VU+ Solo SE V2 hängt sich jede 1-2 Stunden auf?

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    • Mein Vater hat jetzt ein fettes Problem. Rund jede Stunde hängt sich seine Vu Solo SE V2 auf beim hin und her schalten zB.

      Woher kann das kommen? Hat jemand eine Lösung? Das ist doch sicherlich nicht normal. Dann Reagiert die Fernbedienung nicht mehr und man muss den Netzschalter verwenden.

      Vater sagt schon: Software taugt nicht in die Suppe.
    • Kann es etwa dran liegen, dass der Receiver Aktuell nicht mit dem Internet Verbunden ist?

      Ich selber habe daran nicht rumgespielt. Nur Skin draufgemacht und Picons eingefügt. Das Menü für ihn passend verschoben damit "YouTube TV" im Menü angezeigt wird.

      Das wars.
    • VU+ Solo SE V2 hängt sich jede 1-2 Stunden auf?

      Hallo Forum,

      mein Vater hat heute seine Solo SE V2 in Betrieb genommen. Leider hängt sich das Gerät dauernd auf und muss am Netzschalter gerestartet werden.

      VTi neuste Version ist installiert und darauf MetrixFHD mit allen Picons. Woran kann es liegen das dies passiert?
    • Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass die Onlineupdates über VTI Panel - Neuigkeiten (Blau-Grün-Grün) installiert wurden.

      Gibt es unter /media/hdd/ einen Crashlog?
      Wenn nicht, bitte in Menue - VTI - Einstellungen System den Debugmodus auf Datei stellen.
      Wenn die Box sich das nächste mal aufhängt, den unter /media/hdd/ befindlichen Debuglog hier hochladen.

      Füll doch bitte bei Gelegenheit Dein Profil aus.
      Nehmt das Leben nicht zu ernst, ihr kommt eh nicht lebend raus!
    • MartyUHD schrieb:

      dass der Receiver Aktuell nicht mit dem Internet Verbunden ist?
      speziell wenn man dann auch noch das

      MartyUHD schrieb:

      damit "YouTube TV" im Menü angezeigt wird.
      dann (ohne Netzwerkverbindung) aufruft.

      Ohne natürlich zu wissen, ob bevor das gemacht wurde

      MartyUHD schrieb:

      Nur Skin draufgemacht und Picons eingefügt.
      die Box über das Internet (VTI11.X) auf den aktuellen STand gebrcht wurde.
      Vermutlich hat der Skin auch einen Namen, oder hast gleich mehrere installiert?

      Wenn die Box nicht mehr auf die Fernbedienung reagiert, gibt es meistens ein Netzwerkprobelm. ;)
      Es soll auch noch Skins geben, die sich Infos aus den Internet (Wetter etc.) holen wollen.
      Da wirst wohl nochmal Hand anlegen müssen und das Netzwerk auf Vordermann bringen.
      @Django80 scheint eine gute :crystal2: zu haben :D

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Radar ()

    • Bei mir hat das ganze geklappt. Er hat sich nu eine Dlan bestellt so das er auch Internet am Receiver hat.

      Hab das Umgestellt das nu die Logdatei gespeichert wird aber habe natürlich ohne Netzwerkverbindung per Mac keinen Zugriff. Logischerweise wird YouTube TV nicht geöffnet wenn keine Internetverbindung Hergestellt ist. Was ist das hier? Die Computer Hotline die dir sagt ob du das Gerät schon versucht hast

      Speicher sind von den 500mb noch rund 264mb frei. Passieren tut das ganze ganz Plötzlich.
    • ditschi1691 schrieb:

      Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass die Onlineupdates über VTI Panel - Neuigkeiten (Blau-Grün-Grün) installiert wurden.

      Gibt es unter /media/hdd/ einen Crashlog?
      Wenn nicht, bitte in Menue - VTI - Einstellungen System den Debugmodus auf Datei stellen.
      Wenn die Box sich das nächste mal aufhängt, den unter /media/hdd/ befindlichen Debuglog hier hochladen.

      Füll doch bitte bei Gelegenheit Dein Profil aus.
      Richtig, habe ich jetzt gemacht.

      Wenn man die Datei Postet, sollte man doch sehen können woran es liegt und dieses Problem beseitigen können richtig? Oder hat der Receiver von Haus aus einen an der Waffel?
    • Hat die Box also doch eine Internetverbindung?
      Denn ohne funktioniert das mit Blau->Grün->Grün ja gar nicht.
      Oder hast Du derweil nur von Debug auf Datei umgestellt?
    • Das selbe Problem hatte ich auch am Anfang meiner Solo2 - Zeit . Der Fehler war, ich hatte die Timeshiftdateien auf einen USB Stick gespeichert. Habs dann umgestellt auf HDD, danach war alles gut.
    • Radar schrieb:

      Hat die Box also doch eine Internetverbindung?
      Denn ohne funktioniert das mit Blau->Grün->Grün ja gar nicht.
      Oder hast Du derweil nur von Debug auf Datei umgestellt?
      NOCH nicht. Wir haben jetzt eine dlan bestellt die morgen da sein sollte.

      Ich habe die Debug auf Datei umgestellt. Aber ohne Netzwerkverbindung kann ich wohl nicht auf die irgendwie zugreifen zB. mit einem Stick?


      Aktuell ist weder ein USB Stick noch eine Festplatte mit dem Receiver verbunden. Mein Vater hat bisher noch keine wirkliche Interesse was sowas angeht.
      Da sein Motto halt ist:"Bin sowieso den ganzen Tag zu Hause (Rentner) wird doch ehh wieder gezeigt"

      Muss ich da irgendwas Einstellen das er vielleicht irgendwo mit einer Timeshit von Haus aus was auf den Internen Speicher lädt?
    • Sobald es eine Internetverbndung gibt, wie oben beschrieben, mit blau->grün->grün die Box auf den
      aktuellsten Stand bringen.Unter Umständen ist das Problem damit schon behoben.
      Mit einen CrossOver-Netzwerkkabel könntest zwar eine Newtzwerkverbindung
      zwischen PC & Box aufbauen (für den Log), aber das DLan wird ja nicht ewig auf sich warten lassen.
      Ohne jetzt genau zu wissen, wo der Log, ohne USB-Datenstcik & Festplatte im Flash (Pfad) genau zu finden ist.
      Wird sich aber schon ein Wissender noch melden.
    • So, der dLan ist inzwischen da aber die Probleme bleiben.

      Ich Poste jetzt hier den Debug:

