>>>>>>
      7. 10:35:45.0035763 >>> S <<< __common__::restoreLiveTv -> >>>>>>>>>>
      8. 10:35:45.0036077 >>> D <<< __common__::restoreLiveTv -> liveTv: <enigma.eServiceReference; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'eServiceReference *' at 0x8fa69c38> >
      9. 10:35:45.0036311 >>> C <<< __common__::restoreLiveTv -> <<<<<<<<<<
      10. 10:35:45.0132603 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::myCallback -> <<<<<<<<<<
      11. 10:36:21.0231705 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> >>>>>>>>>>
      12. 10:36:21.0232920 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> currentMenuDataDict: {0: [('Filme', 5, 'movieEntry', {}), ('Serien', 6, 'showEntry', {}), ('Musik', 4, 'musicEntry', {})], 1: [('Serien', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'art': '', 'scanner': 'Plex Series Scanner', 'agent': 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb', 'updatedAt': '1461836235', 'port': '40084', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'title': 'Serien', 'serverName': 'WysePlex', 'source': 'plex', 'type': 'show', 'contentUrl': '', 'serverVersion': '', 'host': '', 'owned': '1', 'key': '', 'address': '', 'path': '/library/sections/8/all', 'unique': '0', 'accessToken': 'QmTMSjRDZcefB7qqmKsh', 'language': 'de', 'local': '0', 'machineIdentifier': '08e37029abee81e46628e576fed5c891671241f1'}), ('Serien', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'art': '', 'scanner': 'Plex Series Scanner', 'agent': 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb', 'updatedAt': '1461836235', 'port': '40084', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'title': 'Serien', 'serverName': 'WysePlex', 'source': 'plex', 'type': 'show', 'contentUrl': '', 'serverVersion': '', 'host': '', 'owned': '1', 'key': '', 'address': '', 'path': '/library/sections/8/all', 'unique': '0', 'accessToken': 'QmTMSjRDZcefB7qqmKsh', 'language': 'de', 'local': '0', 'machineIdentifier': '789c182056b96d48d673193574fdcc48162d6ca0'}), ('onDeck', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc64d0>, 'mixedEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'nextViewMode': 'mixed', 'type': 'movie', 'currentViewMode': 'movie'}), ('Neu', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc64d0>, 'mixedEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'nextViewMode': 'mixed', 'type': 'movie', 'currentViewMode': 'movie'})], 2: [('Alle Shows', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'All Shows', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'all', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('Nicht gesehen', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'Unwatched', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'unwatched', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('zuletzt ausgestrahlt', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'Recently Aired', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'newest', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('zuletzt hinzugef\xc3\xbcgt', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'Recently Added', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'recentlyAdded', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('zuletzt gesehene Episoden', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'Recently Viewed Episodes', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'recentlyViewed', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('zuletzt gesehene Shows', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'Recently Viewed Shows', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'recentlyViewedShows', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('On Deck', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'On Deck', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'onDeck', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('nach Sammlung', 8, 'showFilter', {'contentUrl': '', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By Collection', 'key': 'collection', 'hasSecondaryTag': '1', 'type': 'show', 'secondary': '1'}), ('nach ersten Buchstaben', 8, 'showFilter', {'contentUrl': '', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By First Letter', 'key': 'firstCharacter', 'hasSecondaryTag': '1', 'type': 'show', 'secondary': '1'}), ('nach Genre', 8, 'showFilter', {'contentUrl': '', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By Genre', 'key': 'genre', 'hasSecondaryTag': '1', 'type': 'show', 'secondary': '1'}), ('nach Jahr', 8, 'showFilter', {'contentUrl': '', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By Year', 'key': 'year', 'hasSecondaryTag': '1', 'type': 'show', 'secondary': '1'}), ('nach Inhaltsbewertung', 8, 'showFilter', {'contentUrl': '', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By Content Rating', 'key': 'contentRating', 'hasSecondaryTag': '1', 'type': 'show', 'secondary': '1'}), ('nach Verzeichnis', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': False, 'title': 'By Folder', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'folder', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('Suche Shows', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'search': '1', 'prompt': 'Search for Shows', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': 'Search for Shows', 'title': 'Search Shows...', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'search?type=2', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'}), ('Suche Episoden', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'contentUrl': '', 'search': '1', 'prompt': 'Search for Episodes', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'hasPromptTag': 'Search for Episodes', 'title': 'Search Episodes...', 'source': 'cache', 'key': 'search?type=4', 'hasSecondaryTag': False, 'type': 'show'})]}
      13. 10:36:21.0233437 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> menuStep: 2
      14. 10:36:21.0233805 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> selection = ('Serien', <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>, 'showEntry', {'art': '', 'scanner': 'Plex Series Scanner', 'agent': 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb', 'updatedAt': '1461836235', 'port': '40084', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'title': 'Serien', 'serverName': 'WysePlex', 'source': 'plex', 'type': 'show', 'contentUrl': '', 'serverVersion': '', 'host': '', 'owned': '1', 'key': '', 'address': '', 'path': '/library/sections/8/all', 'unique': '0', 'accessToken': 'QmTMSjRDZcefB7qqmKsh', 'language': 'de', 'local': '0', 'machineIdentifier': '789c182056b96d48d673193574fdcc48162d6ca0'})
      15. 10:36:21.0234012 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> selected entry <Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.__plugin__.Plugin object at 0x90cc6450>
      16. 10:36:21.0234192 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> selected entry is executable
      17. 10:36:21.0234370 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> mediaType: showEntry
      18. 10:36:21.0234610 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> entryData: {'art': '', 'scanner': 'Plex Series Scanner', 'agent': 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb', 'updatedAt': '1461836235', 'port': '40084', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'title': 'Serien', 'serverName': 'WysePlex', 'source': 'plex', 'type': 'show', 'contentUrl': '', 'serverVersion': '', 'host': '', 'owned': '1', 'key': '', 'address': '', 'path': '/library/sections/8/all', 'unique': '0', 'accessToken': 'QmTMSjRDZcefB7qqmKsh', 'language': 'de', 'local': '0', 'machineIdentifier': '789c182056b96d48d673193574fdcc48162d6ca0'}
      19. 10:36:21.0234793 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> hasPromptTag: False
      20. 10:36:21.0234972 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::executeSelectedEntry -> >>>>>>>>>>
      21. 10:36:21.0235148 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::executeSelectedEntry -> we are startable ...
      22. 10:36:21.0236237 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      23. 10:36:21.0236534 >>> D <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> initalEntryData: {'art': '', 'scanner': 'Plex Series Scanner', 'agent': 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb', 'updatedAt': '1461836235', 'port': '40084', 'uuid': 'e876d1f7-bf87-4801-aa17-cd8a0bfc2dc6', 'title': 'Serien', 'serverName': 'WysePlex', 'source': 'plex', 'type': 'show', 'contentUrl': '', 'serverVersion': '', 'host': '', 'owned': '1', 'key': '', 'address': '', 'path': '/library/sections/8/all', 'unique': '0', 'accessToken': 'QmTMSjRDZcefB7qqmKsh', 'language': 'de', 'local': '0', 'machineIdentifier': '789c182056b96d48d673193574fdcc48162d6ca0'}
      24. 10:36:21.0236739 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      25. 10:36:21.0236956 >>> D <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> libraryName: shows
      26. 10:36:21.0237249 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViews -> >>>>>>>>>>
      27. 10:36:21.0237432 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      28. 10:36:21.0237617 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getShowViewDefaults -> >>>>>>>>>>
      29. 10:36:21.0237784 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultSettingsList -> >>>>>>>>>>
      30. 10:36:21.0237948 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultSettingsList -> <<<<<<<<<<
      31. 10:36:21.0238125 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory:: -> >>>>>>>>>>
      32. 10:36:21.0238293 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory:: -> <<<<<<<<<<
