Plugin AUTOCUT / bei Sky Filmaufnahmen Werbung entfernen und/oder umwandeln in mkv mp4 mp3

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    • Hi Hajeku123,
      habe ein weiteres Problem entdeckt, weiss aber nicht, ob es am PC, am Plugin, an meinen Plugin-Einstellungen oder an den vu-Einstellungen liegt:
      Remote-ffmpeg wird bei Umlauten im Filmnamen nicht ausgeführt.
      Habe zum Testen eine Nachrichten-Sendung aufgenommen und diese nach "...Nöchrichten..." kopiert.
      "...Nachrichten..." wird einwandfrei auf PC konvertiert, "...Nöchrichten..." nicht.
      Debug-log (Nur die Autocut-Zeilen) anbei.
      Auf dem Samba-Netzlaufwerk werden Umlaute korrekt angezeigt.
      In der Putty-shell kann ich Umlaute eintippen und bei 'ls -la' werden Umlaute korrekt angezeigt.
      Folgende Unterschiede sind mir in der log aufgefallen:
      11:43:20.953 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return: ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut
      15:08:26.035 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return:

      Auf dem PC ist bei nöchrichten winffmpeg.txt leer, bei nachrichten nicht.
      Wenn die Zeilen aus winffmpeg.cmd einzeln manuell in der Eingabeaufforderung ausführe, wird winffmpeg.txt korrekt gefüllt, auch bei nöchrichten.

      vu hat UTF-8, LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, auf PC chpc --> Aktive Codepage: 65001
      Die winffmpeg.cmd musste ich hier nach winffmpeg.cmd.txt umbenennen, damit sie als Dateianhang akzeptiert wird.

      Kannst Du bitte weiterhelfen?
    • stimmt. Über den OpenSSH Dienst interessiert Windows die Codepage nicht. Da wird grundsätzlich Standard 850 genommen.
      Berücksichtige ich beim nächsten Update.

      In der Zwischenzeit änderst du folgende Einstellung:

      Bei VU Username steht root
      Trag da ein: root & chcp 65001


      Wenn du das nachvollziehen willst, musst du von der vu eine ssh Verbindung aufbauen und über den SSH-Dienst die Default shell von Windows nutzen (bei ssh kein Programm starten)
      und zum Vergleich bei ssh ein Programm zum Starten mitgeben. Bemerkenswert ist hierbei, dass ssh ohne Startprogramm (also default shell) mit der richtigen Codepage benutzt wird, wenn ein Programm mitgegeben wird, dann nicht.
      Scheint ein Feature von Windows zu sein :D

      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von hajeku123 ()

    • Update V3.09
      Download Post #1

      • Remoteffmpeg --> Windows: bei mehreren Einträgen in der smb.conf wird ein falscher Verzeichnispfad genutzt
      • Remoteffmpeg --> Windows: keine Remote Konvertierung bei Umlauten in Datei- oder Verzeichnisnamen

      • optional: eit-Datei wird ins Zielverzeichnis übertragen
      • Aufnahmen können zur Konvertierung von externen Plugins an autocut übergeben werden
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Hi hajeku123,
      vielen Dank für die neue Version.
      Umlaute funktionierten nicht auf Anhieb, habe evtl einen kleinen Fehler gefunden (siehe diff.txt)
      Mein Windows reagiert anders als deins, chcp ist mit und ohne direkten Befehlsaufruf identisch. Gibt beim neuesten Windows wohl mehrere Möglichkeiten, das zu realisieren.
      chcp 65001 in der config wäre bei mir demzufolge unnötig aber schadet auch nicht.
      Die metadate-Optionen musste ich aus der config erst mal entfernen, ergaben bei mir einen error. Melde mich dafür später noch mal.

      • diff.txt

        (327 Byte, 3 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • Was soll deine Änderung bringen? Kannst du auch weg lassen.
      Man kann natürlich versuchen ein Plugin so hinzubiegen, dass es mit seinem eigenen System zusammen passt. Ich würde lieber mein Windows zurecht rücken und prüfen, warum chcp in der openssh-Umgebung nichts bewirkt.
      Kannst du so testen:
      Spoiler anzeigen


      1. root@vuduo4k:~# ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa xxxx@ cmd
      2. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.836]
      3. (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
      4. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>chcp
      5. chcp
      6. Aktive Codepage: 850.
      7. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>chcp 65001
      8. chcp 65001
      9. Aktive Codepage: 65001.
      10. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>chcp
      11. chcp
      12. Aktive Codepage: 65001.
      13. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>net use \\\harddisk PASSWORD /user:\root
      14. net use \\\harddisk PASSWORD /user:\root
      15. Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef�hrt.
      16. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>dir \\\harddisk\movie\test*
      17. dir \\\harddisk\movie\test*
      18. Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\harddisk: ist Harddisk
      19. Volumeseriennummer: 33FD-8E38
      20. Verzeichnis von \\\harddisk\movie
      21. 23.05.2020 14:15 <DIR> testäöüß
      22. 0 Datei(en), 0 Bytes
      23. 1 Verzeichnis(se), 184.395.579.392 Bytes frei
      24. xxxx@WIN10 C:\Users\xxxx>exit
      25. exit
      26. root@vuduo4k:~#
      Alles anzeigen

      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Hi,
      die Änderung verhindert, daß remoteffmpeg einen leeren Wert zurückgibt, so wie ohne:
      08:07:14.824 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt )
      08:07:15.863 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - search file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      08:07:15.863 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - open file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      08:07:15.864 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return:

      08:07:15.865 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] starting nice -n 19 ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" -c:v libx264 -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -ignore_unknown "/media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4"

      Ich glaube, es sieht nicht so ganz verkehrt aus, was mein Win10 macht:

      Spoiler anzeigen

      root@vusolo4k:~# pwd
      root@vusolo4k:~# ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa autocut@ cmd
      Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.836]
      (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

      autocut@MARKUS C:\Users\autocut>chcp
      Aktive Codepage: 65001. ##### auch ohne explizite Eingabe ist das bei mir 65001

      autocut@MARKUS C:\Users\autocut>net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.

      autocut@MARKUS C:\Users\autocut>dir \\\vusolo-hdd1\test
      dir \\\vusolo-hdd1\test
      Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1
      Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF

      Verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\test

      23.05.2020 18:44 <DIR> .
      23.05.2020 11:24 <DIR> ..
      23.05.2020 18:44 <DIR> aöäüÖÄÜß
      23.05.2020 18:44 0 böäüÖÄÜß
      1 Datei(en), 0 Bytes
      3 Verzeichnis(se), 231.735.611.392 Bytes frei

      autocut@MARKUS C:\Users\autocut>chcp 850
      chcp 850
      Aktive Codepage: 850.

      autocut@MARKUS C:\Users\autocut>

      Und natürlich bewirkt der chcp-Befehl etwas, nur ist er bei mir unnötig, schadet aber auch nichts. Deshalb kann er auch drinbleiben.
      Genauso meine ich, das meine Änderung keinen Schaden verursachen kann. Ich stelle doch mittels elif nur sicher, das bei OS=windows ein Wert zurückkommt.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von harleymk2 ()

    • harleymk2 schrieb:

      Genauso meine ich, das meine Änderung keinen Schaden verursachen kann. Ich stelle doch mittels elif nur sicher, das bei OS=windows ein Wert zurückkommt.
      genau, und damit hebelst du die Prüfung aus, ob Windows auch wirklich die Aufnahme in der Freigabe findet.