      Woran kann es liegen?
      Spoiler anzeigen
      [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      09:35:18.487 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:36:30.234 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:36:30.238 [e2-python] setValue 0
      09:36:41.272 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:36:41.275 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:36:45.531 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:36:45.532 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      09:36:45.534 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      09:36:45.540 [e2-python] setValue 65
      09:36:46.220 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:36:46.221 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      09:36:46.223 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      09:36:46.225 [e2-python] setValue 60
      09:40:12.270 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      09:40:12.271 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      09:40:12.273 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      09:40:12.278 [e2-python] setValue 65
      09:45:10.854 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      09:45:10.856 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      09:45:10.857 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      09:45:10.863 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:45:11.944 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      09:45:11.946 [e2-core] Setvolume: 75 75 (raw)
      09:45:11.947 [e2-core] Setvolume: 16 16 (-1db)
      09:45:11.949 [e2-python] setValue 75
      09:45:39.238 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:45:39.240 [e2-python] setValue 0
      09:46:17.168 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:46:17.170 [e2-python] setValue 75
      09:46:59.812 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:46:59.814 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      09:46:59.815 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      09:46:59.821 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:47:00.900 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:47:00.902 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      09:47:00.903 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      09:47:00.906 [e2-python] setValue 65
      09:47:09.207 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:47:09.208 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      09:47:09.209 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      09:47:09.215 [e2-python] setValue 60
      09:48:10.745 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      09:48:10.746 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      09:48:10.748 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      09:48:10.754 [e2-python] setValue 65
      09:48:11.564 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeUp
      09:48:11.566 [e2-core] Setvolume: 70 70 (raw)
      09:48:11.567 [e2-core] Setvolume: 19 19 (-1db)
      09:48:11.569 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:49:33.451 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:49:33.454 [e2-python] setValue 0
      09:50:15.004 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      09:50:15.006 [e2-python] setValue 70
      09:51:14.664 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      09:51:14.696 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      09:51:14.698 [e2-core] done!
      09:51:14.707 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36433
      09:51:14.709 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:51:14.711 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:51:14.713 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36434
      09:51:14.715 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:51:14.718 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:51:14.732 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:51:14.734 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b a2 25 00 00
      09:51:14.735 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:51:14.737 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:51:31.410 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      09:53:05.182 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      09:53:05.225 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      09:53:05.227 [e2-core] done!
      09:53:05.236 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36433
      09:53:05.239 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:53:05.240 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:53:05.243 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36434
      09:53:05.245 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:53:05.246 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:53:05.249 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:53:05.250 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b a2 27 00 00
      09:53:05.251 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:53:05.253 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:53:37.181 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      09:53:37.221 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      09:53:37.222 [e2-core] done!
      09:53:37.231 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36434
      09:53:37.234 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:53:37.235 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:53:37.238 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 38376
      09:53:37.240 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:53:37.241 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:53:37.244 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:53:37.245 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b a2 29 00 00
      09:53:37.246 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:53:37.248 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:29.620 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      09:58:33.002 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapUp
      09:58:33.007 [e2-python] playing service..
      09:58:33.010 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:33.011 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:33.020 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      09:58:33.021 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      09:58:33.024 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      09:58:33.025 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      09:58:33.049 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      09:58:33.051 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      09:58:33.052 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:33.053 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      09:58:33.061 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      09:58:33.093 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 27427
      09:58:33.096 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:33.097 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:33.100 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 27428
      09:58:33.103 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:33.105 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:33.122 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      09:58:33.124 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      09:58:33.125 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:33.127 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      09:58:33.128 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:33.130 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:33.131 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03f3:0001
      09:58:33.133 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10004
      09:58:33.134 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x18a2600!
      09:58:33.136 [e2-core] (0)tune
      09:58:33.138 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      09:58:33.139 [e2-core] prepare_sat System 1 Freq 11361750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0
      09:58:33.141 [e2-core] tuning to 1611 mhz
      09:58:33.142 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      09:58:33.143 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      09:58:33.145 [e2-core] allocate demux
      09:58:33.146 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      09:58:33.147 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      09:58:33.152 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      09:58:33.154 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:33.155 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 2
      09:58:33.172 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 20ms
      09:58:33.194 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:33.195 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      09:58:33.272 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f6
      09:58:33.274 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      09:58:33.325 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:33.327 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:33.329 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      09:58:33.330 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      09:58:33.332 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      09:58:33.334 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      09:58:33.335 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      09:58:33.979 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      09:58:33.982 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      09:58:34.097 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      09:58:34.098 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      09:58:34.100 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:34.101 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:34.102 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.104 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.105 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.106 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.108 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:34.110 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      09:58:34.110 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      09:58:34.113 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.114 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 00 00 00
      09:58:34.115 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      09:58:34.116 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.119 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      09:58:34.120 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.121 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.122 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.124 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.125 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      09:58:34.127 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 1 audio stream(s) (17e8), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      09:58:34.128 [e2-core] allocate demux
      09:58:34.135 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      09:58:34.137 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=6110, apid=6120
      09:58:34.139 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x17de) - pcr - ok
      09:58:34.141 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      09:58:34.142 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x17e8) - audio - ok
      09:58:34.143 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      09:58:34.145 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok
      09:58:34.146 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      09:58:34.150 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      09:58:34.151 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      09:58:34.152 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      09:58:34.154 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
      09:58:34.155 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x17de) - video - ok
      09:58:34.156 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      09:58:34.159 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      09:58:34.165 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      09:58:34.167 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x17f2) - ttx - ok
      09:58:34.169 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      09:58:34.174 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      09:58:34.176 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      09:58:34.177 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:34.179 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:34.181 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      09:58:34.186 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      09:58:34.199 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      09:58:34.201 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:34.204 [e2-core] PATready
      09:58:34.205 [e2-core] use pmtpid 17d4 for service_id 2b66
      09:58:34.207 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.209 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 00 00 00
      09:58:34.210 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      09:58:34.212 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.214 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:34.216 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      09:58:34.217 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      09:58:34.219 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:34.265 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      09:58:34.266 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:34.269 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      09:58:34.272 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      09:58:34.273 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.274 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.276 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.277 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.279 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      09:58:34.281 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (17de), and 4 audio stream(s) (17e8, 17e9, 17ea, 17eb), and the pcr pid is 17de, and the text pid is 17f2
      09:58:34.283 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=6110, apid=6120
      09:58:34.286 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 17f3 with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      09:58:34.288 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:34.289 [e2-core] 181a: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.291 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.292 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:34.295 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      09:58:34.305 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:34.306 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:34.308 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      09:58:34.309 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:34.311 [e2-core] 17d4: 02 2b 66 01 00 00
      09:58:34.312 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:58:34.313 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:34.541 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      09:58:34.582 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      09:58:34.901 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      09:58:34.903 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:34.905 [e2-core] AITready
      09:58:34.906 [e2-core] Section Length : 427, Total Section Length : 430
      09:58:34.908 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      09:58:34.909 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [430]
      09:58:34.910 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      09:58:34.912 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      09:58:34.913 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      09:58:34.915 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 181a, orgid : 17, appid : 8
      09:58:34.916 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF start], url[index.php]
      09:58:34.917 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF programm], url[index.php]
      09:58:34.919 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[index.php]
      09:58:34.920 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF nachrichten], url[index.php]
      09:58:34.922 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDFtivi], url[index.php]
      09:58:34.925 [e2-python] Name : ZDF start
      09:58:34.926 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:34.928 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:34.930 [e2-python] AppID : 1
      09:58:34.932 [e2-python] Control Code : 1
      09:58:34.933 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:34.935 [e2-python]
      09:58:34.936 [e2-python] Name : ZDF programm
      09:58:34.938 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:34.939 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:34.941 [e2-python] AppID : 6
      09:58:34.943 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:34.944 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:34.945 [e2-python]
      09:58:34.948 [e2-python] Name : ZDF mediathek
      09:58:34.949 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:34.951 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:34.952 [e2-python] AppID : 2
      09:58:34.954 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:34.955 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:34.957 [e2-python]
      09:58:34.958 [e2-python] Name : ZDF nachrichten
      09:58:34.960 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:34.962 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:34.963 [e2-python] AppID : 7
      09:58:34.965 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:34.967 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:34.968 [e2-python]
      09:58:34.970 [e2-python] Name : ZDFtivi
