VU+ Ultimo4k VFD-Skins @ Eisman

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    • Hallo, ich hab auch mal eine Frage. Ich habe iFlatFHD v6.3 instaliert.
      Wenn ich jetzt z.B. den skin_vfd_Eisman_ultimo4k_07.Version_Standby_Weather_V2.xml
      instaliere, wo trag ich dann die Wetterdaten für meinen Ort ein?
      Im iFlatFHD - Pro einstellungen - Wetter ?
    • Nein, also zuerst das instalieren?
    • Ohne dieses Plugin geht kein Wetter mehr auf den Boxen ! kleiner tip ... nimm darksky das funktioniert bei mir perfekt ...
      um deinen Ortsname einzubauen schaue mal im IFlat Teard meine da was gelesen zuhaben das es mit einem SkinParts geht, im vfd geht es noch nicht ! Da wollte @Eisman noch ein Update machen wen er Zeit hat

      Liebe Grüße
    • Ok probier ich mal. Blöde Frage, was ist der API-Key ?
    • Der Schlüssel den brauchst um dein Wetter ab rufen zu können ... diesen in das Plugin eintragen und deine Koordinaten deines Wohnortes.
      Diese kann man zb bei Google Maps auslesen
      Liebe Grüße
    • Hallo @Eismann,

      ich nutze Deinen VFD Skin für meine Ultimo 4K.
      Leider im Standby ja seit einiger Zeit ohne Wetter.
      In meinem Skin iFlat läuft das Wetter ja unabhängig von der yahoo Problematik.

      Habe jetzt gestern das Plugin VWeather3 installiert und gehofft, das damit das VFD auch wieder ein Wetter anzeigt.
      Leider ohne Erfolg.
      Ich weiß Du hattest vor einigen Posts geschrieben, dass es ein Update geben wird.
      Kann ich eventuell schon jetzt Deinen Skin so anpassen, dass er wieder Wetter anzeigt?
      Im VWeather nutze ich wieder yahoo. Kann nur nicht sagen ob es funktioniert, da es ja in meinem iFlat auch ohne das Plugin durchgehend funktioniert hat.

      Viele Grüße
      Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten.
    • Jo einfach den alten Converter überschreiben :)


      Neustart nicht vergessen ;_)

        (23,98 kB, 96 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • VU+ Ultimo4k LCD-Skin mit Wetter-Standby-Screen Update auf v1.2

      - Nur noch ein konfigurierbarer LCD-Skin
      - Visuelles Timeshift-Anzeige hinzugefügt (Wenn Timeshift aktiv wird das durch einen blauen Balken auf dem roten Progressbalken angezeigt)
      - YAMP Music Player Screen hinzugefügt
      - LCDvweather2 Converter erneuert (Plugin VWeather3 muss installiert und konfiguriert sein. Temperatur Dezimalstellen auf 0)
      - Sechs Standby-Screens auswählbar (Anleitung beachten)
      - Zwei Infobar-Screens auswählbar (Anleitung beachten)
      - ECM-Anzeige entfernt (passt sowieso nicht mehr), nur noch Anzeige der Verschlüsselungsart


      Bitte (falls vorhanden) vor der Installation Version 1.0 (Original Post 203) deinstallieren
      Vor dem deinstallieren von Version 1.0 einen anderen LCD-Skin aktivieren.
      Danach erst Version1.2 installieren.

      Anleitung für das ändern der Screens:
      Spoiler anzeigen

      Standardmässig wird der LCD-Skin mit Infobar-Screen 1 und Standby-Screen 6 installiert.
      Zum ändern der Screens die Datei skin_vfd_Eisman_Ultimo4k_Multi.xml mit einem Linux-konformen Editor ändern.

      Und so gehts.
      Ganz am Ende der xml-Datei befinden sich diese Screens

      <!-- InfoBar -->
      <screen name="InfoBarSummary" position="0,0" size="800,480" id="1">
      <panel name="Infobar_1_Template" />

      <!-- Standby -->
      <screen name="StandbySummary" position="0,0" size="800,480" id="1">
      <panel name="Standby_Screen_4_Template" />

      Zum Ändern des Infobar-Screens einfach im <panel name="Infobar_1_Template" /> die Zahl ändern (1 oder 2 wählbar)
      Wichtig: Hier keine andere Zahlen als 1 oder 2 eintragen sonst Crash!!!!!!

      1 = Infobar mit Next-Event Anzeige
      2 = Infobar mit Next-Event und Verschlüsselungsart Anzeige

      Zum Ändern des Standby-Screens einfach im <panel name="Standby_Screen_6_Template" /> die Zahl ändern (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, oder 6 wählbar)
      Wichtig: Hier keine andere Zahl als 1,2,3,4,5, oder 6 eintragen sonst Crash!!!!!!

      1 = Standby Wetter mit Picons (H,M,S)
      2 = Standby Wetter Mateo (H,M,S) und Datum
      3 = Standby mit Uhrzeit (H,M,S) und Datum
      4 = Standby Wetter mit Picons (H,M)
      5 = Standby Wetter Mateo (H,M) und Datum
      6 = Standby mit Uhrzeit (H,M,S) und Datum
      „In Deutschland ist die höchste Form der Anerkennung der Neid.“
      Arthur Schopenhauer

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 11 mal editiert, zuletzt von Eisman ()

    • @Plasmarouter
      Gibt viele Möglichkeiten.
      Über PC:
      Auf dem PC, mit einem Linux konformen Editor ich nehme dazu PSPad.
      Über dem PC mit WinSCP geht das auch direkt.

      Mit der Fernbedienung
      Geht das auch mit dem VTi-Dateimanager.

      Mit dem Tablet oder Handy mit der App Dateimanager+

      „In Deutschland ist die höchste Form der Anerkennung der Neid.“
      Arthur Schopenhauer
    • Plasmarouter schrieb:


      Super geil. Klappt alles. Nur wollte ich beim Standby Skin das erste Bild haben. Mit welchem Programm kann ich die xml Datei bearbeiten??

      Für Windows nimm den Notepad ++. Der ist Free-ware: Notepad++ Home
      Ja nicht den Windows Notepad, der haut dir alles zusammen.

      @ EIsmann: DANKE. Sehr geil!
    • Hi ich habe heute mal die neue Version Installt, sobald ich in Standby gehe stürzt die Box ab.

