Solo SE mit komischem Verhalten

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    • Ja, habe es aufgegeben und versuche nächste Woche noch einmal das Geräte zu Wandeln oder zurück zu geben.
      Was mich in meiner Vermutung bzgl. Netzteil bestärkt war, dass es gestern ganz viele Probleme gab und das besondere war, dass 2 Aufnahmen über Unicable LNB und CAM gemacht wurden und eine Aufnahme geschaut werden sollte.

      @ray84: Welche HD hast du dran und nutzt du 2 Tuner und CAM?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von MrJava ()

    • Solo SE mit komischem Verhalten

      BTW: andere externe Platte von Seagate, die für USB2 spezifiziert ist, hat auch nichts gebracht.
    • Hallo, wir haben leider das gleiche Problem:

      Der letzte Infrarot-Fernbedienungs-Befehl wird immer mal wieder nach unterschiedlichen Zeitspannen selbsttätig wiederholt.

      Die VU+ SOLO SE V2 führt meist mehrmals innerhalb 4-6 Stunden den letzten Befehl der Infrarot-Fernbedienung nach unterschiedlicher Zeitspannen (mal nach 1 Minute, mal nach 30 Minuten bis 1 Stunde) selbsttätig erneut aus. Dies ist z. B. reproduzierbar mit der Stumm-Taste (Mute), es passiert aber auch z. B. mit Exit, Programm vorwärts, OK, Power-Taste und wohl allen anderen Tasten auch.

      Wir haben jetzt beide SOLO SE V2 in einem zweiten Raum getestet. Dort tritt der Fehler auch auf. Dies haben wir sowohl tagsüber als auch abends getestet. Ohne Erfolg! In beiden Räumen liefen zuvor 3 andere Receiver (Kathrein, TechniSat) ohne dies Problem.

      Wir haben auch verschiedene Infrarot-Fernbedienungen getestet. Bei allen Infrarot-Fernbedienungen treten die Probleme auf.

      Dies Problem ist auf keinen Fall ein Bedienungsfehler, liegt nicht an der Fernbedienung, sondern wohl am Gerät selbst.

      Der Fehler tritt nicht nur beim aktuellen Original VU+ Image sondern auch beim openATV-Image und beim VTI-Image auf.

      Wir haben jetzt insgesamt 3 Stück SOLO SE V2 von Amazon getestet und geben jetzt auf. Leider weisen die beiden Austauschgeräte nämlich den gleichen Fehler auf.

      Sehr enttäuschend auch die Reaktion der Einsendung einer Box an Satco Europe: Wir erhielten umgehend das eingeschickte Gerät ohne feststellbare Fehler wieder zurück, obwohl wir mitteilten, dass hier im Forum 9 weitere Kunden das gleiche Problem berichten.
    • @Jojo Seestern: Danke für deinen Bericht. Somit weiß ich, dass ich nicht spinne und es gleich mal aufgeben kann, ein Vergleichsgerät bei Amazon zu ordern. Schade. WAs machst du nun? Wegwerfen?

      Auch wir hatten die Box bereits 2mal bei Satco, ohne Ergebnis und mit lächerlichen Empfehlungen z.B. bzgl. Festplatte. Wie schon von mir geschrieben und mMn von dir bestätigt, die Box hat unter bestimmten Randbedingungen Probleme, siehe auch den Bericht eines Users hier im Forum, dass das weiter Weg stellen von seinem Plasmafernseher eine Verbesserung gebracht hat. Und so etwas hat eine CE-Zulassung! Naja...
      Vom Deutschland Vertrieb bin ich bzgl. Kulanz auch maßlos enttäuscht und ich hatte die letzen Jahre, egal in welchem Bereich, ob Elektronik oder Kleidung, keine so schlechten Support mehr erlebt.
    • liegt wohl scheinbar echt an den Boxen.... Meine schaltet zwar ab und zu Mal um, bzw wiederholt meine letzte Eingabe, aber das ganze vielleicht alle zwei Wochen mal. Halb so wild, bin voll zufrieden mit der Box... Wär das weiterhin so extrem gewesen wie beim 1. Gerät wär ich wohl nur zwei Wochen VU+ User gewesen.
    • Hallo MrJava,

