Problem with OpenVPN

    • Problem with OpenVPN


      I have a problem with OpenVPN plugin. I have configured my files for OpenVPN, my conf file is:


      1. client
      2. dev tap0
      3. proto udp
      4. comp-lzo
      5. nobind
      6. ns-cert-type server
      7. persist-key
      8. persist-tun
      9. reneg-sec 0
      10. dhcp-option DNS
      11. dhcp-option DNS
      12. redirect-gateway
      13. verb 1
      14. auth-user-pass password.txt
      15. ca ca.crt
      16. cert client.crt
      17. key client.key
      18. remote (here I wrote the address) 443
      19. cipher AES-256-CBC
      20. auth SHA256
      21. keysize 256
      Alles anzeigen

      I have ca.crt, client.crt and client.key files as well, given by VPN Provider. I installed OpenVPN, put all the files where they belong, and started OpenVPN. The system informes me that everything is correct, OpenVPN is working. Nevertheless, when I hit "Show OpenVPN status" it doesn't give me any information, all of the fields are empty, Checked with PuTTY and my external IP didn't change, it still shows the IP of my own network. Any ideas?