      Ich habe das hier in der skin_vfd_Eisman_Ultimo4k_Multi.xml geändert
      Spoiler anzeigen

      <!-- InfoBar -->
      <screen name="InfoBarSummary" position="0,0" size="800,480" id="1">
      <panel name="Infobar_2_Template" />

      <!-- Standby -->
      <screen name="StandbySummary" position="0,0" size="800,480" id="1">
      <panel name="Standby_Screen_1_Template" />

      Hier das crash log
      Spoiler anzeigen

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <crashdate>Mon Feb 4 19:01:55 2019</crashdate>
      <compiledate>Jan 23 2019</compiledate>
      <kernelcmdline>root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=journal rootwait rw coherent_pool=2M vmalloc=622m bmem=630m@394m bmem=383m@1665m bmem=443m@2625m</kernelcmdline>
      <nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
      creator=VTi <>
      config.misc.window_animation_default=0 BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;
      config.osd.language=de_DE BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;
      config.usage.menu_sort_weight={'mainmenu': {'submenu': {}}}
      config.plugins.FluidNextSetup.menuitems={"vti_timer": "Einstellungen - Timer", "hardisk_selection": "Festplatte", "timezone_setup": "Zeitzone", "remote_service_assignment": "Streaming-Senderzuweisung", "blindscan": "Blindscan", "default_lists": "Standard-Kanallisten", "vmc": "VMC", "vti_panel": "VTI Panel", "info_screen": "Informationen", "epgrefresh": "EPGRefresh", "epg_share": "EPG Share", "av_setup": "A/V-Einstellungen", "vti_service_list_loader": "Kanallisten herunterladen", "subtitle_selection": "Untertitel", "menü-3d-einstellungen": "Menü-3D-Einstellungen", "vti_menu": "VTi", "vti_display_setup": "Einstellungen - Display", "vti_user_interface": "Einstellungen - GUI", "movie_list": "Aufnahmen wiedergeben", "vweather3": "VWeather3", "restart": "Neustart", "githubpluginupdater": "GithubPluginUpdater", "vti_hdmi-cec": "VTi HDMI-CEC", "manual_scan": "Manuelle Suche", "atilehd_setup": "Einstellungen - FluidNext", "sleep": "Ausschalt-Timer", "menü_positionieren": "Menü positionieren", "auto_scan": "Automatische Suche", "autoshutdown_setup": "Automatisches Ausschalten", "vfdskin_selector": "VFD Skin", "language_setup": "Sprache", "skin_selector": "Skin", "harddisk_check": "Dateisystemüberprüfung", "subtitle_setup": "Untertitel-Einstellungen", "fritzcall": "FritzCall", "menü_positionieren": "Menü positionieren", "wetter": "Wetter", "sat_ip_client": "SAT>IP Client", "piconmanager": "PiconManager", "animation_setup": "Animationen", "ci_assign": "Common-Interface-Zuweisung", "vti_system_setup": "Einstellungen - System", "harddisk_setup": "Festplatteneinstellungen", "epgsearch": "EPGSearch", "serienrecorder": "SerienRecorder", "standby": "Standby", "openwebif": "OpenWebif", "mediaplayer": "MediaPlayer", "mediascanner": "MediaScanner", "task_list": "Aufgaben", "vti_button_setup": "Einstellungen - Tasten", "network_setup": "Netzwerk", "automatic_full_backup": "Automatic Full Backup", "about_screen": "Über", "standby_restart_list": "Standby / Neustart", "seriesplaner": "Serienplaner", "cablescan": "Cable Scan", "factory_reset": "Werkseinstellungen", "parental_setup": "Jugendschutz", "video_finetune": "Video-Feineinstellung", "tuner_setup": "Tuner-Einrichtung", "service_searching_selection": "Kanalsuche", "vti_audio_setup": "Einstellungen - Audio/Untertitel", "wit.ai_text_zu_sprache_konfigurieren": " Text zu Sprache konfigurieren", "vmc_init_setup": "VMC Einstellungen", "setup_selection": "Einstellungen", "code_der_fernbedienung": "Code der Fernbedienung", "fastscan": "Fast Scan", "deep_standby": "Ausschalten", "streamconvert": "Importiere externe Bouquets", "transkodierungseinstellungen": "Transkodierungseinstellungen", "fluidnext_init_setup": "FluidNext Einstellungen", "restart_enigma": "GUI neu starten", "vti_servicelist": "Einstellungen - Kanalliste", "schneller_kanalwechsel_(fcc)": "Schneller Kanalwechsel (FCC)", "vti_tv_radio": "Einstellungen - TV / Radio", "zapping-modus": "Zapping-Modus", "moviesearch": "Moviesearch", "timer_edit": "Timer", "vmc_init_startvmc": "VMC", "vti_timeshift": "Einstellungen - Timeshift", "harddisk_init": "Initialisierung", "bluetooth_setup": "Bluetooth Einstellungen", "autores_setup": "Autoresolution", "vti_panel_news": "Software-Aktualisierung", "vti_epg_panel": "Einstellungen - EPG", "system_selection": "System", "tvtips": "TV Tipps", "lcd_setup": "Display-Einstellungen", "scheduled_tasks": "Geplante Aufgaben", "videoenhancement_setup": "Erweiterte A/V-Einstellungen", "wolconfig": "Wake on WLan-Einrichtung", "keyboard_setup": "Tastatur", "device_manager": "Gerätemanager", "bildbetrachter": "Bildbetrachter", "ci_setup": "Common Interface", "undefined": "Aufnahmepfade", "usage_setup": "Anpassen", "dvdplayer": "DVDPlayer", "service_info_screen": "Kanal", "vti_movies": "Einstellungen - Aufnahmen", "plugin_selection": "Erweiterungen"}
      config.plugins.piconmanager.bit=32 bit
      config.plugins.VMC.vmc3seriesstate={311945: (1, 12), 295760: (3, 8), 279121: (4, 19), 78901: (13, 12), 70327: (3, 3), 311902: (2, 23)}
      config.plugins.serienRec.bouquetList=['Favourites (TV)', 'Sky Deutschland', 'KabelKiosk und Basis', 'remote_KabelKiosk und Basis', 'Sky Select', 'Sky Bundesliga HD', 'Sky Sport HD', 'Sky 360', 'Sky Bundesliga SD', 'Sky Sport SD', 'Sky XXX', 'XXX', '19.2 E - Austriasat', '19.2 E - HD +', '19.2 E - ORF Digital', ' UHD Services', ' HD Services', ' Allgemein', ' Anzeigenb\xc3\xa4nder', ' Chat', ' Dokumentarfilme', ' Erotik', ' Geschichte', ' Gesundheit', ' Humor', ' Jugend', ' Kino', ' Kulturell', ' K\xc3\xbcche', ' Lebensstil', ' Lokal', ' Musik', ' Nachrichten', ' Politics', ' Pornografie', ' Religi\xc3\xb6s', ' Rennen', ' Serien', ' Spiele', ' Sport', ' Talk Shows', ' Technologie', ' Telekauf', ' Tourismus', ' Unterhaltung', ' Variabel', ' Wetter', ' Wirtschaft', ' Zahlen um zu Sehen', ' Zweites Gesicht', 'Aufname', 'EPG Refresh', 'EPG Refresh_remote', 'Favourites (TV)']
      config.movielist.videodirs=['/media/net/autofs/1080p/', '/media/net/autofs/3D/', '/media/net/autofs/720p/', '/media/net/autofs/Aufname/', '/media/net/autofs/Serien/', '/media/net/autofs/UHD/']
      enigma2 - vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r02
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      enigma2-locale-en - vti-14.0.1-20180830-r0
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      gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavparse - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrnb - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrwbdec - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-asf - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-cdio - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dvdsub - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstadaptivedemux-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstapp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstaudio-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstcodecparsers-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstmpegts-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstpbutils-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstriff-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstrtp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstrtsp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstsdp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgsttag-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgsturidownloader-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      libgstvideo-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti08.01
      cess-Control-Allow-Headers: x-prototype-version,x-requested-with
      header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 2520
      header: Server: TwistedWeb/16.2.0
      header: Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:49 GMT
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST
      header: Content-Type: application/json
      send: 'POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.12.4\r\nContent-Length: 45\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\nindex=IDX_SERIEN_STAFFEL&DBRequest=checkIndex'
      reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
      header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-prototype-version,x-requested-with
      header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 2520
      header: Server: TwistedWeb/16.2.0
      header: Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:49 GMT
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST
      header: Content-Type: application/json
      send: 'POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.12.4\r\nContent-Length: 25\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\nDBRequest=removeMOVIEDUPS'
      reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
      header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-prototype-version,x-requested-with
      header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 2520
      header: Server: TwistedWeb/16.2.0
      header: Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:49 GMT
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST
      header: Content-Type: application/json
      send: 'POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.12.4\r\nContent-Length: 27\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\nDBRequest=addFILMDATENINDEX'
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 70 23 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      sdt update done!
      [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
      reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
      header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-prototype-version,x-requested-with
      header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 2520
      header: Server: TwistedWeb/16.2.0
      header: Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:49 GMT
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
      header: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST
      header: Content-Type: application/json
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] dont have correction.. set Transponder Diff
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 19:00:27
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1549303178
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
      [EPGRefresh] Timer added <EPGRefreshTimerEntry (Mon Feb 4 19:00:57 2019, 0, <bound method EPGRefresh.prepareRefresh of <Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh instance at 0x8863e1e8>>)>
      [eEPGCache] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
      before: 1
      after: 1
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 89 33 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      [eEPGCache] create epg.dat backup
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 82 0b 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      + 1/1 TID 02
      eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      have 1 video stream(s) (06ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0700), and the pcr pid is 06ff, and the text pid is ffffffff