      09:58:34.972 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:34.974 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:34.976 [e2-python] AppID : 8
      09:58:34.978 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:34.979 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:34.981 [e2-python]
      09:58:34.983 [e2-python] (1, 'ZDF start', '', 17, 1, 0)
      09:58:34.996 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      09:58:34.998 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:35.010 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 27427
      09:58:35.012 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:35.014 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:35.016 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 27428
      09:58:35.019 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:35.020 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:35.023 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:35.024 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 66 01 00 00
      09:58:35.025 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:58:35.027 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:35.188 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      09:58:35.793 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      09:58:35.794 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      09:58:35.795 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      09:58:36.119 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1501919916)
      09:58:37.284 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapDown
      09:58:37.290 [e2-python] playing service..
      09:58:37.292 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:37.293 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:37.304 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      09:58:37.305 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      09:58:37.308 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      09:58:37.309 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      09:58:37.334 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      09:58:37.335 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      09:58:37.337 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:37.338 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      09:58:37.344 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      09:58:37.377 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36434
      09:58:37.379 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:37.381 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:37.384 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 38376
      09:58:37.386 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:37.388 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:37.392 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      09:58:37.394 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      09:58:37.395 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:37.396 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      09:58:37.398 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:37.399 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x18a2600
      09:58:37.401 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort caching events !!
      09:58:37.405 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 03f2:0001
      09:58:37.407 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10004
      09:58:37.408 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x18a2600!
      09:58:37.410 [e2-core] (0)tune
      09:58:37.411 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      09:58:37.412 [e2-core] prepare_sat System 1 Freq 11347000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0
      09:58:37.414 [e2-core] tuning to 1597 mhz
      09:58:37.415 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      09:58:37.416 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      09:58:37.417 [e2-core] allocate demux
      09:58:37.419 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      09:58:37.420 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      09:58:37.447 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      09:58:37.449 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:37.451 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 1
      09:58:37.467 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 20ms
      09:58:37.489 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:37.491 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      09:58:37.564 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f4
      09:58:37.565 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      09:58:37.617 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:37.618 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      09:58:37.620 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      09:58:37.621 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      09:58:37.622 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      09:58:37.623 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      09:58:37.625 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      09:58:38.266 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      09:58:38.272 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      09:58:38.384 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      09:58:38.386 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      09:58:38.387 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:38.390 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:38.391 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.392 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.394 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.395 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.397 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x18a2600 running
      09:58:38.398 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 5 min
      09:58:38.399 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      09:58:38.401 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.402 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b a2 00 00 00
      09:58:38.404 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      09:58:38.405 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.408 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      09:58:38.410 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.411 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.412 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.414 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.415 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      09:58:38.417 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (1a36), and 1 audio stream(s) (1a40), and the pcr pid is 1a36, and the text pid is 1a4a
      09:58:38.418 [e2-core] allocate demux
      09:58:38.425 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      09:58:38.427 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=6710, apid=6720
      09:58:38.428 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1a36) - pcr - ok
      09:58:38.430 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      09:58:38.431 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1a40) - audio - ok
      09:58:38.433 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      09:58:38.434 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok
      09:58:38.435 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      09:58:38.438 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      09:58:38.440 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      09:58:38.441 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      09:58:38.442 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
      09:58:38.444 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1a36) - video - ok
      09:58:38.445 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      09:58:38.447 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      09:58:38.453 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      09:58:38.455 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1a4a) - ttx - ok
      09:58:38.456 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      09:58:38.462 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      09:58:38.463 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      09:58:38.464 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:38.466 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      09:58:38.469 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      09:58:38.473 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      09:58:38.583 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      09:58:38.584 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:38.586 [e2-core] PATready
      09:58:38.587 [e2-core] use pmtpid 1a2c for service_id 2ba2
      09:58:38.589 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.590 [e2-core] 1a2c: 02 2b a2 00 00 00
      09:58:38.591 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      09:58:38.593 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.595 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:38.596 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00
      09:58:38.597 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      09:58:38.599 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:38.685 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      09:58:38.687 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:38.689 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      09:58:38.691 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.693 [e2-core] 1a72: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.694 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.696 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.698 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 1a4b with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      09:58:38.700 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      09:58:38.702 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (1a36), and 4 audio stream(s) (1a40, 1a41, 1a42, 1a43), and the pcr pid is 1a36, and the text pid is 1a4a
      09:58:38.704 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=6710, apid=6720
      09:58:38.707 [e2-core] no version filtering
      09:58:38.709 [e2-core] 1a72: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.710 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.711 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      09:58:38.713 [e2-core] dvb subtitle PID 1a4b with wrong subtitling type (24)... force 0x10!!
      09:58:38.716 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      09:58:38.727 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:38.729 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      09:58:38.730 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      09:58:38.732 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:38.733 [e2-core] 1a2c: 02 2b a2 01 00 00
      09:58:38.735 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:58:38.736 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:38.750 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      09:58:38.883 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      09:58:38.896 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      09:58:38.898 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:38.907 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 36434
      09:58:38.909 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:38.911 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:38.914 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 38376
      09:58:38.916 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      09:58:38.917 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      09:58:38.920 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      09:58:38.921 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b a2 29 00 00
      09:58:38.923 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      09:58:38.924 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      09:58:39.413 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      09:58:39.415 [e2-core] done!
      09:58:39.416 [e2-core] AITready
      09:58:39.418 [e2-core] Section Length : 427, Total Section Length : 430
      09:58:39.419 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 17, appid : 1
      09:58:39.420 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [430]
      09:58:39.422 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 17, appid : 6
      09:58:39.423 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 17, appid : 2
      09:58:39.424 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 17, appid : 7
      09:58:39.426 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 17, appid : 8
      09:58:39.427 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[ZDF start], url[index.php]
      09:58:39.429 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF programm], url[index.php]
      09:58:39.430 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF mediathek], url[index.php]
      09:58:39.432 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDF nachrichten], url[index.php]
      09:58:39.433 [e2-core] Found : control[2], name[ZDFtivi], url[index.php]
      09:58:39.435 [e2-python] Name : ZDF start
      09:58:39.437 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:39.438 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:39.440 [e2-python] AppID : 1
      09:58:39.442 [e2-python] Control Code : 1
      09:58:39.444 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:39.445 [e2-python]
      09:58:39.447 [e2-python] Name : ZDF programm
      09:58:39.449 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:39.450 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:39.452 [e2-python] AppID : 6
      09:58:39.454 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:39.455 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:39.457 [e2-python]
      09:58:39.458 [e2-python] Name : ZDF mediathek
      09:58:39.461 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:39.462 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:39.464 [e2-python] AppID : 2
      09:58:39.465 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:39.467 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:39.469 [e2-python]
      09:58:39.470 [e2-python] Name : ZDF nachrichten
      09:58:39.472 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:39.473 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:39.475 [e2-python] AppID : 7
      09:58:39.477 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:39.478 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:39.480 [e2-python]
      09:58:39.482 [e2-python] Name : ZDFtivi
      09:58:39.483 [e2-python] URL : index.php
      09:58:39.485 [e2-python] OrgID : 17
      09:58:39.487 [e2-python] AppID : 8
      09:58:39.489 [e2-python] Control Code : 2
      09:58:39.490 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      09:58:39.492 [e2-python]
      09:58:39.494 [e2-python] (1, 'ZDF start', '', 17, 1, 0)
      09:58:39.502 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      09:58:40.460 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      09:58:40.461 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      09:58:40.463 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      09:58:46.429 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:58:46.431 [e2-core] Setvolume: 65 65 (raw)
      09:58:46.432 [e2-core] Setvolume: 23 23 (-1db)
      09:58:46.438 [e2-python] setValue 65
      09:58:47.356 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeDown
      09:58:47.358 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      09:58:47.359 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      09:58:47.361 [e2-python] setValue 60
      09:58:58.427 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      10:01:52.828 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:01:55.498 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showSatellites
      10:01:55.502 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:01:57.504 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:01:57.978 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:01:58.450 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:01:59.366 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:02:00.274 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:02:00.343 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:02:43.875 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectEditActions contextMenu
      10:02:49.456 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:02:49.459 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      10:02:49.460 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      10:03:51.544 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:03:51.546 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:03:51.548 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:03:51.550 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2BA2:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:03:51.558 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      10:03:51.559 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      10:03:51.562 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      10:03:51.563 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      10:03:51.587 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      10:03:51.589 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      10:03:51.590 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:03:51.591 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      10:03:51.598 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      10:03:51.614 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:03:51.617 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:03:51.618 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x18a2600
      10:03:51.620 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] write leave transponder failed!!
      10:03:51.621 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x18a2600
      10:03:51.623 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x18a2600
      10:03:51.625 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0432:0001
      10:03:51.626 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10004
