[Erledigt] Bootloop / Kann mir jemand helfen?

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  • [Erledigt] Bootloop / Kann mir jemand helfen?

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich habe gerade das PlugIn VWeather3 wieder deinstalliert. Leider hänge ich nun in einem Bootloop.
    habt Ihr nen Tip, was ich noch machen kann, bevor ich die Kiste neu installiere?


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    320. config.usage.ts_clean_ts_older_than=1.0
    321. config.usage.movielist_show_trash_dir=true
    322. config.usage.movielist_only_day=false
    323. config.usage.movielist_show_file_size=false
    324. config.usage.movielist_show_channel_info=false
    325. config.usage.movielist_show_folder_info_only_new=false
    326. config.usage.on_movie_eof=movielist
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    332. config.movielist.start_videodir=/media/hdd/movie/
    333. config.movielist.moviedirs_config={'/media/hdd/movie/#video_destiny/FilmeBD/': {'sort': 1}, '/media/net/autofs/FilmeBD/#Alien/': {'sort': 1}}
    334. config.movielist.blue_button=looplistview
    335. config.movielist.yellow_button=p_ServiceApp_play_with_Gstplayer
    336. config.movielist.videodirs=['/media/hdd/movie/', '/media/hdd/movie/#aufnahmen/', "/media/hdd/movie/#aufnahmen/Marvel's Runaways/", '/media/hdd/movie/#aufnahmen/Star Wars Resistance', '/media/hdd/movie/#video_destiny/Dokus/##Blu-Ray#/', '/media/hdd/timeshift/', '/media/net/autofs/Serien/']
    337. config.movielist.moviesort=1
    338. config.movielist.green_button=p_ServiceApp_play_with_ExtEplayer3
    339. ]]>
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    344. <![CDATA[
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    474. ]]>
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    477. <![CDATA[
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    499. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-typefindfunctions - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    500. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-vorbis - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    501. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    502. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-apetag - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    503. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-audioparsers - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    504. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-autodetect - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    505. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-avi - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    506. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flac - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    507. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flv - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    508. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-icydemux - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    509. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-id3demux - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    510. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-isomp4 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    511. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-matroska - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    512. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-mpg123 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    513. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtp - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    514. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtpmanager - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    515. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtsp - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    516. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-soup - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    517. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-udp - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    518. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavparse - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
