Bei aktivem FCC kommt es nach Beendigung von Timeshift (Datei löschen) nach x Senderwechsel zu einem dvbapp2crashlog

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    • Bei aktivem FCC kommt es nach Beendigung von Timeshift (Datei löschen) nach x Senderwechsel zu einem dvbapp2crashlog

      Guten Morgen zusammen,

      ich verwende eine Solo 4k mit VTI 9.0.3 inkl. allen Updates.

      Wenn Timeshift aktiv war kommt es nach x Senderwechsel zu einem Crash (siehe Log-Dateien am Ende). Der Fehler scheint mit FCC zusammenzuhängen. Wenn ich FCC deaktiviere, oder nach Beendigung von Timeshift FCC neu starte, scheint kein Crash zu kommen.

      Zur Info noch:
      Das PlugIn PTS verwende ich nicht und in den Systemeinstellungen habe ich permanentes Timeshift deaktiviert. Des weiteren verwende ich die Option "Datei löschen nach Senderwechsel". Ich dachte zuerst, es würde ein Problem mit dem Löschen der Datei sein, aber jetzt habe ich eher FCC in Verdacht.

      Das der Absturz erst nach x weiteren Senderwechseln stattfindet könnte vielleicht mit einem Wechsel des Transponders zusammenhängen. Aber darauf müsste ich nochmal genauer achten - sicher bin ich mir da nicht.

      Nachtrag vom 23.10.2016:
      1. Der Fehler tritt nicht immer nach Beendigung von Timeshift auf. Ich habe heute Mittag versucht, dass mit zwei kurzen Pausen (ca. 10 Sekunden Timeshift) zu provozieren, was mir aber nicht gelang. Erst gerade eben, nach einer längeren Verwendung von Timeshift, trat der Fehler wieder auf.
      2. Das es am Wechsel des Transponders liegt, ist wohl auch eher unwahrscheinlich. Anbei die "Zapping-Historie":

      Phoenix HD mit Timeshift => Arte HD => Servus TV HD => RTL HD => RTL II HD / Crash!

      Bei RTL II HD blieb der Bildschirm zunächst schwarz, Ton kam. Dann kam aber das Bild von VOX HD (der Sender kommt bei mir nach RTL II HD) und dann kam der Absturz.