      Ich würde lieber prüfen, warum überhaupt ein leerer Wert zurück kommt. Das darf nicht sein.
      Da funktioniert bei dir der "dir" Befehl in der Shell nicht, welcher die Ausgabe in eine Datei umgeleitet. In der Text Datei kommt dann nichts mehr oder etwas falsches (nicht UTF8-Codiert) an. Wenn du die Prüfung durch deine Änderung abschaltest, startet natürlich remotessh, welche dann die ts-Datei offensichtlich findet.

      Kannst du so testen:

      1. Batch Datei C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd unter Windows erstellen mit Inhalt

      net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      dir "\\\vusolo-hdd1\test" > "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"

      2. Batch Datei Remote ausführen:

      ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "c:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd"

      Dann sollte in der Textdatei "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" auch etwas drin stehen

      Wenn da etwa drin steht, dann holst du du zurück zu Linux mit
      scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      und schaust dir die Datei unter Linux mal an
      cat /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Ich habe eine Vermutung.
      Installiere mal V3.10 und stell die Verwendung der cmd.exe von 64bit auf 32bit um.
      Dann habe ich dir gleich deinen kritischen Teil im Debug Log erweitert. Damit solltest jetzt ganz genau sehen, wo es bei deinem Windows klemmt. Brauchst also nicht mehr manuell hantieren :)

      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Hi Hajeku123,
      plötzlich ist der Fehler weg. Ich habe an den Systemen nichts verändert.
      Aber zuletzt hatte ich auch eine Vermutung:
      Ich hatte meine "...Nachrichten.." 7 mal kopiert (mit -p) und das "a" durch kleine und grosse Umlaute ersetzt und das "ß".
      Dabei war es mir so, als hätte Windows einen match zwischen "Nöchrichten" und "NÖchrichten", Linux aber natürlich nicht.
      Das wollte ich dann noch mal testen aber der Fehler liess sich nicht reproduzieren.
      Andereseits kann diese Konstellation in der Realität ja wohl niemals entstehen.
      Ich glaube, ich höre auf zu suchen. Vielen Dank für die neue Version.
      Werde mich jetzt der Optimierung der Parameter widmen.

      hier mal ein mir verdächtiges dvbapp2:
      10:21:50.366 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1 <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.366 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.366 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.366 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.367 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.367 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.367 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 1 Datei(en), 528.637.952 Bytes <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.367 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 0 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      10:21:50.368 [e2-python] AUTOCUT bin in 3
      10:21:50.368 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return:

      aber wie geschrieben, der Test war realitätsfern und jetzt funktioniert es ja. Werde die 3.10 gleich mal laden und testen.

    • Ich denke eher, Windows hat die umgeleitete Ausgabe im 16-bit Format als Textdatei gespeichert. Linux kann nur mit 8-Bit-Format umgehen. Ich habe noch nicht herausgefunden, wann genau cmd.exe eine Textdatei im 16-bit Format und wann im 8-Bit Format produziert. Dieses Phänomen habe ich erstmalig mit Windows 10 64-bit beobachtet.

      Das fällt bei Windows mit Öffnen der Textdatei überhaupt nicht auf. Beide Formate werden im Editor identisch dargestellt. Der Unterschied ist lediglich mit einem Hex-Editor oder Linux zu sehen.

      Daher auch meine Empfehlung cmd.exe über das Plugin auf 32 Bit Modus umzustellen. Damit sind mir Textdateien im 16-Bit Format noch nicht untergekommen.

      Aber alles nur Spekulation.
      Wenn es jetzt funktioniert ist es ja gut.
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Hi Hajeku123,
      es ist zum Mäusemelken.
      Vorgestern Abend trat der Fehler unter 3.10 erneut auf. Am nächsten Morgen habe ich den Test noch mal mit den selben Dateien versucht, 1-mal mit cmd64, 1-mal mit cmd32.
      Beide Tests liefen fehlerfrei.
      Ich hatte zwischenzeitlich an der Konstellation nichts verändert.
      Das soll noch einer verstehen. Anbei die Debug-logs.

      Spoiler anzeigen

      22:43:57.983 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg: True /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:43:57.986 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] smbpath= /media/hdd1
      22:43:57.986 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] filename= /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:43:57.986 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      22:43:57.987 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> del "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      22:43:57.988 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      22:43:57.989 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> dir "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" > "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      22:43:57.989 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      22:43:57.990 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      22:43:59.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      22:43:59.610 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remotessh - OK: ['\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>chcp 65001 \n', 'Aktive Codepage: 65001.\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>del "C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\\root \n', 'Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef\xc3\xbchrt.\n', '\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>dir "\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1\\movie\\Serien\\test\\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - N\xc3\xb6chrichten.ts" 1>"C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 /d \n', '\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 wurde erfolgreich gel\xc3\xb6scht.\n', '\n']
      22:43:59.612 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt )
      22:44:00.651 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - search file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      22:44:00.651 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - open file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt - Size = 359
      22:44:00.654 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] 20 44 61 74 65 6e 74 72 c3 a4 67 65 72 20 69 6e 20 4c 61 75 66 77 65 72 6b 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 3a 20 69 73 74 20 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 0d 0a 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 73 65 72 69 65 6e 6e 75 6d 6d 65 72 3a 20 42 33 38 41 2d 46 32 42 46 0d 0a 0d 0a 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 20 76 6f 6e 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 5c 6d 6f 76 69 65 5c 53 65 72 69 65 6e 5c 74 65 73 74 0d 0a 0d 0a 31 36 2e 30 35 2e 32 30 32 30 20 20 31 34 3a 30 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 32 30 32 30 30 35 31 36 20 31 33 35 39 20 2d 20 6e 2d 74 76 20 48 44 20 2d 20 4e c3 96 63 68 72 69 63 68 74 65 6e 2e 74 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 20 44 61 74 65 69 28 65 6e 29 2c 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 42 79 74 65 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 28 73 65 29 220 31 39 37 2e 31 35 36 2e 35 39 37 2e 37 36 30 20 42 79 74 65 73 20 66 72 65 69 0d 0a
      22:44:00.654 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1 <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.655 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.655 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.655 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.656 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.656 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.657 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 1 Datei(en), 528.637.952 Bytes <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.657 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 0 Verzeichnis(se), 197.156.597.760 Bytes frei <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      22:44:00.658 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return:
      22:44:00.659 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] starting nice -n 19 ffmpeg -itsoffset 1 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" -c:v libx264 -aspect 16:9 -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts "/media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4"