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    520. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrnb - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    521. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrwbdec - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    522. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-asf - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    523. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-cdio - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    524. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dvdsub - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    525. libgstadaptivedemux-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    526. libgstapp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    527. libgstaudio-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    528. libgstcodecparsers-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    529. libgstmpegts-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
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    533. libgstrtsp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    534. libgstsdp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    535. libgsttag-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    536. libgsturidownloader-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    537. libgstvideo-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
    538. ]]>
    539. </gstreamersoftware>
    540. </software>
    541. <crashlogs>
    542. <dvbapp2crashlog>
    543. <![CDATA[
    544. ore 2
    545. Slot 6, score 2
    546. Slot 7, score 2
    547. Slot 8, score 0
    548. Slot 9, score 0
    549. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    550. Slot 10, score 0
    551. Slot 11, score 0
    552. Slot 12, score 0
    553. Slot 13, score 0
    554. Slot 14, score 0
    555. Slot 15, score 0
    556. Slot 16, score 0
    557. Slot 17, score 0
    558. RECORD service event 14
    559. record: 0
    560. Slot 0, score 2
    561. Slot 1, score 2
    562. Slot 2, score 2
    563. Slot 3, score 2
    564. Slot 4, score 2
    565. Slot 5, score 2
    566. Slot 6, score 2
    567. Slot 7, score 2
    568. Slot 8, score 0
    569. Slot 9, score 0
    570. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    571. Slot 10, score 0
    572. Slot 11, score 0
    573. Slot 12, score 0
    574. Slot 13, score 0
    575. Slot 14, score 0
    576. Slot 15, score 0
    577. Slot 16, score 0
    578. Slot 17, score 0
    579. RECORD service event 14
    580. record: 0
    581. Slot 0, score 2... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
    582. Slot 1, score 2
    583. Slot 2, score 2
    584. Slot 3, score 2
    585. Slot 4, score 2
    586. Slot 5, score 2
    587. Slot 6, score 2
    588. Slot 7, score 2
    589. Slot 8, score 0
    590. Slot 9, score 0
    591. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    592. Slot 10, score 0
    593. Slot 11, score 0
    594. Slot 12, score 0
    595. Slot 13, score 0
    596. Slot 14, score 0
    597. Slot 15, score 0
    598. Slot 16, score 0
    599. Slot 17, score 0
    600. RECORD service event 14
    601. record: 0
    602. Slot 0, score 2
    603. Slot 1, score 2
    604. Slot 2, score 2
    605. Slot 3, score 2
    606. Slot 4, score 2
    607. Slot 5, score 2
    608. Slot 6, score 2
    609. Slot 7, score 2
    610. Slot 8, score 0
    611. Slot 9, score 0
    612. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    613. Slot 10, score 0
    614. Slot 11, score 0
    615. Slot 12, score 0
    616. Slot 13, score 0
    617. Slot 14, score 0
    618. Slot 15, score 0
    619. Slot 16, score 0
    620. Slot 17, score 0
    621. RECORD service event 14
    622. record: 0
    623. Slot 0, score 2
    624. Slot 1, score 2
    625. Slot 2, score 2
    626. Slot 3, score 2
    627. Slot 4, score 2
    628. Slot 5, score 2
    629. Slot 6, score 2
    630. Slot 7, score 2
    631. Slot 8, score 0
    632. Slot 9, score 0
    633. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    634. Slot 10, score 0
    635. Slot 11, score 0
    636. Slot 12, score 0
    637. Slot 13, score 0
    638. Slot 14, score 0
    639. Slot 15, score 0
    640. Slot 16, score 0
    641. Slot 17, score 0
    642. RECORD service event 14
    643. record: 0
    644. Slot 0, score 2
    645. Slot 1, score 2
    646. Slot 2, score 2
    647. Slot 3, score 2
    648. Slot 4, score 2
    649. Slot 5, score 2
    650. Slot 6, score 2
    651. Slot 7, score 2
    652. Slot 8, score 0
    653. Slot 9, score 0
    654. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    655. Slot 10, score 0
    656. Slot 11, score 0
    657. Slot 12, score 0
    658. Slot 13, score 0
    659. Slot 14, score 0
    660. Slot 15, score 0
    661. Slot 16, score 0
    662. Slot 17, score 0
    663. RECORD service event 14
    664. record: 0
    665. Slot 0, score 0
    666. Slot 1, score 0
    667. Slot 2, score 0
    668. Slot 3, score 0