      10:03:51.627 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x18a2600!
      10:03:51.629 [e2-core] (0)tune
      10:03:51.630 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      10:03:51.631 [e2-core] prepare_sat System 1 Freq 11895000 Pol 1 SR 29700000 INV 2 FEC 4 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 1
      10:03:51.633 [e2-core] tuning to 1295 mhz
      10:03:51.635 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      10:03:51.636 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      10:03:51.638 [e2-core] allocate demux
      10:03:51.639 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      10:03:51.641 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      10:03:51.649 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      10:03:51.677 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      10:03:51.680 [e2-core] set sequence pos 7
      10:03:51.681 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      10:03:51.756 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f5
      10:03:51.758 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      10:03:51.809 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      10:03:51.811 [e2-core] [SEC] setTone 1
      10:03:51.828 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 10ms
      10:03:51.840 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      10:03:51.841 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      10:03:51.843 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      10:03:51.845 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      10:03:51.846 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      10:03:52.502 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      10:03:52.504 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      10:03:52.620 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      10:03:52.622 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      10:03:52.624 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x18a2600 running
      10:03:52.625 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x18a2600 running
      10:03:52.627 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:03:52.629 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.630 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.632 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.634 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x18a2600 running
      10:03:52.636 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      10:03:52.636 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      10:03:52.639 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:03:52.641 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 20 81 00 00 00
      10:03:52.642 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      10:03:52.644 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.646 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      10:03:52.648 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:03:52.650 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.651 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.653 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.678 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      10:03:52.680 [e2-core] done!
      10:03:52.682 [e2-core] PATready
      10:03:52.684 [e2-core] use pmtpid 0834 for service_id 2081
      10:03:52.686 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:03:52.687 [e2-core] 0834: 02 20 81 00 00 00
      10:03:52.688 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      10:03:52.690 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:03:52.692 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:03:52.694 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 1d 00 00
      10:03:52.696 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      10:03:52.697 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:03:52.770 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      10:03:52.773 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      10:03:52.775 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      10:03:52.776 [e2-core] done!
      10:03:52.778 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      10:03:52.782 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      10:03:52.783 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (083e), and 4 audio stream(s) (0849, 084a, 084b, 084c), and the pcr pid is 083e, and the text pid is 085d
      10:03:52.785 [e2-core] allocate demux
      10:03:52.794 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      10:03:52.796 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=2110, apid=2121
      10:03:52.798 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x83e) - pcr - ok
      10:03:52.799 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      10:03:52.801 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x849) - audio - ok
      10:03:52.803 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      10:03:52.804 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok
      10:03:52.806 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      10:03:52.812 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      10:03:52.813 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      10:03:52.815 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      10:03:52.816 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
      10:03:52.818 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x83e) - video - ok
      10:03:52.819 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      10:03:52.820 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      10:03:52.827 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      10:03:52.828 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x85d) - ttx - ok
      10:03:52.830 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      10:03:52.835 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      10:03:52.837 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      10:03:52.838 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:03:52.840 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:03:52.842 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:03:52.846 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      10:03:52.850 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      10:03:52.859 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2081:432:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:03:52.860 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2081:432:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:03:52.862 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      10:03:52.864 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:03:52.865 [e2-core] 0834: 02 20 81 05 00 00
      10:03:52.866 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      10:03:52.867 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:03:53.270 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      10:03:53.272 [e2-core] done!
      10:03:53.281 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 12219
      10:03:53.283 [e2-python] No Extended Data Event found trying alternative search
      10:03:53.286 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 12220
      10:03:53.288 [e2-python] No Extended Data Event found trying alternative search
      10:03:53.290 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:03:53.291 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 20 81 0f 00 00
      10:03:53.293 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      10:03:53.294 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:03:53.852 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      10:03:54.644 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1501920234)
      10:03:54.756 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      10:03:54.757 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      10:03:54.759 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      10:03:58.502 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
      10:04:01.650 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule reading
      10:04:01.653 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      10:04:01.655 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      10:04:01.658 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      10:04:01.662 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1501920241)
      10:04:01.664 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1501920241)
      10:04:01.666 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      10:04:04.633 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
      10:04:11.344 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
      10:04:12.796 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      10:04:16.174 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:04:31.580 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:04:31.651 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:04:33.317 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:04:33.654 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:04:36.255 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:04:36.700 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:04:36.723 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:36.725 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:38.636 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:04:42.026 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:04:42.471 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:04:42.493 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:42.494 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:50.177 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:04:51.662 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:04:52.107 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:04:52.129 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:52.131 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:53.207 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:04:54.323 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:04:54.661 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:04:54.683 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:54.685 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:04:55.744 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:04:57.866 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
      10:05:00.956 [e2-python] action -> InfobarExtensions vtipanel
      10:05:01.718 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:05:03.100 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:05:03.154 [e2-python] executing opkg update
      10:05:05.794 [e2-python] data: Downloading: VTi-all.gz
      Inflating: VTi-all
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-all.
      Downloading: VTi-all_static.gz
      Inflating: VTi-all_static
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-all_static.
      Downloading: VTi-mips32el.gz
      Inflating: VTi-mips32el
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-mips32el.
      Downloading: VTi-mips32el_static.gz
      Inflating: VTi-mips32el_static
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-mips32el_static.
      Downloading: VTi-softcams_mips32el.gz
      Inflating: VTi-softcams_mips32el
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-softcams_mips32el.
      Downloading: VTi-thirdparty.gz
      Inflating: VTi-thirdparty
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-thirdparty.
      Downloading: VTi-vusolose.gz
      Inflating: VTi-vusolose
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/VTi-vusolose.
      Downloading: VTi-vusolose_static.gz
      Inflating: VTi-vusolose_static
      Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/kg/VTi-vusolose_static.
      10:05:05.798 [e2-python]
      10:05:05.802 [e2-core] child has terminated
      10:05:05.803 [e2-core] pipes closed
      10:05:07.011 [e2-core] child has terminated
      10:05:07.013 [e2-core] pipes closed
      10:05:07.394 [e2-core] child has terminated
      10:05:07.395 [e2-core] pipes closed
      10:05:07.585 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:05:07.586 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:05:14.779 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:05:15.999 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:05:17.188 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:05:18.779 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:19.117 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:20.603 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:20.941 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:20.963 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:20.964 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:22.696 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:05:24.381 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:24.718 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:24.741 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:24.742 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:29.278 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:05:29.293 [e2-python] ignore request to play already running service(1)
      10:05:31.435 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
      10:05:36.717 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:37.162 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:37.185 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:37.187 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:38.731 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:05:40.033 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:40.371 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:40.393 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:40.394 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:41.404 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:05:42.343 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:42.681 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:42.702 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:42.704 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:57.057 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:05:58.806 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:05:59.145 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:05:59.167 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:05:59.169 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:06:00.231 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:06:01.399 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:01.844 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:01.866 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:06:01.868 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      10:06:06.020 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:06:08.016 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:08.975 [e2-python] action -> InfobarPiPActions show_hide_pip
      10:06:09.239 [e2-core] use cached_channel
      10:06:09.241 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      10:06:09.242 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:06:09.244 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 20 81 00 00 00
      10:06:09.245 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      10:06:09.246 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:06:09.248 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      10:06:09.249 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:06:09.251 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:06:09.252 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      10:06:09.253 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:06:09.255 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      10:06:09.257 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (083e), and 1 audio stream(s) (0849), and the pcr pid is 083e, and the text pid is 085d
      10:06:09.258 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=2110, apid=-1
      10:06:09.260 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x83e) - pcr - ok
      10:06:09.261 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      10:06:09.263 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video1
      10:06:09.264 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      10:06:09.265 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
      10:06:09.267 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x83e) - video - ok
      10:06:09.268 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      10:06:09.270 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      10:06:09.317 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      10:06:09.318 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      10:06:09.320 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      10:06:09.322 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:06:09.323 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      10:06:09.324 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      10:06:09.337 [e2-python] ignore request to play already running service(1)
      10:06:09.341 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      10:06:09.343 [e2-core] done!
      10:06:09.346 [e2-core] PATready
      10:06:09.347 [e2-core] use pmtpid 0834 for service_id 2081
      10:06:09.349 [e2-core] no version filtering
      10:06:09.351 [e2-core] 0834: 02 20 81 00 00 00
      10:06:09.352 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      10:06:09.353 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      10:06:09.356 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:06:09.357 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 1d 00 00
      10:06:09.359 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      10:06:09.361 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:06:09.419 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:09.453 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      10:06:09.454 [e2-core] done!
      10:06:09.456 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      10:06:09.459 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      10:06:09.461 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (083e), and 4 audio stream(s) (0849, 084a, 084b, 084c), and the pcr pid is 083e, and the text pid is 085d
