ultimo 4k macht Probleme

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    • Ich wollte mal sehen, wie der Load ohne den Sachen ist.

      Ja, aber ich gehe da von aus, dass es zu 90% nicht an der Hardware liegt. Und tiefer komme ich selbst nicht. Da reichen meine Nerven in dem Alter nicht mehr ;) .

      Erstaunlicherweise lesen doch etliche Leute hier mit. Haben vielleicht doch andere auch das Problem?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()

    • ich geh von 100% aus

      Haben vielleicht doch andere auch das Problem?
      die unvermeidliche Frage aller Fragen :wall1:

      wie wäre es denn, statt derartigem Unsinn mal debug-logs zu erstellen welche bei Auftreten der jeweiligen Probleme etwas aussagen könnten?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von shadowrider ()

    • Es gibt die Auslastung des Prozessors in Prozent und dann noch den Load - letzteres sagt etwas über die Wartezeit der Prozesse aus. Die ist bei meinem System bei 2 bis 1 obwohl keine wait auf irgendetwas

      ja ich schaue mir schon die logs an. Die lassen sich aber so doof oder gar nicht kopieren. Bei jedem anderen Linux klappt das! Da habe ich keine Lust drauf. Alles was ich an relevanten Sachen gefunden habe, ist hier.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()

    • Dann fang schon mal an, ich kann es ja vergleichen. Ich habe erstaunlicherweise hier auch kaum Logauszüge gesehen.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo () aus folgendem Grund: unnötiges Komplettzitat entfernt

    • uii, ist ja auch n schwieriges Unterfangen mit debuglogs:
      "in Datei schreiben" lassen und hier anhängen! :whistling:
      Kannst auch per Console machen, aber das ist für Fortgeschrittene, da musst in der Console kopieren und dann in ne Textdatei pasten! :P

      Sorry, vergessen zu erwähnen: obige Zeilen wurden mit nem guten Schuss Ironie geschrieben. ^^
      - - - Beitrag wurde mit Deppentalk erstellt. - - -

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von tantalos ()

    • shadowrider schrieb:

      mit was soll ich anfangen?

      das ganze Forum ist voll von geposteten log-Dateien, erzähl doch bitte keinen Unsinn :crazy3:
      Ich habe keine gesehen, habe aber auch nicht sonderlich gesucht.

      So nachdem ich die angelegte Datei gefunden habe und auch was drinsteht werde ich schon bei Gelegenheit etwas schicken. Ich kenne es jedenfalls einfacher und ich habe hier vier mal Linux. Okay, es ist immer etwas anders. Gut, muss ich mich eben da auch noch dran gewöhnen.

      ähm sorry .... schon bei 6 x linux

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von konar8452 () aus folgendem Grund: erweiterung

    • ah, klingt interessant mit dem Linux, und dem einfachen Handling!
      wie geht man dort vor um an logs zu kommen?
      könntest das bitte mal verständlich erklären?
      wir hier sind doch fast alles Windows Nutzer, von nen paar Mac Usern abgesehen.
      - - - Beitrag wurde mit Deppentalk erstellt. - - -
    • @tantalos
      Bitte das Sarkasmusschild nicht vergessen :) könnte sonst der ein oder andere in den falschen Hals bekommen...
      ACHTUNG!!!! Hier folgt eine Signatur:

      Die Benutzung der Suche ist NICHT verboten! D:

      "Hilfe!!!" ist kein sinnvoller Titel für einen neuen Thread, ebensowenig "VU+Zero" oder vergleichbares.

      Keine Hilfe ohne ausgefülltes Profil!
      Kein Netzwerksupport bei manueller IP-Adress-Vergabe :-)
      Kein Support bei portforwardings/ Portfreigaben

      Profil extra angepasst für die arme Emma, die sonst nichts im Leben hat :happy1:
    • Schalte mal das Debug-Log in den VTi-Einstellungen an. Sollte sich auch bei dir unter Menu -> "VTi" runterscrollen bis "Einstellungen - System" -> Seite 5/5 unter "Fehlersuche" finden lassen. Laß das Debug-Log als Datei und nicht als Loop speichern. Bei Loop wird das Log bei jedem Reboot und eventuell auch bei jedem Standby überschrieben, das hilft folglich nicht weiter.
      vorinstallierte Plugins seit VTi-14.x: EPG Search| GraphMultiEPG | OpenWebIF
      installierte Plugins: Autotimer | CutListEditor | EPG Refresh| FileBrowserVTi | OSCamButler | PiconManager | SerienRecorder-GIT-beta | LV4-Lastview
    • Log läuft seit gestern. Ich teste jetzt den YTPlayer. Leider erkennt er nach Öffnen des YTP die FB anders. Anschließend Frontend close. Dann sieht man keine Lautstärkeänderungen außer die im webif.

      Vielleicht ist der Fehler seit gestern nach den Kernelupdates weg. Schauen wir mal.

      So leider immer noch der Fehler: 18:05 wurde YTP geöffnet, anschließend die FB erkannt (blauer Teil), dann Zeitsprung, da Zeit nicht korrekt. Dann von 18:06 bis 18:36 also ziemlich exakt 30 Minuten lief der YTP mit Änderungen an der Lautstärke. 18:36 war Ruhe. dann TV mit Lautstärkeänderungen (sind im Log zu sehen) aber ohne Ton. Zwischendurch die Lautstärkeänderungen sind die vom Webif, das klappte.

      Ich denke, da kommt etwas mit der Zeit durcheinander: Wenn ich die Box neu starte (warm) ist leider die Zeit wieder weg. und das Ganze geht von neuem los (siehe unten zweiter Teil). Vielleicht muss ich die Zeitänderung abwarten und dann den YTP starten?

      Spoiler anzeigen

      01:00:19.070 [e2-core] [VTi] version: 13.0.6 --> build: 2018-03-05 (bf0fe4843) | vti-master
      01:00:19.190 [e2-core] + (1) Background File Eraser
      01:00:19.191 [e2-core] + (5) Tuxtxt
      01:00:19.191 [e2-core] + (8) graphics acceleration manager
      01:00:19.195 [e2-core] + (9) Font Render Class
      01:00:19.195 [e2-core] [FONT] initializing lib...
      01:00:19.200 [e2-core] [FONT] loading fonts...
      01:00:19.200 [e2-core] [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
      01:00:19.200 [e2-core] + (9) gLCDDC
      01:00:19.202 [e2-core] found OLED display!
      01:00:19.205 [e2-core] lcd buffer 0xb5347008 1536000 bytes, stride 3200
      01:00:19.205 [e2-core] + (9) GFBDC
      01:00:19.205 [e2-core] 21600k video mem
      01:00:19.206 [e2-core] [Animation] set animation mode 0
      01:00:19.206 [e2-core] [gFBDC] set default resolution to: 1920x1080
      01:00:19.206 [e2-core] SetMode : wanted: 1920x1080x32, got 1920x1440x32
      01:00:19.217 [e2-core] - double buffering available!
      01:00:19.232 [e2-core] 5400kB available for acceleration surfaces.
      01:00:19.232 [e2-core] resolution: 1920 x 1080 x 32 (stride: 7680)
      01:00:19.232 [e2-core] + (10) gRC
      01:00:19.232 [e2-core] RC thread created successfully
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (15) eWindowStyleManager
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (20) AVSwitch Driver
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (20) misc options
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (20) RC Input layer
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (20) UHF Modulator
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
      01:00:19.233 [e2-core] + (20) Hdmi CEC driver
      01:00:19.234 [e2-core] + (20) DVB-CI UI
      01:00:19.238 [e2-core] + (21) Console RC Driver
      01:00:19.239 [e2-core] failed to open /dev/tty0
      01:00:19.239 [e2-core] + (21) input device driver
      01:00:19.239 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/event0
      01:00:19.239 [e2-core] Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is not a keyboard.
      01:00:19.239 [e2-core] Found 1 input devices!
      01:00:19.240 [e2-core] + (30) eActionMap
      01:00:19.240 [e2-core] + (35) CI Slots
      01:00:19.240 [e2-core] scanning for common interfaces..
      01:00:19.312 [e2-core] before: 1
      01:00:19.312 [e2-core] after: 1
      01:00:19.312 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 7 ok
      01:00:19.312 [e2-core] before: 1
      01:00:19.312 [e2-core] after: 1
      01:00:19.313 [e2-core] setIoPrio idle level 6 ok
      01:00:19.313 [e2-core] done, found 2 common interface slots
      01:00:19.313 [e2-core] + (40) eServiceCenter
      01:00:19.316 [e2-core] settings instance.
      01:00:19.316 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
      01:00:19.317 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] + (42) eVTiApp
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] + (42) eServiceRecordDB
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] reached rl 70
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/lamedb
      01:00:19.318 [e2-core] ---- opening lame channel db
      01:00:19.319 [e2-core] reading services (version 4)
      01:00:19.353 [e2-core] loaded 1595 services
      01:00:19.356 [e2-core] scanning for frontends..
      01:00:19.357 [e2-core] [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 0
      01:00:19.358 [e2-core] opening frontend 0
      01:00:19.391 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      01:00:19.424 [e2-core] [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 1
      01:00:19.424 [e2-core] opening frontend 1
      01:00:19.472 [e2-core] close frontend 1
      01:00:19.505 [e2-core] found 1 adapter, 2 frontends(2 sim) and 23 demux, boxtype 4
      01:00:19.506 [e2-core] RTC not ready... wait for transponder time
      01:00:19.506 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
      01:00:19.506 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/pal.png
      01:00:19.506 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/pal.png
      01:00:19.510 [e2-core] Loading spinners...
      01:00:19.510 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait1.png
      01:00:19.510 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait1.png
      01:00:19.511 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait2.png
      01:00:19.511 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait2.png
      01:00:19.512 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait3.png
      01:00:19.512 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait3.png
      01:00:19.512 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait4.png
      01:00:19.512 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait4.png
      01:00:19.513 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait5.png
      01:00:19.513 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait5.png
      01:00:19.513 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait6.png
      01:00:19.514 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait6.png
      01:00:19.514 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait7.png
      01:00:19.514 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait7.png
      01:00:19.515 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
      01:00:19.515 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
      01:00:19.515 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait9.png
      01:00:19.515 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait9.png
      01:00:19.516 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait10.png
      01:00:19.516 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait10.png
      01:00:19.849 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait11.png
      01:00:19.849 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait11.png
      01:00:19.850 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait12.png
      01:00:19.850 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait12.png
      01:00:19.850 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait13.png
      01:00:19.851 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait13.png
      01:00:19.851 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait14.png
      01:00:19.851 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait14.png
      01:00:19.851 [e2-core] found 13 spinner!