    669. Slot 4, score 0
    670. Slot 5, score 0
    671. Slot 6, score 0
    672. Slot 7, score 0
    673. Slot 8, score 10004
    674. Slot 9, score 10004
    675. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    676. Slot 10, score 0
    677. Slot 11, score 0
    678. Slot 12, score 0
    679. Slot 13, score 0
    680. Slot 14, score 0
    681. Slot 15, score 0
    682. Slot 16, score 10004
    683. Slot 17, score 10004
    684. RECORD service event 14
    685. record: 0
    686. RECORD service event 14
    687. record: 0
    688. Slot 0, score 2
    689. Slot 1, score 2
    690. Slot 2, score 2
    691. Slot 3, score 2
    692. Slot 4, score 2
    693. Slot 5, score 2
    694. Slot 6, score 2
    695. Slot 7, score 2
    696. Slot 8, score 0
    697. Slot 9, score 0
    698. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    699. Slot 10, score 0
    700. Slot 11, score 0
    701. Slot 12, score 0
    702. Slot 13, score 0
    703. Slot 14, score 0
    704. Slot 15, score 0
    705. Slot 16, score 0
    706. Slot 17, score 0
    707. RECORD service event 14
    708. record: 0
    709. Slot 0, score 2
    710. Slot 1, score 2
    711. Slot 2, score 2
    712. Slot 3, score 2
    713. Slot 4, score 2
    714. Slot 5, score 2
    715. Slot 6, score 2
    716. Slot 7, score 2
    717. Slot 8, score 0
    718. Slot 9, score 0
    719. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    720. Slot 10, score 0
    721. Slot 11, score 0
    722. Slot 12, score 0
    723. Slot 13, score 0
    724. Slot 14, score 0
    725. Slot 15, score 0
    726. Slot 16, score 0
    727. Slot 17, score 0
    728. RECORD service event 14
    729. record: 0
    730. Slot 0, score 2
    731. Slot 1, score 2
    732. Slot 2, score 2
    733. Slot 3, score 2
    734. Slot 4, score 2
    735. Slot 5, score 2
    736. Slot 6, score 2
    737. Slot 7, score 2
    738. Slot 8, score 0
    739. Slot 9, score 0
    740. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    741. Slot 10, score 0
    742. Slot 11, score 0
    743. Slot 12, score 0
    744. Slot 13, score 0
    745. Slot 14, score 0
    746. Slot 15, score 0
    747. Slot 16, score 0
    748. Slot 17, score 0
    749. RECORD service event 14
    750. record: 0
    751. Slot 0, score 0
    752. Slot 1, score 0
    753. Slot 2, score 0
    754. Slot 3, score 0
    755. Slot 4, score 0
    756. Slot 5, score 0
    757. Slot 6, score 0
    758. Slot 7, score 0
    759. Slot 8, score 10004
    760. Slot 9, score 10004
    761. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    762. Slot 10, score 0
    763. Slot 11, score 0
    764. Slot 12, score 0
    765. Slot 13, score 0
    766. Slot 14, score 0
    767. Slot 15, score 0
    768. Slot 16, score 10004
    769. Slot 17, score 10004
    770. RECORD service event 14
    771. record: 0
    772. RECORD service event 14
    773. record: 0
    774. Slot 0, score 2
    775. Slot 1, score 2
    776. Slot 2, score 2
    777. Slot 3, score 2
    778. Slot 4, score 2
    779. Slot 5, score 2
    780. Slot 6, score 2
    781. Slot 7, score 2
    782. Slot 8, score 0
    783. Slot 9, score 0
    784. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    785. Slot 10, score 0
    786. Slot 11, score 0
    787. Slot 12, score 0
    788. Slot 13, score 0
    789. Slot 14, score 0
    790. Slot 15, score 0
    791. Slot 16, score 0
    792. Slot 17, score 0
    793. RECORD service event 14
    794. record: 0
    795. Slot 0, score 2
    796. Slot 1, score 2
    797. Slot 2, score 2
    798. Slot 3, score 2
    799. Slot 4, score 2
    800. Slot 5, score 2
    801. Slot 6, score 2
    802. Slot 7, score 2
    803. Slot 8, score 0
    804. Slot 9, score 0
    805. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    806. Slot 10, score 0
    807. Slot 11, score 0
    808. Slot 12, score 0
    809. Slot 13, score 0
    810. Slot 14, score 0
    811. Slot 15, score 0
    812. Slot 16, score 0
    813. Slot 17, score 0
    814. RECORD service event 14
    815. record: 0
    816. Slot 0, score 2... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
    817. Slot 1, score 2
    818. Slot 2, score 2
    819. Slot 3, score 2
    820. Slot 4, score 2
    821. Slot 5, score 2
    822. Slot 6, score 2
    823. Slot 7, score 2
    824. Slot 8, score 0
    825. Slot 9, score 0
    826. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    827. Slot 10, score 0
    828. Slot 11, score 0
    829. Slot 12, score 0
    830. Slot 13, score 0
    831. Slot 14, score 0
    832. Slot 15, score 0
    833. Slot 16, score 0
    834. Slot 17, score 0
    835. RECORD service event 14