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      49. ]]>
      50. <![CDATA[
      51. 01ff, and the text pid is 0021 [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc0 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK! disable teletext subtitles [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK! decoder state: play, vpid=511, apid=515 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x203) - audio - ok D
      52. ]]>
      53. <![CDATA[
      54. EMUX_START - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x21) - ttx - ok DEMUX_START - ttx - ok VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok resolved to PLAY eDVBServicePlay::unpause next real activation is Sat Oct 22 20:15:01 2016 action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapDown stopping thread. FILEPUSH THREAD STOP thread joined 0 [Timeshift] remove ts file before: 1 after: 1 old thread joined 0 setIoPrio best-effort level 7 ok before: 1 playing service.. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] disable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::FCCDecoderStop][1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK! [eFCCServiceManager] use FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 2 audio stream(s) (0503, 0504), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024 disable teletext subtitles [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK! decoder state: play, vpid=1279, apid=1283 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x4ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x503) - audio - ok DEMUX_START - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x24) - ttx - ok DEMUX_START - ttx - ok VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok not pauseable. no version filtering 0505: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 IBTS show False False not pauseable. RemovePopup, id = ZapError [AutoRes] service changed Name : n-tv Startleiste URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 303 Control Code : 1 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Specials (CDN) URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 302 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Digitaltext URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 300 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 320 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now Overview URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 321 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index 2 file /media/hdd/timeshift.sDoE7M.del erased URL : OrgID : 33 file /media/hdd/ erased AppID : 326 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'n-tv Startleiste', '', 33, 303, 0) [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc2 IBTS timerShow IBTS tunerShow use cached_channel allocate Channel: res 0 no version filtering 0012: 4e ef 75 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021 (Cached) [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc2 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK! resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/ resolve: -> /etc/ + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0061 for service_id ef75 no version filtering 0061: 02 ef 75 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 15 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] no version filtering 0205: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021 [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 567 bytes 9f 80 32 82 02 31 03 ef 75 21 02 0d 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 03 f9 00 01 82 02 02 01 84 02 00 61 09 6f 18 30 fc ec 8c 69 00 00 3d a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0f 9f 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 00 64 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 00 64 aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 0b ea 01 00 26 a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0d ab 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 43 00 00 0b b8 09 7b 18 43 f9 ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 66 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 00 66 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 09 c4 fb ec 09 04 09 8c fa ec 09 7b 18 60 fe ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 68 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 00 68 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 7b 18 6a fd ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 6a 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 00 6a 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 18 6d fd ed 06 00 21 00 00 0b 01 06 00 00 0c 01 07 00 00 1b 01 ff 00 00 06 02 03 00 00 05 02 05 00 00 doing version filtering 0061: 02 ef 75 21 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 658, Total Section Length : 661 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 303 Save Data Len : [661] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 302 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 300 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 320 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 321 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 326 Found : control[1], name[n-tv Startleiste], url[] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Specials (CDN)], url[] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Digitaltext], url[] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now index], url[] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now Overview], url[] Found : control[2], name[n-tv Now index 2], url[] Name : n-tv Startleiste URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 303 Control Code : 1 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Specials (CDN) URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 302 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Digitaltext URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 300 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 320 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now Overview URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 321 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index 2 URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 326 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'n-tv Startleiste', '', 33, 303, 0) +- 1/2 TID 4e [AutoRes] determineContent + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 270, Total Section Length : 273 found applicaions ids >> pid : 205, orgid : 96, appid : 2 Save Data Len : [273] no version filtering 0106: 3c 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Found : control[1], name[Pro7], url[] ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! doing version filtering 0012: 4e ef 75 1b 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapDown playing service.. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] disable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::FCCDecoderStop][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK! [eFCCServiceManager] use FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (02ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0303), and the pcr pid is 02ff, and the text pid is 0022 disable teletext subtitles [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK! decoder state: play, vpid=767, apid=771 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x2ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x303) - audio - ok DEMUX_START - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux1 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x22) - ttx - ok DEMUX_START - ttx - ok VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok not pauseable. no version filtering 0305: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 not pauseable. RemovePopup, id = ZapError [AutoRes] service changed Name : kabel eins URL : OrgID : 96 AppID : 3 Control Code : 1 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'kabel eins', '', 96, 3, 0) [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0 use cached_channel allocate Channel: res 0 no version filtering 0012: 4e ef 78 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0503), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024 (Cached) [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc0 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK! resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/ resolve: -> /etc/ + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0064 for service_id ef78 no version filtering 0064: 02 ef 78 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 15 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0503), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024 [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 552 bytes 9f 80 32 82 02 22 03 ef 78 29 02 0d 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 03 f9 00 01 82 02 02 01 84 02 00 64 09 6f 18 30 fc e4 8c 69 00 00 3d a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0f 9f 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 00 64 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 00 64 aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 0b ea 01 00 26 a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0d ab 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 43 00 00 0b b8 09 7b 18 43 f9 e4 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 66 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 00 66 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 09 c4 fb e4 09 04 09 8c fa e4 09 7b 18 60 fe e4 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 68 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 00 68 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 7b 18 6a fd e4 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 6a 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 00 6a 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 18 6d fd e5 06 00 24 00 00 1b 04 ff 00 00 06 05 03 00 00 doing version filtering 0064: 02 ef 78 29 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 FATAL: ebase.cpp:154 ASSERTION notifiers.find(fd) == notifiers.end() FAILED! stopService [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF78:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc1 [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x1529bd8 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1529bd8 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1529bd8 decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc0 decoder state: stop, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc2 fd=6, sn=0x3ebb38 fd=11, sn=0x3d12e0 fd=13, sn=0x443818 fd=14, sn=0x443998 fd=16, sn=0x40b6f0 fd=17, sn=0x40b940 fd=18, sn=0x40c318 fd=24, sn=0x1a7c4f8 fd=40, sn=0xbbd260 fd=45, sn=0xe170c0 fd=55, sn=0x152cc40 fd=59, sn=0x19f8d50 fd=66, sn=0xf81a88 fd=76, sn=0x1406f98 FATAL: removed socket notifier which is not present, fd=52
      55. ]]>
      56. </dvbapp2crashlog>
      57. </crashlogs>
      58. </stbcrashlog>
      Alles anzeigen