      01:00:19.851 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
      01:00:19.852 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/mytest.py
      01:00:19.852 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py
      01:00:19.909 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/fonts/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/fonts/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/
      01:00:19.910 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/po/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/po/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/playlist/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/playlist/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/dealer
      01:00:19.911 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/dealer
      01:00:19.912 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/meta
      01:00:19.912 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/meta
      01:00:19.912 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.912 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.916 [e2-python] [dvbapp2] set os enivronment variable SSL_CERT_FILE= /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
      01:00:19.965 [e2-python] enumerating block devices...
      01:00:19.967 [e2-python] found block device 'sda': ok, removable=False, cdrom=False, partitions=['sda1']
      01:00:19.968 [e2-python] new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
      01:00:19.974 [e2-python] found block device 'sda1': error querying properties
      01:00:19.975 [e2-python] found block device 'loop0': blacklisted
      01:00:19.976 [e2-python] found block device 'loop1': blacklisted
      01:00:19.977 [e2-python] found block device 'loop2': blacklisted
      01:00:19.978 [e2-python] found block device 'loop3': blacklisted
      01:00:19.979 [e2-python] found block device 'loop4': blacklisted
      01:00:19.980 [e2-python] found block device 'loop5': blacklisted
      01:00:19.981 [e2-python] found block device 'loop6': blacklisted
      01:00:19.981 [e2-python] found block device 'loop7': blacklisted
      01:00:19.982 [e2-python] found block device 'mmcblk0rpmb': blacklisted
      01:00:19.984 [e2-python] found block device 'mmcblk0boot0': blacklisted
      01:00:19.985 [e2-python] found block device 'mmcblk0boot1': blacklisted
      01:00:19.986 [e2-python] found block device 'mmcblk0': blacklisted
      01:00:19.987 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock0': blacklisted
      01:00:19.988 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock1': blacklisted
      01:00:19.989 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock2': blacklisted
      01:00:20.324 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock3': blacklisted
      01:00:20.325 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock4': blacklisted
      01:00:20.484 [e2-python] not loading user skin: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml'
      01:00:20.490 [e2-python] [VTi] loading vfd skin: vfd_skin/skin_vfd_vti_I.xml
      01:00:20.491 [e2-python] [VTi] not loading user defined colors for skin
      01:00:20.491 [e2-python] [VTi] not loading user defined header file for skin
      01:00:21.355 [e2-python] [DataBase] init database: /media/hdd/vtidb.db
      01:00:21.382 [e2-python] Reading satellites.xml
      01:00:21.677 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/unicable.xml
      01:00:21.677 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/unicable.xml
      01:00:21.723 [e2-python] [InitNimManager] check multi type slot 0
      01:00:21.723 [e2-python] [InitNimManager] check multi type slot 1
      01:00:21.723 [e2-python] [Nimmanager] slot 0 create config satellite..
      01:00:21.726 [e2-python] [Nimmanager] slot 1 create config satellite..
      01:00:21.729 [e2-python] removing internal link on frontend id 1
      01:00:21.730 [e2-python] sec config cleared
      01:00:21.730 [e2-core] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes, DVB-T2 No, DVB-S2X No
      01:00:21.730 [e2-core] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 1 to slotid 1, descr Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes, DVB-T2 No, DVB-S2X No
      01:00:21.731 [e2-python] link tuner 1 to tuner 0
      01:00:21.731 [e2-python] setting internal link on frontend id 1
      01:00:21.732 [e2-python] slot: 0 configmode: simple
      01:00:21.732 [e2-python] diseqcmode: diseqc_a_b
      01:00:21.733 [e2-python] slot: 1 configmode: loopthrough
      01:00:21.733 [e2-python] sec config completed
      01:00:21.862 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:21.862 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:21.873 [e2-python] Preferred tag editor set to None
      01:00:21.988 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.988 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.988 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.tv
      01:00:21.989 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.989 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.989 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.favourites.tv
      01:00:21.989 [e2-core] 33 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.tv
      01:00:21.990 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.990 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.990 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Free_TV.tv
      01:00:21.990 [e2-core] 51 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Free_TV.tv
      01:00:21.991 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.991 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.991 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Free_HDTV__HD+.tv
      01:00:21.991 [e2-core] 53 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Free_HDTV__HD+.tv
      01:00:21.991 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.992 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.992 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Sky_Deutschland.tv
      01:00:21.992 [e2-core] 57 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Sky_Deutschland.tv
      01:00:21.992 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Kinder_Sender.tv
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] 20 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Kinder_Sender.tv
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.993 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Sport_Sender.tv
      01:00:21.994 [e2-core] 44 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Sport_Sender.tv
      01:00:21.994 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.994 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.994 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.UHD_TV.tv
      01:00:21.995 [e2-core] 8 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.UHD_TV.tv
      01:00:21.995 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.995 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.995 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Oesterreich_TV.tv
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] 51 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Oesterreich_TV.tv
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Schweizer_TV.tv
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] 7 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Schweizer_TV.tv
      01:00:21.996 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.MTV.tv
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] 8 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.MTV.tv
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:21.997 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Musik_Sender.tv
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] 9 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Musik_Sender.tv
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.XXX.tv
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] 9 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.XXX.tv
      01:00:22.331 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.AB_Sat.tv
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] 2 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.AB_Sat.tv
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.332 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.CSat.tv
      01:00:22.333 [e2-core] 18 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.CSat.tv
      01:00:22.333 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.333 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.333 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Digital_+_.tv
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] 24 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Digital_+_.tv
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Globecast.tv
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] 8 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Globecast.tv
      01:00:22.334 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Rai.tv
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] 1 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Rai.tv
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.335 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Terrestrisch.tv
      01:00:22.336 [e2-core] 17 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Terrestrisch.tv
      01:00:22.336 [e2-core] 18 entries in Bouquet bouquets.tv
      01:00:22.336 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.336 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.336 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.radio
      01:00:22.337 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.337 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.337 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.ARD_Radio.radio
      01:00:22.337 [e2-core] 57 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.ARD_Radio.radio
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Sonstige.radio
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] 15 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Sonstige.radio
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.338 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.Oesterreich.radio
      01:00:22.534 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      01:00:22.674 [e2-core] 13 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.Oesterreich.radio
      01:00:22.674 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.674 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.674 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.favourites.radio
      01:00:22.674 [e2-core] 13 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.radio
      01:00:22.675 [e2-core] 4 entries in Bouquet bouquets.radio
      01:00:22.691 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/remote_id_
      01:00:22.691 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/remote_id_
      01:00:22.694 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] enable sync local time with transponder time!
      01:00:23.043 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display)
      01:00:23.060 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf...OK (Regular)
      01:00:23.062 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Semibold.otf...OK (Semibold)
      01:00:23.066 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-SemiboldIt.otf...OK (Semiboldit)
      01:00:23.066 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Semibold.otf...OK (SimpleBold)
      01:00:23.066 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf...OK (SimpleRegular)
      01:00:23.069 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
      01:00:23.072 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
      01:00:23.074 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
      01:00:23.074 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Subtitlefont)
      01:00:23.086 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf...OK (RegularLCD)
      01:00:23.086 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-Semibold.otf...OK (SemiboldLCD)
      01:00:23.086 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/MyriadPro-SemiboldIt.otf...OK (SemiboldLCDit)
      01:00:23.105 [e2-core] couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
      01:00:23.105 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/keymap.xml
      01:00:23.105 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml
      01:00:23.168 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:23.169 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:23.169 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:23.169 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:23.171 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:23.171 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:23.175 [e2-python] Activating keymap: Keyboard English
      01:00:23.175 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:23.175 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:23.176 [e2-python] Activating language German
      01:00:23.384 [e2-python] language set to de_DE
      01:00:23.388 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:23.389 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:23.390 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 102
      01:00:23.440 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 255
      01:00:23.528 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/avs/0/input_choices
      01:00:23.531 [e2-python] --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 00000000
      01:00:23.722 [e2-python] [setVoiceCheckDB] value : -33
      01:00:23.869 [e2-python] [DeviceManager2] Loading skin /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/DeviceManager2/skin.xml
      01:00:23.882 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:23.883 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:23.889 [e2-python] remove DVI-PC because it does not exist.
      01:00:23.890 [e2-python] remove Scart because it does not exist.
      01:00:23.890 [e2-python] remove YPbPr because it does not exist.
      01:00:23.892 [e2-python] set HDMI Colorspace : Edid(Auto)
      01:00:23.893 [e2-python] set HDMI Colordepth : auto
      01:00:23.992 [e2-python] hotplug on DVI
      01:00:23.993 [e2-python] set Videomode DVI 1080p multi
      01:00:25.045 [e2-python] set aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
      01:00:25.082 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:25.082 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:25.102 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
      01:00:25.103 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
      01:00:25.105 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
      01:00:25.106 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
      01:00:25.110 [e2-python] <RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
      01:00:25.168 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      01:00:25.175 [e2-python] --> setting splitmode to: off
      01:00:25.180 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_left : 0
      01:00:25.180 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_width : 720
      01:00:25.180 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_top : 0
      01:00:25.181 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_height : 576
      01:00:25.189 [e2-python] <ZappingModeSelection> set zapping mode : mute
      01:00:25.204 [e2-python] Preferred tag editor changed to <class 'Plugins.Extensions.TagEditor.plugin.TagEditor'>
      01:00:25.770 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:25.770 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:25.770 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}
      01:00:25.770 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib
      01:00:26.058 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] -D- tuner '0' 'Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222)' 'Tuner A'
      01:00:26.058 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] -D- tuner '1' 'Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222)' 'Tuner B'
      01:00:26.066 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/TransCodingSetup/plugin.pyo
      01:00:26.066 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/TransCodingSetup/plugin.pyo
      01:00:26.239 [e2-python] [MovieCut] set language to de
      01:00:26.241 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MovieCut/bin/mcut
      01:00:26.241 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MovieCut/bin/mcut
      01:00:26.643 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      01:00:26.644 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      01:00:26.644 [e2-python] starting hotplug handler
      01:00:26.647 [e2-python] [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
      01:00:26.647 [e2-core] resolve: resolve /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      01:00:26.647 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      01:00:26.666 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      01:00:26.666 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      01:00:26.666 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      01:00:26.666 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      01:00:26.670 [e2-python] [TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Mon Mar 5 17:59:40 2018
      01:00:26.670 [e2-python] sanitycheck
      01:00:26.670 [e2-python] check
      01:00:26.670 [e2-python] checkTimerlist
      01:00:26.671 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.671 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.671 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.671 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.671 [e2-core] [eDVBFrontend] opening frontend 0
      01:00:26.672 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.672 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.672 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.672 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.672 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.673 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.673 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.673 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.673 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.673 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.673 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.674 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.674 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.674 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.675 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.675 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.676 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.676 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.676 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.676 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.676 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.676 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.676 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:26.677 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:26.677 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:26.678 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.011 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.012 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:27.012 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.013 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:27.013 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.014 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:27.014 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:27.014 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:27.014 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:27.014 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.014 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:27.014 [e2-core] record: 0
      01:00:27.015 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:27.015 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:27.015 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      01:00:27.015 [e2-python] [Timer] Record <RecordTimer.RecordTimerEntry object at 0x8ea42c70>
      01:00:27.015 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      01:00:27.015 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] localbegin: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] localend: Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] localnow: Thu Jan 1 01:00:28 1970
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] Day: 0
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] Day: 1
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] Day: 2
      01:00:27.016 [e2-python] Day: 3
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] Day: 4
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] Day: 5
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] Day: 6
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      01:00:27.017 [e2-python] Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      01:00:27.018 [e2-python] next real activation is Mon Mar 5 17:59:40 2018
      01:00:27.020 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] start....
      01:00:27.025 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      01:00:27.027 [e2-python] port changed to DVI
      01:00:27.027 [e2-python] mode changed to 1080p
      01:00:27.028 [e2-python] default ('1080p', 'Standard')
      01:00:27.028 [e2-python] preferedmodes ['720p', '1080i', '2160p', '576p', '480p', '576i', '480i', ('1080p', 'Standard')]
      01:00:27.031 [e2-core] [Animation] set animation mode 1
      01:00:27.040 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] disable Vu+ DVB EPG blacklist mode
      01:00:27.040 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] set Vu+ in EPG-server (default) mode
      01:00:27.041 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/hdd/epg.dat'
      01:00:27.041 [e2-python] not showing fine-tuning wizard, config variable doesn't exist
      01:00:27.374 [e2-python] showtestcard is false
      01:00:27.376 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      01:00:27.410 [e2-python] setValue 0
      01:00:27.410 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (raw)
      01:00:27.410 [e2-core] Setvolume: 63 63 (-1db)
      01:00:27.541 [e2-core] getBouquet failed.. no path given!
      01:00:27.541 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      01:00:27.542 [e2-core] getBouquet failed.. no path given!
      01:00:27.542 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      01:00:27.551 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element etitle in <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>