      ich konnte glücklicherweise und ohne Probleme die VU+ Solo SE V2 nach 6 Monaten bei Amazon zurückgeben und habe den Kaufpreis erstattet bekommen. Großes Lob an Amazon!
      Jetzt spiele ich mit dem Gedanken eine VU+ Uno 4K auszuprobieren, da ich eine sehr kleine Box suche, die ich bei anderen Anbietern mit den Möglichkeiten der VU+ Boxen nicht gefunden habe.
    • Hallo,

      ich habe das Problem auch aktuell. Ich hatte vorher einen LG Plasma und habe nun zum Austausch einen Panasonic TV dran. Seit dem ich den Panasonic am VU+ Solo SE V2 betreibe ist es nicht mehr schön. im 10 - 30 Sekunden takt wiederholte Eingaben. Schalte ich aber das HDMI CEC am Receiver aus ist alles ok. Irgendwo da muss der Fehler liegen.
    • Ich hatte das gleiche Problem mit meiner SE v2...ich hatte den VU+ Support angerufen, welcher an Arroganz und "Kunde hat eh keine Ahnung und ist blöd" nicht zu übertreffen war. Ich hatte die Box über den Händler zu VU+ DE schicken lassen. Angeblich alles in Ordnung...Ich habe auch auf Rezessionen bei Amazon und hier verwiesen. Wurde nur für blöd verkauft...Nach einigem hin und her, hat mir der Händler bei dem ich die Box gekauft habe, zum Glück eine andere gegeben. Sollte es wieder auftreten, geht sie gleich wieder zurück. Allerdings werde ich dann Aktiv und verlange von VU+ Nachbesserung oder einen funktionierenden Ersatz. Sollte der Support sich wieder so verhalten und mich für dumm verkaufen, werde ich rechtliche Schritte gegen VU+ einleiten.
    • ich meine jeden, der ohne HDMI-CEC sowas hat
      (HDMI-CEC ist als solches bereits eher ne wacklige Angelegenheit, da die Geräte nicht standardisiert damit umgehen und auch immer die Gegenstelle das Problem sein kann)
    • So, jetzt war es den ganzen Tag prima und ohne Probleme. Aber nun blieb die Wiedergabe wieder stehen.
      Anbei das dvbapp2_debug_loop.log rund um den Zeitpunkt an dem die Box auf Pause ging:


      Und gleich noch mal eines der bekannten Verhalten (springen während der Wiedergabe):