      [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      doing version filtering
      0066: 02 00 31 07 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      + 1/1 TID 00
      use pmtpid 0060 for service_id 006f
      no version filtering
      0060: 02 00 6f 00 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      doing version filtering
      0000: 00 00 00 07 00 00
      mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      + 1/1 TID 02
      eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 0
      [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      have 1 video stream(s) (00ff), and 2 audio stream(s) (0103, 0104), and the pcr pid is 00ff, and the text pid is ffffffff
      [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
      doing version filtering
      0060: 02 00 6f 2b 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      -+ 1/2 TID 4e
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 76 3b 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 8a 0d 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      sdt update done!
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 31 1f 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      [eEPGCache] 146669 events read from /media/net/autofs/VU_Daten/EpgShare/epg.dat
      [eEPGCache] create real epg.dat backup
      [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec
      ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      doing version filtering
      0012: 4e 00 6f 23 00 00
      mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      sdt update done!
      [eDVBCAService] send 68 bytes
      9f 80 32 40 03 00 70 39 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 0d 00 85 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 61 09 04 09 8c fa d5 09 04 09 c4 fb d5 09 04 09 af ff d5 09 04 09 8d fc d5 1b 01 ff 00 00 06 02 03 00 00 06 02 04 00 00
      [eEPGCache] start caching events(1549303230)
      [eEPGCache] start caching events(1549303230)
      [eEPGCache] start caching events(1549303230)
      [eEPGCache] start caching events(1549303230)
      [eDVBCAService] send 63 bytes
      9f 80 32 3b 03 00 89 0b 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 10 00 85 82 02 02 01 84 02 00 64 09 04 09 c4 fb 89 09 04 09 8c fa 89 09 04 09 8d fc 89 09 04 09 af ff 89 1b 04 ff 00 00 06 05 03 00 00
      VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      [eDVBCAService] send 68 bytes
      9f 80 32 40 03 00 82 0b 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 06 00 85 82 02 04 02 84 02 00 63 09 04 09 8c fa bc 09 04 09 c4 fb bc 09 04 09 af ff bc 09 04 09 8d fc bc 1b 03 ff 00 00 06 04 03 00 00 06 04 04 00 00
      [eDVBCAService] send 68 bytes
      9f 80 32 40 03 00 76 09 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 06 00 85 82 02 04 02 84 02 00 61 09 04 09 8c fa 98 09 04 09 c4 fb 98 09 04 09 af ff 98 09 04 09 8d fc 98 1b 01 ff 00 00 06 02 03 00 00 06 02 04 00 00
      [eDVBCAService] send 68 bytes
      9f 80 32 40 03 00 8a 27 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 03 00 85 82 02 08 03 84 02 00 66 09 04 09 c4 fb 70 09 04 09 8c fa 70 09 04 09 af ff 70 09 04 09 8d fc 70 1b 06 ff 00 00 06 07 03 00 00 06 07 04 00 00
      [eDVBCAService] send 63 bytes
      9f 80 32 3b 03 00 31 07 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 0d 00 85 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 66 09 04 09 c4 fb 55 09 04 09 8c fa 55 09 04 09 af ff 55 09 04 09 8d fc 55 1b 06 ff 00 00 03 07 00 00 00
      [eDVBCAService] send 68 bytes
      9f 80 32 40 03 00 6f 2b 00 2b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 00 0d 00 85 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 60 09 04 09 8c fa d3 09 04 09 c4 fb d3 09 04 09 af ff d3 09 04 09 8d fc d3 1b 00 ff 00 00 06 01 03 00 00 06 01 04 00 00
      orbitalposition: 192
      [('1:0:19:7F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', '13th Street HD'), ('1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Disney Cinemagic HD'), ('1:0:19:118:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Eurosport360HD 2'), ('1:0:19:70:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'NatGeo HD'), ('1:0:19:6E:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Sky Atlantic HD'), ('1:0:19:72:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Sky Sport 2 HD'), ('1:0:19:116:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Sky Sport 4 HD'), ('1:0:19:115:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Sky Sport Bundesliga 3 HD'), ('1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:', 'Spiegel TV Wissen')]
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding 13th Street HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Disney Cinemagic HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Eurosport360HD 2 to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding NatGeo HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Sky Atlantic HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Sky Sport 2 HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Sky Sport 4 HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Sky Sport Bundesliga 3 HD to upload queue[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] Adding Spiegel TV Wissen to upload queue[0m
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1549303237)
      [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1549303237)
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
      [eEPGCache] abort non avail viasat reading
      [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1549303237)
      [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1549303237)
      [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1549303239)
      [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1549303239)
      [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1549303239)
      [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1549303239)
      [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      [92m[EPG Share] Checkimport for 13th Street HD: {"result":false,"reason":"Last Update was: 1549300950"}[0m
      [92m[EPG Share] No channelupdate needed: {u'reason': u'Last Update was: 1549300950', u'result': False}[0m
      no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1549303246)
      [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1549303246)
      [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1549303246)
      [eEPGCache] stop caching events(1549303246)
      [eEPGCache] next update in 60 min
      [EPGRefresh] Not in timespan, ending timer
      [eVTiApp] starting...
      before: 1
      after: 1
      old thread joined 0
      [eVTiApp] connecting...
      [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      1__init__ tvplaner_manuell: False
      [93m[SerienRecorder] Auto-Check Uhrzeit-Timer gestartet.[0m
      [93m[SerienRecorder] Verbleibende Zeit: 8:59 Stunden[0m
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:70:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:70:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:70:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:89:10:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:89:10:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:89:10:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:82:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 2 for service 1:0:19:82:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:82:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:76:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 2 for service 1:0:19:76:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:76:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:8A:3:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 3 for service 1:0:19:8A:3:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:8A:3:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:16:31:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:6F:D:85:C00000:0:0:0:
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc6
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc5
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc4
      [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x30be820
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x30be820
      [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x30be820
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc3
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc2
      [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x305c0f0
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x305c0f0
      [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x305c0f0
      decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1
      [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x2fa5080
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x2fa5080
      [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x2fa5080
      decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      AUDIO_STOP - ok
      DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK!
      [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0
      [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x2e25d58
      [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x2e25d58
      [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x2e25d58
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/lib/python/Components/", line 46, in action
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 459, in powerup
      self.doAction(action = config.usage.on_short_powerpress.value)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 446, in doAction
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 463, in standby
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 356, in open
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 254, in execBegin
      self.summary = self.instantiateSummaryDialog(summary, c)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 295, in instantiateSummaryDialog
      return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.summary_desktop)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 319, in doInstantiateDialog
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/lib/python/Components/", line 112, in applySkin
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/lib/python/Components/", line 21, in createGUIScreen
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/lib/python/Components/", line 39, in applySkin
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/", line 629, in applyAllAttributes
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/", line 392, in applyAll
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/", line 442, in font
      File "/media/build01/vti-dorie/build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/enigma2-python/enigma2-python-vti-14.0.1-20190117-r00r01/git/", line 315, in parseFont
      ValueError: too many values to unpack
      (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x8d8975a8>>,('GlobalActions', 'power_up')) failed)