      10:06:09.462 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=2110, apid=-1
      10:06:09.464 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      10:06:09.465 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      10:06:09.466 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:06:09.468 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 1 service 1:0:19:2081:432:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:06:09.471 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      10:06:09.472 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 08340102
      10:06:09.473 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
      10:06:09.475 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:06:09.476 [e2-core] 0834: 02 20 81 05 00 00
      10:06:09.477 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      10:06:09.478 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:06:09.742 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      10:06:10.313 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      10:06:10.314 [e2-core] done!
      10:06:10.316 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      10:06:10.318 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 20 81 0f 00 00
      10:06:10.319 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      10:06:10.320 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      10:06:10.643 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:10.981 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:11.831 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:12.276 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:12.828 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:13.273 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:14.108 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:14.872 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:15.470 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:16.021 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:19.029 [e2-python] action -> InfobarExtensions vtipanel
      10:06:19.554 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:06:20.939 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:06:38.015 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:06:39.635 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:06:41.061 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:06:42.611 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:43.055 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:43.719 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:06:44.057 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:06:45.931 [e2-python] action -> InfobarExtensions vtipanel
      10:06:47.974 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:06:49.510 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:06:50.767 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:50.768 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:52.380 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:52.382 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:53.687 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:53.688 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:54.777 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:54.779 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:55.720 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:55.721 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:57.300 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:57.301 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:58.109 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:58.110 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:58.749 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:58.751 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:06:59.337 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:06:59.339 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:00.133 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:00.134 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:00.854 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:00.856 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:01.510 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:01.512 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:09.969 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:07:11.091 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:07:12.305 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:07:13.772 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:07:14.216 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:07:14.943 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:07:15.388 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:07:15.849 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:07:16.507 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:07:16.989 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:07:17.434 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:07:17.681 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:07:18.018 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:07:19.959 [e2-python] action -> InfobarExtensions vtipanel
      10:07:20.515 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:07:21.626 [e2-python] action -> ColorActions blue
      10:07:22.688 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:22.690 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:24.076 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:24.078 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:24.900 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:24.902 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:25.811 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:25.812 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:26.888 [e2-python] action -> ShortcutActions blue
      10:07:26.889 [e2-python] unknown action ShortcutActions/blue! typo in keymap?
      10:07:30.229 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:30.230 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:30.927 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:30.928 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:31.602 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:31.604 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:32.033 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:32.035 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:32.399 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:32.400 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:32.811 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:32.813 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:33.219 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:33.220 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:33.686 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:33.687 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:35.713 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:35.715 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:36.159 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:36.160 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:36.570 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:36.572 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:36.936 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:36.938 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:37.340 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:37.341 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:37.815 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:37.816 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:38.328 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:38.330 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:38.805 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:38.806 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:39.931 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:39.933 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:40.363 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:40.365 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:40.765 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:40.767 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:07:41.159 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:07:41.161 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/down! typo in keymap?
      10:08:06.978 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:08:08.160 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:08:09.220 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:08:10.804 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:08:11.248 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:08:12.026 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:08:12.364 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:08:12.855 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:08:13.193 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:08:13.653 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:08:13.991 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:08:16.933 [e2-python] action -> InfobarSubserviceSelectionActions subserviceSelection
      10:08:17.797 [e2-python] action -> InfobarSubserviceSelectionActions subserviceSelection
      10:08:18.743 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:08:21.113 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showSatellites
      10:08:21.117 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:08:21.233 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:08:31.430 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
      10:08:31.538 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:08:41.451 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:08:49.964 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:08:49.966 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:08:49.968 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2081:432:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      10:08:49.969 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 08340102
      10:08:49.970 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
      10:08:49.980 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      10:08:49.981 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      10:08:49.990 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      10:08:49.992 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      10:08:50.018 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      10:08:50.020 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      10:08:50.021 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      10:08:50.022 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      10:08:50.042 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 14899
      10:08:50.044 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:08:50.046 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:08:50.049 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 14900
      10:08:50.051 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:08:50.052 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:08:50.055 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:08:50.058 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:08:50.059 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0402:0001
      10:08:50.060 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:08:50.062 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:08:50.063 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:08:50.064 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:08:50.076 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:08:50.077 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:08:54.130 [e2-python] Timeout!
      10:08:56.195 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:09:00.409 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
      10:09:00.517 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:09:01.460 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
      10:09:02.680 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:09:11.124 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:09:12.870 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:09:13.421 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:09:14.295 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:09:14.740 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:09:15.120 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:09:15.458 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:09:16.753 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:09:18.859 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:09:18.861 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:09:18.908 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 51124
      10:09:18.911 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:09:18.912 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:09:18.916 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 51126
      10:09:18.919 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:09:18.920 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:09:18.923 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:09:18.925 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:18.927 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0401:0001
      10:09:18.928 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:09:18.929 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10004... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:09:18.931 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:09:18.932 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:09:18.943 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:18.945 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:21.825 [e2-python] action -> MsgBoxActions ok
      10:09:23.764 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:09:27.937 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
      10:09:28.045 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:09:29.067 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
      10:09:30.427 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:09:49.187 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:09:49.698 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      10:09:49.929 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      10:09:50.853 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:09:53.140 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:09:53.143 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:09:53.163 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 7542
      10:09:53.165 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:09:53.167 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:09:53.170 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 7543
      10:09:53.172 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:09:53.173 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:09:53.177 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:09:53.179 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:53.180 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0404:0001
      10:09:53.181 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:09:53.183 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:09:53.184 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:09:53.185 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:09:53.196 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:53.198 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:09:55.637 [e2-python] action -> MsgBoxActions cancel
      10:09:57.137 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelUp
      10:10:00.375 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:10:00.377 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:10:00.412 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45461
      10:10:00.414 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:00.416 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:00.419 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45380
      10:10:00.421 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:00.422 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:00.426 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:10:00.428 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:00.429 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0021:0085
      10:10:00.430 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:10:00.432 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:10:00.433 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:10:00.434 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:10:00.445 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:00.447 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:03.059 [e2-python] action -> MsgBoxActions cancel
      10:10:05.605 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions volumeMute
      10:10:05.608 [e2-python] setValue 0
      10:10:07.331 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_down
      10:10:07.670 [e2-python] action -> GlobalActions power_up
      10:10:07.677 [e2-python] enter standby
      10:10:07.679 [e2-python] mute already active
      10:10:07.680 [e2-python] stopService
      10:10:07.810 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 0
      10:10:10.916 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] go to standby . . .
      10:10:10.918 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] No inactivity timer to stop
      10:10:11.170 [e2-python] action -> StandbyActions power
      10:10:11.171 [e2-python] leave standby
      10:10:11.494 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = goStandby
      10:10:11.501 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:10:11.516 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45461
      10:10:11.519 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:11.521 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:11.524 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45380
      10:10:11.526 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:11.528 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:11.533 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:10:11.536 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:11.538 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0021:0085