      Spoiler anzeigen

      23:34:34.691 [e2-python] (1, 'KiKA Startleiste', '', 19, 1000, 0)
      23:34:34.702 [e2-core] +- 1/2 TID 4e
      23:34:34.749 [e2-core] ++ 2/2 TID 4e
      23:34:34.749 [e2-core] done!
      23:34:34.764 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      23:34:34.765 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 2b 98 0b 00 00
      23:34:34.765 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      23:34:34.765 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      23:34:34.769 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0
      23:34:34.769 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
      23:34:34.769 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
      23:34:34.828 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      23:34:35.680 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      23:34:35.680 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:34:35.681 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:34:35.681 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      23:34:35.681 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      23:34:37.683 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      23:34:37.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      23:34:37.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      23:34:40.808 [e2-python] action -> InfobarActions showMovies
      23:34:40.924 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element waitingtext in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
      23:34:40.925 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element Cover in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
      23:34:40.929 [e2-python] warning, skin is missing element DescriptionBorder in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
      23:34:44.399 [e2-python] action -> InfobarSeekActions unPauseService
      23:34:44.400 [e2-python] unknown action InfobarSeekActions/unPauseService! typo in keymap?
      23:34:44.400 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      23:34:52.796 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:34:52.796 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:34:52.880 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      23:34:53.802 [e2-core] no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser
      23:34:54.511 [e2-python] action -> InfobarSeekActions unPauseService
      23:34:54.512 [e2-python] unknown action InfobarSeekActions/unPauseService! typo in keymap?
      23:34:54.512 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions ok
      23:34:54.580 [e2-python] not pauseable.
      23:34:54.605 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      23:34:54.627 [e2-python] playing service..
      23:34:54.628 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2B98:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      23:34:54.628 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2B98:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      23:34:54.638 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
      23:34:54.639 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
      23:34:54.640 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
      23:34:54.641 [e2-core] VIDEO_STOP - ok
      23:34:54.663 [e2-core] AUDIO_STOP - ok
      23:34:54.664 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
      23:34:54.664 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      23:34:54.664 [e2-core] DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
      23:34:54.670 [e2-core] start release channel timer
      23:34:54.671 [e2-core] alloc PVR
      23:34:54.671 [e2-core] [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x218ac58
      23:34:54.672 [e2-core] [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x218ac58
      23:34:54.672 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x218ac58
      23:34:54.675 [e2-core] allocate demux
      23:34:54.675 [e2-core] loading streaminfo for /media/hdd/movie/20170522 2236 - ProSieben HD - 2 Broke Girls.ts
      23:34:54.706 [e2-core] loading cuts..
      23:34:54.707 [e2-core] 3 entries
      23:34:54.711 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:34:54.711 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:34:54.711 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 0 ok
      23:34:54.712 [e2-core] /media/hdd/movie// location on HDD!
      23:34:54.712 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD START
      23:34:54.713 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 00000000, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:34:54.713 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (00000000, 10485700)
      23:34:54.713 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:54.714 [e2-core] 0012: 4e 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:54.714 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      23:34:54.714 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:54.715 [e2-core] ok ... now we start!!
      23:34:54.715 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:54.716 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:54.716 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:54.716 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:54.717 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      23:34:54.717 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021
      23:34:54.723 [e2-core] disable teletext subtitles
      23:34:54.724 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=511, apid=515
      23:34:54.724 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x203) - audio - ok