      33. 10:36:21.0238537 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getShowViewDefaults -> <<<<<<<<<<
      34. 10:36:21.0240747 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      35. 10:36:21.0241918 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      36. 10:36:21.0242115 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d49128>
      37. 10:36:21.0242285 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      38. 10:36:21.0242450 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      39. 10:36:21.0242643 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      40. 10:36:21.0242808 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      41. 10:36:21.0242972 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      42. 10:36:21.0243135 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      43. 10:36:21.0243300 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      44. 10:36:21.0243460 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_0
      45. 10:36:21.0243624 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      46. 10:36:21.0243783 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      47. 10:36:21.0243945 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      48. 10:36:21.0244105 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_0
      49. 10:36:21.0244267 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      50. 10:36:21.0244429 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 16
      51. 10:36:21.0244591 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      52. 10:36:21.0244752 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 402
      53. 10:36:21.0244913 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      54. 10:36:21.0245073 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      55. 10:36:21.0245238 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      56. 10:36:21.0245398 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 315
      57. 10:36:21.0245595 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      58. 10:36:21.0245756 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      59. 10:36:21.0245918 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      60. 10:36:21.0246079 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      61. 10:36:21.0246240 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      62. 10:36:21.0246399 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: Backdrop
      63. 10:36:21.0248093 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      64. 10:36:21.0249186 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      65. 10:36:21.0249368 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d4f230>
      66. 10:36:21.0249531 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      67. 10:36:21.0249792 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      68. 10:36:21.0250054 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      69. 10:36:21.0250262 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      70. 10:36:21.0250433 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      71. 10:36:21.0250596 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      72. 10:36:21.0250759 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      73. 10:36:21.0250920 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_1
      74. 10:36:21.0251085 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      75. 10:36:21.0251245 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      76. 10:36:21.0251408 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      77. 10:36:21.0251567 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_1
      78. 10:36:21.0251729 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      79. 10:36:21.0251891 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 16
      80. 10:36:21.0252054 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      81. 10:36:21.0252216 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 402
      82. 10:36:21.0252379 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      83. 10:36:21.0252539 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      84. 10:36:21.0252703 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      85. 10:36:21.0252861 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 315
      86. 10:36:21.0253023 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      87. 10:36:21.0253182 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      88. 10:36:21.0253343 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      89. 10:36:21.0253504 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      90. 10:36:21.0253665 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      91. 10:36:21.0253822 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: Backdrop
      92. 10:36:21.0255468 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      93. 10:36:21.0256267 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      94. 10:36:21.0256457 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d54338>
      95. 10:36:21.0256623 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      96. 10:36:21.0256787 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      97. 10:36:21.0256953 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      98. 10:36:21.0257114 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      99. 10:36:21.0257275 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      100. 10:36:21.0257434 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      101. 10:36:21.0257608 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      102. 10:36:21.0257770 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: LLS_View_2
      103. 10:36:21.0257932 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      104. 10:36:21.0258090 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      105. 10:36:21.0258276 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      106. 10:36:21.0258438 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_2
      107. 10:36:21.0258601 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      108. 10:36:21.0258761 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 30
      109. 10:36:21.0258923 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      110. 10:36:21.0259082 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 475
      111. 10:36:21.0259245 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      112. 10:36:21.0259404 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      113. 10:36:21.0259566 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      114. 10:36:21.0259841 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 360
      115. 10:36:21.0260234 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      116. 10:36:21.0260616 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      117. 10:36:21.0260813 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      118. 10:36:21.0260979 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      119. 10:36:21.0261143 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      120. 10:36:21.0261303 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: Backdrop
      121. 10:36:21.0262992 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      122. 10:36:21.0263739 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      123. 10:36:21.0263928 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d54dd0>
      124. 10:36:21.0264093 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      125. 10:36:21.0264255 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      126. 10:36:21.0264418 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      127. 10:36:21.0264579 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 0
      128. 10:36:21.0264742 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      129. 10:36:21.0264901 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: False
      130. 10:36:21.0265064 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      131. 10:36:21.0265321 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_3_TV
      132. 10:36:21.0265537 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      133. 10:36:21.0265740 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 0
      134. 10:36:21.0265927 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      135. 10:36:21.0266092 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_3_TV
      136. 10:36:21.0266257 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      137. 10:36:21.0266532 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 10
      138. 10:36:21.0266710 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      139. 10:36:21.0266872 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 350
      140. 10:36:21.0267037 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      141. 10:36:21.0267197 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 0
      142. 10:36:21.0267361 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      143. 10:36:21.0267550 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 258
      144. 10:36:21.0267721 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      145. 10:36:21.0267881 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 0
      146. 10:36:21.0268045 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      147. 10:36:21.0268204 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      148. 10:36:21.0268368 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      149. 10:36:21.0268529 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: List
      150. 10:36:21.0270303 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      151. 10:36:21.0271040 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      152. 10:36:21.0271229 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d5a728>