      08:26:00.437 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg: True /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:00.440 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] smbpath= /media/hdd1
      08:26:00.441 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] filename= /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:00.441 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      08:26:00.441 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> del "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      08:26:00.442 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      08:26:00.443 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> dir "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" > "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      08:26:00.443 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      08:26:00.444 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      08:26:01.485 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\syswow64\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      08:26:02.171 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remotessh - OK: ['\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>chcp 65001 \n', 'Aktive Codepage: 65001.\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>del "C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\\root \n', 'Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef\xc3\xbchrt.\n', '\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>dir "\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1\\movie\\Serien\\test\\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - N\xc3\xb6chrichten.ts" 1>"C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 /d \n', '\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 wurde erfolgreich gel\xc3\xb6scht.\n', '\n']
      08:26:02.172 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt )
      08:26:03.214 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - search file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      08:26:03.214 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - open file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt - Size = 438
      08:26:03.217 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] 20 44 61 74 65 6e 74 72 c3 a4 67 65 72 20 69 6e 20 4c 61 75 66 77 65 72 6b 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 3a 20 69 73 74 20 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 0d 0a 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 73 65 72 69 65 6e 6e 75 6d 6d 65 72 3a 20 42 33 38 41 2d 46 32 42 46 0d 0a 0d 0a 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 20 76 6f 6e 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 5c 6d 6f 76 69 65 5c 53 65 72 69 65 6e 5c 74 65 73 74 0d 0a 0d 0a 31 36 2e 30 35 2e 32 30 32 30 20 20 31 34 3a 30 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 32 30 32 30 30 35 31 36 20 31 33 35 39 20 2d 20 6e 2d 74 76 20 48 44 20 2d 20 4e c3 b6 63 68 72 69 63 68 74 65 6e 2e 74 73 0d 0a 31 36 2e 30 35 2e 32 30 32 30 20 20 31 34 3a 30 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 32 30 32 30 30 35 31 36 20 31 33 35 39 20 2d 20 6e 2d 74 76 20 48 44 20 2d 20 4e c3 96 63 68 72 69 63 68 74 65 6e 2e 74 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 220 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 20 44 61 74 65 69 28 65 6e 29 2c 20 20 31 2e 30 35 37 2e 32 37 35 2e 39 30 34 20 42 79 74 65 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 28 73 65 29 2c 20 31 38 38 2e 34 38 37 2e 35 37 37 2e 36 30 30 20 42 79 74 65 73 20 66 72 65 69 0d 0a
      08:26:03.218 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1 <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.218 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.218 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.218 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.219 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.219 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.219 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - found Filename 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.219 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.219 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 2 Datei(en), Bytes <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.220 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 0 Verzeichnis(se), 188.487.577.600 Bytes frei <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      08:26:03.220 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return: ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut
      08:26:03.225 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      08:26:03.226 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write smbpath = /media/hdd1
      08:26:03.226 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      08:26:03.227 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -itsoffset 1 -i "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" -c:v libx264 -aspect 16:9 -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4"
      08:26:03.227 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      08:26:03.228 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      08:26:04.269 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] starting ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\syswow64\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd"
      08:26:04.309 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] pid= 28062

      09:04:51.257 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg: True /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:51.261 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] smbpath= /media/hdd1
      09:04:51.262 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] filename= /media/hdd1/movie/Serien/test/20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:51.262 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      09:04:51.263 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> del "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      09:04:51.264 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      09:04:51.265 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> dir "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" > "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      09:04:51.266 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      09:04:51.266 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      09:04:52.309 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      09:04:52.975 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remotessh - OK: ['\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>chcp 65001 \n', 'Aktive Codepage: 65001.\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>del "C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\\root \n', 'Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef\xc3\xbchrt.\n', '\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>dir "\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1\\movie\\Serien\\test\\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - N\xc3\xb6chrichten.ts" 1>"C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 /d \n', '\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 wurde erfolgreich gel\xc3\xb6scht.\n', '\n']
      09:04:52.977 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt )
      09:04:54.021 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - search file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      09:04:54.021 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - open file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt - Size = 438
      09:04:54.025 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] 20 44 61 74 65 6e 74 72 c3 a4 67 65 72 20 69 6e 20 4c 61 75 66 77 65 72 6b 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 3a 20 69 73 74 20 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 0d 0a 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 73 65 72 69 65 6e 6e 75 6d 6d 65 72 3a 20 42 33 38 41 2d 46 32 42 46 0d 0a 0d 0a 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 20 76 6f 6e 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 5c 6d 6f 76 69 65 5c 53 65 72 69 65 6e 5c 74 65 73 74 0d 0a 0d 0a 31 36 2e 30 35 2e 32 30 32 30 20 20 31 34 3a 30 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 32 30 32 30 30 35 31 36 20 31 33 35 39 20 2d 20 6e 2d 74 76 20 48 44 20 2d 20 4e c3 96 63 68 72 69 63 68 74 65 6e 2e 74 73 0d 0a 31 36 2e 30 35 2e 32 30 32 30 20 20 31 34 3a 30 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 32 38 2e 36 33 37 2e 39 35 32 20 32 30 32 30 30 35 31 36 20 31 33 35 39 20 2d 20 6e 2d 74 76 20 48 44 20 2d 20 4e c3 b6 63 68 72 69 63 68 74 65 6e 2e 74 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 220 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 20 44 61 74 65 69 28 65 6e 29 2c 20 20 31 2e 30 35 37 2e 32 37 35 2e 39 30 34 20 42 79 74 65 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 28 73 65 29 2c 20 31 38 38 2e 33 36 38 2e 30 38 34 2e 39 39 32 20 42 79 74 65 73 20 66 72 65 69 0d 0a
      09:04:54.026 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Datenträger in Laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1 <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.026 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.026 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check Verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.027 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - found Filename 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.028 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 2 Datei(en), Bytes <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.028 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 0 Verzeichnis(se), 188.368.084.992 Bytes frei <--> 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      09:04:54.028 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return: ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut
      09:04:54.032 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      09:04:54.032 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write smbpath = /media/hdd1
      09:04:54.033 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      09:04:54.033 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -itsoffset 1 -i "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts" -c:v libx264 -aspect 16:9 -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Serien\test\20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4"
      09:04:54.034 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      09:04:54.034 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      09:04:55.076 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] starting ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd"
      09:04:55.117 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] pid= 968

      Mich selbst wurmt so ein Fehler und ich suche immer verbissen nach den Ursachen.
      Mein PC verhält sich manchmal komisch, wenn ich ihn längere Zeit nicht neu boote. Üblicherweise lasse ich ihn an oder bringe ihn in den Ruhezustand.

      Meine normale Anwendung wird der Wandel nach mp4 im Quellverzeichnis sein, Werbung weg ist für mich nicetohave aber kein Muss.
      Ich habe den Eindruck, daß die eit nach Abschluss verschwunden ist, wenn ich die original ts nicht behalte.
      Habe ich da in meinen Einstellungen etwas verkehrt gemacht?