    836. record: 0
    837. Slot 0, score 2
    838. Slot 1, score 2
    839. Slot 2, score 2
    840. Slot 3, score 2
    841. Slot 4, score 2
    842. Slot 5, score 2
    843. Slot 6, score 2
    844. Slot 7, score 2
    845. Slot 8, score 0
    846. Slot 9, score 0
    847. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    848. Slot 10, score 0
    849. Slot 11, score 0
    850. Slot 12, score 0
    851. Slot 13, score 0
    852. Slot 14, score 0
    853. Slot 15, score 0
    854. Slot 16, score 0
    855. Slot 17, score 0
    856. RECORD service event 14
    857. record: 0
    858. Slot 0, score 2
    859. Slot 1, score 2
    860. Slot 2, score 2
    861. Slot 3, score 2
    862. Slot 4, score 2
    863. Slot 5, score 2
    864. Slot 6, score 2
    865. Slot 7, score 2
    866. Slot 8, score 0
    867. Slot 9, score 0
    868. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    869. Slot 10, score 0
    870. Slot 11, score 0
    871. Slot 12, score 0
    872. Slot 13, score 0
    873. Slot 14, score 0
    874. Slot 15, score 0
    875. Slot 16, score 0
    876. Slot 17, score 0
    877. RECORD service event 14
    878. record: 0
    879. Slot 0, score 0
    880. Slot 1, score 0
    881. Slot 2, score 0
    882. Slot 3, score 0
    883. Slot 4, score 0
    884. Slot 5, score 0
    885. Slot 6, score 0
    886. Slot 7, score 0
    887. Slot 8, score 10004
    888. Slot 9, score 10004
    889. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    890. Slot 10, score 0
    891. Slot 11, score 0
    892. Slot 12, score 0
    893. Slot 13, score 0
    894. Slot 14, score 0
    895. Slot 15, score 0
    896. Slot 16, score 10004
    897. Slot 17, score 10004
    898. RECORD service event 14
    899. record: 0
    900. Slot 0, score 0
    901. Slot 1, score 0
    902. Slot 2, score 0
    903. Slot 3, score 0
    904. Slot 4, score 0
    905. Slot 5, score 0
    906. Slot 6, score 0
    907. Slot 7, score 0
    908. Slot 8, score 10004
    909. Slot 9, score 10004
    910. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    911. Slot 10, score 0
    912. Slot 11, score 0
    913. Slot 12, score 0
    914. Slot 13, score 0
    915. Slot 14, score 0
    916. Slot 15, score 0
    917. Slot 16, score 10004
    918. Slot 17, score 10004
    919. RECORD service event 14
    920. record: 0
    921. RECORD service event 14
    922. record: 0
    923. Slot 0, score 2
    924. Slot 1, score 2
    925. Slot 2, score 2
    926. Slot 3, score 2
    927. Slot 4, score 2
    928. Slot 5, score 2
    929. Slot 6, score 2
    930. Slot 7, score 2
    931. Slot 8, score 0
    932. Slot 9, score 0
    933. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    934. Slot 10, score 0
    935. Slot 11, score 0
    936. Slot 12, score 0
    937. Slot 13, score 0
    938. Slot 14, score 0
    939. Slot 15, score 0
    940. Slot 16, score 0
    941. Slot 17, score 0
    942. RECORD service event 14
    943. record: 0
    944. Slot 0, score 2... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
    945. Slot 1, score 2
    946. Slot 2, score 2
    947. Slot 3, score 2
    948. Slot 4, score 2
    949. Slot 5, score 2
    950. Slot 6, score 2
    951. Slot 7, score 2
    952. Slot 8, score 0
    953. Slot 9, score 0
    954. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    955. Slot 10, score 0
    956. Slot 11, score 0
    957. Slot 12, score 0
    958. Slot 13, score 0
    959. Slot 14, score 0
    960. Slot 15, score 0
    961. Slot 16, score 0
    962. Slot 17, score 0
    963. RECORD service event 14
    964. record: 0
    965. Slot 0, score 2
    966. Slot 1, score 2
    967. Slot 2, score 2
    968. Slot 3, score 2
    969. Slot 4, score 2
    970. Slot 5, score 2
    971. Slot 6, score 2
    972. Slot 7, score 2
    973. Slot 8, score 0
    974. Slot 9, score 0
    975. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    976. Slot 10, score 0
    977. Slot 11, score 0
    978. Slot 12, score 0
    979. Slot 13, score 0
    980. Slot 14, score 0
    981. Slot 15, score 0
    982. Slot 16, score 0
    983. Slot 17, score 0
    984. RECORD service event 14
    985. record: 0
    986. Slot 0, score 2
    987. Slot 1, score 2
    988. Slot 2, score 2
    989. Slot 3, score 2
    990. Slot 4, score 2
    991. Slot 5, score 2
    992. Slot 6, score 2
    993. Slot 7, score 2
    994. Slot 8, score 0
    995. Slot 9, score 0
    996. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    997. Slot 10, score 0
    998. Slot 11, score 0
    999. Slot 12, score 0
    1000. Slot 13, score 0
    1001. Slot 14, score 0
    1002. Slot 15, score 0
    1003. Slot 16, score 0