      1. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
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      5. <compiledate>Jul 28 2016</compiledate>
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      26. config.infobartunerstate.variable_field_width=false config.infobartunerstate.plugin_timers.number_pending_timers=10 config.infobartunerstate.plugin_timers.pending_hours=1 config.infobartunerstate.plugin_timers.enabled=false config.infobartunerstate.offset_vertical=-50 config.infobartunerstate.offse
      27. ]]>
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      29. t_spacing=20 config.infobartunerstate.fields.e=Begin config.infobartunerstate.fields.d=End config.infobartunerstate.fields.g=Name config.infobartunerstate.fields.f=Channel config.infobartunerstate.fields.i=Duration config.infobartunerstate.fields.h=TimerProgressGraphical config.infobartunerstate.number_finished_entries=0 config.pic.lastDir=/media/hdd/ config.keyboard.keymap=dream-de.kmap config.VideoColorSpace.color_space=Edid(Auto) config.misc.firstrun=false config.misc.initialchannelselection=false config.misc.startCounter=199 config.misc.graph_mepg_bars=true config.misc.graph_mepg_skin=SKIN2 config.misc.languageselected=false config.misc.graph_mepg_button_ok=3 config.misc.defaultchosen=false config.misc.videowizardenabled=false config.misc.window_animation_speed=20 config.misc.graph_mepg_prev_time_period=240 config.misc.window_animation_default=0 config.lcd.standby=1 config.lcd.bright=1 BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet; config.av.autoframerate_mode=auto config.av.pip=0,0,218,161 config.av.videorate.720p=multi config.av.videorate.1080p=multi config.av.videorate.1080i=multi config.av.videorate.2160p=multi config.av.downmix_ac3=false config.av.defaultac3=true config.av.videomode.DVI=2160p config.Nims.1.diseqcB=192 config.Nims.1.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.1.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.1.configMode=equal config.Nims.0.diseqcB=192 config.Nims.0.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.0.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.0.configMode=simple config.osd.language=de_DE BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet; config.OpenWebif.webcache.collapsedmenus= config.recording.margin_before=4 config.recording.margin_after=6 config.usage.on_movie_stop=movielist config.usage.numberzap_timeout=500 config.usage.allowed_timeshift_paths=['/media/hdd/'] config.usage.channelzap_w_bouquet=true config.usage.menu_sort_weight={'mainmenu': {'submenu': {'movie_list': {'sort': 70}, 'tvtips': {'sort': -100}, 'standby_restart_list': {'sort': 50}, 'setup_selection': {'sort': 40}, 'info_screen': {'sort': 90}, 'timer_edit': {'sort': 10}, 'youtubetv': {'sort': 80}, 'wetter': {'sort': 100}, 'filecommand': {'sort': 20}, 'subtitle_selection': {'sort': 100}, 'vti_menu': {'sort': 30}, 'plugin_selection': {'sort': 60}}}} config.usage.vtiapp_add_marker=true config.usage.plugin_sort_weight={'blindscan': {'sort': 20}, 'infobartunerstate': {'sort': 70}, 'antiscrollbar': {'sort': 230}, 'men\xc3\xbc positionieren': {'sort': 100}, 'vti hdmi-cec': {'sort': 180}, 'transkodierung konfigurieren': {'sort': 170}, 'dateimanager vti': {'sort': 50}, 'piconmanager (mod)': {'sort': 140}, 'epgrefresh': {'sort': 250}, 'oscambutler': {'sort': 130}, 'code der fernbedienung': {'sort': 40}, 'mediaplayer': {'sort': 80}, 'zapping-modus': {'sort': 210}, 'chromiumos': {'sort': 30}, 'cool tv guide v7.3.0 (setup)': {'sort': 240}, 'youtubetv settings': {'sort': 200}, 'schneller kanalwechsel (fcc)': {'sort': 150}, 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config.hdmicec.message_delay=1 config.hdmicec.tvinput=3 config.hdmicec.enabled=true config.hdmicec.avinput=2 config.hdmicec.avvolumecontrol=true config.plugins.minitv.enable=standby config.plugins.vtipanel.configurationbackup.backupdirs=['/etc/CCcam.cfg', '/etc/default_gw', '/etc/enigma2/', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'] config.plugins.vtipanel.configurationbackup.backuplocationimage=/media/hdd config.plugins.FluidSetup.WeatherZipCode=52349 config.plugins.FluidSetup.BigEPG=true config.plugins.FluidSetup.primetime=20:15 config.plugins.FluidSetup.WeatherID=DE0001845 config.plugins.FluidSetup.InfoBarCover=true config.plugins.FluidSetup.VersionString=1.0R2l_08082016 config.plugins.FluidSetup.imagelocation=/hdd/EPGImages config.plugins.FluidSetup.InfoBarAudioChannels=false config.plugins.transcodingsetup.bitrate=1000000 config.plugins.SecondInfoBar.HideNormalIB=true config.plugins.SecondInfoBar.TimeOut=30 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config.plugins.autoresolution.videoresolution.p720_24=720p24 config.plugins.ArcticSetup.button=1 config.plugins.ArcticSetup.primetime=20:15 config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_left=/media/hdd/ config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_right=/media/hdd/movie/ config.plugins.epgShare.autocache=true config.plugins.epgShare.useimprover=true config.plugins.epgShare.downloadtimercovers=true config.plugins.epgShare.writelog=true config.plugins.epgShare.autotimer=true config.plugins.epgShare.autorefreshtime=18:0 config.plugins.epgShare.msg=true config.plugins.epgShare.afterAuto=1 config.plugins.AtileHD.refreshInterval=600 config.plugins.AtileHD.woeid=12834434 config.plugins.browser.youtube_showhelp=true config.movielist.listtype=2 config.movielist.videodirs=['/media/hdd/movie/'] config.movielist.moviedirs_config={'/media/hdd/movie/': {'sort': 2, 'list': 2}} config.movielist.last_selected_tags=None config.movielist.moviesort=2
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      47. <![CDATA[
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      49. ]]>
      50. <![CDATA[
      51. OrgID : 33 AppID : 206 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX externe Specials (CDN) URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 210 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX smartpages URL : http://smartpages-live.netrtl
      52. ]]>
      53. <![CDATA[
      54. .com/spc_hbb.php OrgID : 33 AppID : 215 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX Spiele URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 216 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'VOX Startleiste', '', 33, 200, 0)