      23:34:54.725 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - audio - ok
      23:34:54.725 [e2-core] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok
      23:34:54.725 [e2-core] AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
      23:34:54.727 [e2-core] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
      23:34:54.727 [e2-core] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
      23:34:54.728 [e2-core] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4
      23:34:54.728 [e2-core] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
      23:34:54.729 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1ff) - video - ok
      23:34:54.729 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - video - ok
      23:34:54.729 [e2-core] VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
      23:34:54.735 [e2-core] VIDEO_PLAY - ok
      23:34:54.736 [e2-core] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x21) - ttx - ok
      23:34:54.736 [e2-core] DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
      23:34:54.740 [e2-core] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
      23:34:54.741 [e2-core] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
      23:34:54.741 [e2-core] VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
      23:34:54.742 [e2-core] AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok
      23:34:54.743 [e2-core] eDVBServicePlay::seekTo: jump 0
      23:34:54.743 [e2-core] seek.
      23:34:54.743 [e2-core] stopping thread.
      23:34:54.751 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD STOP
      23:34:54.751 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      23:34:54.794 [e2-core] AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:34:54.800 [e2-core] VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:34:54.800 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:34:54.800 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:34:54.801 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 0 ok
      23:34:54.801 [e2-core] /media/hdd/movie// location on HDD!
      23:34:54.801 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD START
      23:34:54.802 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 00065424, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:34:54.802 [e2-core] getOffset for pts 0x0
      23:34:54.802 [e2-core] ok, resolved skip (rel: 0, diff 0), now at 00000000
      23:34:54.803 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (00000000, 10485700)
      23:34:54.878 [e2-python] new service started! trying to download cuts!
      23:34:54.879 [e2-python] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
      23:34:55.054 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 00
      23:34:55.055 [e2-core] done!
      23:34:55.058 [e2-core] PATready
      23:34:55.060 [e2-core] use pmtpid 0061 for service_id ef75
      23:34:55.061 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:55.061 [e2-core] 0061: 02 ef 75 00 00 00
      23:34:55.063 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00
      23:34:55.064 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.068 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      23:34:55.069 [e2-core] 0000: 00 00 00 17 00 00
      23:34:55.070 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00
      23:34:55.070 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      23:34:55.074 [e2-core] ERROR reading PES (fd=68) - Value too large for defined data type
      23:34:55.075 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      23:34:55.110 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
      23:34:55.115 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 02
      23:34:55.116 [e2-core] done!
      23:34:55.118 [e2-core] eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
      23:34:55.123 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:55.124 [e2-core] 0205: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.126 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.127 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.133 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      23:34:55.139 [e2-core] have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021
      23:34:55.149 [e2-core] decoder state: play, vpid=511, apid=515
      23:34:55.187 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:55.189 [e2-core] 0205: 74 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.189 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.190 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.194 [e2-core] [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0
      23:34:55.235 [e2-python] [AutoRes] service changed
      23:34:55.239 [e2-core] doing version filtering
      23:34:55.239 [e2-core] 0061: 02 ef 75 21 00 00
      23:34:55.240 [e2-core] mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00
      23:34:55.240 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00
      23:34:55.241 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      23:34:55.243 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
      23:34:55.248 [e2-core] VIDEO_GET_EVENT - ok
      23:34:55.249 [e2-python] [AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
      23:34:55.294 [e2-core] + 1/1 TID 74
      23:34:55.295 [e2-core] done!
      23:34:55.296 [e2-core] AITready
      23:34:55.297 [e2-core] Section Length : 267, Total Section Length : 270
      23:34:55.297 [e2-core] found applicaions ids >> pid : 205, orgid : 96, appid : 2
      23:34:55.299 [e2-core] Save Data Len : [270]
      23:34:55.300 [e2-core] no version filtering