      01:00:27.645 [e2-python] [Speech2Text] add callback function
      01:00:27.659 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = DebugInfoMessage
      01:00:27.659 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = DebugInfoMessage
      01:00:27.692 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      01:00:28.041 [e2-core] [Animation] set animation mode 1
      01:00:28.122 [e2-python] playing service..
      01:00:28.122 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03fb:0001
      01:00:28.123 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      01:00:28.123 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      01:00:28.123 [e2-core] opening frontend 0
      01:00:28.159 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x105add0!
      01:00:28.159 [e2-core] (0)tune
      01:00:28.159 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      01:00:28.159 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11493750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] tuning to 1743 mhz
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:28.160 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:28.161 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding.
      01:00:28.161 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:28.172 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      01:00:28.173 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      01:00:28.175 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      01:00:28.189 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:28.189 [e2-core] set sequence pos 4
      01:00:28.189 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 2
      01:00:28.208 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 200ms
      01:00:28.208 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.208 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.208 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.209 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.209 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.209 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.221 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.221 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.230 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.230 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.230 [e2-python]
      01:00:28.231 [e2-python] 10.1.1.
      01:00:28.231 [e2-python] 169.254
      01:00:28.231 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:28.231 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:28.234 [e2-python] nameservers: [[10, 1, 1, 1]]
      01:00:28.235 [e2-python] read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
      01:00:28.235 [e2-python] self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan3': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up': False, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:90:4c:11:22:33', 'dhcp': True, 'netmask': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'gateway': [0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [10, 1, 1, 130], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': False, 'mac': '00:1d:ec:10:69:24', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [10, 1, 1, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [10, 1, 1, 1]}}
      01:00:28.238 [e2-python] SerienRecorder plugin not found
      01:00:28.238 [e2-python] EPG Refresh Plugin not found
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.py
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.py
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/pluginshook.src
      01:00:28.239 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/pluginshook.src
      01:00:28.243 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] started on 80
      01:00:28.408 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      01:00:28.471 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset)
      01:00:28.471 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      01:00:28.584 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on)
      01:00:28.584 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 150ms
      01:00:28.807 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f2
      01:00:28.807 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      01:00:28.857 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      01:00:28.892 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      01:00:29.008 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      01:00:29.008 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      01:00:29.008 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x105add0 running
      01:00:29.008 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x105add0 running
      01:00:29.008 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:29.009 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.009 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.009 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.009 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x105add0 running
      01:00:29.009 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      01:00:29.010 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:29.010 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 00 00 00
      01:00:29.010 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      01:00:29.010 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.011 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      01:00:29.012 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 1 audio stream(s) (13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0 (Cached)
      01:00:29.013 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] scanning for FCC device files..
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc0 found..
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc1 found..
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc2 found..
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc3 found..
      01:00:29.016 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc4 found..
      01:00:29.017 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc5 found..
      01:00:29.017 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] /dev/fcc6 found..
      01:00:29.017 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc0
      01:00:29.017 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      01:00:29.018 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      01:00:29.024 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK!
      01:00:29.024 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      01:00:29.024 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13ed) - pcr - ok
      01:00:29.024 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      01:00:29.025 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f2) - audio - ok
      01:00:29.025 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      01:00:29.025 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok
      01:00:29.025 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      01:00:29.029 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      01:00:29.029 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f0) - ttx - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      01:00:29.030 [e2-core] AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT(0) - ok
      01:00:29.031 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      01:00:29.033 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      01:00:29.037 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03f3:0001
      01:00:29.038 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      01:00:29.371 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      01:00:29.371 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10015
      01:00:29.371 [e2-core] opening frontend 1
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x10c53a0!
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] (1)tune
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11361750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] tuning to 1611 mhz
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      01:00:29.403 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      01:00:29.404 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:29.404 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:29.404 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:29.421 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      01:00:29.422 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      01:00:29.422 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:29.422 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:29.422 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      01:00:29.422 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      01:00:29.423 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      01:00:29.423 [e2-core] setting frontend 1
      01:00:29.423 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      01:00:29.424 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] dont have correction.. set Transponder Diff
      01:00:29.534 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      01:00:29.534 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:03:22
      01:00:29.534 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1520269373
      01:00:29.534 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:03:22.534 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
      18:03:22.534 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:03:22.534 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:03:22.535 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create epg.dat backup
      18:03:22.535 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      18:03:22.535 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:03:22.535 [e2-core] done!
      18:03:22.752 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] 31412 events read from /hdd/epg.dat
      18:03:22.753 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create real epg.dat backup
      18:03:22.754 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      18:03:22.857 [e2-core] PATready
      18:03:22.857 [e2-core] use pmtpid 13ec for service_id 283d
      18:03:22.857 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:22.857 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 00 00 00
      18:03:22.857 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:03:22.858 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.858 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:03:22.858 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 05 00 00
      18:03:22.858 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:03:22.858 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:03:22.859 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      18:03:22.860 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
      18:03:22.861 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:03:22.924 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:03:22.951 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      18:03:22.952 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
      18:03:22.952 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      18:03:22.952 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
      18:03:22.953 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      18:03:22.953 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
      18:03:22.970 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:03:22.970 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.971 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:03:22.972 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:03:22.972 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:22.972 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:03:22.972 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:03:22.972 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.973 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0202:2114
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:03:22.980 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:03:22.981 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 04b1:0001
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:03:22.987 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:03:22.993 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 1800:2114
      18:03:22.993 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:03:22.993 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:03:22.993 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.994 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:03:22.994 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:03:22.994 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:03:22.994 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:03:22.994 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:03:23.022 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:03:23.022 [e2-core] done!
      18:03:23.023 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:03:23.023 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:03:23.023 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:23.023 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.357 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.357 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.358 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:03:23.358 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:03:23.359 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:03:23.359 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 3 audio stream(s) (13ee, 13ef, 13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0
      18:03:23.359 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      18:03:23.359 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      18:03:23.360 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:23.361 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.361 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.361 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.361 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:03:23.361 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:03:23.362 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 0b 00 00
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:03:23.363 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:03:23.365 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      18:03:23.370 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:03:23.370 [e2-core] done!
      18:03:23.374 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:03:23.374 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 2f 00 00
      18:03:23.374 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:03:23.374 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:03:23.375 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      18:03:23.375 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:03:23.375 [e2-core] done!
      18:03:23.375 [e2-core] PATready
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] use pmtpid 17d4 for service_id 2b66
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      18:03:23.376 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:03:23.377 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:03:23.384 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:03:23.384 [e2-core] done!
      18:03:23.385 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:03:23.385 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:03:23.385 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:03:23.385 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:03:23.386 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.386 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.386 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:03:23.386 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:03:23.720 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 4 audio stream(s) (17e8, 17e9, 17ea, 17eb), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      18:03:23.720 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:03:23.720 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc1
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 01 00 00
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:03:23.721 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:03:23.743 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -36
      18:03:23.743 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:03:23.853 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:03:23.853 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:02:47
      18:03:23.853 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -36
      18:03:23.853 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:02:47.934 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] done!
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] AITready
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] Section Length : 437, Total Section Length : 440
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [440]
      18:02:47.950 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 4
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF Start], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfstart/index.php]
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/index.php]
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Nachrichten], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfnews/index.php]
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Programm], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfepg/index.php]
      18:02:47.951 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Olympia], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?zdf=1]
      18:02:48.050 [e2-python] SerienRecorder plugin not found
      18:02:48.051 [e2-python] EPG Refresh Plugin not found
      18:02:48.136 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:02:48.136 [e2-core] done!
      18:02:48.137 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:02:48.137 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 2f 00 00
      18:02:48.137 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:02:48.137 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:02:48.300 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:02:48.372 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 74
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 74
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] done!
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] AITready
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] Section Length : 960, Total Section Length : 963
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 1
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] section_number 1 > 0
      18:02:48.656 [e2-core] last_section_number 1 > section_number 0
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [963]
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.657 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 2
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 4
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 5
      18:02:48.658 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 20
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 3
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 35
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 42
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 56
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 66
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] Section Length : 223, Total Section Length : 226
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 36
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 145
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html]
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[EPG], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardepg/index.php]
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ARD-Text-DSMCC], url[http://itv2.ard.de/index.html]
      18:02:48.659 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Tagesschau], url[http://www.tagesschau.de/hbbtv]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Mediathek DasErste], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV ARD-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[BR-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv-mediathek.br.de/index.html]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Tatort], url[http://hbbtv-tatort.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HbbTV SR Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv&client=sr]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Das Erste Check Eins], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/?checkeins=1]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Sportschau], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-sportschau/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:02:48.660 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Olympische WS], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?ard=1]
      18:02:48.758 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1520269368)
      18:02:48.997 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1520269368)
      18:02:48.998 [e2-python] (1, 'HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web', 'http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html', 19, 1, 0)
      18:02:49.019 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 3c
      18:02:50.086 [e2-core] -+------------+ 2/15 TID 3c
      18:02:50.414 [e2-core] kaputt max(4) < ssize(15) || nr(3) >= max(4)
      18:02:50.608 [e2-core] kaputt max(2) < ssize(15) || nr(1) >= max(2)
      18:02:50.902 [e2-core] kaputt max(4) < ssize(15) || nr(3) >= max(4)
      18:02:51.139 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(15) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:02:51.399 [e2-core] kaputt max(4) < ssize(15) || nr(3) >= max(4)
      18:02:51.639 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(15) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:02:51.869 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(15) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:02:52.074 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(15) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:02:52.338 [e2-core] kaputt max(4) < ssize(15) || nr(3) >= max(4)
      18:02:52.754 [e2-core] kaputt max(4) < ssize(15) || nr(3) >= max(4)
      18:02:52.835 [e2-core] timeout 1434!
      18:02:52.835 [e2-core] OCready
      18:02:53.428 [e2-core] HD+ CI Plus ModuleDVBCICAManagerSession::setCAIDs casCount = 3