    1004. Slot 17, score 0
    1005. RECORD service event 14
    1006. record: 0
    1007. Slot 0, score 0
    1008. Slot 1, score 0
    1009. Slot 2, score 0
    1010. Slot 3, score 0
    1011. Slot 4, score 0
    1012. Slot 5, score 0
    1013. Slot 6, score 0
    1014. Slot 7, score 0
    1015. Slot 8, score 10004
    1016. Slot 9, score 10004
    1017. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1018. Slot 10, score 0
    1019. Slot 11, score 0
    1020. Slot 12, score 0
    1021. Slot 13, score 0
    1022. Slot 14, score 0
    1023. Slot 15, score 0
    1024. Slot 16, score 10004
    1025. Slot 17, score 10004
    1026. RECORD service event 14
    1027. record: 0
    1028. RECORD service event 14
    1029. record: 0
    1030. Slot 0, score 2
    1031. Slot 1, score 2
    1032. Slot 2, score 2
    1033. Slot 3, score 2
    1034. Slot 4, score 2
    1035. Slot 5, score 2
    1036. Slot 6, score 2
    1037. Slot 7, score 2
    1038. Slot 8, score 0
    1039. Slot 9, score 0
    1040. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1041. Slot 10, score 0
    1042. Slot 11, score 0
    1043. Slot 12, score 0
    1044. Slot 13, score 0
    1045. Slot 14, score 0
    1046. Slot 15, score 0
    1047. Slot 16, score 0
    1048. Slot 17, score 0
    1049. RECORD service event 14
    1050. record: 0
    1051. Slot 0, score 2
    1052. Slot 1, score 2
    1053. Slot 2, score 2
    1054. Slot 3, score 2
    1055. Slot 4, score 2
    1056. Slot 5, score 2
    1057. Slot 6, score 2
    1058. Slot 7, score 2
    1059. Slot 8, score 0
    1060. Slot 9, score 0
    1061. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1062. Slot 10, score 0
    1063. Slot 11, score 0
    1064. Slot 12, score 0
    1065. Slot 13, score 0
    1066. Slot 14, score 0
    1067. Slot 15, score 0
    1068. Slot 16, score 0
    1069. Slot 17, score 0
    1070. RECORD service event 14
    1071. record: 0
    1072. Slot 0, score 2... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
    1073. Slot 1, score 2
    1074. Slot 2, score 2
    1075. Slot 3, score 2
    1076. Slot 4, score 2
    1077. Slot 5, score 2
    1078. Slot 6, score 2
    1079. Slot 7, score 2
    1080. Slot 8, score 0
    1081. Slot 9, score 0
    1082. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1083. Slot 10, score 0
    1084. Slot 11, score 0
    1085. Slot 12, score 0
    1086. Slot 13, score 0
    1087. Slot 14, score 0
    1088. Slot 15, score 0
    1089. Slot 16, score 0
    1090. Slot 17, score 0
    1091. RECORD service event 14
    1092. record: 0
    1093. Slot 0, score 2
    1094. Slot 1, score 2
    1095. Slot 2, score 2
    1096. Slot 3, score 2
    1097. Slot 4, score 2
    1098. Slot 5, score 2
    1099. Slot 6, score 2
    1100. Slot 7, score 2
    1101. Slot 8, score 0
    1102. Slot 9, score 0
    1103. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1104. Slot 10, score 0
    1105. Slot 11, score 0
    1106. Slot 12, score 0
    1107. Slot 13, score 0
    1108. Slot 14, score 0
    1109. Slot 15, score 0
    1110. Slot 16, score 0
    1111. Slot 17, score 0
    1112. RECORD service event 14
    1113. record: 0
    1114. Slot 0, score 2
    1115. Slot 1, score 2
    1116. Slot 2, score 2
    1117. Slot 3, score 2
    1118. Slot 4, score 2
    1119. Slot 5, score 2
    1120. Slot 6, score 2
    1121. Slot 7, score 2
    1122. Slot 8, score 0
    1123. Slot 9, score 0
    1124. [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x6981e0 (10), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0
    1125. Slot 10, score 0
    1126. Slot 11, score 0
    1127. Slot 12, score 0
    1128. Slot 13, score 0
    1129. Slot 14, score 0
    1130. Slot 15, score 0
    1131. Slot 16, score 0
    1132. Slot 17, score 0
    1133. RECORD service event 14
    1134. [Vu+MiscControl] set /proc/stb/frontend/fbc/force_lnbon : off
    1135. [Vu+MiscControl] proc write Error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/stb/frontend/fbc/force_lnbon'
    1136. [Vu+MiscControl] set /proc/stb/frontend/fbc/force_toneburst : disable
    1137. [Vu+MiscControl] proc write Error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/stb/frontend/fbc/force_toneburst'
    1138. [Vu+MiscControl] set /proc/stb/tsmux/rmx_delay : 256
    1139. [MultiQuickButton] enabled: True
    1140. EMC: +++ EMC git20160416 startup
    1141. [EMC] checkImg is Vti
    1142. [EMC] checkImg is not newPiconRenderer cannot import name getPiconName
    1143. [SerienRecorder] Auto-Check: AN
    1144. =====[GithubPluginUpdater] sessionstart.... <__main__.Session instance at 0x88762a58>
    1145. =====[GithubPluginUpdater] runUpdateCheck in sessionstart ....