      23:34:55.300 [e2-core] 0106: 3c 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.301 [e2-core] mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.302 [e2-core] mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00
      23:34:55.303 [e2-core] Found : control[1], name[Pro7], url[redbutton.php?brand=p7de]
      23:34:55.305 [e2-python] Name : Pro7
      23:34:55.305 [e2-python] URL : redbutton.php?brand=p7de
      23:34:55.306 [e2-python] OrgID : 96
      23:34:55.307 [e2-python] AppID : 2
      23:34:55.307 [e2-python] Control Code : 1
      23:34:55.308 [e2-python] Profile Code : 0
      23:34:55.309 [e2-python]
      23:34:56.238 [e2-python] [AutoRes] determineContent
      23:34:57.675 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      23:34:57.675 [e2-core] [turnOffSatCR] running mainloop
      23:34:57.675 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 1
      23:34:57.690 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 200ms
      23:34:57.715 [e2-core] timeout 0012!
      23:34:57.891 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 4
      23:34:57.906 [e2-core] [SEC] setTone 0
      23:34:57.921 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 20ms
      23:34:58.014 [e2-core] [SEC] sendDiseqc: 70200000
      23:34:58.015 [e2-core] [SEC] sleep 50ms
      23:34:58.065 [e2-core] [SEC] setVoltage 1
      23:34:58.080 [e2-core] [SEC] delayed close frontend
      23:34:58.081 [e2-core] close frontend 0
      23:34:58.950 [e2-python] action -> InfobarCueSheetActions jumpNextMark
      23:34:58.951 [e2-core] eDVBServicePlay::seekTo: jump 11768716
      23:34:58.951 [e2-core] seek.
      23:34:58.951 [e2-core] stopping thread.
      23:34:58.954 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD STOP
      23:34:58.955 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      23:34:58.997 [e2-core] AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:34:59.003 [e2-core] VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:34:59.003 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:34:59.004 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:34:59.004 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 0 ok
      23:34:59.004 [e2-core] /media/hdd/movie// location on HDD!
      23:34:59.004 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD START
      23:34:59.005 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 09879024, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:34:59.005 [e2-core] getOffset for pts 0xb3938c
      23:34:59.005 [e2-core] ok, resolved skip (rel: 0, diff 11768716), now at 05f7c970
      23:34:59.006 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (100125040, 10485700)
      23:35:01.784 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 110610740, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:35:01.785 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (110610740, 10485700)
      23:35:08.063 [e2-python] action -> InfobarCueSheetActions jumpNextMark
      23:35:08.064 [e2-core] eDVBServicePlay::seekTo: jump 163609516
      23:35:08.064 [e2-core] seek.
      23:35:08.064 [e2-core] stopping thread.
      23:35:08.071 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD STOP
      23:35:08.072 [e2-core] thread joined 0
      23:35:08.114 [e2-core] AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:35:08.120 [e2-core] VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER - ok
      23:35:08.120 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:35:08.121 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:35:08.121 [e2-core] setIoPrio best-effort level 0 ok
      23:35:08.121 [e2-core] /media/hdd/movie// location on HDD!
      23:35:08.122 [e2-core] FILEPUSH THREAD START
      23:35:08.122 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 115190420, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:35:08.122 [e2-core] getOffset for pts 0x9c07bac
      23:35:08.123 [e2-core] ok, resolved skip (rel: 0, diff 163609516), now at 5db8cfc0
      23:35:08.123 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (1572392896, 10485700)
      23:35:13.847 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 1582878596, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:35:13.848 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (1582878596, 10485700)
      23:35:15.302 [e2-core] timeout 0106!
      23:35:15.303 [e2-core] OCready
      23:35:29.395 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 1593364296, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:35:29.396 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (1593364296, 10485700)
      23:35:37.684 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      23:35:37.684 [e2-core] before: 1
      23:35:37.685 [e2-core] after: 1
      23:35:37.685 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      23:35:37.686 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      23:35:39.688 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      23:35:39.689 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      23:35:39.689 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      23:35:45.748 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 1603849996, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:35:45.749 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (1603849996, 10485700)
      23:35:48.999 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:46:40 2017
      23:36:01.331 [e2-core] getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 1614335696, m_skipmode_m = 0!
      23:36:01.332 [e2-core] NO CUESHEET. (1614335696, 10485700)
    • also bei mir funzt jetzt alles gut mit der neuen box. kein eigenleben mehr...drecks vu+ support. es kann nicht sein das man beim kauf zufällig was funktionierendes erwischt.