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von harleymk2 ()

    • Es ist so, wie du bereits vermutet hast.
      Windows wandelt dein "ö" in "Ö" über den Befehl "dir ... > ffmpeg.txt" um. In der Textdatei steht plötzlich ein großes Ö, obwohl in der Freigabe ein kleines ö steht.
      Damit stellt das Plugin fest, dass die zu bearbeitende Aufnahme nicht in der Freigabe existiert und startet nicht Remoteffmpeg

      Warum das so ist, kann ich dir nicht beantworten. Hängt vermutlich mit dem Windows Ruhezustand zusammen.
      Scheint so, dass die Umleitung der Ausgabe vom cmd.exe nach dem Booten sich anders verhält als nach dem Ruhezustand.
      Wie gesagt, nur eine Vermutung.

      Ich baue ein Option ein, wo Linux dann die Groß und Kleinschreibung ignorieren kann.

      Kommt nachher ein Update.

      Das mit der eit-Datei prüfe ich
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hajeku123 ()

    • Vielleicht liegt es auch daran, daß Windows bei Dateinamen nicht auf Groß-/Kleinschrift achtet:

      Spoiler anzeigen

      Z:\>cd movie/serien/test ##### Serien wird im Linux mit großem 'S' geschrieben

      Z:\movie\Serien\test>dir *Nöchrichten*
      Datenträger in Laufwerk Z: ist vusolo-hdd1
      Volumeseriennummer: B38A-F2BF

      Verzeichnis von Z:\movie\Serien\test

      24.05.2020 14:38 119.480.654 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.mp4
      24.05.2020 14:44 119.480.654 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.mp4
      16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts
      16.05.2020 14:07 528.637.952 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts
      27.05.2020 09:07 135.391 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4.log
      24.05.2020 14:44 18.962 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - NÖchrichten.ts.autocut.mp4.log
      24.05.2020 10:01 12 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten.ts.cuts
      25.05.2020 18:50 438.598.253 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten_(1).mp4
      25.05.2020 23:19 123.440.345 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten_(2).mp4
      27.05.2020 08:28 119.480.654 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten_(3).mp4
      27.05.2020 09:07 119.480.654 20200516 1359 - n-tv HD - Nöchrichten_(4).mp4
      11 Datei(en), 2.097.391.483 Bytes
      0 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei
    • neues Update steht in #1
      • Fix V3.11 eit-Datei wird bei aktivierter Option Original löschen nicht kopiert
      • Add V3.11 optional Remoteffmpeg - Groß Kleinschreibung ignorieren
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen
    • Hallo Hajeku123,
      habe zwischenzeitlich einige Tests laufen lassen. Es gab mal einen Programmabbruchfehler, weil der Sender in den Titel ein halbes epg mit reingepackt hatte und dann der komplette Pfadname zu lang wurde, aber das kann man ignorieren (ggf Titel ändern)
      Ansonsten sieht es jetzt sehr gut aus.
      Eine Bitte habe ich noch: Könntest du in der nächsten Version die cuts-datei ähnlich eit kopieren bei original löschen? Das wäre toll.

      5 Sterne für dein Plugin.
    • Hallo,
      das ging ja superschnell, danke.
      Muss aber noch ein kleiner Fehler drin sein, nach Umwandlung zu mp4 ist keine cuts-Datei da. Hatte vorher extra eine erzeugt.
      habe cuts genau wie eit zum Behalten eingestellt. eit alle da.

    • Hast das auch im Menü aktiviert?
      Sorry, überlesen...

      Das hat bei mir funktioniert.
      Zeig mal den Debug Log
      Rechtschreibfehler sind beabsichtigt, sie fördern ein genaueres Lesen
      Debug Log aktivieren Putty Telnet Screenshots erstellen

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hajeku123 ()

    • Hi,
      hier mal ein Ausschnitt des log:

      Spoiler anzeigen

      15:05:16.888 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] close AutocutConifgScreen
      15:05:16.889 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Plugin aktiv = now
      15:05:16.889 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Anzeige = expert
      15:05:16.889 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Timeraufnahmen = False
      15:05:16.890 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save bei Verlassen von Standby = none
      15:05:16.890 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save aktive Zeit eingrenzen = False
      15:05:16.890 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Fortschritt aktualisieren nach Minuten = 1
      15:05:16.891 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Ausgabeformat + Tonspuren (ok) = mp4
      15:05:16.891 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save 3 Filme unbearbeitet = none
      15:05:16.891 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Verzeichnis Nachbearbeitung (ok) = /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/
      15:05:16.892 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Recursiv suchen = False
      15:05:16.892 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Film Nachbearbeitung (ok) =
      15:05:16.892 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save eit Datei kopieren = True
      15:05:16.892 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save cuts Datei kopieren = True
      15:05:16.893 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save .ts im Dateinamen behalten = False
      15:05:16.893 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save ffmpeg Remote ausführen = True
      15:05:16.893 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save IP = [192, 168, 1, 3]
      15:05:16.894 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Datei zur Identifikation = /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa
      15:05:16.894 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Benutzername = autocut
      15:05:16.895 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Film vor der Bearbeitung = mount
      15:05:16.895 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Betriebssystem = windows
      15:05:16.895 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save VU Freigabetyp = cifs
      15:05:16.896 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save VU HDD Freigabe = vusolo-hdd1
      15:05:16.896 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save VU Username = root
      15:05:16.896 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save VU Passwort = XXXXXXXXX
      15:05:16.897 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save ffpmeg = C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe
      15:05:16.897 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save cmd.exe = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
      15:05:16.897 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Codepage = 65001
      15:05:16.897 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Groß Kleinschreibung ignorieren = True
      15:05:16.898 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Werbung entfernen = True
      15:05:16.898 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save maximale Schnittlänge % = 0
      15:05:16.898 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Dolby 5.1 erkennen = True
      15:05:16.899 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save maximale Prüfzeit (min) = 0
      15:05:16.899 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Prüfbereich = 200
      15:05:16.899 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Schrittweite = 5
      15:05:16.899 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save wenn kein Dolby 5.1 erkannt - Schnittmarken verwenden = True
      15:05:16.900 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Typ = 0,1,2
      15:05:16.900 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save vordere Schnittmarke gültig bis % = 10
      15:05:16.900 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save vordere Schnittmarke - (sec) = 0
      15:05:16.900 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save vordere Schnittmarke + (sec) = 0
      15:05:16.901 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save wenn nicht gefunden Timer Vorlaufzeit verwenden = True
      15:05:16.901 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save hintere Schnittmarke gültig ab % = 75
      15:05:16.901 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save über Dolby 5.1 korrigieren = True
      15:05:16.902 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save hintere Schnittmarke - (sec) = 0
      15:05:16.902 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save hintere Schnittmarke + (sec) = 60
      15:05:16.902 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save cuts Datei nach Bearbeitung = none
      15:05:16.902 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Ausgabepfad ändern = False
      15:05:16.903 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save automatische Zuweisung = False
      15:05:16.903 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Warteschlange erweitern aus Timeraufnahmen = last
      15:05:16.903 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Warteschlange erweitern aus Nachbearbeitung = first
      15:05:16.903 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Timeout (sec) = 60
      15:05:16.904 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Timer Interval (sec) = 5
      15:05:16.904 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save vorn abschneiden (sec) = 0
      15:05:16.904 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save maximale ffmpeg Testzeit (sec) = 120
      15:05:16.905 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Film automatisch neu entschlüsseln = False
      15:05:16.905 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save nach Abschluß = none
      15:05:16.905 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Original Aufnahme = delete
      15:05:16.906 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Log der Filmbearbeitung = none
      15:05:16.906 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Prozess Priorität = 19
      15:05:16.906 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Prozessor Limit wenn kein Standby (%) = 10
      15:05:16.906 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Dateiberechtigung korrigieren = True
      15:05:16.907 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Suche Dolby 5.1 protokollieren = False
      15:05:16.907 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Ton versetzen (msec) = 1000
      15:05:16.907 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Videospur zuerst = False
      15:05:16.907 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Meta prüfen = True
      15:05:16.908 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Testlauf = none
      15:05:16.908 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Schriftgröße = 0
      15:05:16.908 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Startverzögerung beim Booten = 300
      15:05:16.909 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save bearbeitete Aufnahme löschen, wenn Dateigröße Neu > Original = False
      15:05:16.909 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save LCD blinken = now
      15:05:16.909 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Intensität = 150
      15:05:16.909 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Intervall (sec) = 1
      15:05:16.910 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Min = 50
      15:05:16.910 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Max = 255
      15:05:16.910 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Prüfzeit (sec) = 2
      15:05:16.910 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save VTi Aufgaben aktivieren = True
      15:05:16.911 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Dateiüberwachung aktivieren = False
      15:05:16.911 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Meldung bei Änderung vom Timerstatus = False
      15:05:16.911 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Bearbeitungslimit pro Tag = 0
      15:05:16.912 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Video Codec (ok) = libx264
      15:05:16.912 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Video Format = 16:9
      15:05:16.912 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Sprache =
      15:05:16.912 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 1 = -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6
      15:05:16.913 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 1 alternativ =
      15:05:16.913 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 2 =
      15:05:16.913 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 2 alternativ =
      15:05:16.914 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 3 =
      15:05:16.914 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Audio 3 alternativ =
      15:05:16.915 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 0 =
      15:05:16.915 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 1 =
      15:05:16.915 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 1 alternativ =
      15:05:16.916 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 2 =
      15:05:16.916 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 2 alternativ =
      15:05:16.916 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 3 =
      15:05:16.916 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Map 3 alternativ =
      15:05:16.917 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Parameter 1/4 = -sn -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast
      15:05:16.917 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Parameter 2/4 = -fflags +genpts
      15:05:16.917 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Parameter 3/4 =
      15:05:16.918 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Save Parameter 4/4 = -ignore_unknown
      15:05:16.918 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] saveconvpath, /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/
      15:05:16.918 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] searching
      15:05:16.919 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:16.919 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Append /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:16.919 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() read from file /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:16.920 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() unlink /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:16.920 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:05:16.921 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:16.921 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Append /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:05:16.921 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() read from file /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:16.922 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() unlink /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:16.922 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:16.922 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:05:16.922 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] addqueue() write /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:16.923 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Append /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:16.923 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] save pversion
      15:05:16.923 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] run()
      15:05:16.923 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] run() - Standby= 0
      15:05:16.923 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] start() - runthread= 0 aktiv= now
      15:05:16.924 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Timerinterval= 5
      15:05:16.924 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Job wait init()
      15:05:16.924 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Task wait init()
      15:05:16.924 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Task wait run()
      15:05:16.928 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [Speech2Text] remove callback function
      15:05:16.943 [e2-core] abs position 818 130 -> 374 217
      15:05:16.943 [e2-core] m_fb_size width : 1280, height : 720
      15:05:17.932 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] LCD Timer init
      15:05:18.671 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:18.934 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:19.982 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:20.681 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:21.000 [e2-python] next real activation isMon Jun 29 16:48:40 2020
      15:05:21.000 [e2-python] next real activation isTue Jun 30 10:15:01 2020
      15:05:21.032 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:21.927 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Timer-Function( True )
      15:05:21.927 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] skip check metafile ( False )
      15:05:21.927 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] run ffmpeg
      15:05:21.928 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:21.928 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:05:21.929 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:21.930 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:21.930 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] os.rename /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut_ /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut
      15:05:21.931 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] create "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4.log"
      15:05:21.978 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] read meta
      15:05:21.979 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime()
      15:05:21.980 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:21.980 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:05:22.084 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:22.448 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts , Filetime= 2720 Jobmaxtime= 2720
      15:05:22.449 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /etc/enigma2/.scrambled_video_list.autocut found
      15:05:22.449 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:05:22.449 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:05:22.691 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:22.722 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts , Filetime= 2881 Jobmaxtime= 5601
      15:05:22.723 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts
      15:05:22.724 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:05:22.986 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setmaxtime() /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts , Filetime= 2880 Jobmaxtime= 8481
      15:05:22.987 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Filesize= 2105311232
      15:05:22.987 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:05:23.132 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:23.184 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] log Stream() - ffmpeg -ss 1360 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream
      15:05:23.365 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getminmax - "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" max=2720
      15:05:23.365 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1360 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:23.565 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1160 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:23.567 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1165 1560 0 1 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:23.779 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1165 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:23.781 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1170 1560 0 2 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:23.968 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1170 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:23.969 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1175 1560 0 3 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:24.155 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1175 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:24.156 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1180 1560 0 4 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:24.183 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:24.349 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1180 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:24.350 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1185 1560 0 5 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:24.565 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1185 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:24.566 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1190 1560 0 6 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:24.587 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      15:05:24.587 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      15:05:24.587 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      15:05:24.589 [e2-core] abs position 0 0 -> 0 0
      15:05:24.589 [e2-core] m_fb_size width : 1280, height : 720
      15:05:24.604 [e2-core] abs position 818 130 -> 374 217
      15:05:24.604 [e2-core] m_fb_size width : 1280, height : 720
      15:05:24.704 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:24.838 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1190 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:24.839 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1195 1560 0 7 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:25.066 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1195 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:25.067 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1200 1560 0 8 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:25.233 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:25.284 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1200 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:25.288 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1205 1560 0 9 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:25.477 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1205 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:25.478 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1210 1560 0 10 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:25.674 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      15:05:25.675 [e2-core] abs position 0 0 -> 0 0