      18:02:53.429 [e2-core] Slot 1 plugged
      18:02:53.429 [e2-core] resolve: resolve /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      18:02:53.429 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      18:02:53.447 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      18:02:53.447 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      18:02:53.447 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      18:02:53.447 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      18:02:53.448 [e2-python] [CIHelper] info[01] : ['0x1830', '0x1843', '0x1860']
      18:02:53.448 [e2-python] [CI_Activate] activate CI1 with following settings:
      18:02:55.997 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      18:02:55.998 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      18:02:55.998 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      18:02:56.011 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      18:02:56.012 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      18:02:56.012 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      18:02:57.103 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1520269377)
      18:02:59.747 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] Unknown class ConfigDescription
      18:02:59.759 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] Unknown class ConfigDescription
      18:02:59.761 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] Unknown class ConfigDescription
      18:02:59.772 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] Unknown class ConfigDescription
      18:02:59.779 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] Unknown class ConfigDescription
      18:03:01.095 [e2-core] eDVBCICAManagerSession::setCAIDs casCount = 4
      18:03:03.832 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1520269383)
      18:03:03.833 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1520269383)
      18:03:03.833 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      18:03:04.453 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1520269384)
      18:03:06.019 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      18:03:14.106 [e2-python] Timeout!
      18:03:46.058 [e2-core] child has terminated
      18:03:46.058 [e2-core] pipes closed
      18:03:46.693 [e2-core] child has terminated
      18:03:46.693 [e2-core] pipes closed
      18:04:04.995 [e2-python] action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
      18:04:04.995 [e2-python] loading mainmenu XML...
      18:04:04.997 [e2-python] Subtitles Subtitles
      18:04:04.998 [e2-python] TimerEdit TimerEditList
      18:04:04.998 [e2-python] PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
      18:04:06.556 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:06.895 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:07.264 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:07.601 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:07.854 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:08.257 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:04:09.440 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:04:09.440 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      18:04:09.440 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      18:04:09.450 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element settingdesc in <class 'Plugins.Extensions.Chromium.youtube.YoutubeTVWindow'>
      18:04:10.722 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      18:04:10.796 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:04:10.796 [e2-core] done!
      18:04:10.796 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:04:10.796 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 31 00 00
      18:04:10.797 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:04:10.797 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:04:24.001 [e2-python] [TIMER] activating state 1
      18:04:24.001 [e2-python] recording service: <enigma.eServiceReference; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'eServiceReference *' at 0x8ea4ff80> >
      18:04:24.001 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:04:24.002 [e2-python] [add callback]
      18:04:24.002 [e2-python] begin_date: 20180305 1800
      18:04:24.002 [e2-python] service_name: n-tv HD
      18:04:24.002 [e2-python] name: Nachrichten
      18:04:24.002 [e2-python] description:
      18:04:24.004 [e2-python] [TIMER] Filename calculated as: '/media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001'
      18:04:24.017 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:04:24.017 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:04:24.017 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:04:24.018 [e2-core] decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:04:24.019 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:04:24.019 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1
      18:04:24.020 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:04:24.020 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:04:24.020 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:04:24.020 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:04:24.022 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 10
      18:04:24.022 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0421:0001
      18:04:24.022 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:04:24.022 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:04:24.022 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10015
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x10c53a0!
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] (1)tune
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 10832250 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] tuning to 1082 mhz
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      18:04:24.024 [e2-core] RECORD service event 14
      18:04:24.025 [e2-core] '1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:' is in service list of slot 1... so use it
      18:04:24.025 [e2-core] (1)CISlot 1, usecount now 1
      18:04:24.026 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:04:24.026 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:04:24.026 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:04:24.026 [e2-core] query epg event id 30547
      18:04:24.026 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceRecord] found event -> store eit file: /media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001.eit
      18:04:24.027 [e2-python] [TIMER] prepare ok, waiting for begin
      18:04:24.031 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001.ts
      18:04:24.031 [e2-core] read error
      18:04:24.032 [e2-python] [TIMER] activating state 2
      18:04:24.032 [e2-python] [TIMER] start recording
      18:04:24.034 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 0
      18:04:24.034 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = None
      18:04:24.035 [e2-python] next real activation is Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:04:24.035 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      18:04:24.035 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:04:24.035 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:04:24.036 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      18:04:24.370 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      18:04:24.370 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      18:04:24.370 [e2-core] setting frontend 1
      18:04:24.370 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      18:04:24.620 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.738 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.739 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:04:24.739 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      18:04:24.739 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:04:24.739 [e2-core] RECORD service event 6
      18:04:24.739 [e2-core] tuned..
      18:04:24.740 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:04:24.740 [e2-core] 0012: 4e ef 14 00 00 00
      18:04:24.740 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:04:24.740 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.740 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 2
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] RECORD service event 5
      18:04:24.741 [e2-core] Recording to /media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001.ts...
      18:04:24.742 [e2-core] start recording...
      18:04:24.742 [e2-core] RECORD: have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0503), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0000
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0001
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0012
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0014
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0024
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 04ff
      18:04:24.747 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0503
      18:04:24.748 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:04:24.748 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:04:24.748 [e2-core] setIoPrio realtime level 7 ok
      18:04:24.748 [e2-core] /media/hdd location on HDD!
      18:04:24.748 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD START
      18:04:24.750 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 4
      18:04:24.750 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 6
      18:04:24.819 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      18:04:24.871 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:04:24.943 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:04:24.943 [e2-core] done!
      18:04:24.943 [e2-core] PATready
      18:04:24.943 [e2-core] use pmtpid 0064 for service_id ef14
      18:04:24.943 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] 0064: 02 ef 14 00 00 00
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 0d 00 00
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:04:24.944 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:04:24.948 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:04:24.948 [e2-core] done!
      18:04:24.948 [e2-core] RECORD service event 5
      18:04:24.948 [e2-core] start recording...
      18:04:24.948 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:04:24.949 [e2-core] 0505: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.949 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.949 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:04:24.949 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      18:04:24.949 [e2-core] RECORD: have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 2 audio stream(s) (0503, 0504), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024
      18:04:24.950 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0064
      18:04:24.950 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0504
      18:04:24.950 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0505
      18:04:24.951 [e2-core] ADD PID: 0508
      18:04:24.951 [e2-core] ADD PID: 17ae
      18:04:24.951 [e2-core] ADD PID: 18ae
      18:04:24.951 [e2-core] ADD PID: 19ae
      18:04:24.952 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1aae
      18:04:24.952 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1bae
      18:04:24.952 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1cae
      18:04:24.952 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1eae
      18:04:24.953 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1fae
      18:04:24.953 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1faf
      18:04:24.953 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1fb0
      18:04:24.953 [e2-core] ADD PID: 1fb1
      18:04:24.954 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 4
      18:04:24.954 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 6
      18:04:24.954 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:04:24.954 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:04:24.955 [e2-core] '1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:' is in service list of slot 1... so use it
      18:04:24.955 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 7342 Caid = 6192 ecm_num=0
      18:04:24.955 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 6574 Caid = 6211 ecm_num=1
      18:04:24.955 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 7854 Caid = 6240 ecm_num=2
      18:04:25.289 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 6830 Caid = 2444 ecm_num=3
      18:04:25.289 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 7086 Caid = 2500 ecm_num=4
      18:04:25.289 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 6318 Caid = 1608 ecm_num=5
      18:04:25.290 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 6062 Caid = 1616 ecm_num=6
      18:04:25.290 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 8110 Caid = 6250 ecm_num=7
      18:04:25.290 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 8111 Caid = 1280 ecm_num=8
      18:04:25.290 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 8112 Caid = 6253 ecm_num=9
      18:04:25.291 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 8113 Caid = 1762 ecm_num=10
      18:04:25.291 [e2-core] PES Start ECM PID = 1288 Caid = 2445 ecm_num=11
      18:04:25.291 [e2-core] demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000
      18:04:25.291 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:04:25.291 [e2-core] 0064: 02 ef 14 07 00 00
      18:04:25.292 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:04:25.292 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:04:25.417 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:04:25.418 [e2-core] done!
      18:04:25.418 [e2-core] getting PCR failed!
      18:04:25.418 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Nachrichten (1200 seconds)
      18:04:25.419 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 9
      18:04:25.419 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:04:25.419 [e2-core] 0012: 4e ef 14 3f 00 00
      18:04:25.419 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:04:25.419 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:04:25.462 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:04:25.631 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.006 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1520269466)
      18:04:26.007 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1520269466)
      18:04:26.007 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      18:04:26.011 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.012 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.012 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.012 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.012 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.012 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.013 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.014 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.014 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.175 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      18:04:26.175 [e2-core] done!
      18:04:26.175 [e2-core] AITready
      18:04:26.175 [e2-core] Section Length : 756, Total Section Length : 759
      18:04:26.175 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 303
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [759]
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 302
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 300
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 320
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 321
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 326
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 306
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[n-tv Startleiste], url[http://cdn.digitaltext.n-tv.de/index.html]
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Specials (CDN)], url[http://cdn.specials.digitaltext.n-tv.de/index.html]
      18:04:26.176 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Digitaltext], url[http://hbbtv.n-tv.de/app/index.html]
      18:04:26.177 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now index], url[http://hbbtv.n-tvnow.de/hbbtv/index.php]
      18:04:26.177 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now Overview], url[http://hbbtv.n-tvnow.de/hbbtv/overview.php]
      18:04:26.177 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now index 2], url[http://hbbtv.n-tvnow.de/hbbtv2/index.php]
      18:04:26.177 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Spiele], url[http://mg-rtl.spielecenter.tv/spielecenter/index.php]
      18:04:26.177 [e2-core] RECORD service event 10
      18:04:26.418 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.418 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.418 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.418 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.419 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.419 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.419 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.419 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.420 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.420 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.742 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1520269466)
      18:04:26.843 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.844 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.844 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.844 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.845 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.845 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.845 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:04:26.866 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 37
      18:04:26.866 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:04:26.976 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:04:26.976 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:05:03
      18:04:26.976 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 37
      18:04:26.976 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:05:04.198 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.199 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.199 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.199 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.200 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.200 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.200 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.200 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.201 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.201 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.202 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.202 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.202 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.541 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.541 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.541 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.541 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.541 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.542 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.543 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.945 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:04.945 [e2-core] broken startcode
      18:05:10.746 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      18:05:10.747 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      18:05:10.758 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1520269510)
      18:05:13.360 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1520269513)
      18:05:26.347 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      18:05:26.347 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      18:05:26.347 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:05:29.792 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:05:29.792 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      18:05:29.792 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      18:05:29.801 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element settingdesc in <class 'Plugins.Extensions.Chromium.youtube.YoutubeTVWindow'>
      18:05:37.744 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions green
      18:05:37.812 [e2-python] stopService
      18:05:37.812 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:05:37.812 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:05:37.816 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:05:37.817 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:05:37.817 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      18:05:37.842 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      18:05:37.842 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      18:05:37.842 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:05:37.843 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      18:05:37.846 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:05:37.846 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK!
      18:05:37.847 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:05:37.848 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0
      18:05:37.848 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x105add0
      18:05:37.848 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:05:37.848 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x105add0
      18:05:37.848 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x105add0
      18:05:37.853 [e2-core] another linked frontend is in use.. so allocateFrontendByIndex not possible!
      18:05:37.886 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      18:05:40.852 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:05:42.139 [e2-python] New input device detected: input/mouse1
      18:05:42.139 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/mouse1
      18:05:42.139 [e2-core] Input device "" is not a keyboard.
      18:05:42.144 [e2-python] New input device detected: input/event1
      18:05:42.144 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/event1
      18:05:42.144 [e2-core] Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is not a keyboard.
      18:05:42.146 [e2-python] New input device detected: /dev/input/mouse1
      18:05:42.146 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] /dev/input/mouse1 is already added.
      18:05:42.148 [e2-python] New input device detected: /dev/input/event1
      18:05:42.148 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] /dev/input/event1 is already added.