      ********************KERNEL LOG / SYSTEM MESSAGES********************

      <6>[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
      <5>[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.14.28-1.12 (plnick@build-plnick) (gcc version 4.9.2 (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Nov 13 16:52:01 CET 2018
      <6>[ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [420f00f3] revision 3 (ARMv7), cr=30c7387d
      <6>[ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, PIPT instruction cache
      <6>[ 0.000000] Machine model: ULTIMO4K
      <6>[ 0.000000] moving dtb from 0x0000000007628000 to 0x000000000086e4d4
      <6>[ 0.000000] bmem: Reserved 630 MiB at 0x0000000018a00000
      <6>[ 0.000000] bmem: Reserved 383 MiB at 0x0000000068100000
      <6>[ 0.000000] bmem: Reserved 443 MiB at 0x00000000a4100000
      <6>[ 0.000000] cma: Reserved 16 MiB at 0x0000000017000000
      <6>[ 0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
      <7>[ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 786432
      <7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 772 pages used for memmap
      <7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
      <7>[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 98816 pages, LIFO batch:31
      <7>[ 0.000000] HighMem zone: 5372 pages used for memmap
      <7>[ 0.000000] HighMem zone: 687616 pages, LIFO batch:31
      <6>[ 0.000000] MCP: Enabling write pairing
      <6>[ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 8 pages/cpu @d81b0000 s8768 r8192 d15808 u32768
      <7>[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s8768 r8192 d15808 u32768 alloc=8*4096
      <7>[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3
      <4>[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 785660
      <5>[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=journal rootwait rw coherent_pool=2M vmalloc=622m bmem=630m@394m bmem=383m@1665m bmem=443m@2625m
      <6>[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
      <4>[ 0.000000] Memory: 1600336K/3145728K available (5902K kernel code, 322K rwdata, 1924K rodata, 252K init, 191K bss, 1529008K reserved, 16384K cma-reserved, 1255412K highmem)
      <5>[ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
      <5>[ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xd8800000 - 0xff000000 ( 616 MB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xd8200000 ( 386 MB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc07acdf0 (7828 kB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] .init : 0xc07ad000 - 0xc07ec240 ( 253 kB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] .data : 0xc07ee000 - 0xc083e800 ( 322 kB)
      <5>[ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc083e808 - 0xc086e4d4 ( 192 kB)
      <6>[ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
      <6>[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16
      <6>[ 0.000000] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (mem: 0xfc403000, parent irq: 94)
      <6>[ 0.000000] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (mem: 0xfc3e1000, parent irq: 64)
      <6>[ 0.000000] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (mem: 0xfc410640, parent irq: 96)
      <6>[ 0.000000] irq_brcmstb_l2: registered L2 intc (mem: 0xfc4d1200, parent irq: 48)
      <6>[ 0.000000] Architected cp15 timer(s) running at 27.00MHz (virt).
      <6>[ 0.000003] sched_clock: 56 bits at 27MHz, resolution 37ns, wraps every 2545165795328ns
      <6>[ 0.000009] Switching to timer-based delay loop
      <6>[ 0.000243] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 54.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=27000)
      <6>[ 0.000252] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
      <6>[ 0.000351] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.000356] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.005843] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
      <6>[ 0.006055] CPU0: update cpu_power 1024
      <6>[ 0.006062] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
      <6>[ 0.006193] Setting up static identity map for 0x59f078 - 0x59f0d0
      <4>[ 0.008551] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
      <6>[ 0.008570] CPU1: update cpu_power 1024
      <6>[ 0.008573] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
      <4>[ 0.009140] CPU2: Booted secondary processor
      <6>[ 0.009152] CPU2: update cpu_power 1024
      <6>[ 0.009155] CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0, mpidr 80000002
      <4>[ 0.009690] CPU3: Booted secondary processor
      <6>[ 0.009701] CPU3: update cpu_power 1024
      <6>[ 0.009704] CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0, mpidr 80000003
      <6>[ 0.009757] Brought up 4 CPUs
      <6>[ 0.009774] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated.
      <6>[ 0.009778] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode.
      <6>[ 0.010194] devtmpfs: initialized
      <6>[ 0.013732] VFP support v0.3: implementor 42 architecture 4 part 00 variant 0 rev 0
      <6>[ 0.014753] regulator-dummy: no parameters
      <6>[ 0.014941] NET: Registered protocol family 16
      <6>[ 0.017103] DMA: preallocated 2048 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
      <6>[ 0.017764] cpuidle: using governor ladder
      <6>[ 0.017769] cpuidle: using governor menu
      <4>[ 0.020979] irq: no irq domain found for /rdb/interrupt-controller@f040a780 !
      <4>[ 0.021130] irq: no irq domain found for /rdb/interrupt-controller@f0417280 !
      <4>[ 0.025053] irq: no irq domain found for /rdb/interrupt-controller@f03e1a00 !
      <6>[ 0.025323] syscon f0404000.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf0404000-0xf040451b] registered
      <6>[ 0.026104] syscon f0404100.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf0404100-0xf040415b] registered
      <6>[ 0.026270] syscon f040415c.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf040415c-0xf040419b] registered
      <6>[ 0.026413] syscon f0410700.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf0410700-0xf041070b] registered
      <6>[ 0.026554] syscon f041070c.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf041070c-0xf0410713] registered
      <6>[ 0.026704] syscon f1101004.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf1101004-0xf1101403] registered
      <6>[ 0.026849] syscon f1181004.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf1181004-0xf1181403] registered
      <6>[ 0.027004] syscon f1201004.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf1201004-0xf1201403] registered
      <6>[ 0.027138] syscon f0404080.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf0404080-0xf0404083] registered
      <6>[ 0.027284] syscon f04040a4.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf04040a4-0xf04040a7] registered
      <6>[ 0.027423] syscon f03e0154.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf03e0154-0xf03e0157] registered
      <6>[ 0.027565] syscon f03e0354.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf03e0354-0xf03e0357] registered
      <6>[ 0.027704] syscon f03e0400.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf03e0400-0xf03e0403] registered
      <4>[ 0.028291] irq: no irq domain found for /rdb/interrupt-controller@f0417280 !
      <6>[ 0.028843] syscon f03e2400.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf03e2400-0xf03e27ff] registered
      <6>[ 0.028994] syscon f0452000.syscon: regmap [mem 0xf0452000-0xf04520ff] registered
      <6>[ 0.029309] No ATAGs?
      <6>[ 0.029327] hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
      <6>[ 0.029332] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes.
      <6>[ 0.029456] Broadcom Brahma-B15 readahead cache at: 0xfc3e2478
      <6>[ 0.044213] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
      <5>[ 0.044945] SCSI subsystem initialized
      <7>[ 0.045158] libata version 3.00 loaded.
      <6>[ 0.045563] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
      <6>[ 0.045646] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
      <6>[ 0.045739] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
      <6>[ 0.045881] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
      <6>[ 0.046114] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
      <6>[ 0.046118] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <>
      <6>[ 0.046174] PTP clock support registered
      <6>[ 0.046727] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