      10:10:11.539 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:10:11.541 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:10:11.542 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:10:11.544 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:10:11.559 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:11.561 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:11.566 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 0
      10:10:14.572 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] leave standby . . .
      10:10:14.574 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] No ShutDownTimer to stop
      10:10:18.602 [e2-python] Timeout!
      10:10:19.919 [e2-python] action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
      10:10:19.921 [e2-python] loading mainmenu XML...
      10:10:19.928 [e2-python] Subtitles Subtitles
      10:10:19.931 [e2-python] TimerEdit TimerEditList
      10:10:19.934 [e2-python] PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
      10:10:20.198 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element blue in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:10:20.200 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element green in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:10:20.202 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element yellow in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:10:21.895 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:22.145 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:22.404 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:23.170 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      10:10:23.724 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:23.935 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:24.169 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:24.387 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:24.741 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      10:10:24.743 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      10:10:24.744 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:10:24.756 [e2-python] Ci CiSelection
      10:10:24.758 [e2-python] ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup
      10:10:24.874 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element blue in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:24.876 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element green in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:24.878 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element yellow in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:26.013 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:26.669 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions up
      10:10:27.170 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      10:10:27.172 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      10:10:27.173 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:10:27.180 [e2-python] Satconfig NimSelection
      10:10:27.182 [e2-python] ScanSetup DefaultSatLists
      10:10:27.184 [e2-python] ScanSetup ScanSimple
      10:10:27.187 [e2-python] ScanSetup ScanSetup
      10:10:27.189 [e2-python] RemoteServiceAssignment RemoteServiceAssignment
      10:10:27.217 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element blue in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:27.219 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element green in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:27.221 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element yellow in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:10:28.303 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:28.551 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:10:28.883 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      10:10:28.885 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      10:10:28.886 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:10:30.507 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:10:30.511 [e2-python] stopService
      10:10:30.521 [e2-python] Creating setup
      10:10:40.914 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions right
      10:10:40.916 [e2-python] unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
      10:10:40.918 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions right
      10:10:40.988 [e2-python] Creating setup
      10:10:42.067 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions left
      10:10:42.069 [e2-python] unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
      10:10:42.070 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions left
      10:10:42.072 [e2-python] Creating setup
      10:10:48.543 [e2-python] action -> SetupActions cancel
      10:10:51.263 [e2-python] action -> MsgBoxActions ok
      10:10:51.281 [e2-python] playing service..
      10:10:51.299 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45461
      10:10:51.302 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:51.304 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:51.308 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45380
      10:10:51.310 [e2-python] Extended Data Event found
      10:10:51.312 [e2-python] But Extended Data is empty
      10:10:51.318 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      10:10:51.320 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:51.322 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0021:0085
      10:10:51.324 [e2-core] available channel.. 0432:0001
      10:10:51.326 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      10:10:51.327 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res -6
      10:10:51.329 [e2-core] DVB service failed to tune - error 0
      10:10:51.345 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:51.347 [e2-python] AddPopup, id = ZapError
      10:10:53.222 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:10:54.148 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:10:54.149 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      10:10:54.151 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:10:55.055 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:10:55.057 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      10:10:55.058 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:10:55.916 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions back
      10:10:55.918 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/back! typo in keymap?
      10:10:55.920 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:10:59.966 [e2-python] Timeout!
      10:11:02.082 [e2-python] action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
      10:11:02.083 [e2-python] loading mainmenu XML...
      10:11:02.091 [e2-python] Subtitles Subtitles
      10:11:02.094 [e2-python] TimerEdit TimerEditList
      10:11:02.096 [e2-python] PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
      10:11:02.357 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element blue in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:11:02.359 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element green in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:11:02.361 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element yellow in <class 'Screens.Menu.MainMenu'>
      10:11:06.093 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:06.336 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:06.554 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:06.802 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:07.015 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:07.260 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:07.480 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:07.947 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      10:11:07.948 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      10:11:07.950 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:11:07.961 [e2-python] SleepTimerEdit SleepTimerEdit
      10:11:07.963 [e2-python] TimerEdit EnergyTimerEditList
      10:11:07.965 [e2-python] Standby Standby
      10:11:07.967 [e2-python] Standby TryQuitMainloop
      10:11:07.969 [e2-python] Standby TryQuitMainloop
      10:11:07.971 [e2-python] Standby TryQuitMainloop
      10:11:08.069 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element blue in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:11:08.071 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element green in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:11:08.073 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element yellow in <class 'Screens.Menu.Menu'>
      10:11:09.212 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:09.747 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:10.320 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions down
      10:11:10.687 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      10:11:10.688 [e2-python] unknown action WizardActions/ok! typo in keymap?
      10:11:10.690 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:11:10.707 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      10:11:10.736 [e2-python] connectionLost? [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
      ]10:11:10.738 [e2-python]
      10:11:10.742 [e2-python] stopService
      10:11:10.972 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb
      10:11:10.973 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/lamedb
      10:11:10.975 [e2-core] ---- saving lame channel db
      10:11:11.099 [e2-core] saved 197 channels and 3368 services!
      10:11:11.102 [e2-core] release cached channel (timer timeout)
      10:11:11.112 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] store epg to realpath '/media/hdd/epg.dat'
      10:11:12.037 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] 74013 events written to /hdd/epg.dat
      10:11:14.225 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      10:11:15.581 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      10:11:16.681 [e2-core] set RTC to previous valid time
      10:11:16.792 [e2-core] - (42) eServiceRecordDB
      10:11:16.794 [e2-core] - (42) eVTiApp
      10:11:16.795 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] ...shutdown
      10:11:16.797 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
      10:11:16.798 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
      10:11:16.799 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
      10:11:16.801 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryFS
      10:11:16.802 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
      10:11:16.803 [e2-core] - (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
      10:11:16.805 [e2-core] - (40) eServiceCenter
      10:11:16.807 [e2-core] - (35) CI Slots
      10:11:16.808 [e2-core] - (30) eActionMap
      10:11:16.809 [e2-core] - (21) input device driver
      10:11:16.818 [e2-core] - (21) Console RC Driver
      10:11:16.819 [e2-core] - (20) DVB-CI UI
      10:11:16.821 [e2-core] - (20) Hdmi CEC driver
      10:11:16.822 [e2-core] - (20) UHF Modulator
      10:11:16.823 [e2-core] - (20) RC Input layer
      10:11:16.825 [e2-core] - (20) misc options
      10:11:16.826 [e2-core] - (20) AVSwitch Driver
      10:11:16.828 [e2-core] - (15) eWindowStyleManager
      10:11:16.830 [e2-core] - (10) gRC
      10:11:16.831 [e2-core] waiting for gRC thread shutdown
      10:11:16.950 [e2-core] gRC thread has finished
      10:11:16.951 [e2-core] - (9) GFBDC
      10:11:16.953 [e2-core] - (9) gLCDDC
      10:11:16.955 [e2-core] - (9) Font Render Class
      10:11:16.957 [e2-core] - (8) graphics acceleration manager
      10:11:16.958 [e2-core] - (5) Tuxtxt
      10:11:16.960 [e2-core] - (1) Background File Eraser
      10:11:16.962 [e2-core] reached rl -1
      01:00:16.299 [e2-core] [VTi] version: 11.0.2 --> build: 2017-06-21 (d182006) | vti-master
      01:00:16.772 [e2-core] + (1) Background File Eraser
      01:00:16.775 [e2-core] + (5) Tuxtxt
      01:00:16.777 [e2-core] + (8) graphics acceleration manager
      01:00:16.780 [e2-core] + (9) GFBDC
      01:00:16.786 [e2-core] 21600k video mem
      01:00:16.789 [e2-core] [Animation] set animation mode 0
      01:00:16.790 [e2-core] SetMode : wanted: 1280x720x32, got 1920x1440x32
      01:00:16.818 [e2-core] - double buffering available!
      01:00:16.832 [e2-core] 10800kB available for acceleration surfaces.
      01:00:16.834 [e2-core] resolution: 1280 x 720 x 32 (stride: 7680)
      01:00:16.835 [e2-core] + (9) gLCDDC
      01:00:16.836 [e2-core] found OLED display!
      01:00:16.838 [e2-core] lcd buffer 0x8c6370 8448 bytes, stride 132
      01:00:16.839 [e2-core] + (9) Font Render Class
      01:00:16.840 [e2-core] [FONT] initializing lib...
      01:00:16.853 [e2-core] [FONT] loading fonts...
      01:00:16.855 [e2-core] [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
      01:00:16.859 [e2-core] + (10) gRC
      01:00:16.861 [e2-core] RC thread created successfully
      01:00:16.865 [e2-core] + (15) eWindowStyleManager
      01:00:16.869 [e2-core] + (20) DVB-CI UI
      01:00:16.872 [e2-core] + (20) Hdmi CEC driver
      01:00:16.874 [e2-core] + (20) UHF Modulator
      01:00:16.876 [e2-core] couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
      01:00:16.878 [e2-core] + (20) RC Input layer
      01:00:16.880 [e2-core] + (20) misc options
      01:00:16.881 [e2-core] + (20) AVSwitch Driver
      01:00:16.883 [e2-core] + (21) input device driver
      01:00:16.885 [e2-core] [eInputDeviceInit] adding device /dev/input/event0
      01:00:16.886 [e2-core] Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is not a keyboard.
      01:00:16.888 [e2-core] Found 1 input devices!
      01:00:16.889 [e2-core] + (21) Console RC Driver
      01:00:16.890 [e2-core] failed to open /dev/tty0
      01:00:16.892 [e2-core] + (30) eActionMap
      01:00:16.894 [e2-core] + (35) CI Slots
      01:00:16.896 [e2-core] scanning for common interfaces..
      01:00:16.903 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input6
      01:00:16.904 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input7
      01:00:16.905 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input8
      01:00:16.907 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input9
      01:00:19.373 [e2-core] before: 1
      01:00:19.374 [e2-core] after: 1
      01:00:19.376 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 7 ok
      01:00:19.377 [e2-core] before: 1
      01:00:19.379 [e2-core] after: 1
      01:00:19.383 [e2-core] setIoPrio idle level 6 ok
      01:00:19.384 [e2-core] done, found 2 common interface slots
      01:00:19.386 [e2-core] + (40) eServiceCenter
      01:00:19.388 [e2-core] settings instance.
      01:00:19.389 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
      01:00:19.394 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
      01:00:19.398 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
      01:00:19.401 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
      01:00:19.403 [e2-core] + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
      01:00:19.406 [e2-core] + (42) eServiceRecordDB
      01:00:19.408 [e2-core] + (42) eVTiApp
      01:00:19.410 [e2-core] reached rl 70
      01:00:19.413 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb
      01:00:19.414 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/lamedb
      01:00:19.416 [e2-core] ---- opening lame channel db
      01:00:19.419 [e2-core] reading services (version 4)
      01:00:19.575 [e2-core] loaded 3368 services
      01:00:19.580 [e2-core] scanning for frontends..
      01:00:19.584 [e2-core] opening frontend 0
      01:00:19.616 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      01:00:19.651 [e2-core] found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 5 demux, boxtype 4
      01:00:19.655 [e2-core] RTC not ready... wait for transponder time
      01:00:19.658 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
      01:00:19.661 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/pal.png
      01:00:19.663 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/pal.png
      01:00:19.695 [e2-core] Loading spinners...
      01:00:19.696 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait1.png
      01:00:19.698 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait1.png
      01:00:19.705 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait2.png
      01:00:19.707 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait2.png
      01:00:19.709 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait3.png
      01:00:19.711 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait3.png
      01:00:19.713 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait4.png
      01:00:19.715 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait4.png
      01:00:19.717 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait5.png
      01:00:19.718 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait5.png
      01:00:19.721 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait6.png
      01:00:19.723 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait6.png
      01:00:19.725 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait7.png
      01:00:19.726 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait7.png
      01:00:19.728 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
      01:00:19.729 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
      01:00:19.731 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait9.png
      01:00:19.733 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait9.png
      01:00:19.735 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait10.png
      01:00:19.737 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait10.png
      01:00:19.739 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait11.png
      01:00:19.740 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait11.png
      01:00:19.743 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait12.png
      01:00:19.744 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait12.png
      01:00:19.746 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait13.png
      01:00:19.747 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait13.png
      01:00:19.749 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait14.png
      01:00:19.750 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait14.png
      01:00:19.752 [e2-core] found 13 spinner!