      18:06:40.819 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule other finished(1520269600)
      18:06:40.821 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1520269600)
      18:06:40.821 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      18:06:40.854 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:06:41.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:06:54.812 [e2-python] playing service..
      18:06:54.813 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:06:54.813 [e2-core] available channel.. 0421:0001
      18:06:54.813 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10020
      18:06:54.813 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x10c75b0!
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] (0)tune
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11493750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] tuning to 1743 mhz
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      18:06:54.815 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      18:06:54.816 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:06:54.816 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:06:54.816 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:06:54.816 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding.
      18:06:54.820 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      18:06:54.820 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      18:06:54.823 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      18:06:54.826 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:06:54.828 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:06:54.828 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      18:06:54.829 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      18:06:54.829 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      18:06:54.829 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      18:06:54.830 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      18:06:54.869 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x10c75b0 running
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x10c75b0 running
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.986 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.987 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x10c75b0 running
      18:06:54.987 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 57 min
      18:06:54.987 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:06:54.988 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.988 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 00 00 00
      18:06:54.988 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:06:54.988 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.990 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:06:54.990 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.990 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.990 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.990 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.991 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:06:54.991 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:06:54.991 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 1 audio stream(s) (13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0 (Cached)
      18:06:54.991 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:06:54.991 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc0
      18:06:54.992 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      18:06:54.992 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK!
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13ed) - pcr - ok
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f2) - audio - ok
      18:06:54.998 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      18:06:54.999 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok
      18:06:54.999 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      18:06:55.000 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f0) - ttx - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:06:55.001 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:06:55.002 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      18:06:55.004 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      18:06:55.009 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -1
      18:06:55.009 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:06:55.119 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:06:55.119 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:06:54
      18:06:55.119 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -1
      18:06:55.119 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:06:54.119 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:06:54.120 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:54.120 [e2-core] PATready
      18:06:54.120 [e2-core] use pmtpid 13ec for service_id 283d
      18:06:54.120 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 00 00 00
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 05 00 00
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:06:54.121 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:06:54.295 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:06:54.295 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:54.295 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:06:54.296 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:06:54.296 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.296 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.296 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.296 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.297 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:06:54.297 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:06:54.297 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:06:54.297 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 3 audio stream(s) (13ee, 13ef, 13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0
      18:06:54.297 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      18:06:54.298 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      18:06:54.299 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:54.299 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.299 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.299 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:54.300 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:06:54.300 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:06:54.300 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:06:54.301 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 0b 00 00
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:06:54.302 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:06:54.637 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:06:54.640 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      18:06:55.006 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      18:06:55.049 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:06:55.214 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 74
      18:06:55.384 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:06:55.384 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:55.387 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:06:55.387 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 2f 00 00
      18:06:55.387 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:06:55.387 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:06:56.115 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 74
      18:06:56.115 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:56.115 [e2-core] AITready
      18:06:56.115 [e2-core] Section Length : 960, Total Section Length : 963
      18:06:56.115 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 1
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] last_section_number 1 > section_number 0
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [963]
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.116 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 2
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 4
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:06:56.117 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 5
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 20
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 3
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 35
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 42
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 56
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 66
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] Section Length : 223, Total Section Length : 226
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 36
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 145
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html]
      18:06:56.118 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[EPG], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardepg/index.php]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ARD-Text-DSMCC], url[http://itv2.ard.de/index.html]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Tagesschau], url[http://www.tagesschau.de/hbbtv]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Mediathek DasErste], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV ARD-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[BR-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv-mediathek.br.de/index.html]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Tatort], url[http://hbbtv-tatort.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HbbTV SR Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv&client=sr]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Das Erste Check Eins], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/?checkeins=1]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Sportschau], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-sportschau/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:06:56.119 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Olympische WS], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?ard=1]
      18:06:56.453 [e2-python] (1, 'HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web', 'http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html', 19, 1, 0)
      18:06:56.456 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      18:06:56.459 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:06:56.601 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:06:56.790 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      18:06:57.071 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      18:06:57.406 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      18:06:57.568 [e2-core] kaputt max(2) < ssize(4) || nr(1) >= max(2)
      18:06:57.632 [e2-core] timeout 1434!
      18:06:57.632 [e2-core] OCready
      18:07:02.344 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      18:07:02.621 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      18:07:02.875 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      18:07:03.050 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      18:07:04.642 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:07:04.642 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      18:07:04.642 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      18:07:04.645 [e2-python] EMPTY: 0
      18:07:04.645 [e2-python] ENABLE: 1
      18:07:04.645 [e2-python] DISABLE: 2
      18:07:04.645 [e2-python] CLEANUP: 3
      18:07:04.645 [e2-python] DELETE: 4
      18:07:04.652 [e2-python] key_red_choice: 0
      18:07:09.489 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions yellow
      18:07:09.555 [e2-python] time changed
      18:07:09.555 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:07:09.555 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:09.555 [e2-python] localbegin: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:09.555 [e2-python] localend: Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] localnow: Mon Mar 5 18:07:10 2018
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 0
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 1
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 2
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 3
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 4
      18:07:09.556 [e2-python] Day: 5
      18:07:09.557 [e2-python] Day: 6
      18:07:09.557 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      18:07:09.557 [e2-python] Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:09.557 [e2-python] Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:09.557 [e2-python] next real activation is Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:13.993 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      18:07:14.149 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:07:14.155 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:07:14.155 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.155 [e2-python] localbegin: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.155 [e2-python] localend: Mon Mar 5 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.155 [e2-python] localnow: Mon Mar 5 18:07:15 2018
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 0
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 1
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 2
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 3
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 4
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 5
      18:07:14.156 [e2-python] Day: 6
      18:07:14.157 [e2-python] localbegin after addOneDay: Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.157 [e2-python] localend after addOneDay: Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.157 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      18:07:14.157 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.157 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.158 [e2-python] [TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:07:14.158 [e2-python] [TIMER] activating state 3
      18:07:14.158 [e2-python] [TIMER] stop recording
      18:07:14.158 [e2-core] stop recording!
      18:07:14.162 [e2-core] stopping thread.
      18:07:14.206 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD STOP
      18:07:14.207 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      18:07:14.207 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001.ts
      18:07:14.208 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 5
      18:07:14.209 [e2-python] [TIMER] record event 1
      18:07:14.213 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/hdd/20180305 1800 - n-tv HD - Nachrichten_001.ts
      18:07:14.215 [e2-python] [remove callback]
      18:07:14.216 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:07:14.216 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:07:14.216 [e2-core] [eDVBCIInterfaces] remove last pmt handler for service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: send empty capmt
      18:07:14.217 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.217 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.218 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.218 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.218 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.219 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.219 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.219 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.219 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.220 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.220 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.220 [e2-core] stop ecm
      18:07:14.221 [e2-core] (3) slot 1 usecount is now 0
      18:07:14.221 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:07:14.221 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:07:14.221 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:07:14.222 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:07:14.223 [e2-python] [SILENT_REC] we are in auto mode
      18:07:14.224 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:07:14.224 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.224 [e2-python] localbegin: Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.224 [e2-python] localend: Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.224 [e2-python] localnow: Mon Mar 5 18:07:15 2018
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 0
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 1
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 2
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 3
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 4
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 5
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] Day: 6
      18:07:14.225 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      18:07:14.226 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.226 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.226 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:07:14.559 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.559 [e2-python] localbegin: Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.559 [e2-python] localend: Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] localnow: Mon Mar 5 18:07:15 2018
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 0
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 1
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 2
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 3
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 4
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 5
      18:07:14.560 [e2-python] Day: 6
      18:07:14.561 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      18:07:14.561 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.561 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.561 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] time changed
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] localrepeatedbegindate: Mon Mar 5 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] localbegin: Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] localend: Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.563 [e2-python] localnow: Mon Mar 5 18:07:15 2018
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 0
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 1
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 2
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 3
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 4
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 5
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] Day: 6
      18:07:14.564 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated result
      18:07:14.565 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:00:00 2018
      18:07:14.565 [e2-python] Tue Mar 6 18:30:00 2018
      18:07:14.565 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:07:14.600 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:07:14.600 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:07:14.600 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.600 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10015
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x10c53a0!
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] (1)tune
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11361750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] tuning to 1611 mhz
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      18:07:14.602 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      18:07:14.603 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      18:07:14.604 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      18:07:14.604 [e2-core] setting frontend 1
      18:07:14.604 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      18:07:14.856 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.973 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.974 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x10c53a0 running
      18:07:14.974 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 55 min
      18:07:14.974 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:07:14.974 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.975 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:14.982 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0202:2114
      18:07:14.982 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:07:14.982 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:07:14.983 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 04b1:0001
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:07:14.989 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:07:14.990 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:07:14.990 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 1800:2114
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:07:14.996 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] done!
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] PATready
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] use pmtpid 17d4 for service_id 2b66
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:07:15.072 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:07:15.073 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:07:15.082 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:07:15.082 [e2-core] done!
      18:07:15.082 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:07:15.082 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:07:15.083 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:07:15.083 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:07:15.416 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:15.416 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:15.416 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:07:15.417 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:07:15.417 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 4 audio stream(s) (17e8, 17e9, 17ea, 17eb), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      18:07:15.417 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:07:15.417 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc1
      18:07:15.418 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      18:07:15.418 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:07:15.418 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:07:15.418 [e2-core] demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000
      18:07:15.419 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:07:15.419 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 01 00 00
      18:07:15.419 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:07:15.419 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:07:15.420 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:07:15.451 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -36
      18:07:15.451 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:07:15.561 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:07:15.561 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:06:39
      18:07:15.561 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -36
      18:07:15.561 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:06:39.604 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:06:39.749 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] AITready
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] Section Length : 437, Total Section Length : 440
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [440]
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      18:06:39.863 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 4
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF Start], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfstart/index.php]
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/index.php]
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Nachrichten], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfnews/index.php]
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Programm], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfepg/index.php]
      18:06:39.864 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Olympia], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?zdf=1]
      18:06:40.373 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:06:40.373 [e2-core] done!
      18:06:40.373 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:06:40.373 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 31 00 00
      18:06:40.374 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:06:40.374 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:06:45.634 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:06:48.610 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:06:49.950 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:06:51.221 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:06:51.483 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      18:06:54.260 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:06:54.260 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      18:06:54.260 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      18:06:54.269 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element settingdesc in <class 'Plugins.Extensions.Chromium.youtube.YoutubeTVWindow'>
      18:06:57.657 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions green
      18:06:57.724 [e2-python] stopService
      18:06:57.724 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.725 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.729 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.729 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.729 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.729 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:06:57.730 [e2-core] decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:06:57.731 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:06:57.731 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1
      18:06:57.732 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:06:57.732 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:06:57.732 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:06:57.732 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10c53a0
      18:06:57.735 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:06:57.735 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      18:06:57.760 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      18:06:57.760 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      18:06:57.760 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:06:57.760 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      18:06:57.761 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:06:57.761 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK!
      18:06:57.762 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:06:57.763 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0
      18:06:57.763 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x10c75b0
      18:06:57.763 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:06:57.763 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10c75b0
      18:06:57.763 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10c75b0
      18:06:57.769 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      18:06:57.833 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      18:06:57.873 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 0
      18:06:57.873 [e2-core] stateLostLock
      18:07:00.735 [e2-core] close frontend 1
      18:08:18.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:09:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:11:38.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:12:31.665 [e2-core] Setvolume: 5 5 (raw)
      18:12:31.665 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (-1db)
      18:12:31.666 [e2-python] setValue 5
      18:12:31.686 [e2-core] Setvolume: 30 30 (raw)
      18:12:31.686 [e2-core] Setvolume: 45 45 (-1db)
      18:12:31.687 [e2-python] setValue 30
      18:12:31.698 [e2-core] Setvolume: 15 15 (raw)
      18:12:31.698 [e2-core] Setvolume: 54 54 (-1db)
      18:12:31.699 [e2-python] setValue 15
      18:12:31.710 [e2-core] Setvolume: 45 45 (raw)
      18:12:31.711 [e2-core] Setvolume: 35 35 (-1db)
      18:12:31.711 [e2-python] setValue 45
      18:12:31.722 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      18:12:31.722 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      18:12:31.722 [e2-python] setValue 65
      18:12:31.730 [e2-core] Setvolume: 80 80 (raw)
      18:12:31.730 [e2-core] Setvolume: 13 13 (-1db)
      18:12:31.731 [e2-python] setValue 80
      18:12:31.741 [e2-core] Setvolume: 90 90 (raw)
      18:12:31.741 [e2-core] Setvolume: 7 7 (-1db)
      18:12:31.742 [e2-python] setValue 90
      18:12:31.754 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:12:31.754 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:12:31.754 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:12:55.242 [e2-python] SerienRecorder plugin not found
      18:12:55.243 [e2-python] EPG Refresh Plugin not found
      18:13:18.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:14:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:16:38.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:18:18.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:19:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:21:38.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:23:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:24:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:26:38.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:28:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:29:58.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:31:38.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:33:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:34:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018