      <6>[ 0.047481] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
      <6>[ 0.047944] brcm-pci f0460000.pcie: adjusting to legacy (broken) pcie DT
      <6>[ 0.048119] brcm-pci f0490000.pcie: adjusting to legacy (broken) pcie DT
      <6>[ 0.148612] brcm-pci f0460000.pcie: link down
      <6>[ 0.248928] brcm-pci f0490000.pcie: link down
      <6>[ 0.248984] Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
      <5>[ 0.249174] FS-Cache: Loaded
      <4>[ 0.250834] thermal thermal_zone0: failed to read out thermal zone 0
      <6>[ 0.250922] NET: Registered protocol family 2
      <6>[ 0.251326] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.251352] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.251396] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
      <6>[ 0.251454] TCP: reno registered
      <6>[ 0.251461] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.251473] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
      <6>[ 0.251593] NET: Registered protocol family 1
      <6>[ 0.251775] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
      <6>[ 0.251781] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
      <6>[ 0.251784] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
      <6>[ 0.251788] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
      <7>[ 0.251794] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64
      <6>[ 0.252048] hw perfevents: enabled with ARMv7 Cortex-A15 PMU driver, 7 counters available
      <6>[ 0.253325] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
      <4>[ 0.254052] bounce pool size: 64 pages
      <5>[ 0.254598] NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type
      <5>[ 0.254622] Key type id_resolver registered
      <5>[ 0.254627] Key type id_legacy registered
      <6>[ 0.254636] nfs4filelayout_init: NFSv4 File Layout Driver Registering...
      <6>[ 0.254641] Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
      <6>[ 0.255015] msgmni has been set to 705
      <6>[ 0.255736] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
      <6>[ 0.255743] io scheduler noop registered
      <6>[ 0.255747] io scheduler deadline registered
      <6>[ 0.255771] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
      <6>[ 0.255986] brcm-gisb-arb f0400000.gisb-arb: registered mem: fc400000, irqs: 258, 259
      <6>[ 0.286405] brcm-waketimer f0417580.waketimer: registered, with irq 260
      <6>[ 0.286681] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
      <6>[ 0.288072] f040ab00.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xf040ab00 (irq = 107, base_baud = 5062500) is a 16550A
      <6>[ 1.100399] console [ttyS0] enabled
      <6>[ 1.104282] f040ab40.serial: ttyS1 at MMIO 0xf040ab40 (irq = 108, base_baud = 5062500) is a 16550A
      <6>[ 1.113630] f040ab80.serial: ttyS2 at MMIO 0xf040ab80 (irq = 109, base_baud = 5062500) is a 16550A
      <6>[ 1.126194] loop: module loaded
      <3>[ 1.130013] ahci brcmstb-ahci.0: can't get clock
      <6>[ 1.134724] ahci brcmstb-ahci.0: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
      <6>[ 1.151996] ahci brcmstb-ahci.0: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 2 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl platform mode
      <6>[ 1.160626] ahci brcmstb-ahci.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag pm clo pmp slum part
      <6>[ 1.170248] scsi0 : ahci_platform
      <6>[ 1.173899] scsi1 : ahci_platform
      <6>[ 1.177452] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0xf045a000-0xf045aa9b] port 0x100 irq 62
      <6>[ 1.185387] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0xf045a000-0xf045aa9b] port 0x180 irq 62
      <6>[ 1.194581] spi_brcmstb f03e3400.spi: 1-lane output, 3-byte address
      <6>[ 1.200977] spi_brcmstb f03e3400.spi: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
      <4>[ 1.208295] m25p80 spi32766.0: found mx25l3255e, expected m25p80
      <6>[ 1.214321] m25p80 spi32766.0: mx25l3255e (4096 Kbytes)
      <5>[ 1.219578] 5 ofpart partitions found on MTD device spi32766.0
      <5>[ 1.225423] Creating 5 MTD partitions on "spi32766.0":
      <5>[ 1.230577] 0x000000000000-0x000000200000 : "flash0.bolt"
      <5>[ 1.236682] 0x000000200000-0x000000210000 : "flash0.macadr"
      <5>[ 1.242921] 0x000000210000-0x000000220000 : "flash0.nvram"
      <5>[ 1.249092] 0x000000220000-0x000000230000 : "flash0.devtree"
      <5>[ 1.255431] 0x000000000000-0x000000400000 : "flash0"
      <6>[ 1.262157] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
      <6>[ 1.268662] libphy: unimac MII bus: probed
      <6>[ 1.277023] unimac-mdio f0b403c0.mdio: Broadcom UniMAC MDIO bus at 0xfcb403c0
      <6>[ 1.285003] brcm-systemport f04a0000.ethernet: Broadcom SYSTEMPORTv 1.00 at 0xfc4a0000 (irqs: 54, 55, TXQs: 32, RXQs: 1)
      <6>[ 1.298619] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
      <6>[ 1.304466] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
      <6>[ 1.310939] xhci-brcm: xHCI BRCM driver
      <6>[ 1.314865] xhci-brcm f0471000.xhci_v2: xHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.320680] xhci-brcm f0471000.xhci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
      <6>[ 1.328804] xhci-brcm f0471000.xhci_v2: irq 115, io mem 0xf0471000
      <6>[ 1.335522] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <3>[ 1.339307] hub 1-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19)
      <6>[ 1.346576] xhci-brcm f0471000.xhci_v2: xHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.352388] xhci-brcm f0471000.xhci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
      <6>[ 1.360733] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.364513] hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
      <6>[ 1.368939] ehci-brcm: EHCI BRCM driver
      <6>[ 1.372855] ehci-brcm f0470300.ehci_v2: EHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.378666] ehci-brcm f0470300.ehci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
      <6>[ 1.396618] ehci-brcm f0470300.ehci_v2: irq 111, io mem 0xf0470300
      <6>[ 1.407990] ehci-brcm f0470300.ehci_v2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
      <6>[ 1.414674] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.418455] hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.422604] ehci-brcm f0470500.ehci_v2: EHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.428416] ehci-brcm f0470500.ehci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
      <6>[ 1.446362] ehci-brcm f0470500.ehci_v2: irq 112, io mem 0xf0470500
      <6>[ 1.457986] ehci-brcm f0470500.ehci_v2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
      <6>[ 1.464651] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.468446] hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.472672] ehci-brcm f0480300.ehci_v2: EHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.478492] ehci-brcm f0480300.ehci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5
      <6>[ 1.496438] ehci-brcm f0480300.ehci_v2: irq 117, io mem 0xf0480300
      <6>[ 1.507987] ehci-brcm f0480300.ehci_v2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
      <6>[ 1.514643] hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.518422] hub 5-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.522588] ehci-brcm f0480500.ehci_v2: EHCI Host Controller
      <6>[ 1.528909] ehci-brcm f0480500.ehci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6
      <6>[ 1.546852] ehci-brcm f0480500.ehci_v2: irq 118, io mem 0xf0480500
      <6>[ 1.558987] ehci-brcm f0480500.ehci_v2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
      <6>[ 1.565651] hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.569429] hub 6-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.573709] ohci-brcm: OHCI BRCM driver
      <6>[ 1.577620] ohci-brcm f0470400.ohci_v2: BRCM OHCI controller
      <6>[ 1.583488] ohci-brcm f0470400.ohci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 7
      <6>[ 1.591368] ohci-brcm f0470400.ohci_v2: irq 113, io mem 0xf0470400
      <6>[ 1.652456] hub 7-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.656238] hub 7-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.660377] ohci-brcm f0470600.ohci_v2: BRCM OHCI controller
      <6>[ 1.666198] ohci-brcm f0470600.ohci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 8
      <6>[ 1.674083] ohci-brcm f0470600.ohci_v2: irq 114, io mem 0xf0470600
      <6>[ 1.685098] usb 2-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci-brcm
      <4>[ 1.702959] usb 2-2: Parent hub missing LPM exit latency info. Power management will be impacted.