      153. 10:36:21.0271396 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      154. 10:36:21.0271560 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      155. 10:36:21.0271725 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      156. 10:36:21.0271885 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      157. 10:36:21.0272049 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      158. 10:36:21.0272207 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      159. 10:36:21.0272371 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      160. 10:36:21.0272531 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_3_Backdrop
      161. 10:36:21.0272694 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      162. 10:36:21.0272875 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      163. 10:36:21.0273038 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      164. 10:36:21.0273199 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_3_Backdrop
      165. 10:36:21.0273362 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      166. 10:36:21.0273523 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 10
      167. 10:36:21.0273686 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      168. 10:36:21.0273845 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 350
      169. 10:36:21.0274008 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      170. 10:36:21.0274168 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      171. 10:36:21.0274328 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      172. 10:36:21.0274490 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 258
      173. 10:36:21.0274653 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      174. 10:36:21.0274814 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      175. 10:36:21.0274977 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      176. 10:36:21.0275138 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      177. 10:36:21.0275299 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      178. 10:36:21.0275490 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: Backdrop
      179. 10:36:21.0277116 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> >>>>>>>>>>
      180. 10:36:21.0277923 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getSubViewParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      181. 10:36:21.0278108 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> viewMe:<Element 'showView' at 0x90d60080>
      182. 10:36:21.0278272 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:miniTv
      183. 10:36:21.0278433 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      184. 10:36:21.0278600 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoWidth
      185. 10:36:21.0278761 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      186. 10:36:21.0278924 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideos
      187. 10:36:21.0279082 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: True
      188. 10:36:21.0279245 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:name
      189. 10:36:21.0279405 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_4
      190. 10:36:21.0279566 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropVideoHeight
      191. 10:36:21.0279865 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      192. 10:36:21.0280164 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:screen
      193. 10:36:21.0280342 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: DPS_View_4
      194. 10:36:21.0280702 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:itemsPerPage
      195. 10:36:21.0280878 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 12
      196. 10:36:21.0281044 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterHeight
      197. 10:36:21.0281208 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 350
      198. 10:36:21.0281371 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropHeight
      199. 10:36:21.0281531 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1080
      200. 10:36:21.0281694 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:posterWidth
      201. 10:36:21.0281852 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 258
      202. 10:36:21.0282015 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:backdropWidth
      203. 10:36:21.0282176 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1920
      204. 10:36:21.0282339 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:apiLevel
      205. 10:36:21.0282499 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: 1
      206. 10:36:21.0282677 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> setting:type
      207. 10:36:21.0282838 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> value: Backdrop
      208. 10:36:21.0283068 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViewsFromSkinParams -> <<<<<<<<<<
      209. 10:36:21.0283278 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getViews -> <<<<<<<<<<
      210. 10:36:21.0283541 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      211. 10:36:21.0283723 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      212. 10:36:21.0301515 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::showView -> >>>>>>>>>>
      213. 10:36:21.0301828 >>> S <<< Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.DP_ViewShows -> >>>>>>>>>>
      214. 10:36:21.0302009 >>> C <<< Plugins.Extensions.DreamPlex.DP_ViewShows -> <<<<<<<<<<
      215. 10:36:21.0302354 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      216. 10:36:21.0302573 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      217. 10:36:21.0302757 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      218. 10:36:21.0303137 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      219. 10:36:21.0303354 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      220. 10:36:21.0303611 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      221. 10:36:21.0303794 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      222. 10:36:21.0303974 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      223. 10:36:21.0304152 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> >>>>>>>>>>
      224. 10:36:21.0304618 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      225. 10:36:21.0304804 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::initScreen -> >>>>>>>>>>
      226. 10:36:21.0305052 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::initScreen -> <<<<<<<<<<
      227. 10:36:21.0306205 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> viewParams: {'subViews': {'ShowEpisodesDirect': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': True}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': True}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'audio': {'visible': True}, 'resolution': {'visible': True}, 'subtitles': {'visible': True}}, 'ShowEpisodes': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': True}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': True}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'audio': {'visible': True}, 'resolution': {'visible': True}, 'subtitles': {'visible': True}}, 'ShowShows': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'studio': {'xCoord': '1550', 'yCoord': '845'}, 'duration': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'shortDescription': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '720'}}, 'ShowSeasons': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': False}, 'duration': {'visible': False}, 'childCount': {'visible': False}}}, 'elements': {'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': False}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': True}, 'tag': {'visible': True}, 'file': {'visible': False}, 'year': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True}, 'total': {'visible': True}, 'videoResolution': {'visible': False}, 'videoFrameRate': {'visible': False}, 'rated': {'visible': False}, 'title': {'visible': True}, 'shortDescription': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': False}, 'leafCount': {'visible': True}, 'rating_stars': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': False}, 'childCount': {'visible': True}, 'audioCodec': {'visible': False}, 'grandparentTitle': {'visible': True}, 'info': {'visible': True}, 'poster': {'visible': True}, 'director': {'visible': False}, 'viewedLeafCount': {'visible': True}, 'studio': {'visible': True}, 'genre': {'visible': True}, 'bitrate': {'visible': False}, 'subtitles': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': False}, 'pagination': {'visible': True}, 'videoCodec': {'visible': False}, 'cast': {'visible': False}, 'audioChannels': {'visible': False}, 'aspectRatio': {'visible': False}, 'audio': {'visible': False}, 'resolution': {'visible': False}, 'backdrop': {'visible': True}}, 'settings': {'miniTv': True, 'backdropVideoWidth': '1920', 'backdropVideos': True, 'name': 'LLS_View_2', 'backdropVideoHeight': '1080', 'screen': 'DPS_View_2', 'itemsPerPage': '30', 'posterHeight': '475', 'backdropHeight': '1080', 'posterWidth': '360', 'backdropWidth': '1920', 'apiLevel': '1', 'type': 'Backdrop'}}
      228. 10:36:21.0306468 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> libraryName: shows
      229. 10:36:21.0306660 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> self.skinName: DPS_View_2
      230. 10:36:21.0306841 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> self.currentViewName: LLS_View_2
      231. 10:36:21.0307068 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setListViewElementsCount -> >>>>>>>>>>