      18:36:32.216 [e2-python] playing service..
      18:36:32.216 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:36:32.217 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005
      18:36:32.217 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10000
      18:36:32.217 [e2-core] opening frontend 0
      18:36:32.259 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x10a80c8!
      18:36:32.259 [e2-core] (0)tune
      18:36:32.259 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11493750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] tuning to 1743 mhz
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:36:32.260 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding.
      18:36:32.264 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      18:36:32.265 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      18:36:32.267 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      18:36:32.286 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:36:32.288 [e2-core] set sequence pos 4
      18:36:32.288 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 2
      18:36:32.314 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 200ms
      18:36:32.516 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      18:36:32.578 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset)
      18:36:32.578 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      18:36:32.692 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on)
      18:36:32.692 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 150ms
      18:36:32.916 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f2
      18:36:32.916 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      18:36:32.968 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      18:36:33.003 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x10a80c8 running
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x10a80c8 running
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.120 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x10a80c8 running
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 27 min
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 00 00 00
      18:36:33.121 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:36:33.122 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.123 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 1 audio stream(s) (13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0 (Cached)
      18:36:33.124 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:36:33.125 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc0
      18:36:33.125 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      18:36:33.125 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      18:36:33.131 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK!
      18:36:33.131 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      18:36:33.131 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13ed) - pcr - ok
      18:36:33.131 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      18:36:33.131 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f2) - audio - ok
      18:36:33.132 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      18:36:33.132 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok
      18:36:33.132 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x13f0) - ttx - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      18:36:33.134 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:36:33.135 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:36:33.135 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      18:36:33.137 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      18:36:33.143 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:36:33.143 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:36:33.144 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:36:33.144 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 10015
      18:36:33.144 [e2-core] opening frontend 1
      18:36:33.175 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x12776c0!
      18:36:33.175 [e2-core] (1)tune
      18:36:33.175 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      18:36:33.175 [e2-core] prepare_sat Freq 11361750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0
      18:36:33.175 [e2-core] tuning to 1611 mhz
      18:36:33.176 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      18:36:33.176 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      18:36:33.176 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:36:33.509 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:36:33.509 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      18:36:33.510 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      18:36:33.510 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:36:33.510 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:36:33.510 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      18:36:33.510 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      18:36:33.511 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      18:36:33.511 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      18:36:33.511 [e2-core] setting frontend 1
      18:36:33.511 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      18:36:33.513 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 37
      18:36:33.513 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:36:33.623 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:36:33.623 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:37:10
      18:36:33.623 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 37
      18:36:33.623 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:37:10.624 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      18:37:10.624 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:37:10.624 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:10.943 [e2-core] PATready
      18:37:10.943 [e2-core] use pmtpid 13ec for service_id 283d
      18:37:10.943 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:10.943 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 00 00 00
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 05 00 00
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:37:10.944 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:10.947 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      18:37:10.950 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:37:10.950 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:10.953 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:10.953 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 2f 00 00
      18:37:10.953 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:37:10.953 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:11.013 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      18:37:11.019 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:37:11.019 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:11.019 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:37:11.019 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:37:11.020 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.020 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.020 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.020 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.021 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:37:11.021 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:37:11.021 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:37:11.021 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 3 audio stream(s) (13ee, 13ef, 13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0
      18:37:11.021 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      18:37:11.022 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      18:37:11.023 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.023 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.023 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.023 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.024 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:37:11.024 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      18:37:11.024 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:37:11.025 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.025 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.025 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      18:37:11.025 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:11.026 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 0b 00 00
      18:37:11.026 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:37:11.026 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x12776c0 running
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x12776c0 running
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.057 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x12776c0 running
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 25 min
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:37:11.058 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.059 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      18:37:11.059 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.059 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.059 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.059 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.066 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0202:2114
      18:37:11.066 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:37:11.066 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:37:11.399 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.399 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.400 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:37:11.400 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:37:11.400 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:37:11.400 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.406 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 04b1:0001
      18:37:11.406 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:37:11.406 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:37:11.406 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.406 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.407 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:37:11.407 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:37:11.407 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:37:11.407 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 1800:2114
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      18:37:11.413 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.419 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      18:37:11.423 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:11.424 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:11.424 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:11.425 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:11.468 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:37:11.468 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      18:37:11.468 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] PATready
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] use pmtpid 17d4 for service_id 2b66
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 00 00 00
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      18:37:11.469 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.470 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:11.470 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      18:37:11.470 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      18:37:11.470 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:11.474 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      18:37:11.527 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      18:37:11.567 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      18:37:11.567 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:11.567 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      18:37:11.567 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      18:37:11.567 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      18:37:11.568 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 4 audio stream(s) (17e8, 17e9, 17ea, 17eb), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      18:37:11.569 [e2-core] allocate demux
      18:37:11.569 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc1
      18:37:11.569 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      18:37:11.569 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 01 00 00
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:37:11.570 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:11.816 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 74
      18:37:11.970 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      18:37:11.970 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:11.970 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      18:37:11.970 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 35 00 00
      18:37:11.970 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      18:37:11.971 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] AITready
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] Section Length : 437, Total Section Length : 440
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      18:37:12.161 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [440]
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 4
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF Start], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfstart/index.php]
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfm3/index.php]
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Nachrichten], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfnews/index.php]
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Programm], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/zdfepg/index.php]
      18:37:12.162 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Olympia], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?zdf=1]
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 74
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] done!
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] AITready