      <6>[ 1.735462] hub 8-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.739244] hub 8-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.743405] ohci-brcm f0480400.ohci_v2: BRCM OHCI controller
      <6>[ 1.749227] ohci-brcm f0480400.ohci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 9
      <6>[ 1.757115] ohci-brcm f0480400.ohci_v2: irq 119, io mem 0xf0480400
      <6>[ 1.818447] hub 9-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.822227] hub 9-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.826189] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-brcm
      <6>[ 1.833080] ohci-brcm f0480600.ohci_v2: BRCM OHCI controller
      <6>[ 1.838905] ohci-brcm f0480600.ohci_v2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 10
      <6>[ 1.846882] ohci-brcm f0480600.ohci_v2: irq 120, io mem 0xf0480600
      <6>[ 1.866998] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
      <6>[ 1.908459] hub 10-0:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.912329] hub 10-0:1.0: 1 port detected
      <6>[ 1.916691] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
      <6>[ 1.923243] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
      <6>[ 1.927780] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
      <6>[ 1.933984] ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver
      <6>[ 1.938678] usb-storage 2-2:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
      <6>[ 1.944991] scsi2 : usb-storage 2-2:1.0
      <6>[ 1.949217] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
      <6>[ 1.955429] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
      <6>[ 1.961570] hub 5-1:1.0: USB hub found
      <6>[ 1.965357] i2c /dev entries driver
      <6>[ 1.965411] hub 5-1:1.0: 4 ports detected
      <6>[ 1.973277] IR NEC protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.977820] IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.982621] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.987162] IR JVC protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.991702] IR Sony protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.996330] IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 1.999964] ata1.00: ATA-8: TOSHIBA HDWE160, FS2A, max UDMA/100
      <6>[ 1.999968] ata1.00: 11721045168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
      <6>[ 2.000723] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/100
      <5>[ 2.000942] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA TOSHIBA HDWE160 FS2A PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
      <5>[ 2.001537] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 11721045168 512-byte logical blocks: (6.00 TB/5.45 TiB)
      <5>[ 2.001541] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
      <5>[ 2.001691] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
      <7>[ 2.001695] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
      <5>[ 2.001751] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
      <6>[ 2.054078] IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
      <5>[ 2.054269] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
      <6>[ 2.064106] IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
      <6>[ 2.070329] brcmstb_thermal f04d1500.thermal: registered AVS TMON of-sensor driver
      <4>[ 2.078134] cpufreq_cpu0: failed to get cpu0 regulator: -19
      <6>[ 2.083993] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
      <6>[ 2.090190] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
      <6>[ 2.094559] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
      <6>[ 2.101346] mmc0: no vqmmc regulator found
      <6>[ 2.105455] mmc0: no vmmc regulator found
      <6>[ 2.139989] mmc0: SDHCI controller on f03e0200.sdhci [f03e0200.sdhci] using ADMA
      <6>[ 2.147787] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
      <6>[ 2.153373] usbhid: USB HID core driver
      <6>[ 2.160358] TCP: cubic registered
      <6>[ 2.163688] NET: Registered protocol family 17
      <6>[ 2.163994] ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
      <5>[ 2.173648] Distributed Switch Architecture driver version 0.1
      <6>[ 2.179542] sys0[0]: detected a Broadcom Starfighter 2 switch
      <6>[ 2.185495] Starfighter 2 top: 4.00, core: 2.00 base: 0xfcb00000, IRQs: 56, 57
      <6>[ 2.192868] libphy: dsa slave smi: probed
      <6>[ 2.206628] mmc0: BKOPS_EN bit is not set
      <6>[ 2.216891] mmc0: new high speed MMC card at address 0001
      <6>[ 2.222592] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 4FPD3R 3.64 GiB
      <6>[ 2.227232] mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 4FPD3R partition 1 4.00 MiB
      <6>[ 2.233259] mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 4FPD3R partition 2 4.00 MiB
      <6>[ 2.234163] usb 5-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci-brcm
      <6>[ 2.246071] mmcblk0rpmb: mmc0:0001 4FPD3R partition 3 512 KiB
      <6>[ 2.254887] mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4
      <6>[ 2.254989] f0b403c0.mdio:05: Broadcom BCM7445 PHY revision: 0x10, patch: 3
      <6>[ 2.266210] sda: unknown partition table
      <6>[ 2.270549] mmcblk0boot1: unknown partition table
      <5>[ 2.275617] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
      <6>[ 2.276155] mmcblk0boot0: unknown partition table
      <6>[ 2.403159] usb 5-1.2: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-brcm
      <6>[ 2.494124] attached PHY at address 5 [Broadcom BCM7445]
      <3>[ 2.500008] net eth0: PHY already attached
      <5>[ 2.504299] Key type dns_resolver registered
      <5>[ 2.508693] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
      <6>[ 2.513943] regulator-dummy: disabling
      <6>[ 2.520942] ALSA device list:
      <6>[ 2.523926] No soundcards found.
      <4>[ 2.528012] EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation and O_DIRECT support!
      <6>[ 2.543352] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p4): mounted filesystem with journalled data mode. Opts: data=journal
      <6>[ 2.552263] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 179:4.
      <6>[ 2.562000] devtmpfs: mounted
      <6>[ 2.565176] Freeing unused kernel memory: 252K (c07ad000 - c07ec000)
      <30>[ 2.777214] udevd[741]: starting version 182
      <5>[ 2.877177] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
      <6>[ 2.888152] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p4): re-mounted. Opts: nodelalloc,data=journal
      <5>[ 2.952619] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access USB DISK 3.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
      <5>[ 2.961517] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
      <5>[ 3.470691] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 30949376 512-byte logical blocks: (15.8 GB/14.7 GiB)
      <5>[ 3.471571] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
      <7>[ 3.471579] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00
      <3>[ 3.472451] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
      <3>[ 3.477786] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
      <3>[ 3.486935] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
      <3>[ 3.492269] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
      <6>[ 3.498848] sdb: sdb1
      <3>[ 3.501431] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
      <3>[ 3.506764] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
      <5>[ 3.512883] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
      <6>[ 3.541020] usbcore: registered new interface driver dbus_usbdev
      <6>[ 3.553291] usb 5-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 3
      <4>[ 3.624358] bcm_event: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
      <4>[ 3.624367] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
      <6>[ 3.731176] usb 5-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-brcm
      <4>[ 3.821937] Dongle Host Driver, version 1.363.110.16 (r620666)
      <4>[ 3.821937] Compiled in on Oct 27 2016 at 18:59:23
      <4>[ 3.822657] Register interface [wlan3] MAC: 00:90:4c:11:22:33
      <4>[ 3.822657]
      <6>[ 5.614004] libphy: fixed-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full
      <6>[ 10.266202] DVB: registering new adapter (_vuplus_ultimo4k_)
      <4>[ 10.600669] bcm7444: hotplug_callback():
      <4>[ 10.600669] Hotplug - status.connected 1:0:1
      <4>[ 10.600684] bcm7444: hotplug_callback():
      <4>[ 10.600684] Hotplug - connecting HDMI to display 0xe