      232. 10:36:21.0307256 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::setListViewElementsCount -> self.itemsPerPage: 30
      233. 10:36:21.0307428 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setListViewElementsCount -> <<<<<<<<<<
      234. 10:36:21.0307624 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getNoneDirectoryElements -> >>>>>>>>>>
      235. 10:36:21.0307784 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultDirectoryElementsList -> >>>>>>>>>>
      236. 10:36:21.0307955 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultDirectoryElementsList -> <<<<<<<<<<
      237. 10:36:21.0308123 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory:: -> >>>>>>>>>>
      238. 10:36:21.0311105 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory:: -> <<<<<<<<<<
      239. 10:36:21.0311474 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultDirectoryElementsList -> >>>>>>>>>>
      240. 10:36:21.0311674 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getDefaultDirectoryElementsList -> <<<<<<<<<<
      241. 10:36:21.0312126 >>> S <<< DP_ViewFactory::getGuiElements -> >>>>>>>>>>
      242. 10:36:21.0312501 >>> D <<< DP_ViewFactory::getGuiElements -> guiElements: {'key_yellow': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_yellow.png', 'videoCase': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_red.png', 'musicCase': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_red.png', 'key_blue': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_blue.png', 'seenPic': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/seen.png', 'unseenPic': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/unseen.png', 'startedPic': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/started.png', 'key_green': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_green.png', 'key_red': '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_red.png'}
      243. 10:36:21.0312682 >>> C <<< DP_ViewFactory::getGuiElements -> <<<<<<<<<<
      244. 10:36:21.0313006 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getServerName -> >>>>>>>>>>
      245. 10:36:21.0313183 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getServerName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      246. 10:36:21.0313365 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getServerConfig -> >>>>>>>>>>
      247. 10:36:21.0313530 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getServerConfig -> <<<<<<<<<<
      248. 10:36:21.0313712 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setMultiLevelElements -> >>>>>>>>>>
      249. 10:36:21.0314246 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setMultiLevelElements -> <<<<<<<<<<
      250. 10:36:21.0315597 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Total:
      251. 10:36:21.0316527 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Seiten:
      252. 10:36:21.0318138 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Cast:
      253. 10:36:21.0318856 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = drücke 'Text'
      254. 10:36:21.0319493 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Untertitel:
      255. 10:36:21.0321540 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = press 'Audio' or 'Radio'
      256. 10:36:21.0322720 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Audio:
      257. 10:36:21.0323395 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = drücke 'Info'
      258. 10:36:21.0324404 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Info:
      259. 10:36:21.0325071 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Regisseur:
      260. 10:36:21.0325729 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Autor:
      261. 10:36:21.0326762 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Genre:
      262. 10:36:21.0327423 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Jahr:
      263. 10:36:21.0328454 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Medias:
      264. 10:36:21.0329143 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Ungesehen:
      265. 10:36:21.0329804 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Gesehen:
      266. 10:36:21.0330533 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Staffel:
      267. 10:36:21.0331579 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Studio:
      268. 10:36:21.0332237 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Laufzeit:
      269. 10:36:21.0333478 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Video Codec:
      270. 10:36:21.0334556 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Bitrate:
      271. 10:36:21.0335617 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Framerate:
      272. 10:36:21.0336524 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Audio Kanäle
      273. 10:36:21.0337915 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Aspect Ratio:
      274. 10:36:21.0338685 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Auflösung:
      275. 10:36:21.0339906 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Audio Codec:
      276. 10:36:21.0341475 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = File:
      277. 10:36:21.0342044 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      278. 10:36:21.0343134 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Shows
      279. 10:36:21.0343434 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::__init__ -> <<<<<<<<<<
      280. 10:36:21.0491501 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::addNewScreen -> >>>>>>>>>>
      281. 10:36:21.0491876 >>> S <<< __common__::addNewScreen -> >>>>>>>>>>
      282. 10:36:21.0492061 >>> C <<< __common__::addNewScreen -> <<<<<<<<<<
      283. 10:36:21.0492249 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::addNewScreen -> <<<<<<<<<<
      284. 10:36:21.0492436 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setPara -> >>>>>>>>>>
      285. 10:36:21.0492874 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setPara -> <<<<<<<<<<
      286. 10:36:21.0493070 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> >>>>>>>>>>
      287. 10:36:21.0493257 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:soundchannels
      288. 10:36:21.0493436 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      289. 10:36:21.0493607 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: soundchannels
      290. 10:36:21.0493778 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      291. 10:36:21.0494259 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'soundchannelsLabel'
      292. 10:36:21.0494453 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      293. 10:36:21.0494637 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:aspect
      294. 10:36:21.0494813 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      295. 10:36:21.0494982 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: aspect
      296. 10:36:21.0495151 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      297. 10:36:21.0495433 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'aspectLabel'
      298. 10:36:21.0495607 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      299. 10:36:21.0495782 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:unviewedLeafCount
      300. 10:36:21.0495956 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      301. 10:36:21.0496123 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: unviewedLeafCount
      302. 10:36:21.0496291 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      303. 10:36:21.0496510 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      304. 10:36:21.0496686 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:tag
      305. 10:36:21.0496858 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      306. 10:36:21.0497027 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: tag
      307. 10:36:21.0497194 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      308. 10:36:21.0497394 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'tagLabel'
      309. 10:36:21.0497562 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      310. 10:36:21.0497737 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:file
      311. 10:36:21.0497909 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      312. 10:36:21.0498076 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: file
      313. 10:36:21.0498242 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      314. 10:36:21.0498543 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      315. 10:36:21.0498720 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:year
      316. 10:36:21.0498918 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      317. 10:36:21.0499089 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: year
      318. 10:36:21.0499257 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      319. 10:36:21.0499458 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      320. 10:36:21.0499907 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:duration
      321. 10:36:21.0500219 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      322. 10:36:21.0500614 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: duration
      323. 10:36:21.0500824 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      324. 10:36:21.0501048 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      325. 10:36:21.0501226 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:total
      326. 10:36:21.0501399 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      327. 10:36:21.0501569 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: total