      55. ]]>
      56. <![CDATA[
      57. [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF10:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF10:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF10:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_STOP OK! [eFCCDecoder]
      58. ]]>
      59. <![CDATA[
      60. close /dev/fcc1 IBTS timerShow IBTS tunerShow allocate channel.. 03f9:0001 available channel.. 0421:0001 [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x12113a8! (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat System 1 Freq 11464250 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0 tuning to 1714 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 allocate demux resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/ resolve: -> /etc/ [SEC] set static current limiting [SEC] invalidate current switch params set sequence pos 3 set sequence pos 3 [SEC] update current switch params [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000 [SEC] setFrontend 1 setting frontend 0 [SEC] sleep 500ms (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1 (0)fe event: status 7, inversion off, m_tuning 2 (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 3 OURSTATE: ok [eDVBCAService] channel 0x12113a8 running [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x12113a8 running no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [eEPGCache] channel 0x12113a8 running stop release channel timer [eEPGCache] next update in 2 sec no version filtering 0012: 4e ef 76 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (02ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0303), and the pcr pid is 02ff, and the text pid is 0022 (Cached) allocate demux [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc1 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK! + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0062 for service_id ef76 no version filtering 0062: 02 ef 76 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 15 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] no version filtering 0305: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 have 1 video stream(s) (02ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0303), and the pcr pid is 02ff, and the text pid is 0022 [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 567 bytes 9f 80 32 82 02 31 03 ef 76 0b 02 0d 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 03 f9 00 01 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 62 09 6f 18 30 fc ee 8c 69 00 00 3d a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0f 9f 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 00 64 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 00 64 aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 0b ea 01 00 26 a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0d ab 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 43 00 00 0b b8 09 7b 18 43 f9 ee 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 66 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 00 66 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 09 c4 fb ee 09 04 09 8c fa ee 09 7b 18 60 fe ee 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 68 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 00 68 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 7b 18 6a fd ee 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 6a 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 00 6a 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 18 6d fd ef 06 00 22 00 00 0b 01 06 00 00 0c 01 07 00 00 1b 02 ff 00 00 06 03 03 00 00 05 03 05 00 00 doing version filtering 0062: 02 ef 76 0b 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 sdt update done! [SEC] set dynamic current limiting -+ 1/2 TID 4e + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 761, Total Section Length : 764 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 200 Save Data Len : [764] found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 204 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 203 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 205 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 206 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 210 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 215 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 33, appid : 216 Found : control[1], name[VOX Startleiste], url[] Found : control[2], name[Kochbar], url[] Found : control[2], name[Clipfish], url[] Found : control[2], name[Digitaltext], url[] Found : control[2], name[VOX Specials], url[] Found : control[2], name[VOX externe Specials (CDN)], url[] Found : control[2], name[VOX smartpages], url[] Found : control[2], name[VOX Spiele], url[] Name : VOX Startleiste URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 200 Control Code : 1 Profile Code : 0 Name : Kochbar URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 204 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : Clipfish URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 203 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : Digitaltext URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 205 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX Specials URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 206 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX externe Specials (CDN) URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 210 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX smartpages URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 215 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : VOX Spiele URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 216 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'VOX Startleiste', '', 33, 200, 0) [AutoRes] determineContent ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! doing version filtering 0012: 4e ef 76 29 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 276, Total Section Length : 279 found applicaions ids >> pid : 305, orgid : 96, appid : 3 Save Data Len : [279] no version filtering 0106: 3c 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 Found : control[1], name[kabel eins], url[] action -> InfobarChannelSelection zapDown playing service.. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] disable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::FCCDecoderStop][1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - failed (Bad file descriptor) DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - failed (Bad file descriptor) DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_STOP OK! [eFCCServiceManager] use FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::changeFCCMode][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] enable FCC decoding. [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 2 audio stream(s) (0503, 0504), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024 disable teletext subtitles [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_DECODER_START OK! decoder state: play, vpid=1279, apid=1283 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x4ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - failed (Invalid argument) /dev/dvb/adapter0/audio0: Device or resource busy /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0: Device or resource busy Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux1 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x24) - ttx - ok DEMUX_START - ttx - failed(Invalid argument) VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - failed(Bad file descriptor) VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - failed(Bad file descriptor) VIDEO_CONTINUE - failed (Bad file descriptor) AUDIO_CONTINUE - failed (Bad file descriptor) not pauseable. no version filtering 0505: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 not pauseable. RemovePopup, id = ZapError [AutoRes] service changed Name : n-tv Startleiste URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 303 Control Code : 1 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Specials (CDN) URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 302 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Digitaltext URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 300 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 320 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now Overview URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 321 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 Name : n-tv Now index 2 URL : OrgID : 33 AppID : 326 Control Code : 2 Profile Code : 0 (1, 'n-tv Startleiste', '', 33, 303, 0) [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF15:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok ioctl FCC_DECODER_STOP failed! (Invalid argument) ioctl FCC_STOP failed! (Invalid argument) [eFCCDecoder] close /dev/fcc3 use cached_channel allocate Channel: res 0 no version filtering 0012: 4e ef 75 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021 (Cached) [eFCCDecoder] alloc /dev/fcc3 [eTSMPEGDecoder] FCC_START OK! resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/ resolve: -> /etc/ + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0061 for service_id ef75 no version filtering 0061: 02 ef 75 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 15 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 [eEPGCache] start caching events(1477224274) + 1/1 TID 02 done! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 [eDVBServiceFCCPlay::updateFCCDecoder][1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0:] no version filtering 0205: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is 0021 [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 567 bytes 9f 80 32 82 02 31 03 ef 75 21 02 0d 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 03 f9 00 01 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 61 09 6f 18 30 fc ec 8c 69 00 00 3d a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0f 9f 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 00 64 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 00 64 aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 0b ea 01 00 26 a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0d ab 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 43 00 00 0b b8 09 7b 18 43 f9 ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 66 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 00 66 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 09 c4 fb ec 09 04 09 8c fa ec 09 7b 18 60 fe ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 68 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 00 68 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 7b 18 6a fd ec 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 6a 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 00 6a 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 6a 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 6a 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 18 6d fd ed 06 00 21 00 00 0b 01 06 00 00 0c 01 07 00 00 1b 01 ff 00 00 06 02 03 00 00 05 02 05 00 00 doing version filtering 0061: 02 ef 75 21 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 FATAL: ebase.cpp:154 ASSERTION notifiers.find(fd) == notifiers.end() FAILED! stopService [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF76:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 1 for service 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF11:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF14:421:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eFCCServiceManager] stop FCC service sref : 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:EF75:3F9:1:C00000:0:0:0: fd=6, sn=0x3ebb38 fd=11, sn=0x3d12e0 fd=13, sn=0x443818 fd=15, sn=0x443998 fd=16, sn=0x40b6f0 fd=17, sn=0x40b940 fd=18, sn=0x40c318 fd=32, sn=0x114aea0 fd=33, sn=0x11acfd0 fd=34, sn=0x11c87f8 fd=37, sn=0x1165090 fd=40, sn=0x109fb68 fd=44, sn=0x11a8bf0 fd=45, sn=0xe0c098 fd=48, sn=0x1810d48 fd=51, sn=0x1216bb8 fd=52, sn=0x11d59f0 fd=55, sn=0x114eb18 fd=57, sn=0x11ffa78 fd=62, sn=0x1110528 fd=65, sn=0x110daf8 fd=74, sn=0x10a0468 fd=81, sn=0x1111e88 fd=84, sn=0x1216070 fd=89, sn=0x16d95f0 fd=92, sn=0x1255088 fd=103, sn=0x125d5e8 fd=106, sn=0x16731b0 fd=108, sn=0x16dbe70 FATAL: removed socket notifier which is not present, fd=58
      61. ]]>
      62. </dvbapp2crashlog>
      63. </crashlogs>
      64. </stbcrashlog>
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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Christoph Langanke () aus folgendem Grund: - Habe beim zweiten Crashlog aus versehen nochmal ersten genommen. - "Transponder-These" widerlegt.