Vu+ uno and dropbear

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    • Vu+ uno and dropbear


      I have a Vu+ Uno with a 4.1 image.
      I would like connecte by ssh with keys authentification.
      No openssh-client no openssh-server.... ok I use dropbear

      from my Vu+ : ssh user@opensshserver : connected ok

      next step use rsa or dsa key

      generating key : dropbearkey -t rsa
      key generated into /etc/dropbear/id_rsa
      dropbearkey -y -f /etc/dropbear/id_rsa |grep ssh-rsa >> /home/root/authorized_keys
      and copy files to my server : scp /home/root/authorized_keys user@openss-server:/root/.ssh
      chmod 600 openss-server:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

      checked file authorized_keys
      cat authorized_keys : only on one line ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA blablablabnal kGeDZSZs root@vuplusuno

      try to connecte by key and he use only the password, if I change the server config with only keys authentification, I get the error message, unable to connecte no more authentification method ....

      It's like dropbear doesn't use the key or ignoring the key.

      could you please help me ?