      328. 10:36:21.0501739 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      329. 10:36:21.0501942 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      330. 10:36:21.0502113 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:videoResolution
      331. 10:36:21.0502286 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      332. 10:36:21.0502456 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: videoResolution
      333. 10:36:21.0502648 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      334. 10:36:21.0503067 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      335. 10:36:21.0503252 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:videoFrameRate
      336. 10:36:21.0503424 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      337. 10:36:21.0503591 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: videoFrameRate
      338. 10:36:21.0503759 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      339. 10:36:21.0504052 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      340. 10:36:21.0504229 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:rated
      341. 10:36:21.0504401 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      342. 10:36:21.0504570 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: rated
      343. 10:36:21.0504735 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      344. 10:36:21.0504995 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'ratedLabel'
      345. 10:36:21.0505219 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      346. 10:36:21.0505468 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:title
      347. 10:36:21.0505694 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      348. 10:36:21.0505907 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: title
      349. 10:36:21.0506084 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      350. 10:36:21.0506301 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'titleLabel'
      351. 10:36:21.0506474 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      352. 10:36:21.0506648 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:shortDescription
      353. 10:36:21.0506820 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      354. 10:36:21.0506987 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: shortDescription
      355. 10:36:21.0507154 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      356. 10:36:21.0507359 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'shortDescriptionLabel'
      357. 10:36:21.0507530 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      358. 10:36:21.0507703 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:writer
      359. 10:36:21.0507872 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      360. 10:36:21.0508040 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: writer
      361. 10:36:21.0508206 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      362. 10:36:21.0508571 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      363. 10:36:21.0508769 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:leafCount
      364. 10:36:21.0508944 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      365. 10:36:21.0509112 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: leafCount
      366. 10:36:21.0509281 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      367. 10:36:21.0509486 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      368. 10:36:21.0509659 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:rating_stars
      369. 10:36:21.0509845 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      370. 10:36:21.0510059 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: rating_stars
      371. 10:36:21.0510248 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      372. 10:36:21.0510470 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'rating_starsLabel'
      373. 10:36:21.0510646 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      374. 10:36:21.0510821 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:codec
      375. 10:36:21.0510994 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      376. 10:36:21.0511162 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: codec
      377. 10:36:21.0511330 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      378. 10:36:21.0511619 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'codecLabel'
      379. 10:36:21.0511796 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      380. 10:36:21.0511990 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:childCount
      381. 10:36:21.0512165 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      382. 10:36:21.0512333 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: childCount
      383. 10:36:21.0512500 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      384. 10:36:21.0512705 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      385. 10:36:21.0512875 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:audioCodec
      386. 10:36:21.0513046 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      387. 10:36:21.0513214 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: audioCodec
      388. 10:36:21.0513382 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      389. 10:36:21.0513689 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      390. 10:36:21.0513864 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:grandparentTitle
      391. 10:36:21.0514037 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      392. 10:36:21.0514206 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: grandparentTitle
      393. 10:36:21.0514373 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      394. 10:36:21.0514575 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'grandparentTitleLabel'
      395. 10:36:21.0514745 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      396. 10:36:21.0514920 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:info
      397. 10:36:21.0515089 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      398. 10:36:21.0515257 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: info
      399. 10:36:21.0515462 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      400. 10:36:21.0515673 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      401. 10:36:21.0515844 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:poster
      402. 10:36:21.0516014 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      403. 10:36:21.0516185 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: poster
      404. 10:36:21.0516466 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      405. 10:36:21.0516691 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'posterLabel'
      406. 10:36:21.0516866 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      407. 10:36:21.0517042 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:director
      408. 10:36:21.0517215 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      409. 10:36:21.0517400 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: director
      410. 10:36:21.0517569 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      411. 10:36:21.0517894 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      412. 10:36:21.0518074 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:viewedLeafCount
      413. 10:36:21.0518247 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      414. 10:36:21.0518414 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: viewedLeafCount
      415. 10:36:21.0518581 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      416. 10:36:21.0518786 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      417. 10:36:21.0518958 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:studio
      418. 10:36:21.0519128 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      419. 10:36:21.0519296 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: studio
      420. 10:36:21.0519464 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      421. 10:36:21.0519807 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      422. 10:36:21.0520160 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:genre
      423. 10:36:21.0520534 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      424. 10:36:21.0520750 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: genre
      425. 10:36:21.0520925 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      426. 10:36:21.0521138 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      427. 10:36:21.0521313 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:bitrate
      428. 10:36:21.0521529 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      429. 10:36:21.0521716 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: bitrate
      430. 10:36:21.0521888 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      431. 10:36:21.0522278 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      432. 10:36:21.0522467 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:subtitles
      433. 10:36:21.0522663 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      434. 10:36:21.0522833 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: subtitles
      435. 10:36:21.0523002 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      436. 10:36:21.0523305 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      437. 10:36:21.0523480 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:sound
      438. 10:36:21.0523653 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      439. 10:36:21.0523821 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: sound
      440. 10:36:21.0523988 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      441. 10:36:21.0524245 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'soundLabel'