      15:05:25.675 [e2-core] m_fb_size width : 1280, height : 720
      15:05:25.722 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1210 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:25.724 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1215 1560 0 11 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:25.920 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1215 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:25.921 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1220 1560 0 12 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:26.131 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1220 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:26.132 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1225 1560 0 13 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:26.283 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:26.353 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1225 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:26.354 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1230 1560 0 14 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:26.545 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1230 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:26.546 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1235 1560 0 15 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:26.714 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:26.733 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1235 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:26.734 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1240 1560 0 16 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:26.932 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1240 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:26.933 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1245 1560 0 17 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:27.304 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1245 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:27.305 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1250 1560 0 18 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:27.333 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:27.497 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1250 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:27.498 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1255 1560 0 19 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:27.700 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1255 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:27.701 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1260 1560 0 20 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:27.889 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1260 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:27.890 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1265 1560 0 21 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:28.094 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1265 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:28.095 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1270 1560 0 22 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:28.320 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1270 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:28.322 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1275 1560 0 23 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:28.386 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:28.600 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1275 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:28.601 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1280 1560 0 24 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:28.725 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:28.797 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1280 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:28.798 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1285 1560 0 25 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:28.988 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1285 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:28.989 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1290 1560 0 26 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:29.208 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1290 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:29.209 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1295 1560 0 27 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:29.419 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1295 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:29.420 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1300 1560 0 28 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:29.438 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:29.612 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1300 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:29.613 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1305 1560 0 29 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:29.843 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1305 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:29.844 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1310 1560 0 30 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:30.044 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1310 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:30.045 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1315 1560 0 31 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:30.240 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1315 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:30.241 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1320 1560 0 32 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:30.483 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:30.571 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1320 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:30.572 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1325 1560 0 33 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:30.735 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:30.793 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1325 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:30.794 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1330 1560 0 34 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:30.983 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1330 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:30.984 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1335 1560 0 35 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:31.187 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1335 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:31.188 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1340 1560 0 36 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:31.386 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1340 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:31.387 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1345 1560 0 37 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:31.533 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:31.589 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1345 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:31.590 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1350 1560 0 38 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:31.782 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1350 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:31.783 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1355 1560 0 39 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:31.986 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1355 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:31.988 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1360 1560 0 40 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:32.155 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1360 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:32.156 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1365 1560 0 41 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:32.340 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1365 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:32.341 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1370 1560 0 42 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:32.553 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1370 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:32.555 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1375 1560 0 43 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:32.583 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:32.745 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:32.760 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1375 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:32.761 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1380 1560 0 44 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:32.968 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1380 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:32.970 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1385 1560 0 45 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:33.164 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1385 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:33.166 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1390 1560 0 46 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:33.343 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1390 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:33.344 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1395 1560 0 47 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:33.539 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1395 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:33.540 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1400 1560 0 48 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:33.633 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:33.755 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1400 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:33.756 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1405 1560 0 49 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:33.947 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1405 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:33.949 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1410 1560 0 50 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:34.139 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1410 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:34.140 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1415 1560 0 51 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:34.347 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1415 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:34.348 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1420 1560 0 52 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:34.546 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1420 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:34.547 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1425 1560 0 53 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:34.682 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:34.755 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:34.769 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1425 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:34.770 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1430 1560 0 54 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:34.960 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1430 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:34.962 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1435 1560 0 55 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:35.144 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1435 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:35.145 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1440 1560 0 56 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:35.359 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1440 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:35.361 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1445 1560 0 57 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:35.576 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1445 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:35.577 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1450 1560 0 58 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:35.732 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:35.784 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1450 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:35.785 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1455 1560 0 59 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:35.996 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1455 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:35.997 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1460 1560 0 60 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:36.202 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1460 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:36.203 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1465 1560 0 61 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:36.406 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1465 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:36.407 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1470 1560 0 62 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:36.594 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1470 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:36.595 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1475 1560 0 63 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:36.766 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:36.782 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:36.837 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1475 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:36.839 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1480 1560 0 64 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:37.038 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1480 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:37.039 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1485 1560 0 65 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:37.230 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1485 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:37.232 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1490 1560 0 66 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:37.438 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1490 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:37.439 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1495 1560 0 67 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:37.653 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1495 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:37.655 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1500 1560 0 68 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:37.832 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:37.887 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1500 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:37.889 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1505 1560 0 69 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.087 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1505 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:38.088 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1510 1560 0 70 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.286 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1510 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:38.288 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1515 1560 0 71 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.492 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1515 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:38.493 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1520 1560 0 72 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.693 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1520 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:38.695 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1525 1560 0 73 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.777 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:38.876 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1525 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:38.877 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1530 1560 0 74 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:38.896 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:39.080 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1530 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:39.081 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1535 1560 0 75 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:39.283 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1535 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:39.284 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1540 1560 0 76 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:39.486 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1540 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:39.487 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1545 1560 0 77 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:39.682 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1545 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:39.683 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1550 1560 0 78 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:39.877 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1550 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:39.879 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1555 1560 0 79 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:39.943 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:40.072 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1555 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:40.073 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getcountdd51() 1560 1560 0 80 0 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:40.240 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check Audio 5.1 - ffmpeg -ss 1360 -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep ac3 | grep 5.1 = False