      <6>[ 10.798983] brcm_demux_init: $Id: bcm_demux.c,v 0.7 $
      <4>[ 10.821986] [MPVR]: >> misc_pvr_init
      <4>[ 10.823215] [VID]: 6bcm7335_video_init
      <4>[ 10.849204] [AUD]: 6bcm7335_audio_init
      <4>[ 10.849440] [AUD]: >> bcm_audio_capture_init
      <4>[ 10.852011] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.865364] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.866167] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.876146] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.876688] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.886207] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.886742] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.895983] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.896484] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.905839] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.906370] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.915680] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.916208] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.925392] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.925905] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.935221] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.935732] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.949107] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.949623] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.958917] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.959434] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.968815] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.969342] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.978636] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.979183] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.988772] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.989308] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 10.998615] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 10.999232] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 11.008532] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 11.009059] fe_cap.qam : 0, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:1
      <6>[ 11.018454] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 11.018966] fe_cap.qam : 1, fe_cap.ofd : 0, fe_cap.satellite:0
      <6>[ 11.018988] BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Vuplus FE)...
      <4>[ 11.019108] -----------17 slot is empty ----------------
      <4>[ 11.019114] bcm7444: bcm7335_frontend_init(): vtuner1 : 18 m_nfbc=0 m_fbc=16
      <4>[ 11.035287] BKNI_P_GetTrackAllocEntry_resize: resizing from 5376->8704
      <4>[ 11.036531] BKNI_Malloc(linuxkernel) top users:
      <4>[ 11.036531] blocks, bytes, filename:line
      <4>[ 11.036539] 805, 171500, BSEAV/lib/utils/balloc.c:31
      <6>[ 11.062164] input: dreambox advanced remote control (native) as /devices/virtual/input/input0
      <6>[ 11.065116] [LCD]: registered
      <4>[ 11.398191] GPIO Init...
      <6>[ 11.408015] [CI]: registered ci0
      <6>[ 11.408146] [CI]: registered ci1
      <6>[ 11.412187] [CI]: CI interface initialised
      <6>[ 11.412187]
      <6>[ 11.420019] [DFP]: registered dbox fp
      <6>[ 11.423264] [SC]: registered sci0
      <6>[ 11.424093] [SC]: registered sci1
      <4>[ 11.567988] system_time_set wakeup mode get
      <4>[ 11.627986] system_time_set wakeup mode get 0xc4
      <4>[ 11.645146] BKNI_P_GetTrackAllocEntry_resize: resizing from 8704->14080
      <4>[ 11.646969] BKNI_Malloc(linuxkernel) top users:
      <4>[ 11.646969] blocks, bytes, filename:line
      <4>[ 11.646984] 2254, 480200, BSEAV/lib/utils/balloc.c:31
      <4>[ 11.766076] FPGA Version 0x11
      <6>[ 11.886516] wakeup_drv: Initializing wakeup driver
      <6>[ 11.886904] wakeup_drv: Initialization complete
      <6>[ 12.225079] EXT4-fs (sda): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
      <6>[ 12.285016] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem
      <4>[ 12.286566] EXT4-fs (sdb1): warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended
      <6>[ 12.647455] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
      <4>[ 12.666038] [VID]: VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0
      <4>[ 12.666050] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 1 0
      <4>[ 12.666095] [VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0
      <4>[ 12.671374] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1 1
      <4>[ 12.671382] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 1 0
      <4>[ 12.946322] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1
      <4>[ 12.947231] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0
      <6>[ 14.544059] libphy: f0b403c0.mdio:05 - Link is Down
      <6>[ 17.586060] libphy: f0b403c0.mdio:05 - Link is Up - 1000/Full
      <6>[ 19.834893] NET: Registered protocol family 10
      <4>[ 21.612380] [VID]: VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0
      <4>[ 21.612398] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 1 0
      <4>[ 21.612447] [VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0
      <4>[ 21.617721] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1 1
      <4>[ 21.617734] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 1 0
      <4>[ 21.892547] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1
      <4>[ 21.893471] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0
      <4>[ 32.373428] [AUD]: HDMI Max Audio PCM Channels=2
      <6>[ 32.670625] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
      <4>[ 38.666461] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MUTE 0
      <4>[ 38.667557] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -756597112
      <4>[ 38.667564] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
      <4>[ 38.667569] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume 0, right volume 0
      <4>[ 38.667574] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
      <6>[ 39.821622] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
      <4>[ 39.863473] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -756597112
      <4>[ 39.863488] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
      <4>[ 39.863493] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
      <4>[ 39.863497] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
      <4>[ 47.159731] FE tune
      <3>[ 47.593460] dvb_demux_feed_del: feed not in list (type=0 state=0 pid=ffff)
      <4>[ 47.606198] [AUD]: AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE 0
      <4>[ 47.606252] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE 0
      <4>[ 47.606258] [AUD]: AC3 downmix 1 state : 1
      <4>[ 47.607149] [AUD]: HDMI Max Audio PCM Channels=2
      <4>[ 47.607215] [AUD]: AUDIO_PAUSE -612161280
      <4>[ 47.607226] [AUD]: AUDIO_PLAY -612161280 decoder start : 0
      <4>[ 47.612920] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0
      <4>[ 47.612959] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 0
      <4>[ 47.612996] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 0 0
      <4>[ 47.613023] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE -612161280 0
      <4>[ 47.613042] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE -612161280 1 aph=0xd2e82400
      <4>[ 47.613048] [AUD]: Mute : 0
      <4>[ 47.613829] [AUD]: AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT 0
      <4>[ 47.616954] [VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE src w: 0 h:0 display w:0 h:0
      <4>[ 47.616961] [VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE aspect: 1 0
      <3>[ 47.719332] dvb_demux_feed_del: feed not in list (type=0 state=0 pid=ffff)
      <4>[ 47.726885] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 1
      <4>[ 47.726930] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0
      <4>[ 47.726955] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE -612161280 1
      <4>[ 47.726968] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE -612161280 1 aph=0xd2e82400
      <4>[ 47.726993] [AUD]: Mute : 0
      <4>[ 47.920216] FE tune
      <4>[ 48.366316] FE tune
      <4>[ 48.891839] FE tune
      <3>[ 52.821367] [SC]: !!!unknown cmd 0x540b
      <3>[ 53.832727] [SC]: !!!unknown cmd 0x540b
      <4>[ 135.056615] [AUD]: AUDIO_STOP -612161280
      <4>[ 135.061109] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE -612161280 0 aph=0x0
      <4>[ 135.061115] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE aph=0 0 0


