need help for iptv in vu+ ultimo

    • need help for iptv in vu+ ultimo

      hello guys
      anybody can help me i want to watch iptv on vu+ ultimo
      which image is best for iptv i am using black hole
      and how can i watch iptv on black hole? if iptv not compatible with black hole image then which one is best please suggest me and help how can i setup iptv in vu+ ultimo
    • You don't need to call me "Sir"! ;) I am just a member of the forum as you are.
      Please give us just one example of the streams you want to watch.
      If it is not included in "Mediaportal", then we might find a different way. :thumbup:
      But please respect our rules about illegal sharing of cards and contents !
      Best regards, t.