      01:00:19.753 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
      01:00:19.754 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/
      01:00:19.756 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
      01:00:19.912 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      01:00:19.914 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      01:00:19.915 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      01:00:19.917 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      01:00:19.919 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/fonts/
      01:00:19.921 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/fonts/
      01:00:19.922 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.923 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:19.925 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/
      01:00:19.926 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/
      01:00:19.927 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/po/
      01:00:19.929 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/po/
      01:00:19.930 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.931 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:19.933 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:19.934 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:19.936 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/playlist/
      01:00:19.937 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/playlist/
      01:00:19.938 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.940 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.941 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/dealer
      01:00:19.942 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/dealer
      01:00:19.944 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/meta
      01:00:19.945 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/meta
      01:00:19.946 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.947 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/defaults/
      01:00:19.961 [e2-python] [dvbapp2] set os enivronment variable SSL_CERT_FILE= /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
      01:00:20.259 [e2-python] enumerating block devices...
      01:00:20.263 [e2-python] found block device 'loop0': blacklisted
      01:00:20.266 [e2-python] found block device 'loop1': blacklisted
      01:00:20.270 [e2-python] found block device 'loop2': blacklisted
      01:00:20.273 [e2-python] found block device 'loop3': blacklisted
      01:00:20.276 [e2-python] found block device 'loop4': blacklisted
      01:00:20.279 [e2-python] found block device 'loop5': blacklisted
      01:00:20.282 [e2-python] found block device 'loop6': blacklisted
      01:00:20.285 [e2-python] found block device 'loop7': blacklisted
      01:00:20.289 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock0': blacklisted
      01:00:20.293 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock1': blacklisted
      01:00:20.296 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock2': blacklisted
      01:00:20.301 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock3': blacklisted
      01:00:20.312 [e2-python] found block device 'mtdblock4': blacklisted
      01:00:20.350 [e2-python] not loading user skin: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml'
      01:00:20.352 [e2-python] [VTi] not loading user defined colors for skin
      01:00:20.354 [e2-python] [VTi] not loading user defined header file for skin
      01:00:20.781 [e2-python] Reading satellites.xml
      01:00:21.340 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/unicable.xml
      01:00:21.342 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/unicable.xml
      01:00:21.490 [e2-python] [InitNimManager] check multi type slot 0
      01:00:21.491 [e2-python] [Nimmanager] slot 0 create config satellite..
      01:00:21.501 [e2-python] sec config cleared
      01:00:21.503 [e2-core] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6211), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes, DVB-T2 No
      01:00:21.505 [e2-python] slot: 0 configmode: simple
      01:00:21.507 [e2-python] diseqcmode: diseqc_a_b
      01:00:21.510 [e2-python] sec config completed
      01:00:21.653 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:21.655 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:21.774 [e2-python] Preferred tag editor set to None
      01:00:22.362 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.363 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.365 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.367 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.369 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.370 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.373 [e2-core] 81 entries in Bouquet
      01:00:22.375 [e2-core] 1 entries in Bouquet
      01:00:22.376 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.378 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.379 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.381 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/
      01:00:22.383 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.384 [e2-core] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/
      01:00:22.386 [e2-core] 0 entries in Bouquet
      01:00:22.387 [e2-core] 1 entries in Bouquet
      01:00:22.431 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/remote_id_
      01:00:22.432 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/remote_id_
      01:00:22.443 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] enable sync local time with transponder time!
      01:00:23.022 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      01:00:25.361 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display)
      01:00:25.376 [e2-core] SetMode : wanted: 1920x1080x32, got 1280x720x32
      01:00:25.403 [e2-core] - double buffering available!
      01:00:25.424 [e2-core] 5400kB available for acceleration surfaces.
      01:00:25.425 [e2-core] resolution: 1920 x 1080 x 32 (stride: 7680)
      01:00:25.454 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
      01:00:25.461 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
      01:00:25.466 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
      01:00:25.469 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Arial)
      01:00:25.481 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/MetrixFHD/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf...OK (Regular)
      01:00:25.493 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/MetrixFHD/fonts/setrixHD.ttf...OK (SetrixHD)
      01:00:25.496 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/MetrixFHD/fonts/setrixHD.ttf...OK (SetrixHD140)
      01:00:25.509 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/MetrixFHD/fonts/setrixSL.ttf...OK (SetrixSL)
      01:00:25.513 [e2-core] [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/MetrixFHD/fonts/meteocons.ttf...OK (Meteo)
      01:00:25.553 [e2-python] [iInputDevices] getInputDevices <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 22] Invalid argument >
      01:00:25.574 [e2-core] couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
      01:00:25.575 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/keymap.xml
      01:00:25.576 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml
      01:00:25.773 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:25.775 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:25.777 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:25.778 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:25.785 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:25.786 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:25.801 [e2-python] Activating keymap: Keyboard English
      01:00:25.802 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/keymaps/
      01:00:25.804 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/keymaps/
      01:00:25.808 [e2-python] Activating language German
      01:00:26.467 [e2-python] language set to de_DE
      01:00:26.480 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:26.483 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:26.488 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 0
      01:00:26.490 [e2-core] setLCDBrightness 0
      01:00:26.660 [e2-core] cannot open /proc/stb/avs/0/input_choices
      01:00:26.680 [e2-python] --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 00000000
      01:00:27.520 [e2-core] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
      01:00:29.011 [e2-python] remove DVI-PC because it does not exist.
      01:00:29.013 [e2-python] remove YPbPr because it does not exist.
      01:00:29.022 [e2-python] set HDMI Colorspace : Edid(Auto)
      01:00:29.024 [e2-python] hotplug on DVI
      01:00:29.030 [e2-python] set Videomode DVI 1080p multi
      01:00:29.465 [e2-python] set aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
      01:00:29.951 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'Wall')
      01:00:29.956 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'Wall VTi')
      01:00:30.011 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'PVR/VIDEO')
      01:00:30.038 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'PVR/VIDEO')
      01:00:30.059 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'PVR/VIDEO')
      01:00:30.063 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'EPG/INFO')
      01:00:31.761 [e2-python] ('[MediaPortal] fallback to default translation for', 'GENRES')
      01:00:33.957 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:33.959 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
      01:00:33.961 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}
      01:00:33.962 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib
      01:00:34.942 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] -D- tuner '0' 'Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6211)' 'Tuner A'
      01:00:34.945 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/TransCodingSetup/plugin.pyo
      01:00:34.946 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/TransCodingSetup/plugin.pyo
      01:00:34.972 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${datadir}/enigma2/
      01:00:34.974 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/
      01:00:35.165 [e2-python] [MovieCut] set language to de
      01:00:35.173 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MovieCut/bin/mcut
      01:00:35.174 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MovieCut/bin/mcut
      01:00:35.360 [e2-python] <ZappingModeSelection> set zapping mode : mute
      01:00:35.438 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/WirelessLan
      01:00:35.440 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/WirelessLan
      01:00:35.457 [e2-python] --> setting contrast to: 00008000
      01:00:35.460 [e2-python] --> setting saturation to: 00008000
      01:00:35.463 [e2-python] --> setting hue to: 00008000
      01:00:35.465 [e2-python] --> setting brightness to: 00008000
      01:00:35.468 [e2-python] --> setting block_noise_reduction to: 00000000
      01:00:35.497 [e2-python] --> setting mosquito_noise_reduction to: 00000000
      01:00:35.537 [e2-python] --> setting digital_contour_removal to: 00000000
      01:00:35.658 [e2-python] --> setting splitmode to: off
      01:00:35.661 [e2-python] --> setting sharpness to: 00000000
      01:00:35.677 [e2-python] --> setting auto_flesh to: 00000000
      01:00:35.679 [e2-python] --> setting green_boost to: 00000000
      01:00:35.681 [e2-python] --> setting blue_boost to: 00000000
      01:00:35.684 [e2-python] --> setting dynamic_contrast to: 00000000
      01:00:35.697 [e2-python] --> setting scaler_vertical_dejagging to: disable
      01:00:35.718 [e2-python] --> setting smooth to: disable
      01:00:35.721 [e2-python] --> applying pep values
      01:00:35.992 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_left : 10
      01:00:35.993 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_width : 700
      01:00:35.995 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_top : 5
      01:00:35.997 [e2-python] [UIPositionSetup] write dst_height : 566
      01:00:36.024 [e2-python] [DeviceManager2] Loading skin /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/DeviceManager2/skin.xml
      01:00:36.068 [e2-python] [] -getAutoMountPoints:self.automounts --> {}
      01:00:36.070 [e2-python] [] self.automounts without mounts {}
      01:00:36.104 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
      01:00:36.108 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
      01:00:36.112 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
      01:00:36.117 [e2-python] [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
      01:00:36.150 [e2-python] <RemoteControlCode> Write Remote Control Code : 2
      01:00:39.272 [e2-python] [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
      01:00:39.274 [e2-core] resolve: resolve /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      01:00:39.276 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/share/enigma2/ci_auto_assign.xml
      01:00:39.338 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      01:00:39.339 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      01:00:39.341 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/ci
      01:00:39.342 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/ci
      01:00:39.346 [e2-python] starting hotplug handler
      01:00:39.414 [e2-python] [browser] browser start
      01:00:39.428 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      01:00:39.498 [e2-python] [AutoShutDown] start....
      01:00:39.510 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      01:00:39.519 [e2-python] port changed to DVI
      01:00:39.521 [e2-python] mode changed to 1080p
      01:00:39.524 [e2-python] default ('1080p', 'Standard')
      01:00:39.525 [e2-python] preferedmodes ['720p', '1080i', '576p', '480p', '576i', '480i', ('1080p', 'Standard')]
      01:00:39.537 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] disable Vu+ DVB EPG blacklist mode
      01:00:39.539 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] set Vu+ in EPG-server (default) mode
      01:00:39.541 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/hdd/epg.dat'
      01:00:39.545 [e2-python] not showing fine-tuning wizard, config variable doesn't exist
      01:00:39.548 [e2-python] showtestcard is false
      01:00:39.556 [e2-python] Looking for embedded skin
      01:00:39.614 [e2-python] setValue 60
      01:00:39.616 [e2-core] Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
      01:00:39.617 [e2-core] Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
      01:00:39.619 [e2-core] Setvolume: 60 60 (raw)
      01:00:39.621 [e2-core] Setvolume: 26 26 (-1db)
      01:00:39.957 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element etitle in <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>
      01:00:39.960 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element searchchar in <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>
      01:00:40.129 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      01:00:40.279 [e2-python] playing service..
      01:00:40.327 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      01:00:40.330 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      01:00:40.332 [e2-core] allocate channel.. 0021:0085
      01:00:40.334 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 10003
      01:00:40.336 [e2-core] opening frontend 0
      01:00:40.368 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x16df338!
      01:00:40.371 [e2-core] (0)tune
      01:00:40.373 [e2-core] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
      01:00:40.375 [e2-core] prepare_sat System 0 Freq 12480000 Pol 1 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 192 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
      01:00:40.376 [e2-core] tuning to 1880 mhz
      01:00:40.377 [e2-core] OURSTATE: tuning
      01:00:40.378 [e2-core] allocate Channel: res 0
      01:00:40.380 [e2-core] FIXME: request for unknown slot