      442. 10:36:21.0524416 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      443. 10:36:21.0524593 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:pagination
      444. 10:36:21.0524762 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      445. 10:36:21.0524929 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: pagination
      446. 10:36:21.0525095 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      447. 10:36:21.0525297 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      448. 10:36:21.0525467 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:videoCodec
      449. 10:36:21.0525637 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      450. 10:36:21.0525804 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: videoCodec
      451. 10:36:21.0525971 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      452. 10:36:21.0526263 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      453. 10:36:21.0526436 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:cast
      454. 10:36:21.0526609 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      455. 10:36:21.0526775 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: cast
      456. 10:36:21.0526943 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      457. 10:36:21.0527243 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      458. 10:36:21.0527420 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:audioChannels
      459. 10:36:21.0527595 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      460. 10:36:21.0527763 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: audioChannels
      461. 10:36:21.0527931 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      462. 10:36:21.0528214 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      463. 10:36:21.0528387 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:aspectRatio
      464. 10:36:21.0528558 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      465. 10:36:21.0528726 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: aspectRatio
      466. 10:36:21.0528978 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      467. 10:36:21.0529288 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      468. 10:36:21.0529462 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:audio
      469. 10:36:21.0529634 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      470. 10:36:21.0529801 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: audio
      471. 10:36:21.0530001 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      472. 10:36:21.0530384 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      473. 10:36:21.0530564 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:resolution
      474. 10:36:21.0530736 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      475. 10:36:21.0530906 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: resolution
      476. 10:36:21.0531072 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: False
      477. 10:36:21.0531331 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'resolutionLabel'
      478. 10:36:21.0531502 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      479. 10:36:21.0531678 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> element:backdrop
      480. 10:36:21.0531851 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      481. 10:36:21.0532021 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> element: backdrop
      482. 10:36:21.0532188 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> visibility: True
      483. 10:36:21.0532386 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> Exception: 'backdropLabel'
      484. 10:36:21.0532556 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterGuiElementVisibility -> <<<<<<<<<<
      485. 10:36:21.0532729 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::processGuiElements -> <<<<<<<<<<
      486. 10:36:21.0532913 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::finishLayout -> >>>>>>>>>>
      487. 10:36:21.0533192 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::finishLayout -> guiElements_key_red/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_buttons/btn_red.png
      488. 10:36:21.0533381 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::initPlaybackMode -> >>>>>>>>>>
      489. 10:36:21.0534691 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Streamed
      490. 10:36:21.0535706 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Transcoded
      491. 10:36:21.0536693 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Direct Local
      492. 10:36:21.0536933 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::initPlaybackMode -> <<<<<<<<<<
      493. 10:36:21.0537114 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::initColorFunctions -> >>>>>>>>>>
      494. 10:36:21.0538119 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = View '
      495. 10:36:21.0539075 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = playback mode 'Streamed'
      496. 10:36:21.0539812 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Zeige Details
      497. 10:36:21.0540753 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Medias löschen
      498. 10:36:21.0541810 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = use for Mapping
      499. 10:36:21.0542038 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterColorFunctionNames -> >>>>>>>>>>
      500. 10:36:21.0542368 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterColorFunctionNames -> <<<<<<<<<<
      501. 10:36:21.0542563 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::initColorFunctions -> <<<<<<<<<<
      502. 10:36:21.0542743 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> >>>>>>>>>>
      503. 10:36:21.0542918 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> currentFunctionLevel: 1
      504. 10:36:21.0543194 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> <<<<<<<<<<
      505. 10:36:21.0543404 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::initMiniTv -> >>>>>>>>>>
      506. 10:36:21.0543767 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::initMiniTv -> <<<<<<<<<<
      507. 10:36:21.0543960 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::onKey1 -> >>>>>>>>>>
      508. 10:36:21.0544135 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> >>>>>>>>>>
      509. 10:36:21.0544304 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> currentFunctionLevel: 1
      510. 10:36:21.0544563 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setLevelActive -> <<<<<<<<<<
      511. 10:36:21.0544735 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterColorFunctionNames -> >>>>>>>>>>
      512. 10:36:21.0545006 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterColorFunctionNames -> <<<<<<<<<<
      513. 10:36:21.0545221 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::onKey1 -> <<<<<<<<<<
      514. 10:36:21.0546659 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::getSeenVisus -> >>>>>>>>>>
      515. 10:36:21.0546878 >>> S <<< __common__::loadPicture -> >>>>>>>>>>
      516. 10:36:21.0547232 >>> D <<< __common__::loadPicture -> filename: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/seen.png
      517. 10:36:21.0547407 >>> C <<< __common__::loadPicture -> <<<<<<<<<<
      518. 10:36:21.0547623 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::getSeenVisus -> self.seenPic: <enigma.gPixmapPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< gPixmap > *' at 0x8cfdd230> >
      519. 10:36:21.0547792 >>> S <<< __common__::loadPicture -> >>>>>>>>>>
      520. 10:36:21.0548151 >>> D <<< __common__::loadPicture -> filename: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/started.png
      521. 10:36:21.0548318 >>> C <<< __common__::loadPicture -> <<<<<<<<<<
      522. 10:36:21.0548517 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::getSeenVisus -> self.startedPic: <enigma.gPixmapPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< gPixmap > *' at 0x8cfdd470> >
      523. 10:36:21.0548682 >>> S <<< __common__::loadPicture -> >>>>>>>>>>
      524. 10:36:21.0549021 >>> D <<< __common__::loadPicture -> filename: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/LLS_DreamPlex/lls_icons/state/unseen.png
      525. 10:36:21.0549187 >>> C <<< __common__::loadPicture -> <<<<<<<<<<
      526. 10:36:21.0549385 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::getSeenVisus -> self.unseenPic: <enigma.gPixmapPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< gPixmap > *' at 0x8cfdd0f8> >
      527. 10:36:21.0549553 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::getSeenVisus -> <<<<<<<<<<
      528. 10:36:21.0550286 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::finishLayout -> <<<<<<<<<<
      529. 10:36:21.0550519 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::setCustomTitle -> >>>>>>>>>>
      530. 10:36:21.0551664 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = shows
      531. 10:36:21.0552694 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text = Shows
      532. 10:36:21.0553043 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::setCustomTitle -> <<<<<<<<<<
      533. 10:36:21.0568835 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::getViewListData -> >>>>>>>>>>
      534. 10:36:21.0569132 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::_load -> >>>>>>>>>>
      535. 10:36:21.0569323 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::_load -> entryData: None
      536. 10:36:21.0569507 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::loadLibrary -> >>>>>>>>>>