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] Section Length : 960, Total Section Length : 963
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 1
      18:37:12.719 [e2-core] last_section_number 1 > section_number 0
      18:37:12.720 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [963]
      18:37:12.720 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:12.720 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.720 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.720 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 2
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 4
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] no version filtering
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.721 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 5
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 20
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 3
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 35
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 42
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 56
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 66
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] Section Length : 223, Total Section Length : 226
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 36
      18:37:12.722 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 145
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[EPG], url[http://itv.ard.de/ardepg/index.php]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ARD-Text-DSMCC], url[http://itv2.ard.de/index.html]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Tagesschau], url[http://www.tagesschau.de/hbbtv]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Mediathek DasErste], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV ARD-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[BR-Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv-mediathek.br.de/index.html]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Tatort], url[http://hbbtv-tatort.daserste.de/index.php]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HbbTV SR Mediathek], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-ard/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv&client=sr]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Das Erste Check Eins], url[http://hbbtv.daserste.de/?checkeins=1]
      18:37:12.723 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Sportschau], url[http://hbbtv.ardmediathek.de/hbbtv-sportschau/mediathek/?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      18:37:12.724 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Olympische WS], url[http://hbbtv.zdf.de/olympia/index.php?ard=1]
      18:37:13.057 [e2-python] (1, 'HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web', 'http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html', 19, 1, 0)
      18:37:13.060 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 3c
      18:37:13.063 [e2-core] -++ 2/3 TID 3c
      18:37:13.287 [e2-core] -++ 2/3 TID 3c
      18:37:13.487 [e2-core] -++ 2/3 TID 3c
      18:37:13.795 [e2-core] -+++ 3/4 TID 3c
      18:37:14.063 [e2-core] -+++ 3/4 TID 3c
      18:37:14.167 [e2-core] timeout 1434!
      18:37:14.167 [e2-core] OCready
      18:37:15.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:37:16.508 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -37
      18:37:16.508 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      18:37:16.618 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      18:37:16.618 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 18:36:39
      18:37:16.618 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -37
      18:37:16.618 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      18:36:47.443 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:36:47.443 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:36:47.443 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:36:47.444 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:36:48.232 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:36:48.232 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:36:48.232 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:36:48.232 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:36:48.734 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:48.734 [e2-core] Setvolume: 95 95 (raw)
      18:36:48.734 [e2-core] Setvolume: 4 4 (-1db)
      18:36:48.734 [e2-python] setValue 95
      18:36:48.987 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:48.987 [e2-core] Setvolume: 90 90 (raw)
      18:36:48.987 [e2-core] Setvolume: 7 7 (-1db)
      18:36:48.987 [e2-python] setValue 90
      18:36:49.214 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:49.214 [e2-core] Setvolume: 85 85 (raw)
      18:36:49.214 [e2-core] Setvolume: 10 10 (-1db)
      18:36:49.214 [e2-python] setValue 85
      18:36:49.421 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:49.421 [e2-core] Setvolume: 80 80 (raw)
      18:36:49.421 [e2-core] Setvolume: 13 13 (-1db)
      18:36:49.421 [e2-python] setValue 80
      18:36:49.946 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:49.946 [e2-core] Setvolume: 75 75 (raw)
      18:36:49.946 [e2-core] Setvolume: 16 16 (-1db)
      18:36:49.946 [e2-python] setValue 75
      18:36:50.185 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:50.185 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      18:36:50.185 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      18:36:50.185 [e2-python] setValue 70
      18:36:50.792 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:50.792 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      18:36:50.792 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      18:36:50.792 [e2-python] setValue 65
      18:36:51.537 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:51.537 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      18:36:51.537 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      18:36:51.537 [e2-python] setValue 60
      18:36:53.127 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      18:36:59.185 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:36:59.185 [e2-core] Setvolume: 55 55 (raw)
      18:36:59.185 [e2-core] Setvolume: 29 29 (-1db)
      18:36:59.186 [e2-python] setValue 55
      18:37:03.858 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:03.858 [e2-core] Setvolume: 50 50 (raw)
      18:37:03.858 [e2-core] Setvolume: 32 32 (-1db)
      18:37:03.859 [e2-python] setValue 50
      18:37:04.377 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:04.377 [e2-core] Setvolume: 55 55 (raw)
      18:37:04.377 [e2-core] Setvolume: 29 29 (-1db)
      18:37:04.378 [e2-python] setValue 55
      18:37:04.715 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:04.715 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      18:37:04.715 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      18:37:04.715 [e2-python] setValue 60
      18:37:04.986 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:04.986 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      18:37:04.986 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      18:37:04.986 [e2-python] setValue 65
      18:37:05.269 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:05.269 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      18:37:05.269 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      18:37:05.269 [e2-python] setValue 70
      18:37:05.909 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:05.909 [e2-core] Setvolume: 75 75 (raw)
      18:37:05.909 [e2-core] Setvolume: 16 16 (-1db)
      18:37:05.910 [e2-python] setValue 75
      18:37:06.016 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.016 [e2-core] Setvolume: 80 80 (raw)
      18:37:06.016 [e2-core] Setvolume: 13 13 (-1db)
      18:37:06.017 [e2-python] setValue 80
      18:37:06.123 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.123 [e2-core] Setvolume: 85 85 (raw)
      18:37:06.123 [e2-core] Setvolume: 10 10 (-1db)
      18:37:06.124 [e2-python] setValue 85
      18:37:06.229 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.229 [e2-core] Setvolume: 90 90 (raw)
      18:37:06.229 [e2-core] Setvolume: 7 7 (-1db)
      18:37:06.230 [e2-python] setValue 90
      18:37:06.335 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.335 [e2-core] Setvolume: 95 95 (raw)
      18:37:06.335 [e2-core] Setvolume: 4 4 (-1db)
      18:37:06.336 [e2-python] setValue 95
      18:37:06.443 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.443 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:06.443 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:06.444 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:06.548 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.548 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:06.548 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:06.549 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:06.655 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.655 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:06.655 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:06.655 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:06.762 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.762 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:06.762 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:06.762 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:06.869 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      18:37:06.869 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      18:37:06.869 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      18:37:06.869 [e2-python] setValue 100
      18:37:07.734 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:07.734 [e2-core] Setvolume: 95 95 (raw)
      18:37:07.734 [e2-core] Setvolume: 4 4 (-1db)
      18:37:07.734 [e2-python] setValue 95
      18:37:08.370 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:08.370 [e2-core] Setvolume: 90 90 (raw)
      18:37:08.370 [e2-core] Setvolume: 7 7 (-1db)
      18:37:08.370 [e2-python] setValue 90
      18:37:08.844 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:08.844 [e2-core] Setvolume: 85 85 (raw)
      18:37:08.844 [e2-core] Setvolume: 10 10 (-1db)
      18:37:08.844 [e2-python] setValue 85
      18:37:09.120 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:09.120 [e2-core] Setvolume: 80 80 (raw)
      18:37:09.120 [e2-core] Setvolume: 13 13 (-1db)
      18:37:09.120 [e2-python] setValue 80
      18:37:09.409 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:09.409 [e2-core] Setvolume: 75 75 (raw)
      18:37:09.409 [e2-core] Setvolume: 16 16 (-1db)
      18:37:09.410 [e2-python] setValue 75
      18:37:09.702 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:09.702 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      18:37:09.702 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      18:37:09.702 [e2-python] setValue 70
      18:37:10.039 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      18:37:10.039 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      18:37:10.039 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      18:37:10.039 [e2-python] setValue 65
      18:37:11.753 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      18:37:11.753 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      18:37:11.753 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:37:13.824 [e2-python] Timeout!
      18:38:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:39:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:41:38.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:42:18.020 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_down
      18:42:18.250 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_up
      18:42:18.252 [e2-python] enter standby
      18:42:18.252 [e2-python] stopService
      18:42:18.253 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.253 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.257 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.258 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.258 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.258 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:42:18.259 [e2-core] decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:42:18.260 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:42:18.260 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1
      18:42:18.261 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x12776c0
      18:42:18.261 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:42:18.261 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x12776c0
      18:42:18.261 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x12776c0
      18:42:18.263 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:42:18.264 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      18:42:18.273 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      18:42:18.273 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      18:42:18.273 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      18:42:18.273 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      18:42:18.275 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      18:42:18.275 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK!
      18:42:18.276 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      18:42:18.276 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0
      18:42:18.276 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x10a80c8
      18:42:18.277 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      18:42:18.277 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10a80c8
      18:42:18.277 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10a80c8
      18:42:18.387 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 102
      18:42:18.437 [e2-python] [PVRDescramble] enterStandby
      18:42:18.438 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] go to standby . . .
      18:42:18.438 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] No inactivity timer to stop
      18:42:21.265 [e2-core] close frontend 1
      18:42:21.295 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      18:42:21.439 [e2-python] [PVRDescramble] get unscrambled recordings
      18:43:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      18:44:58.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018