      01:00:40.382 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:40.383 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/
      01:00:40.385 [e2-core] resolve: -> /etc/
      01:00:40.395 [e2-core] [SEC] set static current limiting
      01:00:40.398 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:40.400 [e2-core] set sequence pos 4
      01:00:40.401 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 1
      01:00:40.420 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 200ms
      01:00:40.423 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:40.425 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:40.427 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:40.428 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:40.468 [e2-python] cidr invalid: 64
      01:00:40.483 [e2-core] child has terminated
      01:00:40.485 [e2-core] pipes closed
      01:00:40.486 [e2-python]
      01:00:40.488 [e2-python] 169.254
      01:00:40.490 [e2-python] 192.168
      01:00:40.503 [e2-python] nameservers: [[192, 168, 2, 1]]
      01:00:40.505 [e2-python] read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': True}}
      01:00:40.507 [e2-python] self.ifaces after loading: {'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [192, 168, 2, 111], 'up': True, 'dns-nameservers': '\tdns-nameservers\n', 'mac': '00:1d:ec:0f:59:b5', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [192, 168, 2, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 2, 1]}}
      01:00:40.520 [e2-python] AT plugin not found
      01:00:40.523 [e2-python] SerienRecorder plugin not found
      01:00:40.525 [e2-python] EPG Refresh Plugin not found
      01:00:40.527 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/
      01:00:40.528 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/
      01:00:40.530 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
      01:00:40.531 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
      01:00:40.533 [e2-core] resolve: resolve ${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/pluginshook.src
      01:00:40.534 [e2-core] resolve: -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/pluginshook.src
      01:00:40.543 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] no plugins to load
      01:00:40.561 [e2-python] [OpenWebif] started on 80
      01:00:40.622 [e2-core] [SEC] invalidate current switch params
      01:00:40.685 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset)
      01:00:40.687 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      01:00:40.792 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on)
      01:00:40.797 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 150ms
      01:00:41.023 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f5
      01:00:41.096 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      01:00:41.182 [e2-core] set sequence pos 3
      01:00:41.184 [e2-core] [SEC] setTone 1
      01:00:41.201 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 10ms
      01:00:41.213 [e2-core] [SEC] update current switch params
      01:00:41.214 [e2-core] [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
      01:00:41.216 [e2-core] [SEC] setFrontend 1
      01:00:41.217 [e2-core] setting frontend 0
      01:00:41.220 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 500ms
      01:00:42.139 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
      01:00:42.147 [e2-core] [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      01:00:42.257 [e2-core] (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
      01:00:42.259 [e2-core] OURSTATE: ok
      01:00:42.260 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] channel 0x16df338 running
      01:00:42.261 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x16df338 running
      01:00:42.264 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.266 [e2-core] 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.267 [e2-core] mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.268 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.270 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] channel 0x16df338 running
      01:00:42.272 [e2-core] stop release channel timer
      01:00:42.273 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.275 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 00 3f 00 00 00
      01:00:42.276 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      01:00:42.278 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.280 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      01:00:42.281 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.282 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.285 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.286 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.288 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      01:00:42.289 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (0cff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0d00), and the pcr pid is 0cff, and the text pid is 002c
      01:00:42.291 [e2-core] allocate demux
      01:00:42.302 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      01:00:42.306 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=3327, apid=3328
      01:00:42.307 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xcff) - pcr - ok
      01:00:42.309 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
      01:00:42.310 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xd00) - audio - ok
      01:00:42.312 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      01:00:42.313 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok
      01:00:42.315 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      01:00:42.318 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      01:00:42.319 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      01:00:42.321 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
      01:00:42.322 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0 - ok
      01:00:42.323 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xcff) - video - ok
      01:00:42.325 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      01:00:42.326 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      01:00:42.333 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      01:00:42.334 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x2c) - ttx - ok
      01:00:42.335 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      01:00:42.343 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      01:00:42.344 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      01:00:42.345 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      01:00:42.347 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      01:00:42.348 [e2-core] AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT(0) - ok
      01:00:42.351 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      01:00:42.356 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      01:00:42.373 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      01:00:42.374 [e2-core] done!
      01:00:42.377 [e2-core] PATready
      01:00:42.380 [e2-core] use pmtpid 006c for service_id 003f
      01:00:42.382 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.383 [e2-core] 006c: 02 00 3f 00 00 00
      01:00:42.385 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      01:00:42.386 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.389 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      01:00:42.390 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 21 00 00
      01:00:42.391 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      01:00:42.392 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      01:00:42.396 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      01:00:42.398 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
      01:00:42.414 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      01:00:42.415 [e2-core] done!
      01:00:42.417 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      01:00:42.419 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.421 [e2-core] 0d05: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.422 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.423 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.426 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      01:00:42.427 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (0cff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0d00), and the pcr pid is 0cff, and the text pid is 002c
      01:00:42.429 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=3327, apid=3328
      01:00:42.432 [e2-core] no version filtering
      01:00:42.434 [e2-core] 0d05: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.435 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.437 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      01:00:42.440 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      01:00:42.449 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:3F:21:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:42.450 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:3F:21:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      01:00:42.452 [e2-core] demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      01:00:42.457 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      01:00:42.458 [e2-core] 006c: 02 00 3f 11 00 00
      01:00:42.459 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      01:00:42.461 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      01:00:42.517 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      01:00:42.522 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
      01:00:42.525 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      01:00:42.528 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
      01:00:42.828 [e2-core] sdt update done!
      01:00:42.904 [e2-python] ignore request to play already running service(1)
      01:00:43.079 [e2-core] -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      01:00:43.141 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      01:00:43.143 [e2-core] done!
      01:00:43.146 [e2-core] AITready
      01:00:43.148 [e2-core] Section Length : 128, Total Section Length : 131
      01:00:43.150 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : d05, orgid : 33, appid : 39
      01:00:43.152 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [131]
      01:00:43.155 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[DMAX], url[loader.html?]
      01:00:43.165 [e2-python] Name : DMAX
      01:00:43.167 [e2-python] URL : loader.html?
      01:00:43.170 [e2-python] OrgID : 33
      01:00:43.172 [e2-python] AppID : 39
      01:00:43.175 [e2-python] Control Code : 1
      01:00:43.177 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      01:00:43.180 [e2-python]
      01:00:43.184 [e2-python] (1, 'DMAX', '', 33, 39, 0)
      01:00:43.358 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      01:00:43.997 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      01:00:43.999 [e2-core] done!
      01:00:44.014 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45380
      01:00:44.019 [e2-python] No Extended Data Event found trying alternative search
      01:00:44.022 [e2-python] looking for Extended Data EventID: 45381
      01:00:44.026 [e2-python] No Extended Data Event found trying alternative search
      01:00:44.035 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      01:00:44.037 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 00 3f 11 00 00
      01:00:44.039 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      01:00:44.041 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      01:00:44.065 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] dont have correction.. set Transponder Diff
      01:00:44.177 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      01:00:44.179 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 10:12:20
      01:00:44.180 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1501920696
      01:00:44.182 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      10:12:20.183 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
      10:12:20.185 [e2-core] before: 1
      10:12:20.187 [e2-core] after: 1
      10:12:20.193 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create epg.dat backup
      10:12:21.334 [e2-core] [Animation] set animation mode 1
      10:12:21.474 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelDown
      10:12:21.499 [e2-core] [ServiceList] cannot access /tmp/livepreview
      10:12:21.501 [e2-core] [ServiceList] initiate service mapping
      10:12:22.552 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] 74013 events read from /hdd/epg.dat
      10:12:22.559 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] create real epg.dat backup
      10:12:22.562 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      10:12:24.572 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] start caching events(1501920744)
      10:12:31.578 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      10:12:31.581 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      10:12:31.583 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] abort non avail mhw reading
      10:12:31.597 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1501920751)
      10:12:38.306 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      10:12:41.674 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1501920761)
      10:12:41.677 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1501920761)
      10:12:41.679 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      10:12:46.468 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showSatellites
      10:12:46.472 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:12:54.767 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:12:55.104 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:12:55.538 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:12:55.803 [e2-core] find old format eServiceReference string
      10:12:56.129 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      10:12:56.196 [e2-core] eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
      10:13:36.991 [e2-python] action -> ChannelSelectEditActions contextMenu
      10:13:39.264 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      10:13:39.270 [e2-core] [ServiceList] initiate service mapping
      10:15:22.537 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:22.539 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:22.546 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:22.548 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.521 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.523 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.620 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.621 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.627 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.628 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.630 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.631 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.633 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.634 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.636 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.637 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.639 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.640 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.641 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.643 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.644 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.646 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.647 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.648 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.650 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.651 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.653 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.654 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.655 [e2-core] reserved 0
      10:15:23.657 [e2-core] reserved 0
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