    1146. send cancel to thread
    1147. thread joined 0
    1148. [EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1584486429.2
    1149. [EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to -1 (now=1584486429)
    1150. [eEPGCache] disable Vu+ DVB EPG blacklist mode
    1151. [eEPGCache] set Vu+ in EPG-server (default) mode
    1152. not showing fine-tuning wizard, config variable doesn't exist
    1153. showtestcard is false
    1154. Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
    1155. Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
    1156. Traceback (most recent call last):
    1157. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 280, in create
    1158. return screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
    1159. File "lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py", line 74, in Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar.__init__
    1160. File "lib/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 170, in Screens.InfoBarGenerics.InfoBarShowHide.__init__
    1161. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 288, in instantiateDialog
    1162. return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
    1163. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 313, in doInstantiateDialog
    1164. readSkin(dlg, None, dlg.skinName, desktop)
    1165. File "/media/build/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.6-20200225-r00r00/git/skin.py", line 1303, in readSkin
    1166. File "/media/build/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.6-20200225-r00r00/git/skin.py", line 1256, in process_screen
    1167. File "/media/build/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.6-20200225-r00r00/git/skin.py", line 1190, in process_widget
    1168. File "/media/build/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.6-20200225-r00r00/git/lib/python/Tools/Import.py", line 2, in my_import
    1169. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/VWeather.py", line 39, in <module>
    1170. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    1171. ImportError: No module named bs4
    1172. Traceback (most recent call last):
    1173. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 242, in processDelay
    1174. callback(*retval)
    1175. File "/media/build/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.6-20200225-r00r00/git/lib/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
    1176. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 564, in runNextScreen
    1177. session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
    1178. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 343, in openWithCallback
    1179. dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
    1180. File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 354, in open
    1181. dlg.isTmp = True
    1182. AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isTmp'
    1183. (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x88762a58>>,()) failed)
    1184. ]]>
    1185. </dvbapp2crashlog>
    1186. </crashlogs>
    1187. <systemmessages>
    1188. ********************KERNEL LOG / SYSTEM MESSAGES********************
    1189. <6>[ 451.451623] usbcore: deregistering interface driver btusb
    1190. <4>[ 452.918155] [VID]: VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0
    1191. <4>[ 452.918169] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 1 0
    1192. <4>[ 452.918222] [VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0
    1193. <4>[ 452.923492] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1 1
    1194. <4>[ 452.923501] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 1 0
    1195. <4>[ 453.197633] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1
    1196. <4>[ 453.198532] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0
    1197. <4>[ 456.353311] [AUD]: HDMI Max Audio PCM Channels=2
    1198. <4>[ 456.354317] [AUD]: HDMI Max Audio PCM Channels=2
    1199. <6>[ 458.121310] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
    1200. <4>[ 463.702284] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MUTE 0
    1201. <4>[ 463.703330] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -773988728
    1202. <4>[ 463.703337] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
    1203. <4>[ 463.703341] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
    1204. <4>[ 463.703346] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
    1205. <4>[ 464.000337] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -773988728
    1206. <4>[ 464.000351] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
    1207. <4>[ 464.000356] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
    1208. <4>[ 464.000360] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
    1209. </systemmessages>
    1210. </stbcrashlog>
    Alles anzeigen

    Passt, ist erledigt.
    Hab das Paket per ssh installiert:


    1. root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3_1.0r56_all.ipk
    2. Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3 (1.0r56) on root.
    3. Installing python-beautifulsoup4 (4.5.1-r0) on root.
    4. Downloading: python-beautifulsoup4_4.5.1-r0_armv7ahf-vfp-neon.ipk
    5. Configuring python-beautifulsoup4.
    6. Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3.
    7. ************************************
    8. * Plugin VWeather3 *
    9. * Version - R56 *
    10. * for Vu+ from 14.0.X *
    11. * by tsiegel *
    12. ************************************
    13. Skin and Plugin successfully installed!
    14. You should restart enigma2 now...
    Alles anzeigen

    Danke euch trotzdem

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