      15:05:40.240 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] ac51 not found - 0 80 0
      15:05:40.241 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] working cutlist
      15:05:40.241 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] cutlist( /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts )
      15:05:40.242 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] cutlist() append 383 3
      15:05:40.242 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] cutlist() append 2509 2
      15:05:40.242 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] cutlist() append 2569 2
      15:05:40.242 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] cutlist:
      15:05:40.243 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] type 3 ignore
      15:05:40.244 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] wstart= -1 / wend= -1 / tmp= 2509 / half= 1360
      15:05:40.244 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] set wend= 2509
      15:05:40.244 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] wstart= -1 / wend= 2509 / tmp= 2569 / half= 1360
      15:05:40.244 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Korrektur wstart: 60 60
      15:05:40.245 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] wstart= 60 wend= 2569
      15:05:40.246 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() --> Videoformat - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" / -aspect 16:9 / / 0
      15:05:40.246 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Videoformat check Videoformat - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" -aspect 16:9 -y -t 2 testfile_autocut.ts
      15:05:40.789 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:40.994 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:42.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:42.290 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Videoformat no alternate
      15:05:42.290 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Videoformat return checktime= 2 param= -aspect 16:9
      15:05:42.291 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() --> Audio1 - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" / -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 / / 2
      15:05:42.292 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Audio1 check Audio1 - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 -y -t 2 testfile_autocut.ts
      15:05:42.799 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:43.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:44.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:44.339 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Audio1 no alternate
      15:05:44.340 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Audio1 return checktime= 2 param= -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6
      15:05:44.341 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() --> Param1-4 - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" / -sn -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts -ignore_unknown / / 2
      15:05:44.342 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Param1-4 check Param1-4 - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" -sn -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts -ignore_unknown -y -t 2 testfile_autocut.ts
      15:05:44.809 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:45.194 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:46.244 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:46.386 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Param1-4 no alternate
      15:05:46.387 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check_ffmpeg() Param1-4 return checktime= 2 param= -sn -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts -ignore_unknown
      15:05:46.387 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg: True /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:46.391 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] smbpath= /media/hdd1
      15:05:46.391 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] filename= /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:46.392 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      15:05:46.392 [e2-python]
      15:05:46.392 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> del "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      15:05:46.392 [e2-python]
      15:05:46.393 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      15:05:46.393 [e2-python]
      15:05:46.394 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> dir "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Sammlungen\Am Mississippi\20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" > "C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt"
      15:05:46.394 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      15:05:46.395 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      15:05:46.819 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:47.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:47.443 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      15:05:47.488 [e2-python] pid= 26016
      15:05:48.047 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remotessh - OK: ['\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>chcp 65001 \n', 'Aktive Codepage: 65001.\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>del "C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\\root \n', 'Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef\xc3\xbchrt.\n', '\n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>dir "\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1\\movie\\Sammlungen\\Am Mississippi\\20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 1>"C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.txt" \n', '\n', 'autocut@MARKUS C:\\Users\\autocut>net use \\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 /d \n', '\\\\\\vusolo-hdd1 wurde erfolgreich gel\xc3\xb6scht.\n', '\n']
      15:05:48.048 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.txt" /tmp/winffmpeg.txt )
      15:05:48.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:48.829 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:49.091 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - search file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt
      15:05:49.092 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - open file /tmp/winffmpeg.txt - Size = 378
      15:05:49.095 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] 20 44 61 74 65 6e 74 72 c3 a4 67 65 72 20 69 6e 20 4c 61 75 66 77 65 72 6b 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 3a 20 69 73 74 20 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 0d 0a 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 73 65 72 69 65 6e 6e 75 6d 6d 65 72 3a 20 42 33 38 41 2d 46 32 42 46 0d 0a 0d 0a 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 20 76 6f 6e 20 5c 5c 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 37 5c 76 75 73 6f 6c 6f 2d 68 64 64 31 5c 6d 6f 76 69 65 5c 53 61 6d 6d 6c 75 6e 67 65 6e 5c 41 6d 20 4d 69 73 73 69 73 73 69 70 70 69 0d 0a 0d 0a 31 37 2e 31 30 2e 32 30 31 30 20 20 31 34 3a 33 31 20 20 20 20 20 32 2e 31 30 35 2e 33 31 31 2e 32 33 32 20 32 30 31 30 31 30 31 37 20 31 33 34 34 20 2d 20 33 73 61 74 20 2d 20 41 6d 20 4d 69 73 73 69 73 73 69 70 70 69 20 28 31 5f 33 29 2e 74 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 20 44 61 74 65 69 28 65 6e 29 2c 20 20 32 2e 31 30 35 2e 33 31 31 2e 32 33 32 20 42 79 74 65 73 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 220 30 20 56 65 72 7a 65 69 63 68 6e 69 73 28 73 65 29 2c 20 33 30 34 2e 37 36 38 2e 37 37 38 2e 32 34 30 20 42 79 74 65 73 20 66 72 65 69 0d 0a
      15:05:49.096 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check datenträger in laufwerk \\\vusolo-hdd1: ist vusolo-hdd1 <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.096 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check volumeseriennummer: b38a-f2bf <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check verzeichnis von \\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\sammlungen\am mississippi <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 17.10.2010 14:31 2.105.311.232 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - found Filename 20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.098 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 1 datei(en), 2.105.311.232 bytes <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.098 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] - check 0 verzeichnis(se), 304.768.778.240 bytes frei <--> 20101017 1344 - 3sat - am mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:05:49.099 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] remoteffmpeg return: ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut
      15:05:49.102 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> chcp 65001
      15:05:49.102 [e2-python]
      15:05:49.103 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write smbpath = /media/hdd1
      15:05:49.103 [e2-python]
      15:05:49.103 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 XXXXXXXXX /user:\root
      15:05:49.103 [e2-python]
      15:05:49.104 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -itsoffset 1 -i "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Sammlungen\Am Mississippi\20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" -t 2509 -ss 60 -c:v libx264 -aspect 16:9 -c:a:0 ac3 -c:a:1 ac3 -ab:1 192k -ar:1 48000 -ac:1 6 -sn -y -crf 28 -preset veryfast -fflags +genpts -ignore_unknown "\\\vusolo-hdd1\movie\Sammlungen\Am Mississippi\20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4"
      15:05:49.104 [e2-python]
      15:05:49.104 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] write winffmpegfile --> net use \\\vusolo-hdd1 /d
      15:05:49.105 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] subprocess.Popen( scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/winffmpeg.cmd autocut@"C:\Programme\ffmpeg\bin\winffmpeg.cmd" )
      15:05:49.393 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:50.148 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] starting ssh -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -l autocut "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Programme\\ffmpeg\\bin\\winffmpeg.cmd"
      15:05:50.189 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] pid= 26032
      15:05:50.190 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] nice -n -10 cpulimit -p 26032 -l 10
      15:05:50.443 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:50.839 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:51.493 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:52.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:52.849 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:53.593 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:54.643 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:54.860 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:55.692 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:56.743 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:56.870 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:57.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:05:58.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:05:58.902 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:05:59.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:00.912 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:00.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:01.994 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:02.441 [e2-python] [Elektro] Profile: 1
      15:06:02.442 [e2-python] [Elektro] Nextday: 07:00:00
      15:06:02.442 [e2-python] [Elektro] Current time: 15:06:00
      15:06:02.442 [e2-python] [Elektro] Wakeup time: 10:00:00
      15:06:02.443 [e2-python] [Elektro] Sleep time: 01:00:00
      15:06:02.923 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:03.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:04.093 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:04.933 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:05.143 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:06.193 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:06.943 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:07.243 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:08.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:08.953 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:09.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:10.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:10.963 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:11.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:12.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      15:06:12.682 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_down
      15:06:12.901 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_up
      15:06:12.904 [e2-python] enter standby
      15:06:12.904 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [VTiEvent] STANDBY_ENTER
      15:06:12.905 [e2-python] stopService
      15:06:12.905 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [VTiEvent] SERVICE_STOP
      15:06:12.906 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      15:06:12.906 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      15:06:12.919 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      15:06:12.919 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      15:06:12.920 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      15:06:12.921 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      15:06:12.927 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      15:06:12.927 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      15:06:12.927 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      15:06:12.927 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      15:06:12.934 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      15:06:13.088 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 102
      15:06:13.134 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [PVRDescramble] enterStandby
      15:06:13.136 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] go to standby . . .
      15:06:13.137 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] No inactivity timer to stop
      15:06:13.138 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] onEnterStandby
      15:06:13.138 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] setstandby( 1 ) send_signal SIGINT
      15:06:13.139 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] start() - runthread= 1 aktiv= now
      15:06:13.154 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:13.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 105
      15:06:14.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:15.165 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:15.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:15.934 [e2-core] release cached channel (timer timeout)
      15:06:15.935 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x19d7fe0
      15:06:15.936 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x19d7fe0
      15:06:15.937 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x19d7fe0
      15:06:15.937 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      15:06:16.135 [e2-python] [#----] VTiCore [PVRDescramble] get unscrambled recordings
      15:06:16.693 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:17.175 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:17.742 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:18.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:18.938 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      15:06:19.185 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:19.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:20.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:21.195 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:21.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:22.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:23.205 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:24.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:25.096 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:25.215 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:26.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:27.192 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:27.251 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:28.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:29.261 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:29.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:30.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:31.271 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:31.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:32.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:33.281 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:33.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:34.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:35.291 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:35.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:36.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:37.301 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:37.693 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:38.744 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:39.311 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:39.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:40.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:41.321 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:41.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:42.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:43.331 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:43.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:45.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:45.341 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:46.093 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:47.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:47.351 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:48.192 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:49.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:49.361 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:50.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:51.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:51.405 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:52.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:53.096 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGSTOP
      15:06:53.097 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:06:53.315 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGCONT
      15:06:53.316 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() s= -1
      15:06:53.416 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:53.445 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:54.493 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:55.427 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:55.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:56.593 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:57.438 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:57.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:06:58.692 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:06:59.448 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:06:59.742 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:00.000 [e2-python] next real activation isMon Jun 29 16:48:40 2020
      15:07:00.793 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:01.000 [e2-python] next real activation isTue Jun 30 10:15:01 2020
      15:07:01.460 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:01.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:02.444 [e2-python] [Elektro] Profile: 1
      15:07:02.445 [e2-python] [Elektro] Nextday: 07:00:00
      15:07:02.445 [e2-python] [Elektro] Current time: 15:07:00
      15:07:02.445 [e2-python] [Elektro] Wakeup time: 10:00:00
      15:07:02.445 [e2-python] [Elektro] Sleep time: 01:00:00
      15:07:02.893 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:03.470 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:03.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:04.997 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:05.480 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:06.043 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:07.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:07.142 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] start() - runthread= 1 aktiv= now
      15:07:07.490 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:08.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:09.192 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:09.500 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:10.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:11.293 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:11.510 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:12.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:13.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:13.520 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:14.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:15.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:15.553 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:16.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:17.563 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:17.593 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:18.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:19.573 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:19.692 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:20.742 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:21.583 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:21.795 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:22.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:23.593 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:23.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:24.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:25.603 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:25.993 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:27.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:27.613 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:28.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:29.141 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:29.623 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:30.193 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:31.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:31.633 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:32.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:33.344 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:33.643 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:34.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:35.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:35.653 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:36.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:37.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:37.663 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:38.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:39.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:39.701 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:40.692 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:41.711 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:41.743 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:42.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:43.721 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:43.842 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:44.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:45.731 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:45.944 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:46.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:47.742 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:48.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:49.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:49.753 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:50.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:51.192 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:51.763 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:52.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:53.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:53.773 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:54.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:55.393 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:55.783 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:56.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:57.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:57.793 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:07:58.343 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGSTOP
      15:07:58.344 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:07:58.538 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGCONT
      15:07:58.539 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() s= -1
      15:07:58.545 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:07:59.593 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:07:59.806 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:00.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:01.693 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:01.817 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:02.447 [e2-python] [Elektro] Profile: 1
      15:08:02.448 [e2-python] [Elektro] Nextday: 07:00:00
      15:08:02.448 [e2-python] [Elektro] Current time: 15:08:00
      15:08:02.448 [e2-python] [Elektro] Wakeup time: 10:00:00
      15:08:02.448 [e2-python] [Elektro] Sleep time: 01:00:00
      15:08:02.742 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:03.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:03.851 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:04.841 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:05.862 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:05.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:06.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:07.872 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:07.993 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:09.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:09.882 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:10.095 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:11.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:11.892 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:12.193 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:13.242 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:13.902 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:14.293 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:15.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:15.912 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:16.393 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:17.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:17.922 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:18.493 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:19.543 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:19.932 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:20.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:21.644 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:21.942 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:22.692 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:23.741 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:23.952 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:24.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:25.843 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:25.962 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:26.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:27.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:28.001 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:28.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:30.011 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:30.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:31.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:32.021 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:32.143 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:33.194 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:34.031 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:34.243 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:35.292 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:36.042 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:36.341 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:37.392 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:38.052 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:38.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:39.493 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:40.000 [e2-python] next real activation isTue Jun 30 10:15:01 2020
      15:08:40.001 [e2-python] next real activation isMon Jun 29 16:48:40 2020
      15:08:40.062 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:40.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:41.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:42.072 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:42.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:43.693 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:44.082 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:44.744 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:45.792 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:46.092 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:46.843 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:47.892 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:48.102 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:48.942 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:49.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:50.113 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:51.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:52.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:52.150 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:53.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:54.161 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:54.192 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:55.243 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:56.172 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:56.294 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:57.342 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:08:58.181 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:08:58.393 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:08:59.442 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:00.191 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:00.492 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:01.542 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:02.201 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:02.450 [e2-python] [Elektro] Profile: 1
      15:09:02.450 [e2-python] [Elektro] Nextday: 07:00:00
      15:09:02.450 [e2-python] [Elektro] Current time: 15:09:00
      15:09:02.451 [e2-python] [Elektro] Wakeup time: 10:00:00
      15:09:02.451 [e2-python] [Elektro] Sleep time: 01:00:00
      15:09:02.592 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:03.558 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGSTOP
      15:09:03.558 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:09:03.642 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:03.728 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() - send_signal SIGCONT
      15:09:03.729 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getprogress() s= -1
      15:09:04.212 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:04.693 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:05.742 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:06.222 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:06.793 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:07.841 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:08.232 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:08.894 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:09.943 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:10.242 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:10.992 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:12.042 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:12.252 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:13.092 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:13.900 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] getsize() - ffmpeg -i "/media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts" 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }'
      15:09:14.142 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 50
      15:09:14.233 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Set Permission 0644 on /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4
      15:09:14.233 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink search /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.meta
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4.log
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).eit
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.cuts
      15:09:14.234 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.235 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4 - skip
      15:09:14.235 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] mark unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.ap
      15:09:14.235 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] set Output= /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).mp4
      15:09:14.237 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] .eit --> source = dest --> /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.238 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] .ts.cuts --> source = dest --> /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.238 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.meta
      15:09:14.256 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4.log
      15:09:14.257 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3) <--> /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.258 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] check /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3) <--> /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.259 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] skip unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).eit
      15:09:14.259 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts
      15:09:14.262 [e2-python] open non cdrom failed No medium found
      15:09:14.699 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.cuts
      15:09:14.700 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3)
      15:09:14.714 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] unlink /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.ap
      15:09:14.715 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] os.rename /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).ts.autocut.mp4 /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1344 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (1_3).mp4
      15:09:14.715 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Filesize new= 257448613
      15:09:14.716 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] count= 3
      15:09:15.193 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 150
      15:09:15.717 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] Timer-Function( True )
      15:09:15.718 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] skip check metafile ( False )
      15:09:15.718 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] run ffmpeg
      15:09:15.718 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1429 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (2_3).ts
      15:09:15.719 [e2-python] [AUTOCUT] /media/hdd1/movie/Sammlungen/Am Mississippi/20101017 1514 - 3sat - Am Mississippi (3_3).ts

      Ich glaube, daß die .....mp4.cuts nie erzeugt wird