      So habe auch ein Crash bei Standby_Screen_2_Template und Standby_Screen_3_Template nur Standby_Screen_4_Template lauft ohne probs
      Sat Anlage
      Spoiler anzeigen

      Schüssel = Fuba DAA 850 anthrazit + Fuba DAZ 104 Multifeed-Schiene + 4x Inverto Pro Wideband IDLP-WDB01-OOPRO-OPP
      Unicabel = 2x Inverto Unicable II IDLU-UWT110-CUO1O-32P
      VU+ Ultimo 4K Wohnzimmmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Solo4k Esszimmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero 4k Schlafzimmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero Eltern Wohnzimmmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero Eltern Schlafzimmer ( Unicabel )

    • Hi,

      Das hatte ich auch. Habe den Eintrag mit einem Editor umgeschrieben (genauso wie Du :)) und beim drücken der Standby Taste wurde die GUI neu gestartet. Habe dann die .ipk neu installiert und wie oben von Eisman beschrieben mit dem VTI Datei Manager geändert. Das ging dann.

      Allerdings ist jetzt mein Problem, dass mir der Skin trotzdem nicht angezeigt wird, obwohl vweather3 installiert und eingerichtet ist. Muss man vweather noch irgendwie aktivieren?

    • Ich benutze zum bearbeiten immer DCC_E2 und der geht ja
      Auch mit WinSCP geht es nicht
      Sat Anlage
      Spoiler anzeigen

      Schüssel = Fuba DAA 850 anthrazit + Fuba DAZ 104 Multifeed-Schiene + 4x Inverto Pro Wideband IDLP-WDB01-OOPRO-OPP
      Unicabel = 2x Inverto Unicable II IDLU-UWT110-CUO1O-32P
      VU+ Ultimo 4K Wohnzimmmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Solo4k Esszimmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero 4k Schlafzimmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero Eltern Wohnzimmmer ( Unicabel )
      VU+ Zero Eltern Schlafzimmer ( Unicabel )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von MasterSaMMy ()