      537. 10:36:21.0569697 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::loadLibrary -> <<<<<<<<<<
      538. 10:36:21.0569872 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::loadLibraryData -> >>>>>>>>>>
      539. 10:36:21.0570137 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryData -> >>>>>>>>>>
      540. 10:36:21.0583629 >>> S <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryDataFromPlex -> >>>>>>>>>>
      541. 10:36:21.0583926 >>> D <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryDataFromPlex -> nextViewMode: show
      542. 10:36:21.0584122 >>> D <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryDataFromPlex -> currentViewMode: None
      543. 10:36:21.0584331 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getShowsFromSection -> >>>>>>>>>>
      544. 10:36:21.0584506 >>> D <<< PlexLibrary::getShowsFromSection -> url:
      545. 10:36:21.0584681 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getXmlTreeFromUrl -> >>>>>>>>>>
      546. 10:36:21.0584858 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::doRequest -> >>>>>>>>>>
      547. 10:36:21.0585028 >>> D <<< PlexLibrary::doRequest -> url:
      548. 10:36:21.0585265 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> >>>>>>>>>>
      549. 10:36:21.0585504 >>> D <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> url:
      550. 10:36:21.0585724 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> <<<<<<<<<<
      551. 10:36:21.0585955 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getUrlPathFormURL -> >>>>>>>>>>
      552. 10:36:21.0586168 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getUrlPathFormURL -> <<<<<<<<<<
      553. 10:36:21.0586458 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::get_hTokenForServer -> >>>>>>>>>>
      554. 10:36:21.0586637 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::get_hTokenForServer -> <<<<<<<<<<
      555. 10:36:21.0586878 >>> S <<< __common__::getPlexHeader -> >>>>>>>>>>
      556. 10:36:21.0587043 >>> S <<< __common__::getBoxtype -> >>>>>>>>>>
      557. 10:36:21.0587203 >>> C <<< __common__::getBoxtype -> <<<<<<<<<<
      558. 10:36:21.0587431 >>> C <<< __common__::getPlexHeader -> <<<<<<<<<<
      559. 10:36:51.0610693 >>> D <<< PlexLibrary::doRequest -> Unable to connect to
      560. Reason: timed out
      561. 10:36:51.0610962 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::doRequest -> <<<<<<<<<<
      562. 10:36:51.0611250 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getXmlTreeFromUrl -> <<<<<<<<<<
      563. 10:36:51.0611431 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getFakeXml -> >>>>>>>>>>
      564. 10:36:51.0611690 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getFakeXml -> <<<<<<<<<<
      565. 10:36:51.0611880 >>> S <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> >>>>>>>>>>
      566. 10:36:51.0612052 >>> D <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> url:
      567. 10:36:51.0612220 >>> C <<< PlexLibrary::getServerFromURL -> <<<<<<<<<<
      568. 10:36:51.0612415 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryDataFromPlex -> <<<<<<<<<<
      569. 10:36:51.0612592 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::getLibraryData -> <<<<<<<<<<
      570. 10:36:51.0612765 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::loadLibraryData -> <<<<<<<<<<
      571. 10:36:51.0612967 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterViewStateInList -> >>>>>>>>>>
      572. 10:36:51.0613136 >>> S <<< __common__::loadPicture -> >>>>>>>>>>
      573. 10:36:51.0613802 >>> D <<< __common__::loadPicture -> filename: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/default/images/picreset.png
      574. 10:36:51.0613984 >>> C <<< __common__::loadPicture -> <<<<<<<<<<
      575. 10:36:51.0614167 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::alterViewStateInList -> <<<<<<<<<<
      576. 10:36:51.0614378 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::_load -> mediaContainer: {}
      577. 10:36:51.0614563 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::updateList -> >>>>>>>>>>
      578. 10:36:51.0616510 >>> D <<< __init__::_(txt) -> text =
      579. %s
      580. 10:36:51.0632923 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::leaveNow -> >>>>>>>>>>
      581. 10:36:51.0633189 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::leaveNow -> <<<<<<<<<<
      582. 10:36:51.0633542 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::updateList -> <<<<<<<<<<
      583. 10:36:51.0633743 >>> S <<< DPS_ViewShows::refresh -> >>>>>>>>>>
      584. 10:36:51.0634016 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::refresh -> fastScroll: False
      585. 10:36:51.0634876 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::refresh -> self.viewParams: {'subViews': {'ShowEpisodesDirect': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': True}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': True}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'audio': {'visible': True}, 'resolution': {'visible': True}, 'subtitles': {'visible': True}}, 'ShowEpisodes': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': True}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': True}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'audio': {'visible': True}, 'resolution': {'visible': True}, 'subtitles': {'visible': True}}, 'ShowShows': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': False}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'rated': {'xCoord': '1852', 'yCoord': '607'}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'studio': {'xCoord': '1550', 'yCoord': '845'}, 'duration': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '560'}, 'shortDescription': {'visible': True, 'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '720'}}, 'ShowSeasons': {'grandparentTitle': {'visible': True}, 'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'title': {'xCoord': '870', 'yCoord': '497'}, 'btn_yellow': {'visible': False}, 'duration': {'visible': False}, 'childCount': {'visible': False}}}, 'elements': {'soundchannels': {'visible': False}, 'aspect': {'visible': False}, 'unviewedLeafCount': {'visible': True}, 'tag': {'visible': True}, 'file': {'visible': False}, 'year': {'visible': True}, 'duration': {'visible': True}, 'total': {'visible': True}, 'videoResolution': {'visible': False}, 'videoFrameRate': {'visible': False}, 'rated': {'visible': False}, 'title': {'visible': True}, 'shortDescription': {'visible': True}, 'writer': {'visible': False}, 'leafCount': {'visible': True}, 'rating_stars': {'visible': True}, 'codec': {'visible': False}, 'childCount': {'visible': True}, 'audioCodec': {'visible': False}, 'grandparentTitle': {'visible': True}, 'info': {'visible': True}, 'poster': {'visible': True}, 'director': {'visible': False}, 'viewedLeafCount': {'visible': True}, 'studio': {'visible': True}, 'genre': {'visible': True}, 'bitrate': {'visible': False}, 'subtitles': {'visible': False}, 'sound': {'visible': False}, 'pagination': {'visible': True}, 'videoCodec': {'visible': False}, 'cast': {'visible': False}, 'audioChannels': {'visible': False}, 'aspectRatio': {'visible': False}, 'audio': {'visible': False}, 'resolution': {'visible': False}, 'backdrop': {'visible': True}}, 'settings': {'miniTv': True, 'backdropVideoWidth': '1920', 'backdropVideos': True, 'name': 'LLS_View_2', 'backdropVideoHeight': '1080', 'screen': 'DPS_View_2', 'itemsPerPage': '30', 'posterHeight': '475', 'backdropHeight': '1080', 'posterWidth': '360', 'backdropWidth': '1920', 'apiLevel': '1', 'type': 'Backdrop'}}
      586. 10:36:51.0635108 >>> D <<< DPS_ViewShows::refresh -> showMedia: False
      587. 10:36:51.0635611 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::refresh -> <<<<<<<<<<
      588. 10:36:51.0635823 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::_load -> <<<<<<<<<<
      589. 10:36:51.0636058 >>> C <<< DPS_ViewShows::getViewListData -> <<<<<<<<<<
      590. 10:36:51.0636280 >>> C <<< DP_LibShows::showView -> <<<<<<<<<<
      591. 10:36:51.0636516 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::executeSelectedEntry -> <<<<<<<<<<
      592. 10:36:51.0636696 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshMenu -> >>>>>>>>>>
      593. 10:36:51.0636876 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshOrientationHorMenu -> >>>>>>>>>>
      594. 10:36:51.0637047 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshOrientationHorMenu -> value: 0
      595. 10:36:51.0637272 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      596. 10:36:51.0637491 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      597. 10:36:51.0637692 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      598. 10:36:51.0637888 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      599. 10:36:51.0638084 >>> D <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshOrientationHorMenu -> secondResult: 3
      600. 10:36:51.0638254 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      601. 10:36:51.0638450 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::translatePositionToName -> <<<<<<<<<<
      602. 10:36:51.0638649 >>> S <<< DPS_ServerMenu::hideUnusedElementsFromMenu -> >>>>>>>>>>
      603. 10:36:51.0638821 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::hideUnusedElementsFromMenu -> <<<<<<<<<<
      604. 10:36:51.0638989 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshOrientationHorMenu -> <<<<<<<<<<
      605. 10:36:51.0639156 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::refreshMenu -> <<<<<<<<<<
      606. 10:36:51.0639324 >>> C <<< DPS_ServerMenu::okbuttonClick -> <<<<<<<<<<
      Alles anzeigen