      Warmstart Uhr wird zurückgesetzt:
      01:00:28.712 [e2-core] tuning to 1611 mhz
      01:00:28.712 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      01:00:28.713 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      01:00:28.713 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:28.713 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:28.713 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py
      01:00:28.731 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      01:00:28.731 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      01:00:28.731 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:28.732 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:28.732 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      01:00:28.732 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      01:00:28.732 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      01:00:28.733 [e2-core] setting frontend 1
      01:00:28.733 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      01:00:28.733 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] dont have correction.. set Transponder Diff
      01:00:28.843 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      01:00:28.843 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 19:02:10
      01:00:28.843 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1520272902
      01:00:28.843 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      19:02:10.843 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
      19:02:10.843 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:02:10.843 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:02:10.844 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create epg.dat backup
      19:02:10.844 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      19:02:10.844 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      19:02:10.845 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:11.048 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] 31435 events read from /hdd/epg.dat
      19:02:11.050 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create real epg.dat backup
      19:02:11.050 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      19:02:11.166 [e2-core] PATready
      19:02:11.166 [e2-core] use pmtpid 13ec for service_id 283d
      19:02:11.166 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.166 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 00 00 00
      19:02:11.166 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      19:02:11.167 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.167 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:11.167 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 05 00 00
      19:02:11.167 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      19:02:11.167 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:11.169 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      19:02:11.171 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
      19:02:11.172 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      19:02:11.173 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      19:02:11.173 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:11.177 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:11.177 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 28 3d 39 00 00
      19:02:11.177 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      19:02:11.177 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:11.178 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      19:02:11.178 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
      19:02:11.178 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      19:02:11.178 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
      19:02:11.233 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      19:02:11.279 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      19:02:11.279 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0xe31a98 running
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0xe31a98 running
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.280 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0xe31a98 running
      19:02:11.281 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      19:02:11.281 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.281 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 00 00 00
      19:02:11.281 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      19:02:11.281 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.282 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0202:2114
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      19:02:11.289 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      19:02:11.290 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:205:202:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 04b1:0001
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      19:02:11.296 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      19:02:11.297 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:6EAB:4B1:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:11.302 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 1800:2114
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] available channel.. 03fb:0001
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] available channel.. 03f3:0001
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -7
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 11
      19:02:11.303 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager::FCCEvent][1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:] set service to state failed.
      19:02:11.636 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:1:3:1800:2114:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
      19:02:11.642 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      19:02:11.646 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      19:02:11.646 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:11.647 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      19:02:11.647 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      19:02:11.648 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.648 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.648 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.648 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.648 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      19:02:11.649 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      19:02:11.649 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      19:02:11.649 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 3 audio stream(s) (13ee, 13ef, 13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0
      19:02:11.649 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      19:02:11.650 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=5101, apid=5106
      19:02:11.651 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.651 [e2-core] 0492: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.651 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.651 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.651 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 13f1 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      19:02:11.652 [e2-core] Rds PID 13f4 detected ? ! ?
      19:02:11.652 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      19:02:11.653 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:11.653 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:11.653 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      19:02:11.653 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:11.654 [e2-core] 13ec: 02 28 3d 0b 00 00
      19:02:11.654 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      19:02:11.654 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:11.656 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      19:02:11.656 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] PATready
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] use pmtpid 17d4 for service_id 2b66
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 00 00 00
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.657 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:11.658 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      19:02:11.658 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      19:02:11.658 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:11.704 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      19:02:11.706 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      19:02:11.706 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:11.707 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      19:02:11.707 [e2-core] [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:]
      19:02:11.707 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      19:02:11.708 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:02:11.708 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.708 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.708 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:02:11.708 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 2
      19:02:11.709 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 4 audio stream(s) (17e8, 17e9, 17ea, 17eb), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      19:02:11.709 [e2-core] allocate demux
      19:02:11.709 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc1
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK!
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 01 00 00
      19:02:12.043 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      19:02:12.044 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:12.064 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      19:02:12.134 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      19:02:12.134 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:12.134 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      19:02:12.134 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 39 00 00
      19:02:12.134 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      19:02:12.135 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      19:02:12.205 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 74
      19:02:12.252 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] done!
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] AITready
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] Section Length : 437, Total Section Length : 440
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [440]
      19:02:12.398 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 4
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF Start], url[index.php]
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[index.php]
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Nachrichten], url[index.php]
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Programm], url[index.php]
      19:02:12.399 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF Olympia], url[index.php?zdf=1]
      19:02:12.425 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -37
      19:02:12.425 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      19:02:12.535 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      19:02:12.535 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 19:01:35
      19:02:12.535 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -37
      19:02:12.535 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      19:01:36.053 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1520272896)
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 74
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] done!
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] AITready
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] Section Length : 960, Total Section Length : 963
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 1
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] last_section_number 1 > section_number 0
      19:01:36.108 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [963]
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 2
      19:01:36.109 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 4
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] no version filtering
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] 1434: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 5
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 20
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 3
      19:01:36.110 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 35
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 42
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 56
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 66
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Section Length : 223, Total Section Length : 226
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 36
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 19, appid : 145
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web], url[index.html]
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[EPG], url[index.php]
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ARD-Text-DSMCC], url[index.html]
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Tagesschau], url[hbbtv]
      19:01:36.111 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Mediathek DasErste], url[index.php]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV ARD-Mediathek], url[?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[BR-Mediathek], url[BR Mediathek für HbbTV]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Tatort], url[index.php]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HbbTV SR Mediathek], url[?devicegroup=hbbtv&client=sr]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV Das Erste Check Eins], url[Check eins Mediathek für HbbTV]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Sportschau], url[?devicegroup=hbbtv]
      19:01:36.112 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[Olympische WS], url[index.php?ard=1]
      19:01:36.282 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1520272896)
      19:01:36.446 [e2-python] (1, 'HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web', 'http://itv.ard.de/ardstart/index.html', 19, 1, 0)
      19:01:36.451 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      19:01:36.454 [e2-core] kaputt max(2) < ssize(4) || nr(1) >= max(2)
      19:01:36.560 [e2-core] kaputt max(2) < ssize(4) || nr(1) >= max(2)
      19:01:36.732 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      19:01:36.996 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      19:01:37.105 [e2-python] action -> MsgBoxActions ok
      19:01:37.195 [e2-core] kaputt max(3) < ssize(4) || nr(2) >= max(3)
      19:01:37.504 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      19:01:37.774 [e2-core] ---+ 1/4 TID 3c
      19:01:37.876 [e2-core] timeout 1434!
      19:01:37.876 [e2-core] OCready
      19:01:40.884 [e2-core] HD+ CI Plus ModuleDVBCICAManagerSession::setCAIDs casCount = 3
      19:01:40.886 [e2-core] Slot 1 plugged
      19:01:40.886 [e2-core] resolve: resolve /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      19:01:40.886 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      19:01:40.904 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      19:01:40.904 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      19:01:40.904 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      19:01:40.904 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      19:01:40.905 [e2-python] [CIHelper] info[01] : ['0x1830', '0x1843', '0x1860']
      19:01:40.905 [e2-python] [CI_Activate] activate CI1 with following settings:
      19:01:43.056 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      19:01:43.058 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      19:01:43.058 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      19:01:43.116 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1520272903)
      19:01:43.451 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      19:01:43.452 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      19:01:43.452 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      19:01:44.864 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1520272904)
      19:01:48.548 [e2-core] eDVBCICAManagerSession::setCAIDs casCount = 4
      19:01:51.352 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1520272911)
      19:01:51.353 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1520272911)
      19:01:51.353 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      19:01:53.330 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      19:02:02.175 [e2-python] action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
      19:02:02.175 [e2-python] loading mainmenu XML...
      19:02:02.177 [e2-python] Subtitles Subtitles
      19:02:02.178 [e2-python] TimerEdit TimerEditList
      19:02:02.178 [e2-python] PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
      19:02:04.002 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:04.397 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:05.026 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:05.341 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:05.590 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:05.796 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      19:02:06.375 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      19:02:06.375 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      19:02:06.375 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      19:02:06.384 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element settingdesc in <class 'Plugins.Extensions.Chromium.youtube.YoutubeTVWindow'>
      19:02:08.521 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      19:02:08.587 [e2-python] stopService
      19:02:08.587 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.587 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.591 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.591 [e2-core] [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.592 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.592 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      19:02:08.593 [e2-core] decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      19:02:08.594 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      19:02:08.594 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1
      19:02:08.595 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0xe31a98
      19:02:08.595 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      19:02:08.595 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0xe31a98
      19:02:08.595 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0xe31a98
      19:02:08.598 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      19:02:08.598 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      19:02:08.623 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      19:02:08.623 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      19:02:08.623 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      19:02:08.623 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      19:02:08.624 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      19:02:08.624 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK!
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0xe0f970
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0xe0f970
      19:02:08.626 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0xe0f970
      19:02:08.627 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort caching events !!
      19:02:08.633 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      19:02:08.697 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      19:02:09.111 [e2-core] (1)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 0
      19:02:09.111 [e2-core] stateLostLock
      19:02:11.598 [e2-core] close frontend 1
      19:02:12.969 [e2-python] New input device detected: input/mouse1
      19:02:12.969 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/mouse1
      19:02:12.970 [e2-core] Input device "" is not a keyboard.
      19:02:12.974 [e2-python] New input device detected: input/event1
      19:02:12.974 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/event1
      19:02:12.974 [e2-core] Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is not a keyboard.
      19:02:12.976 [e2-python] New input device detected: /dev/input/mouse1
      19:02:12.976 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] /dev/input/mouse1 is already added.
      19:02:12.978 [e2-python] New input device detected: /dev/input/event1
      19:02:12.978 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] /dev/input/event1 is already added.
      19:02:33.292 [e2-core] child has terminated
      19:02:33.292 [e2-core] pipes closed
      19:02:33.913 [e2-core] child has terminated
      19:02:33.913 [e2-core] pipes closed
      19:03:11.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      19:04:51.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      19:06:31.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
      19:08:11.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Tue Mar 6 17:59:40 2018
    • Kommt hier auch mal was konstruktives von Dir? Die Threads mit 30 oder wie vielen Seiten sind viel schlimmer. Es hätte mir der Spoiler auch ohne Vorwurf gereicht. Echt Kindergarten hier. So was habe ich in anderen Foren nicht erlebt.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hgdo ()