      und zu dieser aussage fällt mir nichts mehr ein

      "(HDMI-CEC ist als solches bereits eher ne wacklige Angelegenheit, da die Geräte nicht standardisiert damit umgehen und auch immer die Gegenstelle das Problem sein kann)"

      die gegenstelle ist auf jeden fall nicht das problem, ansonsten würde die neue box ebenso ein eigenleben führen...

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von billgehts ()

    • und zu dieser aussage fällt mir nichts mehr ein

      ich habe geschrieben, es KANN sein (und warum), nicht das es bei dir so ist - per Fernwartung, noch dazu so gut wie ohne fundierte Infos, lässt sich kaum eine verlässliche Aussage machen
      (Probleme mit "es ist ganz sicher die Box" haben sich übrigens hier schon hundertfach als eben doch nicht so herausgestellt)
    • Nun kam die ZapHistory wieder hoch.
      Spoiler anzeigen
      18:45:00.912 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.913 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.913 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.914 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.914 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.914 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.915 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2B98:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.916 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.916 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.917 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.917 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.917 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x25d900
      18:45:00.918 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.919 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.919 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.919 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.920 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.920 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.921 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.921 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.923 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.923 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.924 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.924 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.924 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.925 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.925 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.926 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.927 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.928 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.928 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.928 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.929 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.929 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.930 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.930 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.932 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.932 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.933 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.933 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.933 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.933 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.934 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.935 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.936 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.937 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.938 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.939 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.939 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.940 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.940 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.940 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.942 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2B98:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.942 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.943 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.943 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.944 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.944 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x25d900
      18:45:00.945 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.946 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.946 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.947 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.947 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.947 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.948 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.949 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.950 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.951 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.951 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:45:00.951 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.952 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.952 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x2e6c02
      18:45:00.953 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.953 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.954 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.955 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.956 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.957 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.957 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.957 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
      18:45:00.958 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.958 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.959 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:283D:3FB:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.959 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.960 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.961 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.962 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.963 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.964 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2E9B:411:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.965 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.965 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.965 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.966 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.966 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x24d002
      18:45:00.967 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2B98:3F2:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.968 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.968 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.968 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.969 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.969 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x25d900
      18:45:00.970 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.970 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.971 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.971 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.971 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.972 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.973 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.973 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.974 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.975 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.975 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.976 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.976 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.976 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.978 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.978 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.979 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.979 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.980 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.980 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.981 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.981 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.983 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.983 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.984 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.985 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.985 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.985 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.986 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.987 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.988 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.989 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.990 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.990 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.991 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.991 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.991 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.992 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.993 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.993 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.994 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:00.994 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:00.994 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:00.995 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:00.995 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.996 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.997 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.998 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:00.999 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:00.999 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.000 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.001 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.002 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF74:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.002 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.004 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.004 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.005 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF74:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.006 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.007 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF74:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.007 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.009 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.009 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.010 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.010 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.010 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.010 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:01.011 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.012 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.013 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.014 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.014 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.014 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.015 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.015 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:01.016 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.016 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.018 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.018 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.020 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.020 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.021 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.021 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.022 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.022 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:01.023 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF77:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.024 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.024 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.025 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.025 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.025 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:01.027 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.027 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.028 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.028 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.028 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.029 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x264e02
      18:45:01.030 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2888:40F:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.030 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.031 [e2-core] Slot 0, score 15005
      18:45:01.031 [e2-core] Slot 1, score 15005
      18:45:01.031 [e2-core] [prepare] JESS
      18:45:01.031 [e2-core] [prepare] UnicableTuningWord 0x24b302
      18:45:01.032 [e2-python] recording service: 1:0:19:2888:40F:1:C00000:0:0:0:
      18:45:01.033 [e2-core] record: 0
      18:45:01.035 [e2-python] [TIMER] record time changed, start prepare is now: Thu May 25 23:09:40 2017
      18:45:01.035 [e2-python] [Timer] Record <RecordTimer.RecordTimerEntry object at 0x5e4c4730>
      18:45:01.036 [e2-python] ProcessRepeated
      18:45:01.037 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:45:02.694 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Checking Eventcount[0m
      18:45:02.729 [e2-python] [92m[EPG Share] Eventcount is not increasing... no Channelupdate running[0m
      18:45:02.730 [e2-python] Count 132 from 132 Events
      18:45:04.451 [e2-python] Senderupdate nicht notwendig:
      18:45:10.088 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:45:13.514 [e2-python] action -> InfobarInstantRecord instantRecord
      18:45:13.517 [e2-python] self.recording: [<RecordTimer.RecordTimerEntry object at 0x61e02a50>]
      18:45:16.230 [e2-python] action -> WizardActions ok
      18:45:16.252 [e2-python] EMPTY: 0
      18:45:16.252 [e2-python] ENABLE: 1
      18:45:16.253 [e2-python] DISABLE: 2
      18:45:16.253 [e2-python] CLEANUP: 3
      18:45:16.254 [e2-python] DELETE: 4
      18:45:16.260 [e2-python] key_red_choice: 0
      18:45:22.618 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:45:40.111 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:45:47.352 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:45:47.352 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:45:47.352 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:45:47.352 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:45:47.353 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:45:49.355 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:45:49.356 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:45:49.358 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:46:02.269 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      18:46:02.393 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      18:46:02.412 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      18:46:02.412 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      18:46:40.111 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:46:40.999 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:46:49.358 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:46:49.358 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:46:49.359 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:46:49.359 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:46:49.359 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:46:50.963 [e2-python] action -> OkCancelActions cancel
      18:46:51.362 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:46:51.363 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:46:51.363 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:47:40.112 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:47:51.363 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:47:51.364 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:47:51.364 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:47:51.364 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:47:51.364 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:47:53.367 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:47:53.367 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:47:53.367 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:48:19.999 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:48:40.112 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:48:53.368 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:48:53.368 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:48:53.368 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:48:53.369 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:48:53.369 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:48:55.369 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:48:55.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:48:55.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:49:32.746 [e2-python] action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide
      18:49:32.870 [e2-python] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapHistory
      18:49:32.892 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      18:49:32.893 [e2-core] [eEPGCache] service reference for epg query is not valid
      18:49:40.112 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:49:55.370 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:49:55.371 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:49:55.371 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:49:55.371 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:49:55.372 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:49:57.374 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:49:57.375 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:49:57.375 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:49:59.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:50:40.113 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:50:57.375 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:50:57.376 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:50:57.377 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:50:57.377 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:50:57.377 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:50:59.380 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:50:59.380 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:50:59.381 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:51:38.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:51:40.113 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:51:59.381 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:51:59.382 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:51:59.383 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:51:59.384 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:51:59.384 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:52:01.387 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:52:01.387 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:52:01.387 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:52:40.114 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:53:01.388 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:53:01.388 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:53:01.388 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:53:01.388 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:53:01.389 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:53:03.392 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:53:03.392 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:53:03.392 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:53:18.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:53:40.114 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:54:03.393 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:54:03.393 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:54:03.393 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:54:03.393 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:54:03.394 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:54:05.396 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:54:05.397 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:54:05.397 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:54:40.115 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:54:58.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:55:05.397 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:55:05.398 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:55:05.398 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:55:05.398 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:55:05.398 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:55:07.401 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:55:07.401 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:55:07.402 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:55:40.115 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:56:07.402 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:56:07.402 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:56:07.402 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:56:07.403 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:56:07.403 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:56:09.405 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:56:09.406 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:56:09.407 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:56:37.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:56:40.115 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:57:09.407 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:57:09.408 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:57:09.408 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:57:09.408 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:57:09.409 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:57:11.412 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:57:11.412 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:57:11.412 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:57:40.116 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:58:11.413 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:58:11.413 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:58:11.413 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:58:11.414 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:58:11.414 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:58:13.417 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:58:13.418 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:58:13.418 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:58:16.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      18:58:40.116 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:59:13.418 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      18:59:13.419 [e2-core] before: 1
      18:59:13.419 [e2-core] after: 1
      18:59:13.419 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      18:59:13.419 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      18:59:15.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      18:59:15.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      18:59:15.422 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      18:59:40.116 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      18:59:56.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      19:00:15.423 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      19:00:15.423 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:00:15.423 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:00:15.424 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      19:00:15.424 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      19:00:17.426 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      19:00:17.427 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      19:00:17.427 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      19:00:40.117 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      19:01:17.427 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      19:01:17.427 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:01:17.428 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:01:17.428 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      19:01:17.428 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      19:01:19.431 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      19:01:19.431 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      19:01:19.431 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      19:01:35.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      19:01:40.117 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      19:02:19.432 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      19:02:19.432 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:02:19.432 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:02:19.433 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      19:02:19.434 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      19:02:21.436 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      19:02:21.436 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      19:02:21.437 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      19:02:40.117 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      19:03:14.001 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017
      19:03:21.437 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      19:03:21.437 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:03:21.437 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:03:21.438 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      19:03:21.438 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      19:03:23.441 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      19:03:23.441 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      19:03:23.441 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      19:03:40.118 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      19:04:23.442 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] starting...
      19:04:23.442 [e2-core] before: 1
      19:04:23.443 [e2-core] after: 1
      19:04:23.443 [e2-core] old thread joined 0
      19:04:23.443 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connecting...
      19:04:25.446 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection timeout
      19:04:25.446 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] connection terminated
      19:04:25.447 [e2-core] [eVTiApp] retry to start connection in 60000 ms
      19:04:40.118 [e2-core] dont close frontend 0 until the linked frontend 1 in slot 1 is still in use
      19:04:54.000 [e2-python] next real activation is Thu May 25 19:10:37 2017

    • In meinem Fall sicherlich nicht. Die Einstellungen sind bei der neuen Box die gleichen. Genau wie du hat auch der VU+ Support argumentiert. Es könnte auch an meinem Fernseher liegen. Nur frag ich mich warum meine Leihbox und die neue das Problem nicht haben. Im Zweifelsfall gegen den Kunden, obwohl es etliche mit der gleichen Symptomatik gibt. Ich finde in solch einem Fall hätte der Support ohne wenn und aber reagieren müssen. Aber das man dort für blöd und dumm verkauft wird ist eine Frechheit. Das einzige was denen eingefallen ist, ob ich denn meine Box am Internet angeschlossen habe, oder ob ich einen Plasma habe. Da kann es schon mal vorkommen, das böse Menschen meine Ports scannen. Vor allem wenn keine Ports offen sind. Einfach nur lächerlich...