      Hat jemand einen Ahnung oder einen Tipp wie ich das beheben könnte?

      Könnte das ggf. mit den von mir verwendeten Ports zusammen hängen? ich nutze intern und externen einen unterschiedlichen Port.

      Privat x.x.x.x : 32400 Öffentlich x.x.x.x : 40084 Internet



      Edit by ditschi: Bilder und Grafiken bitte als Dateianhang und nicht über irgendwelche Webhoster hier anhängen.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von ditschi1691 ()

    • @Gueni0815: ich kann beide Fehler leider nicht nachvollziehen und sehe auch keinen direkten Zusammenhang zum Skin. Die Backup Funktion habe ich getestet ohne Zwischenfälle und bei den Picons kann ich nichts feststellen. Welche Picons verwendest du?
    • LLS_FHD Skin + LLS_DreamPlex Skin (incl. DreamPlex Patches) - v3.2x

      Also ein Dreamplex Problem und deshalb im Falschen Thread da es hier ja um den Skin geht.
      Deshalb kam wohl auch keine Antwort ;)

      gesendet von Unterwegs
      Skins: Uno4K = LinearFHD / Zero = IflatFHD
      Vodafone BW V23 Karte (Premium Paket + HD Option) mit Oscam über den BoxPirates Cam Manager
      Richtige Benennung von Filme und Serien für Emby ,Plex oder Kodi ? ...mit dem Tool FileBot schnell erledigt
    • Noch eine Frage:

      Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Default View von On Deck auf der Ebene der Movies bzw. Shows auch auf eine andere View als die DPS_View_0 zu ändern?

      Oder zumindest die Möglichkeit die durch die "blaue Taste" geänderte View zu speichern?


    • Danke für den Tipp mit dem verschieben der Reihenfolge. Habe nun die bevorzugte View einfach in der XML nach vorne kopiert.

      Ich hoffe meine dritte Frage hat endlich etwas mit dem Skin zu tun. Wenn ich das richtige sehe gibt es nicht nur eine showView und movieView sondern auch eine mixedView. Sollte nicht in der Theorie diese View für den OnDeck/Neu Bereich zuständig sein?

      Was mir auch aufgefallen ist (werde ich dann aber noch im Detail im dreamplex Thread fragen) ist die Einstellung in der settings. Für die showView wird hier "config.plugins.dreamplex.defaultMixedView=2" also aus meiner Sicht eigentlich die Einstellungen für den Bereich oberhalb der Bibliotheken genutzt. Bei den Film Bereich ist es korrekt "config.plugins.dreamplex.defaultMovieView=2".
    • IamWar schrieb:

      Ist auch ein Thema in DreamPlex.

      Du kannst in den XML Dateien die Reihenfolge der Views verschieben (params.xml). Ansonsten nicht möglich.

      Vielen Dank für den Tipp. Ich habe das ganze getestet und es hat soweit wirklich funktioniert. Allerdings war mir die Lösung etwas zu "Systemnah". Aus diesem Grund habe ich DreamPlex etwas erweitert um einen Menu Eintrag in den Einstellungen der das nun steuert. So ist die Lösung für mich dann perfekt.

      vgl.: DreamPlex 2.1.0 - Plex Client for E2 (Update: 17.03.2015)
    • Habe mir das Media Portal 8.0.3 installiert und finde es richtig gut und gelungen. Das Problem daran ist aber,
      dass wenn ich das MP gestartet habe und zurück zum Fernsehprogramm gehe der LLS Skin Feherlhaft ist.

      Die Schrift ist unlesbar dunkel. Leigt der Fehler am Media Portal oder am LLS Skin?
      • LLS.jpg

        (258,37 kB, 39 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
      • lls2.jpg

        (293,3 kB, 33 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von cancer66 ()